1992년, WU-TANG CLAN의 탄생 그런지락씬의 너바나, 트래쉬 메틀씬의 메탈리카, 팝씬의 마돈나와 마이클 잭슨... 이 정도면 힙합계에서의 우탱 클랜의 위치를 대변해 줄만한 비교가 될까? 1992년 뉴욕에서 결성되어 1993년 데뷔 앨범 <ENTER THE WU-TANG36 CHAMBERS>를 발매하는 순간부터 우탱 클랜은 힙합, 특히 뉴욕을 중심으로 하는 이스트 코스트씬의 절대 강자로 군림해 왔다. 이미 잘 알려진 바대로 우탱 클랜의 정식 멤버는 총 9명. RZA, GZA, INSPECTAH DECK, U-GOD, OL'DIRTY BASTARD, MASTA KILLA, REAKWON, METHOD MAN, GHOSTFACE KILLAH가 바로 그들인데 이외에도 미국과 유럽 등의 세계적으로 퍼져있는 클랜 구성원들은 수백 명에 달한다. 우탱 클랜이 투어에 오를 때마다 해당 지역의 클랜 멤버들이 함께 무대에 오르는 것을 어렵지 않게 접할 수 있다. 우탱 클랜의 결성에 결정적인 역할을 한 것은 친척 지간인 GZA와 RZA로 이들은 정식으로 팀이 만들어지기 전인 1991년 각자의 이름으로 싱글을 발매한 전적도 있다. 하지만 우탱 클랜의 이름이 알려지기 시작한 것은 같은 해, RZA의 지하 작업실에서 녹음된 'PROTECT YA NECK'을 통해서였고, 이 곡으로 정식 레코드 계약을 따낸 우탱 클랜은 이스트 코스트 힙합씬의 최강자로 급부상하게 된다. 사실 이들은 음악만큼이나 이름에 대한 유래소림사의 무술 이름에 얽힌 내용나 그들의 독특한 종교5% NATION에 대한 분석이나 루머들이 음악만큼이나 유명하지만, 혹자의 말마따나 우탱 클랜은 힙합 음악, 랩을 하는 것이지, 종교 활동을 목적으로 결성된 이들이 아니므로, 그에 얽힌 내용들은 생략하기로 한다. 우탱 클랜의 힙합은 RZA의 프로듀싱과 각 멤버들의 독특한 랩핑으로 완성된다. 주로 단순한 건반 루핑이나 스트링, 그리고 무술 영화나 갱 영화에서 따온 샘플 사운드로 구성된 비트와 진정 하드코어한 그들의 랩핑은 1990년대의 뉴욕 힙합씬을 대표한다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그리고 데뷔 앨범 <ENTER THE WU-TANG>의 발매 11주년을 맞았다는 사실만으로도 현재까지 총 네 장의 정규 앨범을 발매한 우탱 클랜의 역사를 이 즈음 복습해줘야 할만한 이유는 충분하다. 우탱 클랜은 팀으로, 또 각각의 솔로 뮤지션으로 꾸준한 활동을 보여왔기 때문이다. 1993년부터 2001년까지, 우탱 클랜의 이름으로 발매된 네 장의 앨범에서 추려진 11개의 히트곡들과 2곡의 믹스 버전, 그리고 골수 팬들이 아니라면 접해보지 못했을 3곡의 컴필레이션/영화 사운드 트랙 수록곡에 대한 각각의 소개 대신 그들의 정규 앨범들을 중심으로 그들의 활동을 리뷰해 보도록 하겠다.
1993년 <ENTER THE WU-TANG> ERA 1993년 말에 발매된 우탱 클랜의 데뷔 앨범 <ENTER THE WU-TANG>은 우탱 클랜에게 뿐만이 아니라 힙합의 역사를 통틀어서도 굉장히 의미있는 앨범이다. 이 앨범에 수록된 'C.R.E.A.M'이나 'METHOD MAN' 등은 힙합 초보자들도 어렵지 않게 접해 봤으리라 생각된다. 우울하고 차가운 느낌의 건반 루핑과 그만큼 음산한 스트링으로 채워진 단조로운 RZA의 비트에 각각 솔로로도 더할 나위 없이 훌륭한 라이밍 스킬을 가지고 있는 MC들의 라이밍은 '바로 이것이 이스트 코스트 힙합'임을 선언하고 있는 듯 하다. 우탱 클랜의 모든 앨범을 통틀어 팬들에게도, 평론가들에게도 가장 높은 점수를 받아낸 앨범인만큼솔직히 만점짜리 앨범이라고 해도 절대 '오바'가 아니다 베스트 앨범에는 <ENTER THE WU-TANG>에서 총 5곡이나 추려졌다. 첫 주인공인 'C.R.E.A.M.'은 빌보드 랩 싱글 차트8위나 세일즈 차트에서 상당히 화려한 기록을 세운 주인공으로 RAEKWON과 INSPECTAH DECK의 타이트한 랩핑을 감상할 수 있다. 물론 METHOD MAN이 맡은 코러스 'CASH, RULES, EVERYTHING AROUND ME. C.R.E.A.M. GET THE MONEY. DOLLAR, DOLLAR BILL Y'ALL' 부분은 너무 유명해서 재언급하는 것이 구차할 정도다. 매우 선동적인 코러스를 가진 곡으로 RZA, INSPECTAH DECK, METHOD MAN이 함께한 'WU-TANG CLAN AIN'T NUTHING TA F' WIT', 음산한 코러스 보컬에 REAKWON과 GHOSTFACE KILLAH가 각각의 VERSE를 소화해내 싱글 차트에서도 좋은 반응을 얻었던 'CAN IT ALL BE SO SIMPLE', 딱 우탱 클랜다운 쿵후 영화의 샘플링이 사용된 'SHAME ON A NIGGA'를 통해서는 트러블 메이커 OL'DIRTY BASTARD의 랩핑이나 METHOD MAN이 선사하는 최고의 플로우를 복습해 보는 것도 좋을 듯 싶다. 이와 함께 무려 U-GOD과 MASTA KILLA까지 7명의 랩핑들이 각자의 VERSE를 차례차례 선사하는 'DA MYSTERY OF CHESSBOXIN''이 베스트 앨범에 수록되는 행운을 잡았는데 4장의 정규 앨범 중 제일 많은 트랙이 베스트 앨범에 수록된 것은 <ENTER THE WU-TANG>의 인기나 영향력을 고스란히 반영한 부분이라고 이해해도 좋을 것이다.
1997년 <WU-TANG FOREVER> ERA 데뷔 앨범이 발매된 지, 무려 4년 만에 발매된 <WU-TANG FOREVER>는 2PAC의 <ALL EYEZ ON ME>처럼 2CD로 선보인 작품이다. 이미 METHOD MAN을 비롯한 각 멤버들의 성공적인 솔로 활동이 있은 뒤인지라 더블 앨범의 부담 속에서도 팬들은 훨씬 더 열렬한 지지를 보내주었는데 결과적으로 앨범 차트 1위에 올랐음은 물론이다. 싱글 차트에서 큰 두각을 나타냈던 'IT'Z YOURS'를 비롯해 'REUNITED'나 'TRIUMPH' 등은 실제로 엄청난 인기를 얻었다. 그리고 바로 이 세 곡이 베스트 앨범에 고스란히 수록되었는데, 전작에서 선보였던 독특한 방식의 RZA식 프로듀싱과 스킬 면에서 각각의 개성을 표출하고 있는 MC들의 랩핑까지 흠잡을 데 없는 곡들이다. ROXANNE의 어두운 소울 코러스와 함께 어우러진 'REUNITED'와 가장 단순한 비트 위에 가장 뛰어난 랩이 얹혀졌다고 해도 과언이 아닐 'IT'Z YOURS'의 타이트함, 그리고 정식 팀원 9명에 1995년 발매된 RAEKWON의 솔로 앨범 <ONLY BUILT 4 CUBAN LINX>을 통해 우탱 클랜에 합류한 CAPPADONNA까지 총 10명의 MC들이 쉬지 않고 쏟아내는 랩핑을 감상할 수 있는 'TRIUMPH' 등 무려 27 트랙의 수록곡 중에서 선별된 곡들은 한참 전성기를 누리던 클랜의 음악적 역량을 느낄 수 있게 한다.
