Jeremy Noller is a new face in the Korean jazz scene, arriving in 2019 after spending nearly two decades as a sought after drummer in the New York jazz scene. Originally from Libertyville, IL, Jeremy
completed a Master's degree at Manhattan School of Music and was one of the few selected for the Artist Diploma program at Juilliard in 2011. Although his albums as a leader, Music Notes (2010) and Noller/Sylla (2019) were both focused on the synthesis of modern jazz and West African rhythms, his musical pursuits were eclectic and ranged across many genres. In this outing, Noller is joined by one of the project groups that formed early on after his arrival to Seoul; guitarist Dongil Han, bassist Jaekon Jeon, and saxophonist Sunjae Lee, and the original compositions highlight the breadth of his previous experience while also providing a passage to new territory- a more open and improvised approach which was captured in the course of 3 hours without any editing and minimal post production.
Jeremy Noller는 거의 20년간 뉴욕 재즈계에서 활동하다가 2019년에 한국에 도착한 한국 재즈계의 새로운 얼굴이다. 맨해튼 음악대학에서 석사학위를 마치고 2011년 줄리아드 음대의 최고 연주자 과정에 선정된 몇 안 되는 사람들 중 한 명이다. 그의 리더작 Music Notes(2010)와 Noller/Sylla(2019)에서 모던한 재즈와 서아프리카의 리듬을 조합하는 데 초점을 맞추었고, 다양한 장르에 걸쳐서 음악을 추구했다. 이번 음반 작업에서 일찌감치 서울에서 결성된 프로젝트 그룹 (기타리스트 한동일, 베이시스트 전제곤, 색소포니스트 이선재)와 함께 하였다. 그의 작곡은 이전 경험의 폭을 넓히는 동시에 보다 개방적이고 즉흥적인 접근 방식으로 새로운 영역을 개척하였다. 3시간 동안 진행된 녹음에 편집 없이 고스란히 담겨있다.
Jeremy Noller- Drums, Compositions
Dongil Han- Guitar
Jaekon Jeon- Bass
Sunjae Lee- Saxophone (4,5)
Recorded direct to Tascam 424 cassette recorder
at Stradeum ( in Seoul, Korea on October 28th, 2020
Recording, mixing, mastering, artwork by Sunjae Lee
Produced by Mung Music ....