전 세계를 호령한 휘트니 휴스턴과 머라이어 캐리, 셀린 디온 등의 '디바' 들로부터 불붙기 시작한 팝 음악 계 내 여 가수들의 위력은, 2004년이 되어서도 여전히 그 맹렬한 힘을 과시하고 있는 중이다. 물론 이러한 현상에는 브리트니 스피어스와 크리스티나 아길레라, 에이브릴 라빈, 비욘세 등 전 세계 적으로 높은 앨범 판매고를 기록한 가수들이 그 중심에 서 있긴 하지만, 2000년대 이후 등장한 알리샤 키스와 노라 존스, 핑크, 인디아 아리, 넬리 퍼타도 등으로 대변되는 실력파 여성 아티스트들의 대 활약 또한 이에 한 몫 하고 있음을 부인할 수 없다. 특히 이들은 오로지 '음악' 으로만 승부해 그간 '여 가수=디바' 라는 공식에 익숙해 있던 청자들의 인식에 일대 전환을 불러일으키며 인기를 얻은 장본인 들인지라, '도토리 키 재기' 식의 음악이 판을 치고 있는 현 음악 계에 그 존재 만으로도 반갑게 느껴 지는 것이 사실이다. 한편 팝 음악 계의 한 축을 차지하고 있는 영국에서도 실력과 재능을 겸비한 신인 여성 아티스트들이 속속 등장하여 우리네 귀를 즐겁게 하고 있다. <SUPERSTAR>라는 곡으로 잘 알려진 R&B 아티스트 자멜리아, 컨템포러리 재즈 아티스트 케이티 멜루아등이 최근 주목 받고 있는 인물들로, 이들은 남성 아티스트 및 그룹들 그리고 [팝 아이돌POP IDOL] 출신 가수들의 영향력이 대부분을 차지하고 있는 영국 팝 계에 활력소를 제공하며 성공적인 음악 경력을 쌓아가고 있다. 하지만 이 같은 열풍을 그야말로 두 배 세 배 증폭 시키고 있는 여성 아티스트가 있으니, 바로 이 앨범의 주인공인 올해 스물 두 살의 신예 나타샤 베딩필드이다. 기본기 탄탄한 싱어 송라이터이자 시원시원한 가창력 그리고 '태쉬TASH'라는 애칭으로 불리울 정도의 친근한 이미지를 겸비한 나타샤는, 현재 영국 내 싱글 및 앨범 차트 정상에 오르는 것과 동시에 자신의 일거수 일투족으로 영국인들 사이에서 화제를 몰고 다니는 등 쾌속 항진을 거듭하고 있는 중이다. 1981년 11월 26일 뉴질랜드 출신의 부모님 사이에서 태어난 나타샤는 <GOTTA GET THRU THIS>로 전 세계를 뒤 흔든 대 스타인 오빠 다니엘 베딩필드와 두 동생들과 함께 영국 남부의 르위샴LEWISHAM이라는 작은 도시에서 대부분의 어린 시절을 보냈다. 어릴 때부터 오빠만큼이나 음악에 관심이 많았던 나타샤는 피아노나 기타를 독학으로 배울 정도로 음악에 소질이 있었고, 그 욕심은 사춘기로 접어들며 직접 노래 가사를 쓰고 작곡을 하는 것으로 이어졌다. 동네 친구들이 거의 흑인들이었던 관계로 자연스레 흑인 음악을 접하게 되었고, 돈을 모아 최초로 샀던 자신의 우상 스티비 원더의 [SONGS IN THE KEY OF LIFE] 앨범에 시쳇말로 '올인' 하게 된 것도 이 때 즈음이다. 이후 대학에 진학해서는 잠시 음악이 아닌 그림과 심리학을 공부하기도 했지만, '밥 먹듯' 음악을 접해왔던 나타샤에게 가수가 되는 것은 운명이나 다름없는 것이었다. 이에 그녀는 스무 살이 되어 본격적으로 가수 데뷔를 하기 위해 학업을 중단했고, 마음 맞는 친구들과 함께 스튜디오에 칩거하며 곡을 만들기 시작했다. 당시 스타덤에 오른 오빠의 후광에 기댈 수도 있었겠지만, 나타샤는 본인의 힘으로 가수가 되고 싶었기에 계속 자신을 담금질 해 나가며 준비에 준비를 거듭했다. 그렇게 호시탐탐 기회를 엿보며 직접 만든 데모 테이프를 음반 사에 돌리던 중, 지난 해 연말 [BMG] UK 산하의 레이블 [포노제닉PHONOGENIC]과의 레코딩 계약을 체결하게 되며 나타샤는 본격적인 데뷔 앨범 작업을 시작했다.
