사건은 대략 이렇다. 내리막길을 모르며 승승장구하던 힙 합의 제왕, 제이 지(Jay-Z)는 [The Black Album] 발매 일주일 전인 2003년 11월 7일, 신작에 대한 홍보 기사를 릴리즈하면서 ‘모든 것을 다 이루었다(I’ve Done It All)’라고 표현, 은퇴에 대한 의사를 언급했다. 게다가 같은 해 11월 25일 뉴욕 메디슨 스퀘어 가든에서는 미시 엘리어트(Missy Elliott), 트위스타(Twista), 패렐(Pharrell), 멤피스 블리크(Memphis Bleek) 등을 초대한 가운데 성대한 은퇴기념 공연파티도 벌어졌었으니 제이 지의 은퇴는 기정사실화 된 셈이었고, 많은 사람들은 한 거물 뮤지션의 은퇴를 안타까워했다. 하지만 이후에도 제이 지는 음악활동을 완전히 멈추지 않았고, 알 켈리(R. Kelly)와 린킨 파크(Linkin Park) 등과는 함께 프로젝트 앨범을 발매하기도 했다. 최근에는 비욘세(Beyonce)와 함께 내한, 6,000여명의 관중 앞에서 성황리에 첫 한국 공연까지 치른 제이 지.. 결국 올해 미국 <엔터테인먼트 위클리(Entertainment Weekly)>지와의 인터뷰를 통해 ‘역사상 가장 최악의 은퇴(The Worst Retirement)였다’라고 털어놓으면서 컴백을 공식 선언하기에 이르렀다. ‘음악에 대한 식지않은 열정이 다시 나를 돌아오게 했다’는 제이 지.. 그가 돌아왔다!
The Birth of The King in New York 1969년 12월 4일, 뉴욕 브룩클린에서 태어난 제이 지(본명: Shawn Corey Carter)는 10대가 채 되기도 전에 아버지인 아드네스 리브스(Adnes Reeves)가 어머니와 가정을 버리고 떠나는 바람에 여느 힙 합 스타들과 마찬가지로 불우한 환경에서 자랄 수 밖에 없었다. 이런 환경에서 고등학교를 마치지 못한 제이 지는 마약 판매에 빠지기 시작했지만, 다행히 어릴 적부터 힙 합에 관심이 많고 재능을 보였던 탓에 힙 합 스타의 꿈을 키워나갔다. 또한 제이 지의 음악적 지주이자 래퍼 ‘재즈 오(Jaz-O)’라는 인물을 만나, 함께 프리스타일 랩 배틀에 참여하는 등 연습과 수련에 전념했고, 결국 동네에서 ‘재지(Jazzy)’라 흔히 불리던 것에 착안해 현재의 이름 ‘Jay-Z’로 본격적으로 힙 합 신(scene)에 가세하게 된다. 1996년 제이 지는 레이블과의 직접 계약대신 동료 데임 대시(Dame Dash), 카림 버크(Kareem Burke)와 함께 자신의 레이블 <Roc-A-Fella>을 먼저 설립했다. 이후 <Priority> 레이블과 계약을 맺는데 성공, 데뷔 앨범 [Reasonable Doubt]를 발매했다. 큰 센세이션은 일으키지 못했지만 무난한 앨범 판매량과 함께 비평가들로부터 좋은 평가를 얻으며 성공적인 데뷔를 마쳤다. 1997년, 유니버설 뮤직 산하의 대형 레이블 <Def Jam>과 새로운 계약을 맺으면서 제이 지는 성공가도의 초석을 마련한다. 1998년 ‘Can’t I Get A…’, ‘Hard Knock Life’ 등의 히트곡을 담은 3집 [Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life]가 처음으로 빌보드 앨범 차트 1위에 오르고 멀티 플래티넘을 기록하는 등 최고의 상업적인 성공을 거두었고, 생애 처음으로 그래미상을 받는 영광으로 이어졌다(41회 그래미 어워즈 ‘Best Rap Album’ 부문 수상). 또한, 1999년 발매된 연작 시리즈 3탄 [Vol. 3: Life And Times Of S. Carter] 앨범도 400만 장의 판매고를 올리는 등 연타석 성공을 거두었고, 2003년 말 [The Black Album]까지 발매하는 정규앨범마다 모조리 빌보드 앨범 차트 1위에 올려놓는 등 완전한 힙 합의 맹주 자리를 꿰차게 됐다. 한편, [The Black Album]은 날스 바클리(Gnarls Barkley)의 메인 데인저 마우스(Danger Mouse)에 의해 새롭게 태어나 화제를 모으기도 했는데, 제이 지의 음성이 담긴 [The Black Album]에 비틀즈(The Bealtes)의 명반 [White Album]의 노래들을 샘플링해 합친 [The Grey Album]으로 2004년에 탈바꿈 되기도 했다. [The Black Album] 이후 제이 지는 2장의 프로젝트 앨범을 연달아 발표했는데, 먼저 2004년 10월 알 켈리(R. Kelly)와의 두 번째 프로젝트 앨범 [Unfinished Business]를 발매해 앨범 차트 1위에 등극하며 플래티넘을 기록했고, 같은 해 11월 30일에는 린킨 파크(Linkin Park)와 함께 [Collison Course] 앨범을 발표, 역시 앨범 차트 1위에 올랐고 더블 플래티넘 세일즈를 기록했다(1년 뒤 제이 지는 린킨 파트의 사이드 프로젝트 포트 마이너(Fort Minor)의 데뷔작 [The Rising Tied]의 제작/총지휘(Executive Producer)를 맡기도 했다). 또한 2005년 10월 27일에는 뉴욕의 라디오 스테이션 ‘Power 105.1’의 애뉴얼(annual) 행사의 일환으로 ‘I Declare War’라는 타이틀의 콘서트를 개최했는데, 네요(Ne-Yo), 에이콘(Akon), 카니예 웨스트(Kanye West) 등 <Roc-A-Fella> 패밀리와 <Def Jam> 사단의 아티스트들과 함께 출연, 결속을 다지는 등 은퇴 선언 이후에도 제이 지는 세간의 주목을 받는 거물급 스타로써 활동을 계속해왔다.