2000년 <THE W> & 2001년 <IRON FLAG> ERA 2집 앨범 발매 후, 또 3년이나 지난 뒤 발매된 <THE W>는 1990년대 후반, 힙합씬이 대중적인 인기도면에서나 그 규모면에서 엄청난 성장을 한 뒤 발매된 앨범으로 우탱 클랜의 골수 팬들에게는 약간의 아쉬움을 안겨준 앨범이기도 하다. 하지만 빌보드 R&B/힙합 앨범 차트에서 차트 1위를 차지해 변함없는 인기를 반증하기도 했는데 'I CAN'T GO TO SLEEP' 같은 곡은 그들의 여전한 스타일을 확인할 수 있는 트랙들로 좋은 반응을 얻었다. 또 이 앨범에서 RZA는 우탱 클랜 이외에도 METHOD MAN의 단짝인 RED MAN이나 SNOOP DOGG, NAS 등의 타 MC들과 ISAAC HAYES 같은 소울 뮤지션들을 기용해 새로운 기운을 불어넣기도 했다. 이 앨범에서는 그간의 무겁고 거친 스타일에서 벗어나 다소 댄서블하고 가볍게 즐길만한 'GRAVEL PIT'과 여러 MC들이 짧은 VERSE를 스피디하게 이어가는 'PROTECT YA NECKTHE JUMP OFF'가 베스트 앨범에 수록되는 행운을 얻었다. 이듬해 발매된 <IRON FLAG>는 RZA 이외의 프로듀서들이 참여해 새로운 비트를 수혈 받은 앨범으로 앨범의 첫 싱글이었던 'UZIPINKY RING'만이 이번 앨범에 수록되었다. 건반이나 스트링의 단순하고 무미건조한 루핑이 우탱 클랜의 트레이드 마크였던 것을 감안하면 이 곡에는 관악기와 스크래치, 그리고 다소 실험적으로 느껴지는 여러 사운드들이 뒤섞여 있어 새로움을 느낄 수 있다. 데뷔 후, 8년이 지난 시점에서 RZA를 비롯한 우탱 클랜 모두 어느 정도의 변화를 예정한 듯한 앨범이자 타이틀 곡이라고도 할 수 있겠다.
3 TRACKS FROM VARIOUS ALBUMS 정규 앨범에서 추려진 히트곡들 이외에 <LEGEND OF THE WU-TANG>에는 1곡의 리메이크 곡과 사운드 트랙에서 선별된 2곡의 특별한 트랙이 수록되어 있다. 13번에 수록된 'SUCKER MCS'는 랩계의 큰 형님들이신 RUN DMC의 곡을 리메이크 한 것으로 컴필레이션 앨범 <IN THE BEGINING... THERE WAS RAP>에 수록된 곡이다. 우탱 멤버들과 올드 스쿨 비트의 조우는 어색하게 느껴지기도 하지만 접할 기회가 없었을 국내 팬들에겐 재미있게 느껴질 수 있을 것 같다. 또한 힙합퍼들과 그 팬들이 열광하는 영화 <FRIDAY>의 후속편인 <NEXT FRIDAY>의 OST에 수록된 'SHAOLIN WORLDWIDE'와 <SOUL IN THE HOLE>에 수록되었던 'DIESEL'이 앨범의 후반부를 마무리하고 있다. 이 세 트랙 이외에 <ENTER THE WU-TANG>에 수록된 'METHOD MAN'과 'PROTECT YA NECK'은 각각 리믹스 버전으로 베스트 앨범에 나란히 수록되어 있다. 매우 잘 알려진 히트곡들이니 새로운 버전으로 감상해보는 것도 쏠쏠한 재미를 제공할 듯 싶다.
많은 멤버로 구성된 팀인 만큼 우탱 클랜은 그 동안 정규 앨범 이외에 꽤 많은 앨범을 발매했고, 또 그만큼 많은 구설수에 시달리기도 했다. 특히 우탱 클랜의 문제아인 OL'DIRTY BASTARD의 수감 생활과 탈옥 등에 관련된 웃지 못할 에피소드들이나도망 다니는 중에 우탱 클랜의 공연 무대에 함께 오르기도 했다. 영화 배우와 솔로 앨범, 그리고 RED MAN과 활발한 팀외 활동을 보였던 METHOD MAN의 엄청난 상업적·음악적 성공으로 불거진 그의 탈퇴설, 반면에 미미한 반응에 그쳤던 몇몇 멤버의 솔로 활동 등으로 말미암아 많은 이들이 진담반 농담반으로 '우탱도 좋은 시절은 다 갔다'는 말을 하기도 했다. 물론 그들이 데뷔 앨범으로 이 씬을 싹쓸이 했을 때와는 너무도 많은 것이 달라졌다. 더욱 거대하고 대중화된 힙합은 또 그만큼 변질되었고 'THE REAL'임을 주장하는 뜨내기들도 승승장구 하고 있는 판국이다. 하지만 여전히 우탱 클랜은 힙합, 특히 이스트 코스트 씬을 대표하는 역사적인 팀으로 남아있고, 그들의 과거와 현재는 절대 평가절하 되어서는 안 될 듯 싶다. 바로 그 이유가 그들 최초의 베스트 앨범인 <LEGEND OF THE WU-TANG:WU-TANG CLAN'S GREATEST HITS>에 고스란히 담겨 있다. 우선 듣고, 느끼고, 깨닫길 바란다. 우탱 클랜, 그들이 지난 10여년 간의 힙합 역사를 대변하고 있다.
I grew up on the crime side the New York Times side Staying alive was no jive At second hands moms bounced on old men So then we moved to Shaolin land A young youth yo rockin the gold tooth 'Lo goose Only way I begin to gee off was drug loot And let's start it like this son rollin with this one And that one pullin out gats for fun But it was just a dream for the teen who was a fiend Started smokin woolies at sixteen And running up in gates and doing hits for high stakes Making my way on fire escapes No question I would speed for cracks and weed The combination made my eyes bleed No question I would flow off and try to get the dough all Sticking up white boys in ball courts My life got no better same damn 'Lo sweater Times is ruff and tuff like leather Figured out I went the wrong route So I got with a sick ass click and went all out Catchin keys from across seas Rollin in MPV's every week we made forty G's Yo nigga respect mine or anger the tech nine Ch chick POW Move from the gate now Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all It's been twenty two long hard years of still strugglin Survival got me buggin but I'm alive on arrival l peep at the shape of the streets And stay awake to the ways of the world cause shit is deep A man with a dream with plans to make CREAM Which failed I went to jail at the age of 15 A young buck sellin drugs and such who never had much Trying to get a clutch at what I could not The court played me short now I face incarceration Pacin going up state's my destination Handcuffed in back of a bus forty of us Life as a shorty shouldn't be so ruff But as the world turns I learned life is hell Living in the world no different from a cell Everyday I escape from Jakes givin chase sellin base Smokin bones in the staircase Though I don't know why chose to smoke sess I guess that's the time when I'm not depressed But I'm still depressed and I ask what's it worth Ready to give up so I seek the Old Earth Who explained working hard may help you maintain to learn to overcome the heartaches and pain We got stick up kids corrupt cops and crack rock sand stray shots all on the block that stays hot Leave it up to me while I be living proof To kick the truth to the young black youth But shorty's running wild smokin sess drinkin beer And ain't trying to hear what I'm kickin in his ear Neglected but now but yo it gots to be accepted That what That life is hectic Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all
Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all Cash Rules Everything Around Me CREAM Get the money Dollar dollar bill y'all
[Method Man] Yeah, torture motherfucker what? What? I'll fuckin I'll fuckin tie you to a fuckin bedpost With your ass cheeks spread out and shit Right? Put a hanger on a fuckin stove and let that shit sit there For like a half hour Take it off and stick it in your ass slow like
Yeah, I'll fuckin Yeah I'll fuckin lay your nuts on a fuckin dresser Just your nuts layin on a fuckin dresser And bang them shits with a spiked fuckin bat Ooooohhhh Whassup? BLAOWWW!!
