블라인드 가디언풍의 박진감 넘치고 탄력있는 진행 클래시컬하고 심포닉한 키보드로 풍성한 사운드를 연출하며 아이언 메이든, 블라인드 가디언, 아이스드 어스, 감마레이등에게 이어온 사운드로 유러피언 멜로디메틀과 아메리칸 파워메틀간의 융합을 이룩한 덴마크 멜로디 파워메틀 기대주 만티코라 2번째 최신작.
멜로딕 메틀의 강세국들이 집결한 유럽은 두터운 팬층과 수많은 밴드들이 탄생하고 활동하고 있어서 자생적으로 풍부한 인프라를 보유하고 있다. 이로 인해서 헤비메틀음악은 유럽의 어느나라에 위치하건간에 누구나 맘만 먹으면 쉽게 접할수 있는 광활한 시장을 확보하게됐다. 특히 독일, 이탈리아, 프랑스, 베네룩스 3국, 그리스등이 체계적인 음반 유통망과 시스템을 갖추고 있어서 이런현상이 벌어질 수 있도록 톡톡한 역할을 수행하고 있다. 거듭되어 온 현상이지만 수많은 밴드들이 골드 레코드를 점령하기 위해 라이벌관계의 밴드들과 경쟁을 벌이고 있다. 이로 인해서 실력있는 재원의 밴드들을 수용하기 위해 그에 비례해서 유럽의 음반사들이 적극적인 음반시장 마케팅활동에 열의를 보이고 있다. 하지만 유독 덴마크는 이웃 나라들과는 달리 음반시장이 상당히 위축되어 있다. 재미있는 근거지만 반신반의 하게되는 말이있다. 덴마크 밴드들의 직접적인 말을 인용하자면 정부의 지나친 세금징수탓이라고 한다. 그래서 우리에게 잘 알려진 덴마크출신의 밴드들은 덴마크 국외에 활동근거지를 마련하고 있는것을 두고 이 말의 진위를 가늠해보게된다. 우리에게 잘 알려진 데니쉬메틀의 대표주자들은 SKAGARACK, MERCYFUL FATE, PRETTY MAIDS, ROYAL HUNT, IRON FIRE등이 있는데 이 순간부터 앞의 밴드들과 함께 같이 이름이 열거될 MANTICORA를 접하게된다. MANTICORA도 덴마크 정부의 과다한 세금징수문제에 대해 예외는 아니여서 그리스와 이탈리아의 음반사에서 앨범을 발매하고 있다. 물론 사회보장제도가 발달한 국가에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 현상이지만 음악활동에 제약을 주는것은 부인할 수 없는 사실인것 같다. 이제는 인터넷 네트워크의 발달로 인해서 밴드의 자료와 정보는 웹페이지를 가진 밴드라면 일반인들도 쉽게 확인하는 세상이 됐다. 1996년 FEAR ITSELF라는 밴드명에서 MANTICORE, MANTICORA로 팀명을 개명한다. 지금까지 내놓은 앨범은 데뷔미니앨범인 <Dead End Solution> 정식데뷔앨범인 <Roots Of Eternity> 이번에 소개할 신보 <Darkness With Tales To Tell>여기까지다. MANTICORA의 웹페이지에서 확인할 수 없는 멤버들의 소개로 MANTICORA이야기를 꺼내고자 한다. Kristian Larsen (Guitars) 1975년생으로 13살부터 기타를 잡았고 밴드의 주요리듬파트를 맡고있다. 팀의 리더중 한사람으로 FEAR ITSELF 시절부터 같이 작업해오고 있다. Mads Volf (Drums) 1973년생으로 덴마크의 수도인 코펜하겐의 대형음반매장인 HMV에서 직원으로 일하며 10년동안 드럼연주를 했다. MORTALITY, HUMAN FACTOR, RIP 'N TEAR, FEAR ITSELF에 몸담 었다. Flemming Schultz (Guitars) 1976년생이며 기타는 왕초보였지만 하루에 10시간씩 연습을 강행하며 팀의 주요리드파트를 맡을 정도로 성장했다. 1998년도에 팀에 가입했으며 이전에 활동한 팀은 전무하다. Jeppe Eg (Keys) 1979년생으로 실질적으로 팀의 핵심적인 위치에 있다. 기타리스트로 출발을 했지만 1995년에 키보디스트로 전업하는데 성공한다. 1999년 팀에 가입했다. 