The Return of The King to ‘His Kingdom’ 2006년은 제이 지가 데뷔 앨범 [Resonable Doubt]을 발매한지 10년째가 되는 해이다. 10여년간 힙 합의 제왕으로 군림해 온 그가 심혈을 기울여 준비한 초기념비작인 작품임과 동시에 은퇴 이후 컴백하는 첫 작품이기에 그 의미는 말할 수 없이 큰 듯 하다. 일단 11월 21일 미국과 한국에서 동시에 발매되는 이번 신작의 의미심장한 타이틀 [Kingdom Come]부터 인상적인데, 참여한 게스트들을 보는 순간 그 화려한 라인업에 감탄을 자아낼 만하다. 그녀의 연인 비욘세(Beyonce)는 물론이고, 신구 힙 합 마스터 닥터 드레(Dr. Dre)와 카니예 웨스트(Kanye West), R&B 스타 어셔(Usher), 트렌디 힙 합 뮤지션 넵튠즈(Neptunes)의 페렐(Pharrell), 소울 뮤지션 존 레전드(John Legend), 그리고 브릿팝의 선두주자 콜드플레이(Coldplay)의 프론트맨 크리스 마틴(Chris Martin)까지.. 그야말로 장르를 불문한 슈퍼스타들이 제왕의 컴백을 축하해 주기 위해 동참했다. 전체적으로 샘플링보다는 무궁무진한 제이 지의 창작력이 돋보이는 가운데, 10년 7개월의 음악생활을 통틀어 72번째 빌보드 R&B/Hip-Hop 차트 히트곡(피처링 포함)이라는 첫 번째 싱글 ‘Show Me What You Got’을 먼저 들어보자. <Rock-A-Fella>의 전문 힙 합 프로듀서인 저스트 블레이즈(Just Blaze)가 프로듀싱한 이 노래는 특별한 피처링 파트너 없이 제이 지 혼자 완수한, 인트로 및 중간중간 반복되는 색소폰 소리가 인상적인 중독성 있는 곡이다. 퍼블릭 에너미(Public Enemy)의 1988년도 명반 [It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back]에 수록되어 있는 ‘Show ‘Em Whatcha Got’을 재치있게 샘플링했다. 뿐만 아니라 MC 해머(MC Hammer)가 ‘U Can’t Touch This’에서 사용했던 릭 제임스(Rick James)의 히트곡 ‘Super Freak’을 샘플링한 ‘Kingdom Come’, 반복되는 피아노 소리가 애시드한 느낌을 주는 슬로 템포의 곡으로 닥터 드레가 프로듀싱한 ‘Lost One’, 네오소울 뮤지션 존 레전드(John Legend)가 피처링에 참여했고 카니예 웨스트(Kanye West)가 프로듀싱한 ‘Do U Wanna Ride’, 화려하지는 않지만 아기자기하면서 대중적인 트렌디 그루브가 느껴지는 ’30 Something’ 등이 주요 트랙으로 수록되어 있다. 한편, 흥겨운 클럽 송으로 어셔(Usher)와 패렐(Pharrell)이 피처링에 참여했고, 넵튠즈가 직접 프로듀싱한 ‘Anything’이나 비욘세(Beyonce)가 보컬로 참여했고 할리우드의 무섭고도 중독성 있는 힘과 몰락에 대해 노래하고 있는 ‘Hollywood’ 등은 국내 팬들에게 더욱 관심을 받을만한 트랙이다. 마지막으로 14번째 엔딩 트랙으로 수록되어 있으면서 이번 신작중 가장 특이하면서 궁금증을 자아내게하는 콜드플레이(Coldplay)의 크리스 마틴(Chris Martin)이 피처링과 프로듀서로 참여한 ‘Beach Chair’는 웅장한 인트로와 마이너한 코드진행 속에 제이 지의 로우 래핑과 크리스 마틴의 하이 보컬이 의도적인 듯한 비대칭적으로 조화되고 있다. 이미 최고의 록 그룹 린킨 파크와의 프로젝트를 완벽히 수행했던 제이 지의 또 한 번의 신비한 마술을 보는 듯한 느낌을 주고 있다.