데뷔 앨범 녹음을 위해 스티브 킵너, 배우 출신의 싱어 송라이터 다니엘 브리스브와, 패트릭 레오너드 등 특급 프로듀서들과의 작업 및 LA와 런던을 오가는 레코딩 스케줄이 계속 되는 가운데, 나타샤는 앨범의 마무리 작업 중이던 지난 5월 첫 싱글 'SINGLE'을 공개해 차트 3위로 데뷔하는 성과를 거두었다. 당연히 각종 방송 프로그램의 출연이 쇄도하기 시작했고, 그녀는 TV 및 라이브 무대에서 진가를 발휘하며 세인의 애정 어린 관심을 받기에 이르렀다. 그리고 후속 곡인 <THESE WORDS>로 발매 즉시 차트 1위로 데뷔하며, 나타샤는 '[팝 아이돌] 및 미국 여 가수가 아닌 영국인으로 차트 정상에 오른 여성 아티스트'라는 값진 기록을 세우기에 이른다. 자신감 넘치는 목소리와 음악으로 가득 찬 하반기 최고의 팝 앨범, [UNWRITTEN] 발매와 동시에 9월 12일 자 영국 앨범 차트 정상에 오른 데뷔 앨범 [UNWRITTEN]은, 단언컨대 동급 최강의 실력을 보유한 신인 여성 가수가 만들어 낸 최상의 팝 앨범이라 할 수 있다. 흑인 음악적인 감각과 록 사운드 그리고 발라드에 이르기 까지 실로 다양한 장르를 깔끔하게 잘 매만져 담고 있는 것은 물론, 소울풀 하면서도 강렬하고 부드러우면서도 때론 구슬프게 까지 느껴지는 나타샤의 매력적인 목소리가 듣는 이로 하여금 오랜 여운을 안겨주고 있으니 말이다. 만일 현 메인스트림 팝 신에 너무나도 질려버린 이들이 있다면, 신인답지 않은 음악과 열정으로 가득 찬 완성도 100%의 이 앨범을 꼭 들어보라고 권하는 바이다. 최근 국내 음악 팬들 사이에서 일명 '알러뷰' 송으로 알려지고 있는 앨범의 포문을 여는 넘버 원 싱글 <THESE WORDS>는, 나타샤 베딩필드가 가진 목소리의 매력을 제대로 전달해 주고 있는 곡이라 할 수 있다. 따라 부르기 쉬운 팝 음악 코드에 흥겨운 힙 합 비트를 가미한 독특한 리듬라인과 중독적인 후렴구, 그리고 나타샤의 허스키하면서도 소울풀한 목소리가 귓가에 깊은 감흥을 남긴다. 이와 같은 느낌은 '남자에겐 무엇보다 마음 씀씀이의 폭이 제일 중요하다.'고 외치고 있는 <SIZE MATTERS>, 다음 싱글로 내정된 이국적인 리듬과 가스펠 적인 코러스가 어우러진 타이틀 곡 <UNWRITTEN>에서도 감지되며, 어두운 힙 합 비트가 매력적인 첫 싱글 <SINGLE>, D12의 메인 래퍼 비자르가 미국에서 전화로 래핑을 녹음할 정도로 관심을 보인 미드 템포 힙 합 넘버 <DROP ME A LITTLE>, 투 스텝 풍의 비트와 나타샤의 래핑을 들을 수 있는 <FROGS & PRINCES>도 이와 비슷한 맥락의 트랙들이다. 아울러 앨범에는 록 음악에도 무게를 두고 있는 나타샤의 관 .... ....
