ARTMS - (2024) by ARTMS (보컬) on

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RELEASE DATE: 2024-05-31
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio


ARTMS <Dall>

운명처럼 결정된 다섯 명의 소녀들이 새로운 출발선에 섰고 ARTMS라는 이름을 내걸었다. 김립, 진솔, 최리는 ODD EYE CIRCLE을 재가동시키며 새 앨범 <Version Up> 발표와 함께 북미, 유럽 투어를 성공적으로 마쳤으며, 희진은 솔로 앨범 <K>로 한국의 미를 알리기에 충분했다 ....



DIGITAL ALBUM 2024-05-31 모드하우스, 카카오 엔터테인먼트


Performed by ARTMS 1기
- 희진 : 보컬
- 하슬 : 보컬
- 김립 : 보컬
- 진솔 : 보컬
- 최리 : 보컬
1. url
Composed by EL CAPITXN, Vendors (Arte), Vendors (Nano), Jongsoo Kim
Lyrics by Jaden Jeong, Sungwoo Kim
Arranged by Vendors (Arte), EL CAPITXN, Vendors (Nano)
Vocals Directed by Sungwoo Kim, 권애진
Recorded by 여민수 @ Ingrid Studio
Mixed by 임홍진 @ 아인사운드
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

2. Virtual Angel
Composed by EL CAPITXN, Maria Marcus, Andrew Choi, Vendors (Nano), Vendors (Arte), Vendors (Zenur), Jongsoo Kim
Lyrics by Jaden Jeong, Sungwoo Kim
Arranged by EL CAPITXN, Vendors (Nano), Vendors (Zenur), Vendors (Arte)
Background Vocals by Perrie
Vocals Directed by BADD, Vendors (Nano)
Digitally Edited by 우민정 @ 77F STUDIO
Recorded by 양영은 @ Ingrid Studio, 민성환 @ THE VIBE Studio
Mixed by 이태섭 @ gateway studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

3. Sparkle
Composed by hymax, Daniel Kim, Oona Muurinen
Lyrics by HeeJin, Kim Lip, JinSoul, Jaden Jeong
Arranged by hymax
Synthesizer Performed by hymax
Drums Performed by hymax
Bass Performed by hymax
E. Piano Performed by 홍di
Guitar Performed by Takey
Vocals Produced by Daniel Kim
Background Vocals by Kuzzi
Vocals Directed by Daniel Kim, hymax
Digitally Edited by Daniel Kim
Recorded by 민성환 @ THE VIBE Studio, 최우석 @ STUDIO BEYOND
Mixed by 이태섭 @ gateway studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
Original Publishing by Melogram Co. Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Korea, DWB Music
Sub-Publishing by Universal Music Publishing Korea, Soundgraphics Inc. admin by Music Cube Inc.

4. 은하수를 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서
Composed by G-high, 권애진 (MonoTree)
Lyrics by G-high (MonoTree)
Arranged by G-high (MonoTree)
Synthesizer Performed by G-high
Background Vocals by 권애진
Vocals Directed by G-high, 권애진
Recorded by G-high @ MonoTree Studio
Mixed by 이태섭 @ gateway studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

5. Flower Rhythm
Composed by Artronic Waves, yeon (AW:crew)
Lyrics by Alice Vicious (AW:crew), 9june9, Artronic Waves, yeon (AW:crew)
Arranged by Artronic Waves
Synthesizer Performed by Artronic Waves
Piano by 다우리
Digital Editing by 다우리
Vocal Directed by 다우리
Background Vocals by yeon
Recorded by 민성환 @ THE VIBE Studio
Mixed by 정진 @ J 's Atelier
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

6. Candy Crush
Composed by sweetch, C’SA
Lyrics by C’SA, Kim Jinsol
Arranged by sweetch
Keyboard by sweetch
Drums by sweetch
Guitar by 류현우
Bass by 육상근
Background Vocals by C’SA
Recorded by 윤길중 @ Sol Sound
Mixed by 정진 @ J's Atelier
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

7. Air
Composed by G-high (MonoTree), Janet Suhh
Lyrics by G-high (MonoTree)
Arranged by G-high (MonoTree)
Synthesizer Performed by G-high
Background Vocals by Janet Suhh
Vocals Directed by G-high, Janet Suhh
Recorded by G-high @ MonoTree Studio
Mixed by 이태섭 @ gateway studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

8. Unf/Air
Composed by Agwi, COE, Kim Ji Seop, COUP D'ETAT, Suyo, OoOo
Lyrics by COE, bonelesscat
Arranged by Agwi, Kim Ji Seop
Vocal Arranged by COE
Background Vocals by Suyo, bonelesscat
Drums by Agwi, Kim Ji Seop
Bass by Agwi, Kim Ji Seop
Keyboard by Agwi, Kim Ji Seop
Synthesizer by Agwi
Digitally Edited by COE
Recorded by 민성환 @ THE VIBE Studio
Mixed by 정진 @ J's Atelier
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

9. 조난
Composed by Fuxxy, Anymasingga, NILD, 권애진 (MonoTree), PINKMOON
Lyrics by Kim Lip, PINKMOON
Arranged by Anymasingga, Fuxxy, NILD (MonoTree), PINKMOON
Keyboard Performed by Fuxxy
Bass Guitar Performed by Anymasingga
Guitar Performed by NILD
Drums Performed by Anymasingga
Synthesizer Performed by NILD
E. Piano Performed by PINKMOON
Background Vocals by 권애진
Recorded by 민성환 @ THE VIBE Studio, 윤길중 @ Sol Sound
Vocals Directed by Fuxxy, 권애진
Digitally Edited by Fuxxy, 강선영
Mixed by 이태섭 @ gateway studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

10. Butterfly Effect
Composed by Barrett Marshall, Moon Water, Fuxxy, Anymasingga (MonoTree)
Lyrics by G-High (MonoTree), Barrett Marshall, Moon Water
Arranged by Anymasingga, Fuxxy (MonoTree), Barrett Marshall, Moon Water
Keyboard Performed by Fuxxy
Bass Guitar Performed by Anymasingga
Guitar Performed by Anymasingga
Drums Performed by Fuxxy
Synthesizer Performed by Anymasingga
Background Vocals by 권애진
Recorded by 여민수 @ Ingrid, 민성환 @ THE VIBE Studio
Vocals Directed by 권애진, Fuxxy
Digitally Edited by Fuxxy, 강선영
Mixed by 임홍진 @ 아인사운드
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

11. Birth
Composed by hymax, View
Lyrics by JinSoul, Jaden Jeong
Arranged by hymax
Synthesizer Performed by hymax
Drums Performed by hymax
Bass Performed by hymax
Piano Performed by hymax
Background Vocals by View
Vocals Directed by View
Recorded by 윤길중 @ Sol Sound, 최우석 @ STUDIO BEYOND
Mixed by 이태섭 @ gateway studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering

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