얼마전 미국 남성잡지 <GQ>가 선정한 ‘2006년 올해의 남성’에 레오나르도 디카프리오, 코미디 배우 윌 페렐 등과 함께 ‘힙 합계의 르네상스를 연 거물’이라는 평가 속에 제이 지가 당당히 선정됐다. 또한, MTV가 올해 선정한 ‘역대 최고의 래퍼(The Greatest MCs of All Time)’ 부문에서도 제이 지는 1위에 선정됐다. 엘엘 쿨 제이(LL Cool J/10위), 에미넴(Eminem/9위), 아이스 큐브(Ice Cube/8위), 빅 대디 케인(Big Daddy Kane/7위), 케이알에스 원(KRS-One/6위), 나스(Nas/5위), 라킴(Rakim/4위), 노토리어스 비아이지(Notorious B.I.G./3위), 투팍(2Pac/2위) 등 내로라하는 쟁쟁한 래퍼들을 물리친 제이 지에게 거리의 현실을 리얼하게 담아내면서도 대중적인 팝 감각과 함께 천부적인 라임으로 ‘역대 최고의 MC’라는 칭호가 주어진 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 총 18번의 그래미 어워즈 노미네이션중 5번을 수상하는 등 음악적으로도 평론가들에게 좋은 점수를 받고 있다. 음악활동 외적으로는 또 어떤가? <Roc-A-Fella> 레이블의 총수로 많은 신인스타들을 키우고 있고, ‘Roc-A-Wear’ 의류의 설립자이자 클럽 ‘40/40’의 사장으로 비즈니즈 맨으로 성공을 거두고 있고, ‘비욘세(Beyonce)’라는 희대의 섹시스타와의 결혼까지.. 정말로 제이 지의 왕국(Kingdom)이 도래(Come)한 듯한 느낌이지 않은가.. 힙 힙의 제왕 제이 지의 컴백과 데뷔 10년에 뜨거운 갈채를 보낸다. .... ....
You know, you've got this fantasy in your head about Gettin' outta the life & settin' the corporate world on it's ear. What the fuck you gonna do except hustle? Besides pimpin' you really ain't got the stomach for that.
The game's fucked-up Niggas beats is banging Nigga ya hooks did it Ya lyrics didn't Ya gangsta look did it So i would write it if yall could get it Being intricate'll get ya wood critics On the internet They like you should spit it, Im like you should buy it Nigga thats good business Forget this rap shit I need a new hustle A little bit of everything, a new improved russell I say that reluctantly cause I do struggle As you see I can't leave so I do love you But im just a hustler disguised as a rapper In fact you cant fit this hustle inside of a wrapper Back when crack was what these pills are I was a real star complete with real cars no video ones, you can and come set up a camera let the video run in my real life complete with real ice VVS boulders all invisibly set head and shoulders my invisible neck you see hova wasnt digital yet b4 steve jobs made the ipod was gettin head jobs, we call that intimate
back when rappers wouldnt dare play lyrical roulette with an automatic weapon i was rappin with a tek fresh like manny b changed like antifreeze shoe box full of cash dealer man hand me keys pantries full of arm n hammer dont take nancy drew to see what it do ima damn g just sent a million dollars through a handsfree thats big money talk can you answer me? before the Answer was a 3 i was down in gerogetown with a hoya chick, loya chick sure hes rich now 'cause he saw this shit, all this shit thats why they call him hov cause he came before all this shit bought a 6, quarter 7 skipped on them quarter 8s bought a 9 for nonstop glockwork all the time guess whos back since this is a New Era got a fresh new hat 10 yr veteran i been said i been through with this bullshit game but i never can i used to think rappin at 38 was ill when last year alone i grossed about 38 mill i know i aint quite 38 but still the flow so Special got a .38 feel the real is back
You are tuned in To the greatest Young H-O-V Let's go get em again Just Oh my God
Pops sped off, left mom with a bundle of Joy, ya boy smacked dab in the jungle Took tunnel vision, but he would soon become a mogul But first he brought that crack back like a yo-yo Don't play with my yo-yo, loco niggas in the hood First niggas hating on me, it's all good I'm buying things like my shit don't stink, Gucci links in Gucci goose's Watching too many movies, bulletproof this Had some nerve, like pulling tooth'ses When your 16, coming through roofless Yea your boy "ruthless", like Ice Cube was Turn the whole city on, I'm the new blood So if this is your first time hearing this You're about to experience someone so cold A journey seldom seen, the American dream From the bottom to the top of the globe they call me Hov