이전에 활동한 밴드는 CACOPHONY 라는 밴드였다. "Neo" Nielsen (Bass) 1972년생으로 과묵한 성격의 소유자로 말이 별로없다고 한다. '90년대 초부터 베이스기타를 다뤘으며 남다른 애연가라고 자기를 소개한다. SCARE CROWS, FEAR ITSELF에서 활동한 경력이 있다. Lars F. Larsen (Vocals) 1973년생으로 팀의 초창기때 기타와 보컬을 같이 병행했다. 멤버들과의 협의를 통해 보컬에만 전념하게됐다. STONEY PONY, FEAR ITSELF에서 활동했다. Kristian과 함께 팀의 리더역할을 한다. 1997년 <Dead End Solution>이라는 미니앨범을 덴마크내에서 먼저 발매하고 본격적인 데뷔앨범인 <Roots Of Eternity>를 1999년에 발표한다. <Roots Of Eternity>는 그리스의 Black Lotus 레이블에서 발매가 됐으며 평론가들로부터 덴마크를 대표할 장례성을 지닌 유망주로 인정받는 앨범이었다. 이들에게 영향을 준 밴드로는 ICED EARTH, BLIND GUARDIAN, SAVATAGE, HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY, NEVERMORE, IRON MAIDEN 등으로 특히나 <Roots Of Eternity>에서는 초기 BLIND GUARDIAN, GAMMA RAY, HELLOWEEN의 사운드를 많이 차용해서 작업을 했다. MANTICORA의 작사, 작곡은 두 프론트멤버인 Kristian과 Lars가 주력하고 있고 나머지 멤버들의 공동참여로 이루어지고 있다. 멤버 6명 각자의 음악적 배경출신이나 취향이 가지각색이다. 데스메틀을 즐겨듣는 멤버, 팝 뮤직을 듣는 멤버, 클래식을 듣는 멤버들이 공존하고 있어서 이들의 음악에는 각 쟝르의 음악적 소스들을 고루 내포하고 있다. 작곡할때는 멤버전원이 협의과정을 거치며 작사할때는 Kristian, Mads, Lars가 더 많은 신경을 쓰고있다. 청중들에게 어필할 수 있는 음악을 만들고자 6명이 혼신의 힘을 다하고 있다. MANTICORA가 생각하는 그들의 음악성향과 데니쉬메틀밴드들과의 차별화된 점은 무엇일까? MANTICORA의 입을 통해서 직접 전해들은 내용은 "멜로딕 메틀을 하는 밴드중에 MANTICORA는 덴마크의 수위를 달리는 밴드다. 유로피언 메틀과 아메리칸 파워메틀의 접목이나 융합은 쉽게 찾아볼 수 없지만 우리는 그것을 해냈다. 이런 점에서 우리는 여느 데니쉬메틀밴드들에 비해 우위를 차지한다." 며 당찬 대답을 들려주고있다. 곡해석은 듣는 이들마다 천차만별이다. 멤버들과의 직접 진행한 인터뷰를 통해서 제작의도와 팬들에게 전달하려는 곡의 방향을 필자가 정리해서 실는 쪽으로 가닥을 잡았다. 본 집필과정에 나온 인터뷰 내용은 본 해설지 작성을 위해 이용된 것이기 때문에 어느 웹진이나 음악관련서적에도 실리지 않은 내용임을 밝힌다. (인터뷰 내용의 출처는 Only from MANTICORA임.)
1. ...From Far Beyond 현실적으로 접할수 없는 괴기스러운 사운드로 인트로를 .... ....
You've betrayed the men by your side People with hopes and with longing Hopes of an endless Utopia Now you see that a new plague is coming
...a new plague is coming now you see that a new plague is coming.....
Take a look at your burning lands You convinced them that you've got the power The death and destruction that came from your hands Will grow 'till it reaches your own tower
...it reaches your own tower will grow 'till it reaches your own tower...