I'll fuckin I'll fuckin pull your fuckin tongue out your fuckin mouth And stab the shit with a rusty screwdriver, BLAOWW!! I'll fuckin
I'll fuckin I'll fuckin hang you by your fuckin dick Off a fuckin twelve sto-story building out this motherfucker
I'll fuckin I'll fuckin Sew your asshole closed, and keep feedin you And feedin you, and feedin you, and feedin you
[Genius] Yo, roll the dice, yo roll the dice Yo, so it's going down like that, huh? Yeah? Niggaz is wailin, check it out kid
From the slums of Shaolin, Wu-Tang Clan strikes again The RZA, the GZA, Ol Dirty Bastard, Inspecktah Deck, Raekwon the Chef You-God, Ghost Face Killer and the Method Man
Hey, you, get off my cloud You don't know me and you don't know my style Who be gettin flam when they come to a jam? Here I am here I am, the Method Man Patty cake patty cake hey the method man Don't eat Skippy, Jif or Peter Pan Peanut butter, 'cause I'm not butter In fact I snap back like a rubber Band, I be Sam Sam I am And I don't eat green eggs and ham Style will hit ya, wham!, then goddamn You be like oh shit that's the jam Turn it up now hear me get buck wu-wu-wild I'm about to blow light me up Upside downside inside and outside Hittin you from every angle there's no doubt I am, the one and only Method Man The master of the plan wrappin shit like Saran Wrap, with some of this and some of that Hold up (what?) I tawt I tat I putty tat Over there, but I think he best to beware Of the diggy dog shit right here Yippy yippy yay yippy yah yippy yo Like Deck said this ain't your average flow Comin like rah ooh ah achie kah Tell me how ya like it so far baby paw The poetry's in motion coast to coast and Rub it on your skin like lotion What's the commotion, oh my lord Another corn chopped by the Wu-Tang sword Hey hey hey like Fat Albert It's the Method Man ain't no if ands about it It's the Method
All right, y'all get ya White Owls, get ya meth, get ya skins Don't forget your forty And we gonna do it like this
I got, fat bags of skunk I got, White Owl blunts And I'm about to go get lifted Yes I'm about to go get lifted
I got, myself a forty I got, myself a shorty And I'm about to go and stick it Yes I'm about to go and stick it
Uhh H-U-F-F huff and I puff Blow like snow when the cold wind's blowin Zoom, I hit the mic like boom Wrote a song about it like to hear it here it goes Question what exactly is a pantie raider Ill behavior savior or major flavor All of the above oh yeah plus I do so Also flam I'm the man call me super Not an average Joe with an average flow Doing average things with average hoes Yo I'm super I'll make a bitch squirm For my, Su-per Sperm (check it) Check it I give it to ya raw butt naked I smell sex pass the Method Let's get lifted as I kick ballistics Missiles and shoot game like a pistol Clip is loaded when I click bang dang A Wu-Tang slug hits your brain J-U-M-P jump and I thump Make girls rumps like pump and Humpty Hump Wow, the Shaolin style is all in me Child, the whole damn isle is callin me P-A-N-T-Y R-A-I-D-E-R mad raw I don't cry Meaning no one can burn or toss and turn me Ooh I be the super sperm Chim chimmeny chim chim cherie Freak a flow and flow fancy free Now how many licks does it take For me to hit the Tootsie Roll center of a break Peep and don't sleep the crews mad deep Wu-Tang Fading motherfuckers like bleach So to each and every crew You're clear like glass I can see right through You're whole damn posse be catchin' 'em all cause you vic'd And ya didn't have friends to begin with I'm
Here I am, here I am, the Method Man
[RZA] Straight from the slums of Shaolin Wu-Tang Killa Bee's on a swarm (Your soul have just been taken through the 36 chambers of death, kid)
watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid I smoke on the mic like smokin Joe Frazier The hell raiser raisin hell with the flavor Terrorize the jam like troops in Pakistan Swingin through your town like your neighborhood Spiderman So uhh tic toc and keep tickin While I get ya flippin off the shit I'm kickin The Lone Ranger code red danger Deep in the dark with the art to rip charts apart The vandal too hot to handle Ya battle you're sayin Goodbye like Tevin Campbell Roughneck Inspector Deck's on the set The rebel I make more noise than heavy metal The way I make the crowd go wild sit back relax won't smile Rae got it goin on pal call me the rap assassinator Rhymes rugged and built like Schwarzenegger And I'ma get mad deep like a threat blow up your project Then take all your assets Cause I came to shake the frame in half With the thoughts that bomb shit like math So if ya wanna try to flip go flip on the next man Cause I grab the clip and Hit ya with sixteen shots and more I got Goin to war with the meltin pot hot It's the Method Man for short Mr Meth Movin on your left And set it off get it off let it off like a gat I wanna break full cock me back Small change they puttin shame in the game I take aim and blow that nigga out the frame And like Fame my style'll live forever Niggaz crossin over but they don't know no better But I do true can I get a sue Nuff respect due to the one six I mean ohh yo check out the flow like the Hudson or PCP when I'm dustin Niggaz off because I'm hot like sauce The smoke from the lyrical Ooh what grab my nut get screwed Oww here comes my Shaolin style True B A B Y U to my crew with the suuue
Yo ya best protect ya neck First things first man you're fuckin with the worst I'll be stickin pins in your head like a fuckin nurse I'll attack any nigga who's slack in his mack Come fully packed with a fat rugged stack Shame on you when you stepped through to The Ol Dirty Bastard straight from the Brooklyn Zoo And I'll be damned if I let any man Come to my center you enter the winter Straight up and down that shit packed jam You can't slam don't let me get fool on him man The Ol Dirty Bastard is dirty and stinkin Ason Unique rollin with the night of the creeps Niggaz be rollin with a stash ain't sayin cash bite my style I'll bite your motherfuckin ass For cryin out loud my style is wild so book me Not long is how long that this rhyme took me Ejectin styles from my lethal weapon My pen that rocks from here to Oregon Here's Mordigan catch it like a psycho flashback I love gats if rap was a gun you wouldn't bust back I come with shit that's all types of shapes and sounds And where I lounge is my stompin grounds I give a order to my peeps across the water To go and snatch up props all around the border And get far like a shootin star Cause who I are is dim in the light of Pablo Escobar Point blank as I kick the square biz There it is you're fuckin with pros and there it goes Yo chill with the feedback black we don't need that It's ten o'clock hoe where the fuck's your seed at Feelin mad hostile ran the apostle Flowin like Christ when I speaks the gospel Stroll with the holy roll then attack the globe with the buckus style the ruckus ten times ten men committin mad sin Turn the other cheek and I'll break your fuckin chin Slayin boom bangs like African drums Comin around the mountain when I come Crazy flamboyant for the rap enjoyment My clan increase like black unemployment Yeah another one dare G Gka Genius Take us the fuck outta here The Wu is too slammin for these Cold Killin labels Some ain't had hits since I seen Aunt Mabel Be doin artists in like Cain did Abel Now they money's gettin stuck to the gum under the table That's what ya get when ya misuse what I invent Your empire falls and ya lose every cent For tryin to blow up a scrub Now that thought was just as bright as a 20 watt light bulb Should of pumped it when I rocked it Niggaz so stingy they got short arms and deep pockets This goes on in some companies With majors they're scared to death to pump these First of all who's your A&R A mountain climber who plays an electric guitar But he don't know the meaning of dope When he's lookin for a suit and tie rap that's cleaner than a bar of soap And I'm the dirtiest thing in sight Matter of fact bring out the girls and let's have a mud fight
You best protect ya neck You best protect ya neck You best protect ya neck
KnowhatI'msayin, take you on this al high real quick Nineteen ninety three exoticness KnowhatI'msayin, let's get technical Where's your bone at, get up on that shit aight Yo!!