[Chorus] They gunning for me, wanna see me fall You know my story, I've been through it all Night's I've felt like dying, but I ain't crying What didn't kill me, made me strong as iron Iron, iron (Oh my God, Hov)
Now I'm knee deep in the concrete Like a street's made a quicksand, it's beyond deep I got a "chemical romance", two left feet So now I dance with the devil, please G-O-D Save me from the "black parade", release me My life like Grant Theft Auto, PSP I'm in that Volvo, puffing on that la-la Ducking from the po-po, everytime I drive by Say hi to the bad guy, all my momma's friends was like "Mmm, mmm, mmm" would you just look at him So sorry dear momma for your embarrasment But give me a couple years and pray I'll never sin again Got all these rival dealers trying to do me in And all these little rappers don't know how prepared for them I am (I am) I'm feelin like the world's against me Lord Call me crazy, but strangely I love the odds
Now these baby ballers, toy rappers/toy wrappers Callin out my name to bring the boy backwards Shooting air-balls at the basket What you call money, I pay more in taxes I got crowned king down in Africa Out in Niger, do you have any idea Sold out shows out in Seoul, Korea Jo'burg, Dublin, Tanzinia Lunch with Mandella, dinner with Cavalli Still got time to give water out to everybody Everybody, fall back Y'all rapping, I'm reenacting CNN, you see it's accurate ESPN, see me in action Monday night's, when the half ends When you 10 years in, holla back then
(Good Lord, good Lord, good Lord Good Lord, I said I feeeeeeeeeeeel like I'm dyiiiiiiiing)
I dont know what what life will be in H.I.P.. H.O.P. without the boy H.O.V. Not only NYC I'm hip hop's savior So after this flow you might owe me a favor
When Kingdom Come, You ready? When Kingdom Come, I'm ready When Kingdom Come, I'm ready
Now everywhere I go they like Hov come back Up out the corner office of your cul-de-sac Where's Iceberg Slim he was the coldest cat Get your swag back daddy where your focus at? Got to admit a lil' bit I was sick of rap But despite that the boy is back And I'm so evolved, I'm so involved I'm showin' growth, I'm so in charge I'm CEO and yeah glowin' God I'm so indebted I should of been deaded Sellin' blow in the park this is knowin' my heart Now I'm so enlightened I might glow in the dark I been up in the office you might know him as Clark Just when you thought the whole world fell apart, I Take off the blazer loosen up the tie Step inside the booth Superman is alive!
[Chorus:] I will be... King of New York I will be... New York Not only NYC I'm hip hop's savior So after this flow you might owe me a favor
When Kingdom Come, You ready? When Kingdom Come, Uh-Huh Not only NYC I'm hip hop's savior So after this flow you might owe me a favor
I hear "Hurry up Hov" when I'm out in the public These niggas like that you love it you be it your of it You breathe it we need it bring it back for the hustlers Had to dust off the hammer dance can't touch this C'mon playboys bring your cars back out Cause your boy Hov is back you know them broads comin' out Got 'em dancin' on the banquett like they from Bankhead F**k crystal so they ask what we drinkin' I thought dudes remarks were rude okay
So I moved on to Dom, and Krug Rose And it's much bigger issues in the world I know But I first had to take care of the world I know I'm from the bottom so I still feel it from the bottom Underdog before my cake and still couldn't stop him Flash Gordon when recordin' spark the light in the dark Peter Park - Spiderman all I do is climb the charts, uh!