A ruler is killing for pleasure In a land all to near We all look upon a cursed kingdom The dynasty of fear Fleeing your homes and your cities That once to you was so dear We all look upon a tragic kingdom The dynasty of fear
The symphony of well-meant ideals Working in laws of regressive progression Enchanting the hearts and the souls of men Dictating their violent agression
...their violent agression dictating their violent agression...
A ruler is killing for pleasure In a land all to near We all look upon a cursed kingdom The dynasty of fear Fleeing your homes and your cities That once to you was so dear We all look upon a tragic kingdom The dynasty of fear
Standing at the crossroad watching men in armour fighting The fog is lying thick, the ground is shrouded in the dark The battle for the throne increases as it's done forever A dragon in disquise will send a knight to make its mark
Fly away on the dragon's mist And seek the heir of kings I'll crave your first-born son in trade Of one night of your dreams Oh, give him the power Please bless him with the strength To pull Excalibur out of the stone
Still the battle roars in spite of finding of thr king In search for pease he puts his life into the mighty hands Of knights who once refused to crown him as their rightful heir At last they gather'round the table, summoning the lands
Fly away on the dragon's mist And seek the heir of kings I'll crave your first-born son in trade Of one night of your dreams Oh, give him the power Please bless him with the strength To pull Excalibur out of the stone
A dream to some A nightmare to others The peace will come And Mordred will be born a bastard son
The wizard and his powers will predict the silent future He holds the key to all success and forces it to the door To understand the secrets of his whisperings and riddles They die, and so the legend will live on forever more
Fly away on the dragon's mist And seek the heir of kings I'll crave your first-born son in trade Of one night of your dreams Oh, give him the power Please bless him with the strength To pull Excalibur out of the stone
"Abbaddon, the angel of the abys & king Aiken Lugonn, the lord of misrule"
The timegate remains closed...
Silence approach the many coloured land The domination is broken Power is for the jester to grasp Believing the daemon is chokin'
Chaos, rivalry, betrayal and despair The mad girl, the raven, enthroned as a ghost Gathering golden Torcs and the "spear" The holy weapon of the shattered host
Fre humans are makin' bloodmetal weapons The deadly poison to the ancient foe As the angel of the abyss Plans with the jester the final show
A metaconcert - To kill off the girl Conspiracy - To take over the world The lord of misrule - Burned by the blizz
Created with fraught - By the angel of the abyss
Rebellion, you Tanu brothers Bonded by blood The Battlemaster survived the flood
...And now you die!
Hovering above the castle of glass A mindblasting fight for supremacy The Battlemaster revenging his loss The king is victorious - Triumphantly
The only remains of the giant warrior - a blackened silver hand. All hail the king of the manycoloured land.
Subsuming the minds of the traitors made me crazy Insomnia's their way of paying back My powers are lost, I'm calling the Grand Master Hidin'in her shelter at Black Crag
The longlasting winter, the fall of Nodonn Adversary's coming, his breed on the run Predicted in old tales, envisioned before Indications of the Nigtfall War
Searching the land for the metallurgist Only he can built the timemachine The children of Abbaddon I protect now Hidin' them within my mental screen
The longlasting winter, the fall of Nodonn Adversary's coming, his breed on the run Predicted in old tales, envisioned before Indications of the Nigtfall War
Floating in trance in the Quicksilver pool The lion, the dragon, the eagle - the healers
Symbols of being reborn in the world of the living Will shine on forth in pain
The conquesting races in false harmony Gathered on the ancient Field of Gold I saw through their treachery, saw through their lies Their minds are now ashes, their bodies are now cold
The longlasting winter, the fall of Nodonn Adversary's coming, his breed on the run Predicted in old tales, envisioned before Indications of the Nigtfall War
The War...
"...and now,no one shall doubt my power. For I am the non-born king, and only I rule the many - coloured land".
