<2G Life> was written during the 2022 Shanghai lockdown, I was pretty depressed about being locked inside. I began taking online production and songwriting courses and collaborated with friends every single day to distract myself from any anxiety. <2G Life> is a song I wrote with Lovesong, who is an amazing singer-songwriter, and a role model in music for me.
Despite coming from different backgrounds, Lovesong and I share a STRONG passion for food. You can probably tell if you listen to our first single: <Fat and Sad>. Our conversations are sometimes deep too! <2G Life> was inspired by having a deep conversation about our childhood. We were talking about knocking on neighbors' doors to hang out, living a life without the internet, and where running outside was the norm. Now, with the convenience of the internet and social media, some relationships and certain feelings perhaps have lost their original taste.
앞서 발매한 Fat and Sad에 이어서 코로나 때 온라인으로 에린이와 작업을 한 곡입니다. 5G 시대를 살고 있는 우리는 모든 것이 빠르고 쉽게 변화하고 있는데, 때때로 2G 시대의 아날로그 감성으로 돌아가고 싶을 때가 있습니다. 어릴 적에는 메신저보다는 문자를, 가상의 온라인 세계 대신 나무들에 둘러싸인 놀이터에서 흙을 묻히고 뛰어놀던 그때가 그리워질 때가 있습니다. 어린 시절의 감성을 추억하며 부르는 노래입니다. 그때가 그리운 건지 그때의 내가 그리운 건지 ....