그런 용기 있는 겨울이 되기를 바라며
Let it snow, Let it love
Walking on the Mood
Love on the Mood
Lyrics by 임솜
Composed by 임솜
Arranged by 임솜, 강안나
Vocal 임솜
Chorus 임솜
Piano 강안나
E. Piano 강안나
Synth 강안나
Bass 신동윤
Drum 강안나
String 강안나
Bell 강안나
FX 강안나
Produced by 임솜
Recorded by 임솜(@Som'sSea), 강안나(@Bantm), 신동윤
Programmed by 임솜(@Som'sSea), 강안나(@Bantm)
Mixed by 김은철(@doobdoob studio)
Mastered by 채승균 (@SONIC.K)
Album art by 임솜, 이우정
Music Video by 백남재(@egoist studio)
[Special Thanks to]
강안나, 백남재, 곤원장(@헤어톡톡 건대점) ....