Threw some chords together <BR> <BR>The combination D-E-F <BR> <BR>D-E-F (기타현) 을 모두 끊어버렸어 <BR>Is who I am, is what I do <BR> <BR>내가 누굴까 내가뭘하고있는걸가 <BR>No one's gonna let it down for you <BR> <BR>어느누구도 널 실망시킬순없어 <BR> <BR> <BR>Try to focus my attention <BR> <BR>나의 주의(내생각) 에 귀기울여 <BR>But I feel so A-D-D <BR> <BR>하지만 난 A-D-D (?) 같은기분이야 <BR>I need some help, some inspiration <BR> <BR>난 도움이필요해, 또 영감이 필요해 <BR>(But it's not coming easily) <BR> <BR>(하지만 그것들은 쉽게오지않지) <BR>Whoah oh... <BR> <BR>후아~ <BR>Trying to find the magic <BR> <BR>마법을 찾으려 노력해보지 <BR>Trying to write a classic <BR> <BR>클래식을 쓰려(뭔가 작곡) 노력해보지 <BR>Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know? <BR>너 정말모르니? 너 정말몰라? 그런거야? <BR> <BR>Waste-bin full of paper <BR> <BR>헌 종이(오선지를 뜻하는듯)로 가득한 쓰레기통 <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>Clever rhymes, see you later <BR> <BR>유식한 싯구들이여 안녕, <BR>These words are my own <BR> <BR>이 말들은 나의 고유한 언어들 <BR> <BR> <BR> From my heart flown <BR>내 심장으로부터 흘러나오는말 <BR> <BR>I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you <BR>사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 <BR> <BR>There's no other way <BR> <BR>To better say <BR>더 멋지게표현할 다른 말은 없어 <BR> <BR>I love you, I love you... <BR> <BR>사랑해 사랑해 <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>Read some Byron, Shelly and Keats <BR> <BR>Resided in over a Hip-Hop beat <BR>힙합 비트에 맞춰진 Byron, Shelly and Keats (저명한 시인들) 의 시를 읽어볼까 <BR> <BR>I'm having trouble saying what I mean <BR> <BR>With dead poets and drum machines <BR> <BR>죽은 시 와 드럼만으로는 <BR> <BR>내 뜻을 나타내는게 참어려워 <BR>I know I had some studio time booked <BR>내가 예약해놓은 스튜디오에서 많은시간을 보냈는데 <BR> <BR>But I couldn't find a killer hook <BR> <BR>뭔가 강력한 후크(갈고리, 강력한것) 는 찾지못했지 <BR>Now you're gonna raise the bar right up <BR> <BR>넌 이제 빗장을 들어올려 <BR>Nothing I write is ever good enough <BR> <BR>내가 쓴 노래중엔 충분히 좋은건 없지만 <BR> <BR> <BR>
Ah yeah that's right All you single people out there This is for you
I'm not waitin' around for a man to save me (Cos I'm happy where I am) Don't depend on a guy to validate me (No no) I don't need to be anyone's baby (Is that so hard to understand?) No I don't need another half to make me whole
Make your move if you want doesn't mean I will or won't I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't
[Chorus:] This is my current single status My declaration of independence There's no way I'm tradin' places Right now a star's in the ascendant
I'm single (Right now) That's how I wanna be I'm single (Right now) That's how I wanna be
Ah yeah Uh Huh that's right
Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good (I like who I am) I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cos I would I'm not gonna get hooked up just 'cos you say I should (Can't romance on demand) I'm gonna wait so I'm sorry if you misunderstood
Everything in it's right time everything in it's right place I know I'll settle down one day But 'til then I like it this way it's my way Eh I like it this way
Make your move if you want doesn't mean I will or won't I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't 'Til then I'm single
This is my current single status My declaration of independence There's no way I'm tradin' places Right now a star's in the ascendant
I am unwritten can't read my mind I'm undefined I'm just beginning the pen's in my hand ending unplanned Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten
Oh oh oh I break tradition sometimes my tries are outside the lines We've been conditioned to not make mistakes but I can't live that way Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten
Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten The rest is still unwritten
My skin is like a map, of where my heart has been And I can't hide the marks, but it's not a negative thing So I let down my guard, drop my defences, down by my clothes I'm learning to fall, with no safety net, to cushion the blow
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me There's a mark you leave, like 'i love her' carved on a tree I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me Underneath I bruise easily, I bruise easily
I found your finger prints on a glass of wine Do you know your leaving them all over this heart of mine too If I never take this leap of faith I'll never know So I'm learning to fall with no safety net to cushion the blow
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me There's a mark you leave, like 'i love her' carved on a tree I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me Underneath I bruise easily, I bruise easily
Anyone who, can touch you, can hurt you, or heal you Anyone who, can reach you, can love you, or leave you
So be gentle So be gentle So be gentle So be gentle
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me There's a mark you leave, like 'i love her' carved on a tree I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me Underneath I bruise easily, I bruise easily