Started off on the island, AK Shaolin Niggaz whylin, gun shots thrown the phone dialin Back in the days of eight now, makin a tape now Rae gotta get a plate now Ignorant and mad young, wanted to be the one Till I got (BAM! BAM!) thrown one Yeah, my pops was a fiend since sixteen Shootin' that (that's that shit!) in his blood stream That's the life of a crimey, real live crimey If niggas know the half is behind me Day one, yo, growin all up in the ghetto Now I'm a weed fiend, jettin the Palmetto In Medina, yo no doubt the God got crazy clout Pushin the big joint from down South So if you're filthy stacked up Betta watch ya back and duck Cause these fiends they got it cracked up Now my man from up north, now he got the law It's solid as a rock and crazy salt No jokes, I'm not playin, get his folks Desert Eagle his dick and put 'em in a yolk (AAH!) And to know for sure, I got reck and rip shop I pointed a gat at his mother's knot (Yo, Rae, don't do that shit, man! Don't do that shit! <gun shots>) Fuck that
< > <Raekwon> Dedicated to the winners and the losers (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Ghost Face Killer> Dedicated to all jeeps and land cruisers (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Raekwon> Dedicated to the Y's, 850-I's (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Ghost Face Killer> Dedicated to niggas who do drive-bys (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Raekwon> Dedicated to the Lexus and the Ax (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Ghost Face Killer> Dedicated to MPV's phat! (Can it be that it was all so simple then?) <Raekwon> Nigguh, yeah, yeah!
Ghostface Killer
Yo! Kickin the fly cliches Doin duets with Rae and A, happens to make my day Though I'm tired of bustin off shots havin to rock knots Runnin up in spots and makin shit hot I'd rather flip shows instead of those Hangin on my living room wall My first joint, and it went gold I want to lamp, I want to be in the shade Plus the spot light Gettin my dick rubbed all night I wanna have me a phat yacht And enough land to go and plant my own sess crops But for now, it just a big dream Cause I find myself in the place where I'm last seen My thoughts must be relaxed Be able to maintain Cause times is changed and life is strange The glorious days is gone, and everybody's doin' bad Yo, mad lives is up for grabs Brothers, passin away, I gotta make wakes Receivin all types of calls from upstate Yo, I can't cope with the pressure Settlin for lesser The god left lessons on my dresser So I can bloom and blossom, find a new way Continue to make hits with Rae and A Sunshine plays a major part in the daytime
Peace to mankind Ghostface carry a black nine, nigga Word up It's on like that
[martial arts movie sample] Yeah, yo, aight Pass the meth! (nizzuh nzza punk nigguh, yeah!) Yeah, aight kick the raw style, yeah Fly that fuckin sack Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga Wu buck wild with the trigger! Shame on a nigga who tr
<i>[Wu-Tang movie dialogue]</i> The game of chess, is like a swordfight You must think first, before you move Toad style is immensely strong, and immune to nearly any weapon When it's properly used, it's almost invincible
<i>[Verse One: U-God]</i> Raw I'm gonna give it to you, with no trivia Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia My hip-hop will rock and shock the nation like the Emancipation Proclamation Weak MC's approach with slang that's dead you might as well run into the wall and bang your head I'm pushin' force, my force your doubtin' I'm makin' devils cower to the Caucus Mountains
<i>[Verse Two: Inspectah Deck]</i> Well I'm a sire, I set the microphone on fire Rap styles vary, and carry like Mariah I come from the Shaolin slum, and the isle I'm from is coming through with nuff niggas and nuff guns so if you wanna come sweating, stressing, contesting you'll catch a sharp sword to the midsection Don't talk the talk, if you can't walk the walk Phony niggas are outlined in chalk A man vexed, is what the projects made me Rebel to the grain there's no way to barricade me Steamrolling niggas like a eighteen wheeler with the drunk driver driving, there's no surviving
<i>[Verse Three: Raekwon the Chef]</i> Rough like Timberland wear, yeah Me and the Clan, and you're the Landcruisers out there Peace to all the crooks, all the niggas with bad looks Bald heads, braids, blow this hook We got chrome tecs, nickel plated macs Black axe, drug dealing styles in phat stacks I've only been a good nigga for a minute though 'cause I got to get my props, and win it you I got beef with commercial-ass niggas with gold teeth lampin in a Lexus eating beef Straight up and down don't even bother I got forty niggas up in here now, who kill niggas fathers
<i>[Chorus: Method Man]</i> My peoples are you with me, where you at? In the front, in the back killer-bees on attack my people are you with me, where you at? Smoking meth hitting cats on the block with the gats
<i>[Verse Four: Ol' Dirty Bastard]</i> Here I go, deep type flow Jacque Cousteau could never get this low.. I'm cherry bombing shits... BOOM Just warming up a little bit, vroom vroom Rappinin is what's happening Keep the pockets stacked and then, hands clapping and At the party when I move my body Gotta get up, and be somebody! Grab the microphone go straight to the phone DUH-DUH-DUH...enter the Wu-Tang zone Sure enough when I rock that stuff Guff puff? I'm gonna catch your bluff tough rough, kicking rhymes like Jim Kelly or Alex Haley I'm a Mi-..Beetle Bailey rhymes coming raw style, hardcore Niggas be coming to the hip-hop store Coming to buy grocery from me Trying to be a hip-hop MC The law, in order to enter the Wu-Tang You must bring the Ol' Dirty Bastard type slang Represent the GZA, Abbott, RZA, Shaquan, Inspectah Deck Dirty Hoe getting low with his flow Introducing, the Ghost..face.. Killer!! No one could get iller
<i>[Verse Five: Ghostface Killah]</i> Speaking of the devil psych, no it's the God, get the shit right Mega trife, and you're I killed you in a past life On the mic while you was kicking that fast shit You reneged tried again, and got blasted Half mastered ass style mad ruff task When I struck I had on Timbs and a black mask Remember that shit? I know you don't remember jack That night yo I was hitting like a spiked bat and then you thought I was bugged out, and crazy strapped for nonsense, after me became lazy yo, nobody budge while I shot slugs Never shot thugs, I'm running with thugs that flood mugs So grab your eight plus one, start flipping and tripping Niggas is jetting I'm licking off son
(Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang!!!!)