[Chorus] I will be... King of New York I will be... New York Not only NYC I'm hip hop's savior So after this flow you might owe me a favor
When Kingdom Come, You ready? When Kingdom Come, Uh-Huh Not only NYC I'm hip hop's savior So after this flow you might owe me a favor
Just when they thought it was all over I put the whole world on my back n broad shoulders the boy Hova Who you know took over tracks like that Guess what New York New York we back And I ain't never been afraid of a drought Since I was six/seventeen they gettin' money down south Bout it-Bout it Master P Ask the nigga Pimp C ask my homie Bun B I run the streets the streets don't run we Y'all run we chill still waters run deep I repeat sing along with me I run the streets the streets don't run we! Ladies sayin' "where you been Superman?" When niggas spendin' 10 million and media on my hands The Bruce Wayne of the game have no fear When you need me just throw your ROC signs in the air, yeah
[Chorus] I will be... King of New York I will be... New York Not only NYC I'm hip hop's savior So after this flow you might owe me a favor
When Kingdom Come, You ready? When Kingdom Come, Uh-Huh Not only NYC I'm hip hop's savior So after this flow you might owe me a favor
Show me what you got lil mama Show me what you got lil lady Show me what you got shorty Show me what you got baby
Hands up and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave
[verse] Give the drummer some I already gave the summer some It's the winter's turn Hovie Hov is the coldest I'm just getting better with time I'm like Opus…One Young, no two alike like a snowflake Ok, Show me what you got baby Words is slurring engine purring Mami frontin but I'm so determined Shots of patron now she's in a zone I ain't talking about the 2-3 Mami in the zone like the homie 2-3 Jordan or James Makes no difference boo I'm ballin the same I am the Mike Jordan of recording You might want to fallback from recording But you right it's not important So it forced him to go for the hype For being brave and they applaud him Well misery I will assure them Aww baby just ignore them Truth or dare mami listen and learn I got a drop I just took off the top It's your turn”
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey
Uh Huh
Show me what you got lil mama Show me what you got lil lady Show me what you got shorty Show me what you got baby
Hands up and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey
Uh Huh
Show me what you got lil mama Show me what you got lil lady Show me what you got shorty Show me what you got baby
Hands up and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave
[verse] H.O.V.A. Gold bottles of that ace of spade Why even fool with these other guys? They all stingy All these dudes know how to say is ‘gimmie' Gimmie some head, Gimmie some brain Gimmie your number, gimmie your name But if I get one night baby girl I swear I'll make you tell these other dudes gimmie got you here I'll take you shopping, take long trips I'll take the cork off, you can take sips I'll take you there, take my time Take you clothes off, I'll take off mine Ma, show me what you got Hovie in the spot tried to told you I was hot Tell these other dudes it's a wrap Get the fuck out the thrown you clone The King's Back!
Yall got less than 2 months to get yall thing together. Good luck!
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey
Uh Huh
Show me what you got lil mama Show me what you got lil lady Show me what you got shorty Show me what you got baby
Hands up and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave
Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey
Uh Huh
Show me what you got lil mama Show me what you got lil lady Show me what you got shorty Show me what you got baby
Hands up and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave (show em what you got) and wave
Ladies and gentlemen the most incredible!
H.O...Uh Huh..H.O....Uh Huh is back! Justin Blaze and the Blazettes Rocafella Records. Dynasty Continues. Yall Die?
Uh, uh, uh, uh It's not a diss song, it's just a real song Feel me? I heard motherfuckers saying they made Hov Made Hov say, "Ok so, make another Hov" Niggaz wasn't playing they day role So we parted ways like Ben and J-Lo I shoulda been did it but I been in a daze though I put friends over business end of the day though But when friends, business interests as they go Ain't nothing left to say though I guess we forgot what we came fo' Shoulda stayed in food and beverage Too much flossing Too much Sam Rothstein I ain't a bitch but I gotta divorce them Hov have to get the shallow shit up off him And I ain't even want to be famous Niggaz is brainless to unnecessarily go through these changes And I ain't even know how it came to this Except that fame is The worst drug known to man It's stronger than, heroin When you could look in the mirror like, "There I am" And still not see, what you've become I know I'm guilty of it too but, not like them
You lost one Lose one, let go to get one Left one, lose some to win some (You lost one) Sorry I'm a champion, sorry I'm a champion You lost one
I don't think it's meant to be, be But she loves her work more than she does me And honestly, at twenty-three I would probably love my work more than I did she So B, ain't we It's me, and her 'Cause what she prefers over me, is work And that's, where we, differ So I have to give her Free, time, even if it hurts So breathe, mami, it's deserved You've been put on this earth to be All you can be, like the reserves And me? My time in the army, it's served So I have to allow she, her, time to serve The time's now for her In time she'll mature And maybe we, can be, we, again like we were Finally, my time's too short to share And to ask her now, it ain't fair So yeah, she lost one
Lose one, let go to get one Left one, lose some to win some (Oh yeah, she lost one) Sorry I'm a champion, sorry I'm a champion You lost one
My nephew died in the car I bought So I'm under the belief it's partly my fault Close my eyes and squeeze, try to block that thought Place any burden on me, but please, not that lord Time don't go back, it go forward Can't run from the pain, go towards it Some things can't be explained, what caused it? Such a beautiful soul, so pure, shit Gonna see you again, I'm sure of it Til that time, little man I'm nauseous Your girlfriend's pregnant, the lord's gift Almost lost my faith, that restored it It's like having your life restarted Can't wait for your child's life, to be a part of it So now I'm child-like, waiting for a gift To return, when I lost you, I lost it
Lose one, let go to get one Left one, lose some to win some (Colleek, I lost one) Sorry I'm a champion, Colleek, you're a champion You lost one
[Intro:] This is the operator with a collect call from... (Emery Jones) To accept the charges press 1 now.
