빌보트를 강타한 개러지 락의 최고봉 WHITE STRIPES의 2005년 대망의 새 앨범 지미 핸드릭스와 롤링스톤즈 이후 최고의 락 밴드라는 이름 아래 록의 역사를 다시 쓰고 있는 네오 개러지 락의 선두주자 WHITE STRIPES의 최신작! 발매 첫 주 BILL BOARD ALBUM CHART NO. 2 라는 엄청난 파장을 가져오며 또 한 번 팬들의 가슴을 두근거리게 한다.
*해설지 내용
그들은 과연 영혼을 팔았을까? 2주 동안 단돈 만 달러로 완성한 믿을 수 없는 앨범 21세기 락 미니멀리즘의 걸작, 화이트 스트라입스의 5번째 앨범 [Get Behind Me Satan]
WHITE STRIPES / Get Behind Me Satan
열흘 동안 문 걸어 잠그고 만든 앨범이 수백만 장 팔려나가며 각종 상을 휩쓸고 평론가들의 입에 침이 마를 정도라면? 이것은 너나 할 것 없이 떼로 몰려들, 남아도 한참 남는 장사다. 그러나, 그런 행운이 아무에게나 찾아올 리 만무하다. 그것이 천부적인 예술성의 산물인지 우연찮은 해프닝인지는 알 수 없으나 어찌 됐건 그들은 성공했다. 기타, 드럼, 보컬, 단 세가지 만으로. 드럼과 기타라는 허전하기 짝이 없는 악기 편성은 철저히 의도된 것이었다. 한 대의 기타로 충분한데 베이스는 또 무슨 소용인가. 중복되는 것은 철저히 배제하다 보니 남은 것은 기타와 드럼뿐. 이 두 가지만으로도 충분히 락큰롤이 될 수 있었다. 보컬, 기타, 드럼. 멜로디, 이야기, 리듬. 빨강, 하양, 검정. 이 세 가지만으로 모든 것을 표현하고자 했다. 이들이 적용한 또 하나의 규칙은 집중할 수 있도록 '규칙'을 만드는 것이었다. 이렇게 탄생한 화이트 스트라입스식 미니멀리즘은 앨범을 내는 족족 별 네 개도 모자라 반을 잘라 더 받는 음악성으로 평가받았다. 최소한의 악기, 최소한의 장비, 최소한의 시간으로 완성된 사운드는 조악하기까지 하다. 하지만, 수없이 덧입히고 색칠해 복잡하기만 할 뿐 중심을 잃은 현대 음악 속에서 화이트 스트라입스의 간결 음악은 뿌리찾기와도 다를 바 없다. 근본으로 돌아간 그들의 사운드는 개러지 락 리바이벌 붐 속에서도 순수하고 또 순수했다. 어느새 4번째인 [Elephant]가 대륙을 오가며 평론가들을 바쁘게 했던 2003년 이후, 화이트 스트라입스는 이것 저것 나름대로의 외도를 즐기고 있었다. 바쁜 것은 물론 잭 화이트였다. 그는 '콜드 마운틴(Cold Mountain)' 영화음악에도 손을 댔으며 단역으로 출연까지 했다. 짐 자무쉬의 옴니버스 영화 '커피와 담배(Coffee & Cigarettes)' 에서는 맥과 함께 아예 테슬라 코일(Tesla Coil)에 관한 에피소드에 커플로 모습을 드러냈다. 그러나, 콜드 마운틴 출연의 속사정은 단순히 남부 민속음악에 대한 관심 때문이었고, 짐 자무쉬와의 작업은 그의 영화가 자신들의 음악과 닮아 있기 때문이었다. 어느 하나 음악과 무관한 것은 없었다. 그 중에서도 가장 뜻깊은 일은 그의 우상 중 하나인 컨트리 스타 로레타 린(Loretta Lynn)의 앨범을 프로듀싱한 것이다. 세 번째 앨범인 [White Blood Cells]를 그녀에게 헌정할 만큼 열렬한 지지자인 그는 이것이 계기가 돼 마침내 앨범 제작에까지 참여하게 된 것이다.