<i>[Verse Six: Masta Killa]</i> Homicide's illegal and death is the penalty What justifies the homicide, when he dies? In his own iniquity it's the Master of the Mantis Rapture coming at you We have an APB on an MC Killer Looks like the work of a Master Evidence indicates that's it's stature Merciless like a terrorist hard to capture The flow, changes like a chameleon Plays like a friend and stabs you like a dagger This technique attacks the immune system Disguised like a lie paralyzing the victim You scream as it enters your bloodstream Erupts your brain from the pain these thoughts contain Moving on a nigga with the speed of a centipede and injure - ANY MOTHERFUCKING CONTENDER
Reunited cuz it feels so good (Yo, yo, niggaz ain't shit) Reunited cuz we're understood (Your bitch ain't shit) There's one perfect thing and (Your momma ain't shit) children this one is it (Your daddy ain't shit) We both we're so excited cuz (You ain't shit) we're reunited, hey! hey! (Niggaz ain't shit Your momma ain't shit Your daddy ain't shit You ain't shit, you ain't shit Yo, yo) Reunited, double LP, world excited Struck a mass to the underground, industry ignited from metaphorical parables to fertilize the Earth Wicked niggaz come, try to burglarize the turf Scattin off soft-ass beats, them niggaz rap happily Tragically, that style, de-ter-iate, rapidly Uncompleted missions, throwin your best known compositions You couldn't add it up, if you mastered addition Where I come from, gettin visual is habitual De-mon-strate walkin on hot coal, in rituals I splash the paint on the wall, it formed the mural He took a look, saw the manifestation of it, was plural Rhymin while impaired, dart hit your garment Pierced your internals, streamlined compartments Just consider the unparallel advantage of a natural disaster that's impossible to manage I'm known on the microphone as the rap professor Casual dresser, you may dress fresher The way that I speak this shit is energetic My physique of meat is quick atheletic Remove all MC's who disapprove that my funky fresh particle always have the groove You're jealous over me because you're not a competitor You're just a donor, I'm the rap editor Tryin to rock the mic when you get an appetite All negative on the mic, I dislike Try to rock the mic but only will reduce Try to get loose, you juice as a youth Not knowin to yourself that you shall be frozen I'm the MC warrior, who has been chosen to rock and shock beats, polite when I recite Sulfur MC's, you are down right, out right Try to be talkative, there's no alternative Hide until I forgive, this motive I am unique with the perfected physique The objective of my rhyme is my own technique I maintain the paradise on this Earth with the shut the fuck up style for what this shit is worth Watch a nigga catch a purse Super-hero niggaz die Do my dirt, get away and multiply You bitches, ya nice guys Always want bitch, because ya need mine I pleased on how I get up on the stage and fuck up the show Cuz nobody can't fuck with me! You bootleggin buyin motherfuckers, don't do that with me with all these child-support cases I got, I needs my money! Earl for ages, a 100 and down, sacrifice ya baby to the underground The best kept secret, how does it feel to be boxin in like a skeleton, growin back ya skin? When I was young, I was taught how to produce the science of babies gettin loose I turned white boys to Springsteen spruce Black to spooks, gave the Chinese Bruce I can't help it if my style is foggy, monster boogie Get ya high on my patio, all come to see me movie Bicthes, you're walkin on my dirt We ain't sayin nuthin I whisper in ya ear, make ya blink cold Pert Love potion, plenty bones I put up What!? What!? What!? What!? You know what time it is, mothefuckers! Reunited and it feels so good (It's Wu mothefuckers) Reunited cuz we're understood (ah, Wu-Tang motherfuckers) There's one perfect thing and children this one is it We both we're so excited cuz we're reunited, hey! hey! (It's Wu motherfuckers ah, Wu-Tang motherfuckers It's Wu motherfuckers ah, Wu-Tang motherfuckers It's Wu motherfuckers ah, Wu-Tang motherfuckers) I want to give a big shout out to the Wu-Tang Clan. We holdin it down. YouknowI'msayin? I also want to show mad love to Puffy cuz you holdin it down. Master P, you holdin it down. KnowI'msayin? Dr.Dre, you holdin it down. Give Snoop my love, E-40. MC Eiht, West Coast, word is bond. This is family, I don't give a fuck! Striaght up. It's Dirt Dog, nigga! Y'all niggaz know how the fuck I get down! knowI'msayin? I'm here to represent this shit! KnowImean? I love y'all niggaz! Motherfucker, my stomach hurts! Bitch, I got to go! (ah, Wu-Tang motherfuckers...)
Machine gun rap for all my niggaz in the back Stadium packed, linebacker nigga flashback See through yellow lines Rock a fly jersey in the summertime God Magic marker rap, bleed Benatton Relaxed, wrote this, comin at cha crab ass cope and snatch ya ice off, chillin in the back, throw the lights off Waves, water blend, rhyme flow in slow motion Thick snare, I'm feelin like a snail in the ocean What's your wish? Wanna Kringle like Kris? Melodic single, dark snap a nigga just like fish You fucked up, some rich niggaz you done test yo Select the wrong apartment, and niggaz pulled up your dress Style molest that, canal chain nigga where ya vest at Flex'll make me wanna bless that, yo Saddam Hu-sane niggaz light the torch, we flamin niggaz Autograph that, flatten all the main niggaz It's Yourz! The world in the palm of your hand It's Yourz! Twenty-three million of useful land It's Yourz! The seed and the black wo-man It's Yourz! Double LP from Wu-Tang Clan It's Yourz! Yo, super freak physique. like Raphael Saadiq Baby love the ganja leaf, everday of the week Super friends wake up, deluxe gourmet beats The night is right, I might find me a suite It's a quarter full moon, now I ride with my swoon Well groomed, dance hall packed, full room Lady move, peep my glide, peep my zoom Keep in stride, smoke the lah smoke the boom Feel the fumes, consume toxic tunes Hell bound, species forty ounce typhoon The ultra-violet scream machine move your body touch The totem pole wobble Ark builders God rush Beams of light, stop ya breathin -- it's huntin season Honey eye-ballin down for no reason Grab her close, play post, wind and wax floors Never mind the laws, cause tonight It's Yourz Stop the fader of the RAM, pass my watts through my pre-amp Them can't stress the beat vamp the shit'll get blam at full throttle, hot lead propels throughout my nozzle Crack your soul like bottles, leave you stiff as models You fag, you couldn't pull one drag -- off my blunt You couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper bag with scissors in your hands -- bitch, the RZA I stand close to walls, like number four the lizard Enchant a few solar panels, blast off like Roman Candles Rap vandals, stomp your ass like Randall McDaniel You cocker spaniel dogs, can't fuck with our catalog Put your lights out and leave your brain inside a fog It's only natural, actual facts are thrown at you The impact'll blow trees back and crack statues Million dollar rap crews fold, check the sick shit explicit, I crystalize the rhyme so you can sniff it We live this, fitted hats low conceal the Crooked I No surprise, verbal stick up -- put em high Rebel I, outlaw, split second on the draw Blow the door off this shit, like bricks of C-4 It's Yourz! The world in the palm of your hand It's Yourz! Twenty-three million of useful land It's Yourz! The seed and the black wo-man It's Yourz! Double LP from Wu-Tang Clan It's Yourz!
Check out my beaver, baby blue glock in the safe Seems Darthy and the God and get ski roll weight We hold a belt Son, that's my word Spot a rapper run him down, throw him out in the third, yo check it I think like the man behind a register Evergreen smokin estates, rhyme and power made me treasurer With third down, six to go flash his strobe lights I'm open RZA hit me off lovely and I love him With root beer thoughts, here's a tennis court for your birthday, the babyface of rap politic with Sade Avenging eagle crooks rock the "W" and "Spiegel" books Annheiser Busch kings came through, and stopped your whole jooks Spitfire Kangols, watch Tony train a gang of hoes Painful like hearin the news, like when your man go Ends blow, windy at times watch the room sheisty girl Love to sit out this song, now watch your water break It's Yourz! The world in the palm of your hand It's Yourz! Twenty-three million of useful land It's Yourz! The seed and the black wo-man It's Yourz! Double LP from Wu-Tang Clan It's Yourz!