[Jay-Z:] uh woo emery what up told you i aint too good with writtin letters and all shit i dont even write rhymes but what i will do im guna sing you this open scribe through the airwaves Vibe with me
[John Legend] (Hook) i know i know some places we can go some places we can go i know i know some places we can go, some places we can go do u wanna ride? with me do u wanna ride? with mee
[Jay-Z] (Echo Of Chorus) uh huh uh huh yeah nigga i been places you got ddreams of bein here i said we cause im here you here yeah uh gyeah ride with me your spot is reserved family Cigarette boats, yachts Aint no where we cant go we in south beach and the hamptons too baby
[Jay-Z] (Verse 1) you know why they call a project a project , because its a project an experiment, we're in it, only as objects and the object for us to explore our prospects side-step cops on the way to the top (Yes!) as kids we wuld day dream sittin on our steps pointin at cars like yea thats ours next hustla's, prophets made our eyes stretch So on some Dr. Spock shit we started our TREK some of us made it most of us digressed in the name of those who aint make it, my progress is your success success please live through me see im the eyes for em-er-y keep him alive (This is a collect call from...) so everytime i press five all he wanna hear is his boy talk fly up in the Feds but still holdin his head so when he hits the streets we gon eat through this bread
[John Legend] i know i know some places we can go some places we can go i know i know some places we can go, some places we can go do u wanna ride? with mee do u wanna ride? with mee
woo uh huh gyeah im crushen em all award shows MTV, BET, Grammys Crush lennen, purple lable all that fly shit we talked about given em Sinatra pinkey rings with blue diamonds and everything thats what we talkin bout right uh huh i tried to told you
[Jay-Z] Ride with me International HOV i told you so fourty fourties out in tokyo, singapore, all this from singin songs coming up though , he thought slingin raw was the end all be all to bein rich didnt we little did i know my more potent delivery would deliver me
kingpin of the ink pen monster of the double entendre coke is still my sponser (hah) the cola yeah HOVA still geting it in with soda diet; no sir i aint lose no weight started from the crates now sittin on the whole case since they got you sittin on that old case our dreams is on hold like T-VO so i cant wait til you get your date i got some temp plates outside of the gate we gon' ride
[John Legend] i know i know some places we can go some places we can go i know i know some places we can go, some places we can go do u wanna ride? with mee do u wanna ride? with mee
woo uh huh uh huh gyeah dont even worry about it though you aint missin nuthing it only gets better they got the maybach coupe now look like the batmobile phantom top just comes off that joint it only gets better they can lock your body, they can't trap your mind keep your spirit alive read your books matter of fact let me take you some where, ride with me cmon
[Jay-Z] Now me and my little moma, kita and tata Juan and Dez out in st tropez Jay,round in Cabanna sneakin marajuana you know that mary j give you no drama lost a couple friends this whole shit got weird but when you get home you know your spots reserved you heard i put my niggas on my niggas put they niggas on now we all somewhere foreign chillin sippin sum'in I aint forget you 'cousin
[John Legend] (outro) some places we can go places we can go i know i know some places we can go some paces we can go do you wanna ride with me ooooh do you wanna ride ooh with mee
[Jay-Z] (outro) yeah nigga y'all can wear sneekers on as big as you want to yall niggas comin cmon playin money marathon my young'in is labron you know what that makes me baby big homie (haha) emery whats up (yeah) you wanna ride with us your more than welcome layin on them bullshit uh we're so sukker free tho big tie i see you too boy guru i dont usually do this but , roll me up sumthin man let me get mellow on this shit right here yeah uh huh yeah uh huh white paper tho cant even f**k with those blunts white paper baby old school nigga gimme a joint smooth it out young HO emery jones
Momma I made it Ya'll know how I do when the Doc do it I fly thru it That's how I operated Momma I made it Ghetto like the grease when you getting your hair braided Sweeter than your sister Kool Aid is Hooray is the underdog Now my feet under desk It's the presidential favorite Can't believe I got away with my earlier stages Being on stages Having my way with Congratulations Ya baby boy's a made man I'm a hold the fam down at least 3 generations I'm talking when spaceships are around And ya great, great grands Reminiscing about foundation you gave 'em For repairing my relationship with my pops before he passed All I ask is you raise your glass for this celebration Toast to the most beautiful girl in the world My inspiration, thanks for your information
Momma I made it [2x]
[Verse Two]
I'm in BK where It ain't everyday that you make it out To be on top of yachts waving I remember you saving for the light bill Paid the rent with a light bill Now my crib dark as a basement And you'd lock up the when you wasn't home We was communicating like the money you made wasn't basic Our cable was basic No HBO, no WHT Just Ralph McDaniels on the station I aggravated you for Atari and Coleco Vision Pinstripe Lee's when the first day day of school came I was OK with not having everything as long as Saturdays You had the Commodores playing The expression on your face was priceless It's still with me till this day Baby girl I won't erase it I go to my grave with the memory of the sacrifice you made You deserve a standing ovation Momma I made it
[Chorus 3x]
[Verse Three]
Now your lil misfit makes sure every day is Christmas Write down your wish list Sixes, wrist is glistening You don't even like jewels But you can missing anywhere you like to Where the water's light tube Anything you order, sign it to your nice room Leave an extra tip Ma Be extra nice to 'em CEO Carter Foundation Wow I know pop's looking down I know Colleek somewhere up in the clouds Like go get 'em Grandma, make me proud Didn't have a man in the house so you made one So I act like ya husband and I'm only ya son I told you one day I'll get you a home But I didn't know it would possibly be in Rome She told me don't wait on nobody Get your own, so with me myself & my microphone I made it
