Disc 1 | ||||||
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| 7:42 | ![]() |
A clouded dream on an earthly night
Hangs upon the crescent moon A voiceless song in an ageless light Sings at the coming dawn Birds in flight are calling there Where the heart moves the stones It's there that my heart is calling All for the love of youA painting hangs on an ivy Nestled in the emerald moss The eyes declare a truce of trust And then it draws me far away Where deep in the desert twilight Sand melts in pools of the sky When darkness lays her crimson cloak Your lamps will call me homeAnd so it's there my homage's due Clutched by the still of the night And now I feel you move Every breath is full So it's there my homage's due Clutched by the still of the night Even the distance feels so near All for the love of you |
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| 7:21 | ![]() |
A farmer there lived in the north country
a hey ho bonny o And he had daughters one, two, three The swans swim so bonny o These daughters they walked by the river's brim a hey ho bonny o The eldest pushed the youngest in The swans swim so bonny oOh sister, oh sister, pray lend me your hand with a hey ho a bonny o And I will give you house and land the swans swim so bonny o I'll give you neither hand nor glove with a hey ho a bonny o Unless you give me your own true love the swans swim so bonny oSometimes she sank, sometimes she swam with a hey ho and a bonny o Until she came to a miller's dam the swans swim so bonny oThe miller's daughter, dressed in red with a hey ho and a bonny o She went for some water to make some bread the swans swim so bonny oOh father, oh daddy, here swims a swan with a hey ho and a bonny o It's very like a gentle woman the swans swim so bonny o They placed her on the bank to dry with a hey ho and a bonny o There came a harper passing by the swans swim so bonny oHe made harp pins of her fingers fair with a hey ho and a bonny o He made harp strings of her golden hair the swans swim so bonny o He made a harp of her breast bone with a hey ho and a bonny o And straight it began to play alone the swans swim so bonny oHe brought it to her father's hall with a hey ho and a bonny o And there was the court, assembled all the swans swim so bonny o He laid the harp upon a stone with a hey ho and a bonny o And straight it began to play lone the swans swim so bonny oAnd there does sit my father the King with a hey ho and a bonny o And yonder sits my mother the Queen the swans swim so bonny o And there does sit my brother Hugh with a hey ho and a bonny o And by him William, sweet and true the swans swim so bonny o And there does sit my false sister, Anne with a hey ho and a bonny o Who drowned me for the sake of a man the swans swim so bonny o |
3. |
| 6:45 | ![]() |
Upon a darkened night
the flame of love was burning in my breast And by a lantern bright I fled my house while all in quiet restShrouded by the night And by the secret stair I quickly fled The veil concealed my eyes while all within lay quiet as the deadOh night thou was my guide of night more loving than the rising sun Oh night that joined the lover to the beloved one transforming each of them into the otherUpon that misty night in secrecy, beyond such mortal sight Without a guide or light than that which burned so deeply in my heart That fire t'was led me on and shone more bright than of the midday sun To where he waited still it was a place where no one else could come Within my pounding heart which kept itself entirely for him He fell into his sleep beneath the cedars all my love I gave From o'er the fortress walls the wind would his hair against his brow And with its smoothest hand caressed my every sense it would allow I lost myself to him and laid my face upon my lover's breast And care and grief grew dim as in the morning's mist became the light There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair there they dimmed amongst the lilies fair there they dimmed amongst the lilies fair |
4. |
| 6:30 | ![]() |
Marrakesh night market
They're gathered in circles the lamps light their faces The crescent moon rocks in the sky The poets of drumming keep heartbeats suspended The smoke swirls up and then dies Would you like my mask? would you like my mirror? cries the man in the shadowing hood You can look at yourself you can look at each other or you can look at the face, the face of your god The stories are woven and fortunes are told The truth is measured by the weight of your gold The magic lies scattered on rugs on the ground Faith is conjured in the night market's sound Would you like my mask? would you like my mirror? cries the man in the shadowing hood You can look at yourself you can look at each other or you can look at the face, the face of your god The lessons are written on parchments of paper They're carried by horse from the river Nile says the shadowy voice In the firelight, the cobra is casting the flame a winsome smile Would you like my mask? would you like my mirror? cries the man in the shadowing hood You can look at yourself you can look at each other or you can look at the face, the face of your god |