이렇듯 다양한 경험들을 뒤로 하고 화이트 스트라입스의 5번째 앨범 [Get Behind Me Satan]이 탄생했다. 고작 2주도 안되는 짧은 기간에 만 달러라는 초 저예산으로 완성된 믿기지 않는 앨범이다. 스탭이라고 해봐야 모두 열 명도 되지 않는다. 그것도 멤버인 잭과 맥을 포함해서다. 엄청난 성공을 거두었지만 외적으로 이들에게 변한 건 별로 없었다. 하지만, 앨범에 수록된 음악에는 우리가 예상치 못한 변화가 자리하고 있다. 기타, 피아노, 마림바, 탬버린, 퍼커션, 드럼, 트라이앵글, 벨. 화이트 스트라입스의 신작에는 매우 조촐하고 소박한 악기들이 등장한다. 학예회에 출연한 왕따처럼 애초에 괴상한 모양새로 등장했기에 이번에도 그다지 신기해 할 것은 없다. 그러나 예전에 비하면 다량(!)의 악기가 동원된 셈이다. 정작 신기한 것은 그것들을 배치한 방식이다. 대여섯 장의 사운드를 넓직한 간격으로 엇갈리게 포개놓은 듯 깊이를 가졌으면서도 간결함의 미학은 고수하고 있다. 앨범을 접하고 처음 얼마간은 정신을 집중할 수 밖에 없을 것이다. 우리가 알고 있던 화이트 스트라입스와는 조금 다른 것들이 흘러나오기 때문이다. 사악한 목소리로 내지르는 'Blue Orchid'는 그나마 적응하기 쉽다. 그러나 곧이어 능청스럽게 굴러 나오는 마림바 소리는 매우 괴상한 기분에 휩싸이게 한다. 막무가내로 두들기는 드럼을 듣고서야 '아!'소리가 나오겠지만 잭 화이트는 이번엔 다소 전위적이다. 갑자기 튀어나오는 기타는 그렇다치고, 잠깐 띵동거리고 이내 사라지는 피아노 소리는 퍼포먼스의 한 장면 같기도 하다. 'The Nurse'는 '예술'을 하는 혹은 그것을 풍자한 잭 화이트 식의 농담이 아닐까 싶기도 하지만, 어쨌거나 매우 중독성 있음을 부인할 순 없다. 게다가 얼마든지 수용 가능한 전위다. 피아노와 마림바가 한데 어울려 조화를 이루는 'Forever For Her'는 지금껏 들려준 사운드와는 달리 물결처럼 유연함이 넘친다. 전작의 'Hotel Yorba'의 흥겨움이 그립다면 'Little Ghost'에서 해소할 수 있다. 기타와 드럼이 한데 뭉개진 기존의 화이트 스트라입스 스타일을 원한다면 'Instinct Blues'를 들어라. 하지만 맥 화이트의 깜찍한 목소리를 듣고 싶다면 이번엔 실의에 빠져 헤어나지 못할 수도 있겠다. 어차피 전작에서도 별 길지 않은 곡이었지만, 이번엔 그야말로 37초 짜리 초간단 트랙으로 가름하고 말았다. 한가지 확실한 것은 지금까지 우리가 접했던 4장의 앨범과는 조금 다른 인상이라는 것이다. 푸닥거리하듯 요란스런 잡음도 덜하며, 어쿠스틱 기타와 일렉트릭 기타, 드럼과 피아노, 마림바가 트랙을 오가며 다른 개성을 불어넣고 있다. 뜬금없이 터져나오는 자명종 소리나 자전거 벨소리에 깜짝 깜짝 놀라기도 하지만, 마림바의 먹먹한 울림에 묘한 황홀경을 맛보기도 한다. 그러나, 달랑 피아노 한 대로 습작처럼 부른 마지막 곡까지 누구의 눈치도 보지 않고 원하는 바를 이루는 당당함은 화이트 스트라입스가 아니고서야 쉽지 않을 것이다. 화이트 스트라입스의 달라진 모습은 뮤직 비디오에서도 드러난다. 고딕풍의 음산하고 엽기적인 영상으로 정평이 나있는 플로리아 시지스몬디(Floria Sigismondi)가 감독한 'Blue Orchid'에는 마릴린 맨슨을 우습게 만들 정도로 두 사람이 완벽한 역할을 한다. 지금껏 재치와 유머감각 넘치는 영상에 치중했던 그들이지만, 어딘지 제자리를 찾은 것 같은 기묘한 안정감은 범상치 않은 그들의 재능과도 묘하게 맞닿아 있다.