It ain`t for everybody elcome to Hollywood baby take my picture u comin with? let`s not even talk bout` it let`s do it let`s go
i see ur jealousy as u`re watching (i see u watching) u`re watching (it`s all good) it`s kinda sexy to me (i love it) how u`re watching, u`re watching i c ur face (i see ur face) u want to touch it (u want to touch it) come to ma place (come to the crib) and let`s discuss it (let`s chop it up) 2night u`ll be (2night u gon` be a supastar baby) a supastar come let me sign you up (let`s get into it)
ooh it`s the lights (u`re blinded by the) action (u need that) hollywood (uh uh uh uh) ooh it`s the lights (u`re blinded by the) satisfaction (u need that) hollywood (uh uh uh uh c`mon)
paparazzi spots me in the lobby of my high rise i hide, behind ma shades cuz the fame is blindin my eyes, ma god, i know how Ozzy Oz must have felt when he was oz hot, as I have got, i have got to make this stop, ppl often warn me that the fame ain`t for the faint of heart It`ll change those cuz if they had love for u into strangers when the fame starts, it`s a chain reaction locomotion like when a train departs stranger things have happened rappin stackin platinum plaques born in Brooklyn, got a place in Manhattan goin back to Brooklyn to escape the madness when ur friends is Chris & Gwyneth when ur girl is more famous than Juventus then it`s time to get all ur windows tinted keep ur eyes squinted it`s gon flash any minute the music biz is like musical chairs it`s about where u stand when the music stop spinnin
u got to get it (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh) do u want it? (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh) but u don`t need it (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh) til` u do, til` u do (oh oh oh oh oh oh oh)
hey mr, page sixer, A-Lister, u`re in the midst of the ride of ur life, but u gotta keep them hits up can`t put ur guard down, gotta keep ur mits up take a sip sir, it`s so intoxicating ain`t it? try not to get jaded Hollywood`s been good to ya startin to feel like buzz to ya dun lie, go on fly, u`re addicted to the light w/o the fame, how u gon` survive? it`s like bein on heroin, u so high
and everybodyies warning u about it (i tried to told u) and once u taste it u can`t live w/o it (It`s addicting) not cuz u choose to not live w/o it (u sure u want this baby) it`s now a part of u, it`s now a part of u (it`s a part of u) and everybodies warning u about it and once u taste it u can`t live
wanna be seen now, groupies now u`ve become what u once despised James Dean, John Belushi, blow your whole life trying to live in the lights, heroin`s following, marijuane hopping over the edge, it`s like Janis Joplin, River Pheonix, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Morrison all of them ended by Hollywood thank God for Hollywood, Hollywood u sure u want this baby? Hollywood, it`s the most addicting drug in the world u want the fame, u want the lights
I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change) I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change)
When the singer Rob calls the police on me y'all niggaz ran out and copped the CD see what I discovered is y'all snitch lovers I might speak, but I don't f**k with nobody see What Doug, Jimmy & L.A. don't know, these youngins crossed the line with Hov, I'm letting it blow had the papers writing stories like: "didn't they know, this what happen when they made that rapper CEO" I know, its just a matter of time before the steady hate start to overflow then the leavey breaks and my conscience go, you escape the rico, why throw everything away over ego? you paper chasing, they paper hating, billionare Hov you on the pace to make it f**k that exclamation comma quotations I love drama period
I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change) I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change)
smelling like Petrone singing dirty rap songs, tip-toeing in the crib like 6 in the morn every day its the same I said in blueprint that I'd never change its just a part of the game respect me I'm a thug, I might cool out for a sec but expect me to bug its in my blood but if my chick leave me she gonna leave me for something, she gone leave me 'cause Halie, she ain't gonna leave me for nothing, picture me gettin up with something sleazy something something so easy you could take out its beat like nothing something soon as you finish cuttin you like leave me please, not me I need Angilina Jolize company, so I ain't gonna make a move unless I got I got a plan b, that'll happen the day i have a baby by free,
not to say that anything is wrong with free, just to say that ain't nothing wrong with me If my hands in the cookie jar, know one thing, ima take the cookie not leave my ring if my hands in the cookie jar know one thing ima take (laughs) y'all know what I mean
I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change) I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change)
unh, you little niggaz ain't deep you dumb, you niggaz ain't gangsta you gum, I chew little niggaz hock-too, spew little niggaz, I can only view little niggaz like little niggaz but in lieu of little niggaz trying to play that boy, I phew phew little niggaz with the latest toy unlike you little nigga, I'm a grown ass man, big shoes to fill nigga, grown ass pants prolly hustled with your pops, go ask your parents its apparent you're staring at a legend who, put a few little niggaz in the they place before trying to eat without saying they grace before blasphemous bastard get your faith restored you're viewing your version of the lord god mc little nigga, applaud, or forever burn in the fire that I spit at y'all I rebuke you little nigga the meek shall parish, ill roof you little nigga, Im a project terrorist, cute you little niggaz think you in my class subsitute little niggaz soon feel my wrath, I mute you little niggaz you a little nigga, I shall abuse you little nigga, I'm a ill nigga, now shoot you little niggaz go somewhere and play, 'cause the day I loose to you little niggaz, no day
I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change) I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same (all the same) I pray to god, father forgive a nigga I'm never gonna change (gonna change)
UH Dig a whole burry yourself niggah (UH) Go ahead, keep goin (UH) I got some nice dresses for you guys over there The Incomparable H.O.