5. |
| 5:57 | ![]() |
Stars were falling deep in the darkness
as prayers rose softly, petals at dawn And as I listened, your voice seemed so clear so calmly you were calling your god Somewhere the sun rose, o'er dunes in the desert such was the stillness, I ne'er felt before Was this the question, pulling, pulling, pulling you in your heart, in your soul, did you find rest there? Elsewhere a snowfall, the first in the winter covered the ground as the bells filled the air You in your robes sang, calling, calling, calling him in your heart, in your soul, did you find peace there |
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| 5:58 | ![]() |
January, 1992 - Just performed in Santiago de Compostella in the Galician area
of Spain...misty and lush as we arrived from more arid areas of the country; clearly Celtic territory in the language and music, and a place I must visit again soon...We arrived a day early; band et al went for a wonderful Sunday lunch and then wandered over to the cathedral to observe the wonderful faces on the Portico. May, 1992 - Santiago de Compostella (St. James in the Field of Stars)...had occasion to return to Galicia and Santiago sooner than I'd thought...I learned the story behind the city. Supposedly the remains of St. James arrived mysteriously in the village of Padron (which we visited...lovely line of trees along the waterway leading to the place where the relics were found) and interred here in Santiago...I picked up a CD collection of music emanating from the pilgrimage route to Santiago, as well as a CD by Spanish group Els Trobadors...wonderful feeling to this music. May, 1993 - Now studying liner notes, books and pieces of music, putting together a clearer picture of Santiago in the years 900 to 1500 when it rivalled Jerusalem and Rome as a pilgrimage destination, playing host to a motley tide of humanity pursuing both religious and more earthy goals. It was also the site of unprecedented cross-cultural fertilization between the Christian, Jewish and Moorish communities. When I heard this piece, I was struck by its Semitic tone, and realised that, even in the area of music, the three communities were influencing each other. Janvier 1992 - Je viens de donner un spectacle a Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, en Galice, dans le nord de l'Espagne...brumeux et luxuriant en comparaison des contrees plus arides du reste du pays; un territoire nettement celtique par sa langue et sa musique, un endroit que je dois revenir visiter bientot...Nous sommes arrives une journee a l'avance; toute l'equipe s'est retrouvee pur un magnifique dejeuner du dimanche, pous s'est promenee jusqu'a la cathedrale pour admirer le splendic portique. Mai 1992 - Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (Saint-Jacques das le Champ des etoiles)...j'ai eu l'occasion de revenir en Galice et a Siant-Jacques plus vite que je ne l'esperais...J'ai appris l'histoire de la fondation de cette ville. Selon la legende, le corps de Saint-Jacques serait arrive mysterieusement dans la ville de Padron (que nous avons visitee... une belle rangee d'arbres le long du cours d'eau menant jusqu'a la place ou les reliques furent decouvertes) et aurait ete enterre ici a Saint-Jacques...J'ai achete une collection de disques compacts de musique de la route du pelerinage vers Compostelle, et un disque du groupe espagnol Els Troubadors. Mai 1993 - J'etudie maintenant des notes, des livres et des oeuvres musicales, pour me forger une image plus claire de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle dans les annees 900 a 1500, quand la cite rivalisait avec Jerusalem et Rome comme lieu de pelerinage; elle etait l'hote de vagues humaines bigarrees, motivees par des aspirations religieuses mais egalement plus terre a terre. Elle etait aussi le centre d'echanges d'une fecondite sans precedent entre les communautes chretiennes, juives et musulmanes. Quand j'ai entendu cette oeuvre, j'ai ete frappee par sa tonalite semitique et j'ai realise que, meme dans le domaine musical, les trois civilisations s'influencaient les unes les autres. Januar 1992 - Bin gerade in Santiago de Compostella, im galizischen Teil Spaniens, aufgetreten...dunstig und ueppig im Vergleich zu den mehr duerren Gegenden Spaniens, aus denen wir gerade kamen; ganz eindeutig sprachlich und musikalisch keltisch beeinflusstes Gebiet, eine Gegend, die ich bald wieder besuchen moechte...Wir kamen einen Tag zu frueh an, die Band und ich gingen essen und nach einem wunderbaren Sonntags-Mittagessen sind wir zur Kathedrale hinueber gebummelt, um uns das wundervolle Gesicht auf dem Portikus anzusehen. Mai 1992 - Santiago de Compostella (der heilige Jakob im Feld der Sterne)...Hatte schneller die Gelegenheit, nach Galizien und Santiago zurueckzukehren, als ich dachte...Ich erfuhr die Geschichte, die der Stadt anhaengt. Anscheinend