What y'all think you wasn't gonna see me? I'm the Osiris of this shit Wu-Tang is here forever, motherfucker It's like this ninety-seven Aight my niggaz and niggarettes Let's do it like this I'ma rub your ass in moonshine Let's take it back to seventy-nine
I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies and high prophecies can't define how I be droppin these mockeries, ally perform armed robbery Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me Battle-scarred shogun, explosion when my pen hits tremendous, ultra-violet shine blind forensics I inspect you, through the future see millenium Killa B's sold fifty gold sixty platinum Shackling the matches with drastic rap tactics Graphic displays melting the steel like blacksmiths Black Wu jackets queen B's ease the guns an' Rumblein patrolmen teargas laced the function Heads by the score take flight incite a war Chicks hit the floor, diehard fans demand more Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly Proceeds to blow swingin swords like Shinobi Stomp grounds I pound footprints in solid rock Wu got it locked, performin live on your hottest block
As the world turns, I spread like germs Bless the globe with the pestilence, the hard-headed never learn It's my testament that does burn Play my position in the game of life, standing firm on foreign land, jump the gun out the frying pan, into the fire Transform into the Ghostrider, a six-pack and A Streetcar Named Desire, who got my back? In the line of fire holding back, what? My peoples if you with me where the fuck you at? Niggaz is strapped, and they trying to push my big cap It's court adjourned, for the bad seed from bad sperm Herb got my wig fried like a bad perm, what the blood clot, we smoke blunts and blow spots You wanna think twice, I think not The Iron Lung ain't got ta tell you where it's coming from Guns of Navarone, tearing up your battle zone Rip through your slums
I twist darts from the heart, tried and true Loot my voice on the LP, my team is on to slang rocks Certified chatterbox, vocabulary 'Donna talking Tell your story walking Take cover kid, what? Run for your brother, kid Run for your team, and your six camp rhyme groupies So I can squeeze with the advantage, and get wasted My deadly nose reigns supreme Your fort is basic compared to mine Domino effect, arts and crafts Paragraphs contain cyanide Take a free ride on my dart, I got the fashion catalogues for all y'all to all praise to the Gods
The saga continues Wu-Tang, Wu-Tang
Olympic torch flaming, we burn so sweet The thrill of victory, the agony, defeat We crush slow, flaming deluxe slow For, judgment day cometh, conquer, it's war Allow us to escape, hell blows spinning bomb Pocket full of shells out the sky, Golden Arms Tune strictly shitty Mortal Kombat sound The fateful step make, the blood stain the ground A jungle junkie, vigilante tantrum A death kiss, cap off squeeze another anthem Hold it for ransom, tranquilized with anesthetics My orchestra, graceful, music ballerinas My music Sicily, rich California smell An axekiller adventure, paint a picture well I sing a song from Sing-Sing, sippin on ginseng Righteous wax chaperone, rotating ring king
Watch for the wooden soldiers, C-cypher punks couldn't hold us A thousand men rushing in, not one nigga who was sober Perpendicular to the square, we stand bold like Flare Escape from your Dragon's Lair, in particular My beats travel like a vortex, through your spine to the top of your cerebral cortex Make you feel like you bust a nut for raw sex Enter through your right ventricle clog up your bloodstream now terminal, like Grand Central Station Program fat baselines, eye-no-vation Getting drunk like a fucking skunk on five-year probation
War of the masses, the outcome, disastrous Many of the victim family save they ashes A million names on walls engraved in plaques Those who went back, received penalties for the axe Another hard nigga torn, close ones gone Those who stray and fuck-up get slayed by the song
The track renders helpless and suffers from multiple stab wounds and leaks sounds that's heard ninety-three million miles away from came one to represent the Nation, this is a gathering of the masses that come to pay respects to the Wu-Tang Clan As we engage in battle, the crowd now screams in rage The high chief Jamel-I-Reef take the stage Light is provided through sparks of energy from the mind that travels in rhyme form Giving sight to the blind The dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum Death only one can save shell from This relentless attack of the track spares none Yo! Yo! Yo, fuck that, look at all these crab niggaz laid back Lampin like the million black womens on my man's rag Codeine was forced in your drink You had a Navy Green salamander fiend, bitches never heard you scream You two-faces, scum of the slum, I got your whole body numb Blowin
[RZA] 1,2, 1,2, yo check this out, it's the jump off right now I want everybody, to put your work down, put your guns down And report to the pit, the gravel pit Leave your problems at home, leave your children at home We gon' take it back underground, I be Bobby Boulders Wu-Tang Clan on yo' mind one time It's the jump off, so just jump off my nigga...
HOOK: Paulissa Morgan Check out my gravel pit A mystery unraveling Wu-Tang is the CD that I travel with Don't go against the grain if you can't handle it
[Meth] Ha, holla cross from the land of the lost Behold the pale horse, off course (off course) Follow me, Wu-Tang gotta be The best thing since stocks in Clark Wallabees [ZZZH] African killers bees black watch (black watch) On your radio, blowin out yo' watts [ZZZH] From Park Hill, the house on haunted hill Every time you walk by your back get a chill [BLBLBH!] Let's peel, who want to talk rap skills I spit like a semi-automatic to the grill [BOOM!] Elbow grease, and elbow room Baby play me, baby fall down, go boom [BOOM!] Party people gather round, count down to apocalypse [3, 2, 1...]
[U-God] I'm the kid with the golden arms
[Meth] And I'm the motherfuckin hott nikks [AAAAH!] pass the blunt My nigga don't front You had it for a minute but it seem like a month [COUGH] Now I'm chokin, smokin, hopin I don't croakin, from overdosin... Hey kid, [walk straight as a I...] Wu and Meth got you open (open), let's ride Can't stand niggas that floss too much Can't stand Bentleys they cost too much Kid wanna get up then kid get touched Kid wanna stick up then kid get stuck I'm the one that called your bluff When your boy tried to act tough... Remember what Old Dirty said, I'll fuck yo' ass up! Now listen
[Meth over hook] Back, back and forth and forth Back, back and forth and forth Back, back and forth and forth As we go... Back, back and forth and forth Back, back and forth and forth Back, back and forth and forth As we go...
