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RELEASESCREDITSPerformed by TWICE 1기 (2016)
- 나연 : 보컬 - 정연 : 보컬 - 모모 : 보컬 - 사나 : 보컬 - 지효 : 보컬 - 미나 : 보컬 - 다현 : 보컬 - 채영 : 보컬 - 쯔위 : 보컬 1. Strategy (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) *Title Lyrics by Boy Matthews, Cleo Tighe, Megan Pete Composed by earattack, Boy Matthews, Cleo Tighe, 이우현 Arranged by earattack, 이우현 Original publisher Warner Chappell Music Corp., Heavymental Sound, Megan J Pete/Hot Girl Music/Songs Of Universal Inc (BMI) Sub-publisher Warner Chappell Music Korea, Music Cube, Inc. / Peermusic Sessions All instruments by earattack, 이우현 Guitar by 김종성 Background vocals by TWICE, Shorelle Vocals directed & produced by earattack Digital editing by 이경원 Recorded by earattack, 서은일, 임찬미 at JYPE Studios MTS recorded at Criteria Studios, Miami MTS recorded by Shawn "Source" Jarrett Assistant engineers Dominique "Cookisdope" Cook, Dylan Spence, Trinity "Aux" Wohlferd MTS vocals mixed by Leslie Brathwaite Megan Thee Stallion appears courtesy of Hot Girl Productions Mixed by 이태섭 at JYPE Studios Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering Mixed in Dolby Atmos by 신봉원 (Asst. 박남준) at GLAB Studios 여러 전략으로 상대를 끌어당기겠다는 당찬 매력이 깃든 곡이다. 강렬한 8비트 힙합 리듬을 기반으로 묵직한 베이스 그루브, 재지한 신스 코드워크가 세련미를 자아낸다. "Hey boy Imma getcha Imma getcha real good and I betcha"와 같이 자신감 넘치고 신나는 챈팅이 재미있는 유혹을 선사한다. 현재 가장 핫한 여성 래퍼로서 트와이스와 한차례 호흡을 맞춘 바 있는 메간 디 스텔리온(Megan Thee Stallion)이 피처링으로 참여해 파워와 에너지를 더했다. 2. Kiss My Troubles Away Lyrics by Lauren Aquilina, Albert Stanaj, Ryan Marrone Composed by Lauren Aquilina, Albert Stanaj, Ryan Marrone Arranged by Ryan Marrone, The Imports Original publisher Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd. (KMP), Songs of Universal, Inc. (BMI), Wyan Writing and Publishing (BMI). All rights administered by Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing (BMI). Sub-publisher CTGA, Universal Music Publishing Sessions Synth programming, Guitar by Ryan Marrone Keys by The Imports Piano by Albert Stanaj Drum programming by Ryan Marrone, The Imports Background vocals by Sophia Pae Vocals directed by earattack Digital editing by 구혜진 at JYPE Studios Recorded by earattack, 곽보은 at JYPE Studios Mixed by 박은정 at JYPE Studios Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering Mixed in Dolby Atmos by 신봉원 (Asst. 박남준) at GLAB Studios 생동감 넘치는 트랙과 멜로디로 리스너들의 마음을 사로잡는 하이-에너지 팝 앤썸이다. 함께하면 모든 걱정을 잊게 만드는 특별한 사람과의 설레는 순간을 그린 가사를 통해 어둡고 추운 날조차 따스하고 밝게 만들어 주는 사랑을 노래한다. 3. Like It Like It Lyrics by Youra(Full8loom), 차리(153/Joombas), Rizin(153/Joombas), 이형석 Composed by Gabriel Benjamin, Sofia Quinn Arranged by Gabriel Benjamin Original publisher FullBloom Music Publishing, 153/Joombas Publishing, Seven Summits Music / Sofia Since 96 Publishing, Country Crunchy administered by Kobalt Music Group Ltd Sub-publisher CJ ENM Publishing, 153/Joombas Publishing, Fujipacific Music, Universal Music Publishing, CTGA Sessions Background vocals by C'SA Vocals directed by C'SA Digital editing by C'SA Recorded by 이창훈 at JYPE Studios Mixed by 임홍진 at JYPE Studios Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering Mixed in Dolby Atmos by 신봉원 (Asst. 박남준) at GLAB Studios 신스팝과 드럼 앤 베이스 요소가 결합된 곡으로, 강렬한 비트 위에 몽환적인 멜로디가 조화롭게 어우러졌다. 