I bruise easily, so be gentle when you handle me There's a mark you leave, like 'i love her' carved on a tree I bruise easily, can't scratch the surface without moving me Underneath I bruise easily, I bruise easily
I got a short attention span Can't sit around couch potato land I wanna do all kinds of stuff Talking about it's not enough I wanna go to the extreme I wanna stretch my limousine I wanna take it way off road Go where I'm not supposed to go
Life is music, play it louder
If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver If you're gonna be a singer, then u better be a rockstar If you're gonna be a driver, then u better drive a race car Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a chihuahua
I like my food with chili in I like to laugh til it turns in I wanna stare fear in the face I wanna take it all the way
Life is music play it louder
If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver If you're gonna be a singer, then u better be a rockstar If you're gonna be a driver, then u better drive a race car Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a chihuahua
If you're gonna jump, then jump far, Just skip the underdog, If you're gonna hit the high notes, you gotta be a diva If you're gonna be a game star, you gotta play til you blister Cause I'm looking for a guard dog not buying a chihuahua
No happy apples for my tea It's hot or cold no in between
If your gonna jump If your gonna jump If your gonna jump
If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver If you're gonna be a singer, then u better be a rockstar If you're gonna be a driver, then u better drive a race car Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a chihuahua
If you're gonna jump, then jump far, If your gonna If your wanna hit the high notes, you gotta be a diva If your gonna play a guitar, you gotta play til you blister Cause I'm looking for a guard dog not buying a chihuahua
We're in a picture black and white Who took the light out of my life When you, gave in We're playing out of different roles We should be wanting the same goals Listening, forgiving
Oh, why can't we communicate When the main feature is just begining In the silent movie there's no talking You're just an actor So break into my story Take it over Paint me with colour
Everybody's speaking, but you don't know what they're saying You're jus guessing meanings Interpreting emotion through a window that is broken We're jus testing feelings
Oh, why can't we communicate When the main feature is just begining In the silent movie there's no talking You're just an actor So break into my story Take it over Paint me with colour
Step into the movie, you can be my leading man Break into the silence, so your heart can understand Step into the movie, we could walk along the sand Let me stand beside you, put ur life into my hand
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
In the silent movie there's no talking You're just an actor So break into my story Take it over Paint me with colour
In the silent movie there's no talking You're just an actor So break into my story Take it over Paint me with colour
Oh, I think the lady did protest too much She wouldn't take the flower from my hand She only saw the shadow of my circumstance Perception can describe what makes a man
I didn't mean to interrupt your stride But a rose was all I had to give Sometimes beauty isn't recognised When it contrasts with what you feel inside
Who's to say the darkened clouds must lead to rain Who's to say the problems should just go away Who's to point a finger at what's not understood
Because, we're all mad in our own way Colours fade the grey away Different people all the same Each reveals the meaning We're all mad in our own way Fill the sky with different shades Read the story on each page Each reveals the meaning
Each reveals the meaning
Sometimes I think I over analyse As if I can't control the time and place Life isn't something you try on for size You can't love without the give and take
Who's to say the darkened clouds must lead to rain Who's to say the problems should just go away Who's to point a finger at what's not understood
Because, we're all mad in our own way Colours fade the grey away Different people all the same Each reveals the meaning We're all mad in our own way Fill the sky with different shades Read the story on each page Each reveals the meaning
We're all mad in our own way Colours fade the grey away Different people all the same Each reveals the meaning We're all mad in our own way Fill the sky with different shades Read the story on each page Each reveals the meaning
Oh, each reveals the meaning Oh oh oh yeah, oh
We're all mad in our own way Colours fade the grey away Different people all the same Each reveals the meaning We're all mad in our own way Fill the sky with different shades Read the story on each page Each reveals the meaning