[Ghostface] E with the English, extinguish styles extremist Bald head beamers run wild It's the kid with the gold cup Stepped out like what What's poppin, and y'all niggas dobo Blastin shae shae, chocolate shortae Rich color mocks, rock those all day 1960 shit I'm Goldie That's right motherfucker don't hold me The world's greatest, Las Vegas, paid as rock Skin painted on my face look ageless Perfect combos, Ghost bang out condos Jeff from Hamo, ex three bangos Bancos, stank hoes in plain clothes Change those, bang those, same old, same old
[Raekwon] Yeah y'all, straight up this the jump off right here The gravel pit, word up represent, rock the boulders All my rich gangsta style, killers, y'all know what time it is Shorty do your thing, get up on that shit right now boo, do you That's what I'm talkin 'bout
[U-God] Yo, step to my groove, move like this When we shoot the gift of course it's ruthless Grab the mic with no excuses In a sec, grab the techs and loot this Executin, shakin all sets, and I'm breakin all hecks I'm takin all bets, move all best, who want the dram' next You all stank, we got the bigger bank Bigger shank to fill your tank Still the same kill you for real, while you crank Slide, do or die, fry to bake Admire the greats, on fire wit a heart of hate Bitter shark, every part I take, heavy darts that quake It's okay, all fakes, get caught by the dropkicks You know the thrill, yes it's Park Hill Yo we hit 'em with the hot grits... On the go, check the flow, sayin Wu don't rock shit... Stop quick, hold the gossip, stop sweatin my pockets I hear the hot shit
watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid watch ya step kid I smoke on the mic like smokin Joe Frazier The hell raiser raisin hell with the flavor Terrorize the jam like troops in Pakistan Swingin through your town like your neighborhood Spiderman So uhh tic toc and keep tickin While I get ya flippin off the shit I'm kickin The Lone Ranger code red danger Deep in the dark with the art to rip charts apart The vandal too hot to handle Ya battle you're sayin Goodbye like Tevin Campbell Roughneck Inspector Deck's on the set The rebel I make more noise than heavy metal The way I make the crowd go wild sit back relax won't smile Rae got it goin on pal call me the rap assassinator Rhymes rugged and built like Schwarzenegger And I'ma get mad deep like a threat blow up your project Then take all your assets Cause I came to shake the frame in half With the thoughts that bomb shit like math So if ya wanna try to flip go flip on the next man Cause I grab the clip and Hit ya with sixteen shots and more I got Goin to war with the meltin pot hot It's the Method Man for short Mr Meth Movin on your left And set it off get it off let it off like a gat I wanna break full cock me back Small change they puttin shame in the game I take aim and blow that nigga out the frame And like Fame my style'll live forever Niggaz crossin over but they don't know no better But I do true can I get a sue Nuff respect due to the one six I mean ohh yo check out the flow like the Hudson or PCP when I'm dustin Niggaz off because I'm hot like sauce The smoke from the lyrical Ooh what grab my nut get screwed Oww here comes my Shaolin style True B A B Y U to my crew with the suuue
Yo ya best protect ya neck First things first man you're fuckin with the worst I'll be stickin pins in your head like a fuckin nurse I'll attack any nigga who's slack in his mack Come fully packed with a fat rugged stack Shame on you when you stepped through to The Ol Dirty Bastard straight from the Brooklyn Zoo And I'll be damned if I let any man Come to my center you enter the winter Straight up and down that shit packed jam You can't slam don't let me get fool on him man The Ol Dirty Bastard is dirty and stinkin Ason Unique rollin with the night of the creeps Niggaz be rollin with a stash ain't sayin cash bite my style I'll bite your motherfuckin ass For cryin out loud my style is wild so book me Not long is how long that this rhyme took me Ejectin styles from my lethal weapon My pen that rocks from here to Oregon Here's Mordigan catch it like a psycho flashback I love gats if rap was a gun you wouldn't bust back I come with shit that's all types of shapes and sounds And where I lounge is my stompin grounds I give a order to my peeps across the water To go and snatch up props all around the border And get far like a shootin star Cause who I are is dim in the light of Pablo Escobar Point blank as I kick the square biz There it is you're fuckin with pros and there it goes Yo chill with the feedback black we don't need that It's ten o'clock hoe where the fuck's your seed at Feelin mad hostile ran the apostle Flowin like Christ when I speaks the gospel Stroll with the holy roll then attack the globe with the buckus style the ruckus ten times ten men committin mad sin Turn the other cheek and I'll break your fuckin chin Slayin boom bangs like African drums Comin around the mountain when I come Crazy flamboyant for the rap enjoyment My clan increase like black unemployment Yeah another one dare G Gka Genius Take us the fuck outta here The Wu is too slammin for these Cold Killin labels Some ain't had hits since I seen Aunt Mabel Be doin artists in like Cain did Abel Now they money's gettin stuck to the gum under the table That's what ya get when ya misuse what I invent Your empire falls and ya lose every cent For tryin to blow up a scrub Now that thought was just as bright as a 20 watt light bulb Should of pumped it when I rocked it Niggaz so stingy they got short arms and deep pockets This goes on in some companies With majors they're scared to death to pump these First of all who's your A&R A mountain climber who plays an electric guitar But he don't know the meaning of dope When he's lookin for a suit and tie rap that's cleaner than a bar of soap And I'm the dirtiest thing in sight Matter of fact bring out the girls and let's have a mud fight
You best protect ya neck You best protect ya neck You best protect ya neck
Daddy's home, your daddy's home to stay Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo same time same channel Nasty vandals too hot to fucking handle Bring the ruckus to all you knotty head fuckas Shit's like Hammer Time, niggas can't touch us Straight up and down Wu-Tang forever
Yo.. yeah Don't erase none of that good shit in the beginnin Yo.. spill drinks on ya, get stank on ya Yo.. yo.. pinky ring shit, yo That pinky ring shit yo
It's that pinky ring shit, the legend of masked kid Shoot out the speakers when my guns get jurassic Superbad, who am I? Dolemite classic The vandal's back, hands on Angela Bassett I handle my plastic, gunplay I mastered No coke, dope mixed down with acid on record Broken down and crafted in seconds Lady's choice, the golden voice still peppered Better, respect it, bitch believe I pull rabbits out the hat, tricks up my sleeves I air out the showroom, the shit can breathe Fix your weave, behold my expertise
Wu-Tang Clan
I got my uzi back - you dudes is wack, face it the Wu is back I got my uzi back - you dudes is wack, face it the Wu is back
Raekwon the Chef
Take it back to the (?), leanin gettin rec room punch We in them authentic alley switchin joints Major general niggaz, five stars Both arms rock when coke dropped we read a hundred niggaz palms Silencers, garbage bags of hash For every cop we paid retired now the nigga on smash Gash you out your burner fast You swing down hatin me now respect get your fingers off the glass
Ghostface Killah
Yo what the fuck yo?! Yo what the fuck y'all comin for? Get the fuck away from my door! We got big guns in here, coke over there With blue bag and E pills stashed under the chair And there's Boss Hog black and white pit with the pink lips Stan thought he was soft 'til he bit his fingers The shit had me dyin yo, big fat nigga bleedin Big cat nigga all season On the beach truck, stuck with Hawaiian ice Diamond twice the whole city thought I bought FUBU Blew you, authentic doodoo, picture the fog iced out Eighteen karat rap between noodles
Up at Killa Bee headquarters, full rips is poured up I saw (?) sippin Henny from a iced out cup Yo with the blunt, two-way vibratin off the hip I sit took, three drags off the honey-dip Now what you talkin? You see my gold fronts sparkin? Ain't tryin to hear what you dogs be barkin Read the headline, that was blast on today's Post Dead King, thought he could ace Ghost Queen, couldn't even jack Monk Probably find him in Doc Doom's back trunk Bdoodoodoo! I'm up at the Wu library Readin Malcolm's, ".. Any Means Necessary"
Method Man
John John, Bacardi straight up hold the ice So nice like New York they had to name him twice Name your price, I black out then change the lights Give you the same advice that I gave my wife Don't fuck with mine, Clan give you lumps in nine Let the smoke cloud clear so the sun can shine Culture shock, for some of us that's all we got Whether you ball or not, you can all be shot
Inspectah Deck