A hundred lightyears away, lies a hidden heart Made up for a purpose, I can't tell A bridge so insane, it tears my soul apart Made up for a reason I can't tell
I can't remember my own name I look around, am I insane? Eternity is lost, and I am turnin' upside down Forever in the puzzle of my life
A path of crooked thorns leads my lonely way Disappears in a distance, I can't tell A shadow in the dark, makes me so afraid Whispering me a story, I can't tell
I can't remember my own name I look around, am I insane? Eternity is lost, and I am turnin' upside down Forever in the puzzle of my life
A path of crooked thorns leads my lonely way Disappears in a distance, I can't tell A shadow in the dark, makes me so afraid Whispering me a story, I can't tell
I can't remember my own name I look around, am I insane? Eternity is lost, and I am turnin' upside down Forever in the puzzle of my Forever in the puzzle of my Forever in the puzzle of my life
I see no sense in what's going on U sense no meaning, I see no light for us all Cold chill in spine shows me no future There's no safety around us - no protection, no wall
Blind ignorance throuth generations It's hidden black on white, I turn to stare There's a taste of blood in my mouth It's sick, when I breathe the air
I see no light in the ways that I choose No matter how I twist and turn, I lose I see no light in the ways that I choose No matter how I twist and turn, I lose
I can't escape the numb feeling of Perpetual deceiving dreams again Problems too dark to touch, we're reaching
Critical mass - The end
I see no light in the ways that I choose No matter how I twist and turn, I lose I see no light in the ways that I choose No matter how I twist and turn, I lose
Silence in governments shows the taste of fear Our world is falling apart, it's in the atmosphere!!
Sinners on their chance to strike. willing to let die To reap the harvest of one's work, now it's time to crucify Crawling under lines of blama, in their hands they've got your fate Now we've lost the game of man, misjudged by laws we hate
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Lost Souls
Holding on to an illusion based upon a tale The ladder's leading down to Hell, our souls are now for sale Weak and helpless on our knees we're looking at the sky Time will run, the blood will flow as life is passing by
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Lost Souls
Truth won't be the same when one is born There's no reason in the world, but we are movin' on Cursed by the palm of God Bright - hope blinded eyes If everyone had a chose, religion would fade at dawn
Lost Souls
One day we will understand there are no winners in this race Caused by your religion thoughts, we'll vanish without a trace With one hand on the holy book, you're reaching for a gun Put your hands together, praise the lord for what he has done
Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice Shout, let me hear you preaching - listen to your pathetic Shout, let us hear your story, now that we haven't got a choice
Truth won't be the same when one is born There's no reason in the world, but we are movin' on Cursed by the palm of God Bright - hope blinded eyes If everyone had a chose, religion would fade at dawn
Dawn of time, the first-born am I I will be the last one to die Guardian of the Earth, protector of the sea To it all I hold the master key
I can tell the faith of mortal men I can tell you how you die and when When I'm looking deep into your mind I can see you're ignorant and blind
Dressed in all colours, called by all names I disguise as water, earth or flames I've shown you every dream, shown you every nightmare Even though you still don't seem to care
I can tell the faith of mortal men I can tell you how you die and when When I'm looking deep into your mind I can see you're ignorant and blind
I am the twilight shadow I'll enlighten your darkest sins
When forever ends I'll stop the cause for living
I've seen the way to paradise, I know the road to hell Where you're going I for sure can tell The end is closer, your maker you will meet Destruction of the Earth has been complete
I can tell the faith of mortal men I can tell you how you die and when When I'm looking deep into your mind I can see you're ignorant and blind
In my room burns a single flame And night has come, so nothing looks the same Shadows on the floor,shadows on the wall So alive, you can almost hear them call
I start to sleep, but my eyes still see I've taken the bait and now my mind has been set free As the room starts to turn and figures start to twist I'm drowning in blackness, in the sea of mist
Stand very still, be very silent Shadows with tales to tell Stand very still, be very silent Singing of Heaven and Hell
Lying, sleeping, dreaming neon white Angels and Demons coming out of the ligt Shadows on the floor, whispering in my ear Telin' me ancient truths of why we are here
Stand very still, be very silent Shadows with tales to tell Stand very still, be very silent Singing of Heaven and Hell
The shadows are dancing tonight By the power of one single light
Visions show me places that can never be Terrible and beautiful, not for the eyes to see Out of the twilight, silence is born But I awake and now my dream is gone
Stand very still, be very silent Darkness with tales to tell Stand very still, be very silent Singing of Heaven and Hell Stand very still, be very silent The shadows are dancing tonight Stand very still, be very silent By the power of the single light