동료인 맥 화이트와 영화 배우 르네 젤위거, 그리고 짧은 만남 끝에 초고속으로 결혼에 골인한 슈퍼모델 카렌 엘슨까지, 누구 말마따나 잭 화이트의 취향은 '무섭게 하얀' 외모의 소유자여야만 하는게 아닌가 싶다. 하지만 여전히 화이트 스트라입스의 앨범 커버엔 무섭도록 붉은 색이 원없이 자리를 차지하고 있다. 그리고 정작 그 알맹이는 어느 때보다도 풍부한 색감으로 채색되어 있다. 무한한 잠재력의 애송이 예술가를 발견한 것이 20세기 말 락 씬의 수확 중 하나였다면, 2005년 우리는 그 재능이 만개하고 정제되어 가는 과정을 지켜보는 기쁨을 만끽하고 있다. 화려한 기교도 없고 특출한 작곡 실력도 아니며 그만그만한 스타일로 밑바닥이 드러날 만도 한데, 잭 화이트의 예사롭지 않은 감각은 그의 호언장담대로 단 2주도 안돼서 이 정도 '작품'을 대수롭지 않게 완성할 정도로 마르지 않고 있다. 잭 화이트는 "화이트 스트라입스 같은 밴드에 대해서는 단 한 줄일지언정 10년, 20년 후에야 평가해야 할 것" 이라고 말한다. 이미 대여섯 권에 달하는 밴드에 관한 책들을 우스워하면서 말이다. 한 두 번의 손길로 순간의 영감을 거침없이 표현하는 천재적인 예술가인지 우연의 산물이 예술로 인정받는 억세게 운좋은 경우인지, 붉은 색이 하얗게 닳아 없어질 때까지 그저 지켜볼지어다.
The nurse should not be the one who puts salt in your wounds But it's always with trust that the poison is fed with a spoon When you're helpless with no one to turn to alone in your room You would swear that the one who would care for you never would leave She promised and said, "you will always be safe here with me" But promises open the door to be broken to me
No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down now No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down now No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down
The maid that you've hired could never conspire to kill She's to mother, not quietly smother you when you're most ill The one that you're trusting suspiciously dusting the sill
No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down now No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down now No i'm never, no i'm never, no i'm never gonna let you down
I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it Yeah, I been thinkin' about my doorbell
Oh, well
Well women and children need kisses Not the man in my life I know And I been goin' to Mister and Miss I respect the art at the show Take back what you said little girl And while you're at it take yourself back too I'm tired of sittin' and waitin' Woman, whatcha gonna do now, whatcha gonna do about it
I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it Yeah, I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it oh I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it Yeah, I been thinkin' about my doorbell
Oh, well
You don't seem to come around Point your finger and make a sound You don't seem to come around Knock knock since you knocked it down
Oh, well
Make a sound and I'll make you feel right Right at home Right at home
You know you got me waiting in vain, How come it's so easy to you? You don't strike me as the type to be callous But your words seem so obtuse But then again I know you feel guilty And you tell me you want me again But I don't need any of your pity I got plenty of my own friends They're all above me
And I've been thinkin' about my doorbell When they gonna ring it, when they gonna ring it Yeah, I've been thinkin' about my doorbell When they gonna ring it, when they gonna ring it, oh I've been thinkin' about my doorbell When they gonna ring it, when they gonna ring it Yeah, I been thinkin' about my doorbell
Oh, well
They don't seem to come around Point your finger and make a sound They don't seem to come around Maybe they they'll knock 'em down
Oh, well
Make a sound and I'll make you feel right Right at home Right at home
I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it Yeah, I been thinkin' about my doorbell When you're gonna ring it, when you're gonna ring it
I'm thinkin' about my doorbell When ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it I'm thinkin' about my doorbell, oh, oh well
I blew it And if I knew what to do, then I'd do it But the point that I have, I'll get to it That forever for her is over for me Forever, just a word that she said that means never To be with another together And with the weight of a feather it tore into me Then I knew it And all the work that it took to get through it On the wings of a feather that flew it Fell under my shoe it cut up into me
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you So let's do it, just get on a plane and just do it Like the birds and the bees and get to it Just get out of town and forever be free Forever, a word that we could say together It could change if you want for the better Just tug on my shirt and lay down next to me
I blew it And if I knew what to do, then I'd do it But the point that I have, I'll get to it That forever for her is over for me Forever, just a word that she said that means never To be with another together And with the weight of a feather it tore into me
