RELEASE DATE: | 2024-08-19 |
# OF TRACKS: | 13 |
ALBUM TYPE: | 정규, studio |
INDEX: | 0 |
인간이 우주의 기원에서부터 출발하여 삶의 끝에서는 원자 수준까지로 분해되어 다시 우주로 회귀한다는 이야기를 바탕으로, 제 삶에서 당연시 여겨졌던 것들에 의문을 품게 되었습니다. 현대에 와서 세상은 무궁한 발전을 이룩하여 더욱 복잡하고 혼란스러워졌지만, 저를 포함한 대부분의 사람들은 많은 부분을 단순하게 간주하고 확증하려 하는 경향이 있습니다. 이로 인해 생겨나는 다양한 사회 문제, 혐오, 전쟁 등을 지켜보며 불편함을 느꼈고 조금은 더 나아질 수 있는 방법이 무엇일까 고민해왔습니다. 지금의 저는 이러한 접근이 과학적 사고에 뿌리를 두고 있으며, 이를 기반으로 넓은 의미의 사랑을 실천해야 한다고 생각합니다. 스스로를 보다 깊게 분석하고, 세밀하게 살펴보며 궁극적이고 포용적인 결론에 다가갈 수 있는 질문을 던져 보고자 합니다. I began to question the things in my life that I had taken for granted based on the notion that humans emanate from the beginnings of the universe, and at the end of our lives, break down into atoms and return to the universe. Today's society has evolved to become extremely complex and even chaotic at times, which unfortunately has made most people, including myself, to create a tendency to simplify interconnected problems and try to confirm truths above all else. This phenomenon, which has sparked various social problems, hate crimes, and even war, ignited something inside of me to try and think of ways to alleviate this situation. I've come to the conclusion that the approach that we need to take should be rooted in scientific thinking and also that we need to practice love in the broadest sense of the word. With this in mind, I aim to analyze myself more deeply, examine the problems that I face, and ask questions that can lead me to the right path. .... .... 
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1. it was zero Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 2. birth Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 3. cherry picker Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 4. higgs Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 5. plutoid Production: Jung Jin Woo, BAN ESTIN Arrangement: BAN ESTIN, Jung Jin Woo, MAVI 6. dichotomy Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 7. where is god? Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 8. atom Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 9. algorithm Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 10. self portrait Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 11. ash Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI, Ryu Eun Jin Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 12. dear a.i Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo 13. to zero Production: Jung Jin Woo, MAVI Arrangement: MAVI, Jung Jin Woo
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