New York, New York, legendary rhyme boss Code name Charley Horse, bust with blind force I smash set it and wreck for cash credit or check You crabs test, can't measure the threat I dance on a nigga like my name's Zab Judah Rap barracuda, three XL kahuna Sure to get it perkin and cause a disturbance I'm thirstin, feel what I feel then we can merge then Creep it through the states in V8's and 12's My weight's hell, fuck with me then brace yourself The Noble, Sir I mass mogul Known to blast vocals, and move global on you locals
Masta Killa
This is grown man talkin, coward I split your head I'm from the East where the streets run red from the bloodshed Hit Chef for the rice and peas Nuff respect Father E tumbled at ease My brothers can't wait to squeeze the automatic They need wreck like a drug dealer need a addict Floatin on the 95, sting like a killer bee Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see
From dark matter to the big crunch The vocals came in a bunch without one punch Rare glimpse from the, strictly advanced, proved unstoppable Reputation enhanced, since the cause was probable So you compare contrast but don't blast through extreme depths, with the pen I hold fast Watch the block thirst for one became all Shot 'em with the long forgotten rainfall Delivered in a vivid fashion with simplicity The blind couldn't verify the authenticity The rhyme came from the pressure of heat Then it was laid out, on the ground to pave streets
Yo, yo Never doubt the Life (EHHHH! YO!) Yo Who the fuck are you to criticize me? Yo, I slap, yo, I slap dick ta ya wifey Yo (respect, that's my word) Another Wu tradition, Street vision, listen All my life I've been poverty stricken Always took what's mines, never was given a second chance just to rap sheet a bad decision You can't knock the hustle or the life that I'm livin Quick to stick the clip in, blow you out position Street juridictions, nigga, no restriction Concrete composition for emcee's in submission Special edition crash course mission Push through like the task force and crush all competition See you from a distance, dry snitchin, whisperin Greet your man posted up like two little bitches When you get the heart, step live or catch stitches Or find yourself with Del, sleepin with the fishes I got no love for fans that's fake ass niggas I can't stand the bid when it's all in my business Wu-Tang Forever and a day, don't get it twisted I get lifted, I just shoot somethin from hot buscuit These street kids, we can't lost, we terrorize you district Leave no finger prints and no survivin witness Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide (Yo, yo Math!) It's them kids from the otherside "Shaolin" Worldwide Street Life, Homocide, nowhere to run to Nowhere to hide, boo, we P.L.O. Fo' sho', if it don't flow, gotta go Fo' sho', if it don't blow, gotta go Fo' sho', if it ain't dough, gotta go Some didn't listen 'til my gun went BLOW! Yo, thoughts sharper than a Japanese Kitana Ninja coma, pirahnas crack teeth on my armor Scadalous, I ran contra-bomber, stalker like rebels of Rwanda Death before dishonor, snake charmer, persona of one who makes drama Godfather 4 type saga, tuckin a revolver in my Parker Bombin unprepared for departure, might talk but strike harder Fear the bow of the silent archer Sure shotter, pass the rock to your starter Poison darter, news photographers document the horror While I bounce Shaunda with Tiwana and I from blue Honda Honorable scholar, rockwilder, rip mic's for top dollar Your highnes, the crowd hollar Got your head rock, feel the brain trauma Crowd sponser, hotter than Bahama steam saunas The Rebel of opera, popped off the choclate and the ?gosha? Monster truck crush you impostersNowhere to run to, nowhere to hide It's them kids from the otherside "Shaolin" Worldwide I.N.S., Homocide, nowhere to run to Nowhere to hide, boo, we P.L.O. Fo' sho', if it don't flow, gotta go Fo' sho', if it don't blow, gotta go Fo' sho', if it ain't dough, gotta go Some didn't listen 'til my gun went BLOW! I'm the four mic emcee with five mic potential Overlooked cuz y'all can't understand what I been thru You ain't got to love me, or even pretend to Actin like the street, they ain't got no street credentials Crack villians, raps be killin instrumentals The caps pealin and slap a feelin out ya dental Underground, sound, for ghetto residentials Up shit's creek lookin for some more shit to get into Got the Clan jewels as I continue to serve you everythin on that's on the menu with Chef John Jacob, remember Sunz Of Man told you Wake Up? My nigga smell the coffee, I'm too hardcore to kill softly Come to free the mind and get the bullshit up off me The Jedi, only use The Force if ya force me Shaolin What? Don't get it fucked up and cross me Rappers gettin stuck for actin stuck up and flossy Say it ain't so! Bust the callico Rap from the Island called Stat', here we go Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide It's them kids from the otherside "Shaolin" Worldwide Method Man, Homocide, nowhere to run to Nowhere to hide, boo, we P.L.O. Fo' sho', if it don't flow, gotta go Fo' sho', if it don't blow, gotta go Fo' sho', if it ain't dough, gotta go Some didn't listen 'til my gun went BLOW!
(Raekwon the Chef) So yo yo all I want to do is just tell them cats On the real, keep your game high man, keep it up Word up, never stop your goals man, yaknowhatI'msayin? (For real baby) And, yo son, on the real I'ma get a sneaker just like y'all
(Ol Dirty Bastard) I need help Because the black man is God The government is after me And the worst is, black man is the Devil I need help So this is to bring everything in the Someone help me please universe within the light Someone help me! Understanding They already did 2Pac My children, all six billion humans Biggie Smalls on the planet Earth Someone help me! Regardless of who or what, I love you Someone help me please! Word is bond, I love you
Ahh! I'ma groupie for life, about nine wife All the babies are mine, save a child life No more doctors deliverin my babies Stick in pins killing me slowly To the President you say I'm a welfare fraud you motherfucking right! Let's burn this dark house white! Insecure about my ding-dong, married to Babylon My queen lookin at me like a pawn!
(Raekwon the Chef) Splash the worst rehearse a verse Flashdance on the universe Televise the work Network Shop til your neck hurt Whattup Dirt, nine diagram phoenix on your sweatshirt Thirty-thousand went bezerk, it's like clockwork Rockport Mr. Raw God, hold the fort Collect thoughts, elect sports, sideswipe, by the white horse French cut, gleamin in the Benz truck, whattup Tellin my mens what? Ten times platinum and we ends up draped out, jumpin out a cake, now throw your tape out Furniture style, holdin the mic we got it laid out Mind iodine Einstein remind mine People swam nine didn't know they own kind wrong time Denim rap, competition quick, handle that Suckin the jim hat, pervertin on my raps'll get you slidapped Mix drink Cuban Link lizink, flip a to zinc Plus, expensive like a roman mink, now think
(Ol Dirty Bastard) An ugly thirty-six chamber degree, what, you wanna rhyme? Deep bring 600 ABC through the love white hate line I'm telling you tornado, 42 billion thought travel The year 90's parallel, controls to the wakes I dig woman's stomach swell, my borough is dark Many lights UFO kites, Benjamin Franklin got it right Abraham I stuck your cherry tree Your white head came out my black pussy I ran Rip Van Winkle on all fours Mountains twinkle twinkle star, Tarzan in a jar And then came out Jane Flintstone in my gravel pit
(Method Man) Kill the chatterin, niggaz bust shots, keep em scatterin Blood splatterin, on point like a javelin Fuck battlin, you cats is only good for babblin Imaginin yourself, as the God space travellin Round the seven rings of Saturn Got my sword plus the Abbot in the chamber, nine in the clip At the gatherin, we left you staggerin, yo it had to been Hot Nickel, who broke bread, at the Vatican Stick a pin, in a citizen, mental food, got us diggin in My compliments to the chef M-E-TH like amphatimens, yes stick it to the veteran Blaow blaow! Blown to death, take your medicines I put the sick in your mu-sick with Osirus Bound to blow like a bad sinus
(Ol Dirty Bastard) Stay up at night don't sleep on your morn Rest in the day because it's sunlight Reverse thought psychology
(Prince Rakeem) Child wild adventures walk trillions of square inches Ten percentage try to drain me of my mental strengthage Heavy wattage knowledge cleans blood clottage, and retardage I refine the garbage logic exterminate your cottage
(U-God) Thirty-six anger, dirty language is the stranger The mangler, the honor roll singer righteous finger When we shine-a, we always find a never minor major Hard to spot we dangerous with our behavior
(Prince Rakeem) Australian Venezuelaen illegal aliens Chameleons all catch the feelings we revealing Killer bee keep your mind at ease, lay back like Adam fuckin Eve Four thousand years in the garden, puffin trees
(U-God) I aim slang I maintain, through the main vein The answer came clever, when we do greatness through trial and error Mile of terror motormouth, let the odor out Fumin greater, the temper in my spine huminator The super grass childish blast sleepy eye stash The hashish masterpiece, Osirus is the virus This split second splash, severe drop is near pop There's fallin teardrops, now is it worth your career?