Well, everybody's reaction is changing you But their love is only a fraction of what I can give to you Well, let's do it, let's get on a plane and just do it Like the birds and the bees and get to it Just get out of town and forever be free Forever, a word that we could say together It could change if you want for the better Just tug on my shirt and lay down next to me
Well, the crickets get it And the ants get it I bet you the pigs get it Yeah, even the plants get it Come on now, and get with it Yeah, I want you to get with it Oh! Yeah, I just want you to get with it 'cause everyone that's under your shoe And every bird and bug in the jungle, too And everything in the ocean blue They just happen to know exactly what to do So why don't you? Yeah, why don't you?
The flies get it And the frogs get it And all them big jungle cats get it And I bet your little dog gets it Yeah, I want you to get with it Yeah, come on, and get with it Whoo! Yeah, I want you to get with it 'Cause everyone that's under your shoe And every bird and bee in the jungle, too And everything in the ocean blue They just happen to know exactly what to do So why don't you? why don't you?
And all the chickens get it And them singing canaries get it Whoo! Even strawberries get it I want you to get with it Yeah, I want you to get with it Yeah! I want you to get with it 'Cause everyone that's under your shoe And every bird and bee in the jungle, too And everything in the ocean blue They just happen to know exactly what to do So why don't you?
If you think that a kiss is all in the lips C'mon, you got it all wrong, man And if you think that our dance was all in the hips Oh well, then do the twist If you think holding hands is all in the fingers Grab hold of the soul where the memory lingers and Make sure to never do it with the fingers Cause i'll tell everyone in the world
But he was thinking about the girl Ya, but he's thinking about the girl, oh
A lot of people get confused and they bruise Real easy when it comes to love They start putting on their shoes and walking out And singing "boy, i think i had enough"
Just because she makes you feel wrong She don't mean to be mean or hurt you on purpose, boy Take a tip and do yourself a little service Take a mountain turn it into a mole
Just by playing a different role Ya, by playing a different role, oh
The boat ya you know she's rockin' it And the truth well ya know there's no stoppin' it
The boat ya you know she's still rockin' it The truth well you know there's no stoppin' it
So what, somebody left you in a rut And wants to be the one who's in control But the feeling that you're under can really make you wonder How the hell she can be so cold
So now you're mad, denying the truth And it's getting in the wisdom in the back of your tooth Ya need ta spit it out, in a telephone booth While ya call everyone that you know, and ask 'em
Where do you think she goes Oh ya, where d'ya suppose she goes, oh
The truth well you know there's no stoppin' it And the boat well ya know she's still rockin' it
The boat ya you know she's still rockin' it And the truth ya you know there's no stoppin' it
You recognize with your back in the back? That it's colder when she rocks the boat But it's the cause hittin on the cardinal laws? 'bout the proper place to hang her coat
So to you, the truth is still hidden And the soul plays the role of a lost little kitten but You should know that the dark is one kitten? She's been singing it all along
But you were hearin' a different song Ya you were hearin' a different song But you were hearin' a different song
White moon, white moon Breaks open the tomb Of a deserted cartoon that I wrote Creature come, creature, creature My own double feature As I'm warming the bleachers at home
Well, my nose keeps on bleeding 'Cause it's rita I'm needing I better call out a meeting of the boys Of the boys My friends are all dying And death can't be lying It's the truth and it don't make a noise
Oh Rita, oh Rita If you lived in MESITA I would move you with the beat of a drum And this picture is proof That although you're aloof You had the shiniest tooth 'neath the sun
Easy come, easy go Be a star of the show I'm giving up all I know to get more To get more Photograph the picture Young grunt pin-up scripture For the locker-tagged memories of war