gelangten die Ueberreste des heiligen Jakob auf mysterioese Weise in die Stadt Padron (welche wir auch besuchten...eine huebsche Baumreihe zieht sich entlang des Wasserweges, der zu dem Fundort fuehrt) und wurden dann hier in Santiago begraben. Ich fand eine CD-Sammlung mit Musik, die von der Pilgerfahrt nach Santiago stammt und noch eine CD der spanischen Gruppe Els Trobadors. Mai 1993 - Beschaftige mich jetzt mit Notizen, Buechern und Musikstuecken, um mir ein klares Bild von Santiago aus der Zeit 900 - 1500 machen zu koennen, das zu der Zeit mit Jerusalem und Rom als Pilgerziel rivalisierte, und zu der Zeit eine kunterbunte Welle der Menschlichkeit beherbergte, die sich religioese wie auch irdische Ziele gesetzt hatte. Es war ausserdem der Schauplatz einer bisher nie dagewesenen interkulturellen Befruchtung zwischen den Christen, Juden und der maurischen Bevoelkerung. Als ich dieses Stueck hoerte, erstaunte mich der semitische Klang, und mir wurde klar, dass sich diese drei Gruppen auch in der Musik gegenseitig beeinflussten. Enero de 1992 - acabo de actuar en Santiago de Compostela, Galicia...region mistica y excuberante sobre todo llegando de zonas mas aridas del pais; claramente es territorio celta por su lenguaje y su musica. y un sitio al que tengo que volver pronto...Llegamos temprano; el grupo y yo nos fuimos a tomar una esplendida comida de domingo y luego vagamos por la catedral para ver el maravilloso Portico de la Gloria. Mayo de 1992 - Santiago de Compostela...tuve la oportunidad de volver a Galicia y a Santiago antes de lo que esperaba...Aprendi la historia de la ciudad. Supuestamente los restos de Santiago llegaron misterisamente a la ciudad de Padron y fueron enterrados en la ciudad de Santiago...Cogi una recopilacion en CD de musica del camino de Santiago y un CD de un grupo espanol llamado Els Trobadors. Mayo de 1993 - estoy estudiando notas, libros y piezas musicales, intentado reunir una imagen mas clara de Santiago desde el ano 900 hasta el 1500, cuando rivalizaba con las peregrinaziones a Jerusalem y a Roma, ofreciendo a sus huespedes vertientes humanas mas varidas, persiguiendo al mismo tiempo metas religiosas y terrenales. Fue tambien un fertilismo emplazamiento de cruce de culturas sin ningun precedente: las comunidades cristinas, judias y musulmanas. Cuando escuche esta pieza, quede atrapada por su tono semitico, y fui consciente de que, incluso en el campo de la musica, las tres comunidades se habian influido entre ellas. Traditional music arranged and adapted by L.M. L.M. - vocals, accordion, synthesizer Brian Hughes - balalaika, guitars Rick Lazar - drums, percussion George Koller - cello, bass Hugh Marsh - fiddle Nigel Eaton - hurdy-gurdy Donal Lunny - bouzouki |
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| 9:10 | ![]() |
Beloved, gaze in thine own heart
The holy tree is growing there; From joy the holy branches start And all the trembling flowers they bear. The changing colours of its fruit Have dowered the stars with merry light; The surety of its hidden root Has planted quiet in the night; The shaking of its leafy head Has given the waves their melody. And made my lips and music wed, Murmuring a wizard song for thee, There the Loves a circle go, The flaming circle of our days, Gyring, spiring to and fro In those great ignorant leafy ways; Remembering all that shaken hair And how the winged sandals dart Thine eyes grow full of tender care; Beloved, gaze in thine own heart. Gaze no more in the bitter glass The demons, with their subtle guile, Lift up before us when they pass, Or only gaze a little while; For there a fatal image grows That the stormy night receives, Roots half hidden under snows, Broken boughs and blackened leaves. For all things turn to bareness In the dim glass the demons hold, The glass of outer weariness, Made when God slept in times of old. There, through the broken branches, go The ravens of unresting thought; Flying, crying, to and fro, Cruel claw and hungry throat, Or else they stand and sniff the wind, And shake their ragged wings: alas! Thy tender eyes grow all unkind: Gaze no more in the bitter glass. Beloved, gaze in thine own heart, The holy tree is growing there; From joy the holy branches start, And all the trembling flowers they bear. Remembering all that shaken hair And how the winged sandals dart, Thine eyes grow full of tender care; Beloved, gaze in thine own heart. |
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| 3:23 | ![]() |
And now my charms are all o'erthrown
And what strength I have's mine own Which is most faint; now t'is true I must here be released by youBut release me from my bands With the help of your good hands Gentle breath of yours my sails Must fill, or else my project fails, Which was to please. Now I want Spirits to enforce, art to enchant And my ending is despair, Unless I be relieved by prayerWhich pierces so that it assaults Mercy itself and frees all faults As you from your crimes would pardon'd be Let your indulgence set me free |