리도어 - Wanna be [ep] (2024) by 리도어 (보컬) on maniadb.com

Wanna be [ep]
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RELEASE DATE: 2024-01-13
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, ep, studio



DIGITAL ALBUM 2024-01-13 리도어, 지니뮤직, Stone Music Entertainment


Performed by 리도어 1기 (2020)
- 이등대 : 보컬
- 최승현 : 보컬
- 박세웅 : 보컬
- 주상욱 : 보컬
01.고요함 속에 울음은
고요 할수록 내 울음소리는 더욱 커져만 갔다.

Composed by 이등대
Lyrics by 이등대
Arranged by 리도어

Vocal by 이등대
Guitar by 최승현
Bass by 박세웅
Drums by 주상욱

Piano & Synthesizer by J Gran
Synthesizer & Organ by 이등대
Brass arranged by 이경일
Brass Direction by 이등대
Saxophone by 이경일, Trumpet by 최규민, Trombone by 이창민

02. 0g 愛錘
네 마음을 이해하고 나서야 사랑의 저울은 수평을 이뤘다.

Composed by 이등대
Lyrics by 이등대
Arranged by 리도어

Vocal by 이등대
Guitar by 최승현
Bass by 박세웅
Drums by 주상욱

Piano & Synthesize by 이은송
Synthesizer & Organ by 이등대

Orchestra arranged by 허은지
Orchestra Direction 이등대
Strings by 필스트링 (Philstring)

03. 21가지의 월세계
내 몸에 가시는 21가지.

Composed by 이등대
Lyrics by 이등대
Arranged by 리도어

Vocal by 이등대
Guitar by 최승현, 이등대
Bass by 박세웅
Drums by 주상욱

Synthesizer by 로띠안, 정해린
Synthesizer & Organ by 이등대
Chorus by 이등대, 정욱, 이지카이트, 고경빈, 김상근, 주상욱, 박세웅, 최승현

04. 검은 하늘 아래
네가 내 손목을 잡아버린 탓에 우리를 지우지 못할 핑계가 생겼다.

Composed by 이등대
Lyrics by 이등대
Arranged by 리도어

Vocal by 이등대
Guitar by 최승현
Bass by 박세웅
Drums by 주상욱

Synthesizer by J Gran
Synthesizer & Organ by 이등대

05. 아직도 사랑하면 안 되는 건가요
“아직도 사랑하면 안 되는 건가요”

Composed by 이등대
Lyrics by 이등대
Arranged by 리도어

Vocal by 이등대
Guitar by 최승현
Bass by 박세웅
Drums by 주상욱

Synthesizer by 로띠안, 이등대
Orchestra arranged by 김가연
Orchestra Direction 이등대
Strings by 필스트링 (Philstring)
Chorus by 이등대, 정욱, 이지카이트, 고경빈, 김상근

Recorded by 김대성, 이상철, 문정환, 김진평, 김주훈 @Tone Studio Seoul
Digital Edited by 이상철(Track 5), 문정환(Track 2,3,4), 김진평(Track 1) @Tone Studio Seoul, Jeju
Mixed & Mastered by 김대성 @Tone Studio Seoul

Album Artwork by Beth Frey

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A1033863


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