A mirage, this garage And a photo montage And the finger massage from the host Good lord, good lord The one I ADORED And I cannot afford is a ghost Is a ghost
Proto-social is the word And the word is the bird That flew through the herd in the snow In the snow Lemonade me, then grade me Then deliver my baby And if my friends all persuade me, I'll go
Blink, blink at me Rita Don't you know I'm a bleeder? And I promised I wouldn't lead her on But she READ me, then led me And I ate what was fed me 'Til I purged every word in this song
Well, the crickets get it And the ants get it I bet you the pigs get it Yeah, even the plants get it Come on now, and get with it Yeah, I want you to get with it Oh! Yeah, I just want you to get with it 'cause everyone that's under your shoe And every bird and bug in the jungle, too And everything in the ocean blue They just happen to know exactly what to do So why don't you? Yeah, why don't you?
The flies get it And the frogs get it And all them big jungle cats get it And I bet your little dog gets it Yeah, I want you to get with it Yeah, come on, and get with it Whoo! Yeah, I want you to get with it 'Cause everyone that's under your shoe And every bird and bee in the jungle, too And everything in the ocean blue They just happen to know exactly what to do So why don't you? why don't you?
And all the chickens get it And them singing canaries get it Whoo! Even strawberries get it I want you to get with it Yeah, I want you to get with it Yeah! I want you to get with it 'Cause everyone that's under your shoe And every bird and bee in the jungle, too And everything in the ocean blue They just happen to know exactly what to do So why don't you?
Women, listen to your mothers Don't just succumb to the wishes of your brothers Take a step back, take a look at one another You need to know the difference... Between a father and a lover (repeat)
I was sitting there in a comfortable chair And that was all that I needed Then my friend offered me a drink for us to share And that was all that I needed Well, then I felt at ease But then I'm not too hard to please I guess you couldn't call me greedy Then I was shocked to look up And see rita hayworth there in a place so seedy She walked into the bar with her long, red, curly hair And that was all that I needed And I said to my friend, "good god, we're lucky men just to even see her"
Take, take, take Take, take, take Take, take, take
And I could not resist, I just had to get close to her And that was all that I needed I walked and loomed around her table for a while And that was all that I needed Then I said, "i hate to bug you, ma'am, but can I have your autograph?" And that was all that I needed She pressed her lips against a white piece of paper And that was all that I needed Then I saw what she wrote, my heart is in my mouth And that was all that I needed Then she handed it to me, and I think that she could see That that was all that I needed I started to walk away but then I remembered 'hey, I forgot to get a picture' So I asked her one more time, "could I have another favor?" That was all that I needed She was kind and posed with me Then I knew my friend would see my celebrity meeting
Take, take, take Take, take, take Take, take, take
She turned and said to me, "I need to go to sleep," And it seemed so mean It's almost as if she could not appreciate how cool I was being She said, "good night" and walked away And I didn't know what to say I just couldn't believe it Well, it's just not fair I want to get a piece of hair That was all that I needed Or maybe a kiss on the cheek I wouldn't wash it for a week That would be all that I needed But she didn't even care That I was even there What a horrible feeling
I am as ugly as I seem Worse than all your dreams Could ever make me out to be And it makes me want to scream When it's halloween And the kids are laughing The rogue is a bank he's never broke But worth as much as a joke that no one is laughing at
Can you believe some things are not Appealing and there's a snot On the ceiling of my childhood bedroom And of these dreams that you can't imagine But none of them match the vision That you have decided for me You want to take away from me Things that are mine and it's not your right I'll bet you wouldn't expect a fight, oh Can it be that I don't want what you want? And the only thing I could care for Is a place in a home that is safe and warm Safe and warm, safe and warm, safe and warm Safe and warm.