We're all mad in our own way Colours fade the grey away Different people all the same Each reveals the meaning We're all mad in our own way Fill the sky with different shades Read the story on each page Each reveals the meaning
Natasha: Woah woah, woah woah, woah woah, woah woah Bizzare: Bizare from D12, my girl Natasha, from the low-end, hahaha
Natasha: I think I found the recipe of creativity Put all you've got, then add some heart They fence us in to break us down But stil they can't shut us down The walls are thin But stil we're strong We're broken but we beat as one
Natasha: Oh, I'm coming from the streets of London What I'm saying happens everywhere, Bizzare: Yeah Natasha: Oh, so tryna do something different, something different Bizzare: Sumthin' different Natasha:
don't care Oh, but I wanna be where it's happening, where it's happening Bizzare: What what what what what
Natasha: Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple effect Upon the ocean I'll be the moon that turns the tide Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple A domino effect, falling through the sands of time
De de de de deh de de de deh de de de de deh de de de deh de Bizzare: Uh, huh
Natasha: Think I'll change the temperature 'Til its the right weather Here in the core, its getting warm Too many channels, nothing on To turn it off, it just takes one
Bizzare: Yeah
Natasha: Oh, I'm coming from the streets of london What I'm saying happens everywhere Bizzare: What Natasha: Oh, so tryna do something different, something different Bizzare: Gotta do somethin' Natasha: So if youre standing on the side just watching get up get over here Oh, cause you gotta be where its happening, where its happening Bizzare: What what what what what
Natasha: Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple effect Upon the ocean ill be the moon that turns the tide Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple A domino effect falling through the sands of time
De de de de deh de de de deh de de de de deh de de de deh de Bizzare: Affectin' the world Yeah, ah, D12 Bizzare the big kid that raps A thousand kids with shower caps How u like that People hear D12 and start ????? But we be partyin' from Detroit to London On the grassy hoods, wherever you want it Matter of fact you can wiggle ma big stomach Born in the ghetto, raised in the ghetto I need a medal for gettin the hell out the ghetto Cause all I do is wap and you stinks And wish, the world was a better place Cause when your up they try to take you down Mess your day and turn your smile into a frown and you aint worry, and I aint either F bush, make bizzare a leader Cause rap is my only way out Ima dye my hair green and join no doubt
Natasha: Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple effect Upon the ocean ill be the moon that turns the tide Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple A domino effect Bizzare: Affectin' the world Natasha: Falling through the sands of time
Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple effect Upon the ocean I'll be the moon that turns the tide Drop me in the middle so I can make a ripple A domino effect falling through the sands of time
Bizzare: Why you little I've seen you big boy Natasha: Drop me in the middle Bizzare: Tasha bizzare Natasha: Drop me in the middle Bizzare: The big guy
I feel these four walls closing in Face up against the glass I'm looking out, hmmm Is this my life I'm wondering It happened so fast How do I turn this thing around Is this the bed I chose to make It's greener pastures I'm thinking about Hmm, wide open spaces far away
All I want is the wind in my hair To face the fear but not feel scared
Ooh, wild horses I wanna be like you Throwing caution to the wind, I'll run free too Wish I could recklessly love like I'm longing to I wanna run with the wild horses Run with the wild horses, oh
Yeah, oh oh, ye-yeah
I see the girl I wanna be Riding bare-back, care-free Along the shore If only that someone was me Jumping head-first, head-long Without a thought To act and down the consequence How I wish it could be that easy But fear surrounds me like a fence I wanna break free
All I want is the wind in my hair To face the fear, but not feel scared
Oooh, wild horses I wanna be like you Throwing caution to the wind, I'll run free too Wish I could recklessly love like I'm longing to I wanna run with the wild horses Run with the wild horses, oh
I wanna run too Oooh oh oh oh Recklessly emboundening myself before you I wanna open up my heart Tell him how I feel, ooh ooh
Oooh, wild horses I wanna be like you Throwing caution to the wind, I'll run free too Wish I could recklessly love like I'm longing to I wanna run with the wild horses Run with the wild horses Run with the wild horses
Ooh ooooh ooh ooh ye-yeah yeah oohh I wanna run with the wild horses, ooooh