서로에게 푹 빠진 설레는 마음과 두근거리는 감정을 수줍게 표현한 가사와 마지막 후렴의 Four on the floor 비트 전환이 특징이다. 4. Sweetest Obsession Lyrics by 금루나 (라라라스튜디오) Composed by Lauren LaRue, Brandon Benjamin, Xansei Arranged by Brandon Benjamin, Xansei Original publisher 라라라스튜디오 / lalala studio, Prescription Songs (SESAC), Prescription Songs (BMI), Avex USA Sub-publisher Sony Music Publishing Korea, CTGA, Avex Music Publishing Sessions Background vocals by Sophia Pae Vocals directed by Sophia Pae Digital editing by 곽보은 at JYPE Studios Recorded by 서은일 at JYPE Studios Mixed by 최혜진 at JYPE Studios Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering Mixed in Dolby Atmos by 신봉원 (Asst. 박남준) at GLAB Studios 사랑하는 사람과 함께하는 순간을 꿈처럼 표현한 가사에 도시적인 감각을 덧입혔다. 몽환적이고 미래지향적인 팝, 차분한 트랩 비트가 조화를 이룬다. 5. Keeper Lyrics by 다현 Composed by Rachel West, Malia Civetz, Barry Cohen, Rob Grimaldi Arranged by Gingerbread, Rob Grimaldi Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Call Me Lisa / Songs For Jude & Elle / These Are Songs of Pulse (ASCAP). All rights administered by Concord Music Group., "Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI), Mal Pal Publishing (BMI) and Woth Music (BMI), All rights administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.", That Ginger Dude (BMI), RobMadeThis / BMG Platinum Songs US Sub-publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Fujipacific Music Korea Inc., Warner Music Korea, Culture Technology Group Asia Co.,Ltd. via Ekko Rights, Copyright Control Sessions Drums, Programming, Synths by Gingerbread, Rob Grimaldi Background vocals by Sophia Pae Vocals directed by Sophia Pae Digital editing by 박은정 at JYPE Studios Recorded by 서은일 at JYPE Studios Mixed by 임홍진 at JYPE Studios Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering Mixed in Dolby Atmos by 신봉원 (Asst. 박남준) at GLAB Studios 사람은 그 자체만으로도 빛이 나지만, '내가 왜 소중한 존재인지'에 관해 다양한 방식으로 풀어낸 곡. 통통 튀는 애틀랜타 베이스 리듬과 멤버들의 감성적인 보컬 하모니가 어우러져 따스한 위로를 전한다. 6. Magical Lyrics by Johan Fransson, Autumn Marie Buysse Composed by Johan Fransson, Autumn Marie Buysse, Oliver Lundström Arranged by Johan Fransson, Oliver Lundström Original publisher Karma Songs / Budde Music, Bigger Picture Entertainment Ltd. / Sony Music Publishing UK, Sony Music Publishing Scandinavia Sub-publisher Fujipacific Music Korea Inc., Sony Music Publishing Korea Sessions Drum programming, Bass programming, String arranging, Keyboards by Johan Fransson Additional programming, Keyboards by Oliver Lundström Background vocals by Sophia Pae Vocals directed by earattack Digital editing by 이경원 Recorded by earattack, 곽보은 at JYPE Studios Mixed by 엄세희 at JYPE Studios Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering Mixed in Dolby Atmos by 신봉원 (Asst. 박남준) at GLAB Studios 80년대 향수가 가미된 팝 장르로, 익숙한 겨울 분위기에 드라이빙 베이스를 더해 현대적인 감각을 냈다. 가사는 '특별한 너와 함께한다면 매 겨울마다 어린 시절의 마법 같은 기분을 느낄 수 있다'는 내용을 담고 있다. 7. Strategy Lyrics by Boy Matthews, Cleo Tighe Composed by earattack, Boy Matthews, Cleo Tighe, 이우현 Arranged by earattack, 이우현 Original publisher Warner Chappell Music Corp., Heavymental Sound Sub-publisher Warner Chappell Music Korea, Music Cube, Inc. / Peermusic Sessions All instruments by earattack, 이우현 Guitar by 김종성 Background vocals by TWICE, Shorelle Vocals directed & produced by earattack Digital editing by 이경원 Recorded by earattack, 서은일, 임찬미 at JYPE Studios Mixed by 이태섭 at JYPE Studios Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering Mixed in Dolby Atmos by 신봉원 (Asst. 박남준) at GLAB Studios 타이틀곡 'Strategy (feat. Megan Thee Stallion)'을 트와이스 아홉 멤버들의 목소리로만 채운 스페셜 트랙. REVIEW |