Judge yourself if you feel the need Just let me alone to be In search of the truth myself There is a drop of blood on the ground And it seems to me that it's not my kind And I can't be sure if it's yours or mine
I am as ugly as I seem Worse than all your dreams Could ever make me Could ever make me Could ever make me Could ever make me
Can't you hear me calling your name, girl? I'm standing, standing in the red, red rain In the morning, standing in the red, red rain Can't you hear me? can't you hear me calling your name, girl? In the morning, when I'm standing in the red, red rain, girl In the morning, I'm standing in the red, red rain Can't you hear me? can't you hear me calling your name, girl? In the morning, when I'm standing in the red, red rain, girl
You think not telling is the same as not lying, don't you? Then I guess not feeling is the same as not crying to you You think not telling is the same as not lying, don't you? Then I guess not feeling is the same as not crying to you
In the red, in the rain, in the rain In the red, in the red, in the rain, in the rain In the red, in the red, in the rain, in the rain In the red, in the red, in the rain, in the rain
If there is a lie, then there is a liar, too And if there is a sin, then there is a sinner, too And if there is a lie, then there is a liar, too And if there is a sin, then there is a sinner, too
In the red, in the red, in the rain, in the rain I'm in red, I'm in red, in the rain, in the rain In the red, in the red, in the rain, in the rain I'm in red, I'm in red, in the rain, in the rain I'm in red, I'm in red, in the rain, in the rain
Can't you hear me? can't you hear me calling your name, girl?
Well I miss my mother And I miss being her son As crazy as I was I Guess I wasn't much of one Sometimes I miss her so much, I want to hop on the next jet And I get lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet And I love my sister Lord knows how I've missed her She loves me And she knows I won't forget And sometimes I get jealous Of all her little pets And I get lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet
I roll over in bed Looking for someone to touch There's a girl that I know of But don't ask for much She's homely, and she's cranky And her hair's in a net And I'm lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet
I get my friend when I need one I need someone to be one I take anybody I can get And sometimes I wanna call you And I feel like a pet And I'm lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet
I go down to the river Filled with regret I go down and I wonder If there was any reason left I've just before my lungs could get wet I'm lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet
And I love my sister Lord knows how I've missed her She loves me And she knows I won't forget And sometimes I get jealous Of all her little pets And I get lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet Yeah I get lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet
서울음반 (SRCD-2776, 8804775020865)
Performed by The White Stripes 1기 (1997) - Jack White : 보컬, 기타 - Meg White : 드럼 *크레딧 P 2005 Third Man Records, Inc. under exclusive license to V2 Records, Inc. C 2005 Third Man Records, Inc. under exclusive license to V2 Records, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (데이타 첫줄에 있는 그대로) Marketed by Poptune Productions. Manufactured and Distributed by Seoul Records Inc., Korea Ministry of Culture & Tourism Registration No. 22 2005. 7. VVR1034498