Told ya to get ya money (UH) When ya see a boss comin (Yesss) Though shit was funny But watch what ya see now (What you see now?) Nothin left to accomplish I don came I don conquered (Came, conquered) Now, what's that you talkin bout We gon see now (We g'on see now)
Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Go 'head) Dig a Hole (MotherF**ker) Dig a Hole (Burry yourself) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole)
I'm still hear mon frerre/ you know the cost i bear/ they like, thats why they call you Hov, I'm like yeah/ I'm like air/ little shots go through me, wont tear one tissue/ no tears no tissue, not an issue/ Dont cry for me I peep these niggahz from deep/ By the front row seat even if you dont speak/ Silent partner, I hear you loud and clear/ You left your finger print, you aint gotta be there/ I'm just waitin 'till you dig a hole big enough to put your whole body in/ then i'm gon' body them/ It's nothing but a hobby to him/ Simple as serve and volley to him/ Niggahz like "Hov why dont you get at ol' boy"/ Why kill a puppet and leave Geppetto alive (from pinocchio)/ Why not wait to catch em all together, thats where you dig one big hole, one time/
Told ya to get ya money When ya see a boss comin Though shit was funny But watch what ya see now (What you see now?) Nothin left to accomplish I don came I don conquered Now, what's that you talkin (UH) bout We gon see now (We g'on see clown)
Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Go 'head) Dig a Hole (Burry yourself) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Go 'head)
How is niggahs dissin me? I made it possible/ For niggahs to make history, How is this possible?/ Please explain this shit to me, How is it logical?/ Have we forgotten our history? lets open our bibles/ It's like the disciples dissing Jesus becoming his rival/ Shunning the one thing that they owe they life to/ You let that man hype you to go against your idol/
Knowing good and god damn well this what I do/ Think I'm in the office I'm off my grind/ That's how kids become orphans, YOU LOST YOUR MIND!?/ I keep my enemies close/ I give 'em enough rope/ They put themselves in the air/ I just kick away the chair/
Told ya to get ya money When ya see a boss (UH) comin Though shit was funny (UH) But watch what ya see now (We gon' see now) Nothin left to accomplish I don came I don conquered (UH HUH) Now, what's that you talkin bout We gon see now (We g'on see clown)
Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Go 'head) Dig a Hole (Burry yourself) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Go 'head) Burry yourself
Hov gon' get you, I aint forget your little disrespect/ Know Hov daddy gon' spank your for that shit you said/ It's hard to do, when you got nothin to prove/ Everbody know you better, you in a lose lose/ Cause even when you win, ultimately you lose/ Real niggahz like, "why Hov talkin to dude"/ He's sellin low 2s/ Only time you went plat/ My chain was on ya neck, thats an actual fact/ So I'm praying that it spills outside of the Booth/ Thats when y'all niggahz outside of your truth/ Outside of your league, thats not what you do/ Niggahz throwing ROC signs outside of your crew/ (Laughs) Look at Hov like he dun somethin wrong to him/ Because he's on to him/ He just took what belong to him/ Niggahz playing Checkers with Chess playing Hov/ This game is over I dunno if y'all know/ You in a hole/
Told ya to get ya money When ya see a boss (UH) comin (UH) Though shit was funny (UH) But watch what ya see now (We gon' see now) Nothin left to accomplish I don came I don conquered (UH HUH) Now, what's that you talkin bout We gon see now (We g'on see clown)
Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Go 'head) Dig a Hole (Burry yourself) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Dig a Hole) Dig a Hole (Go 'head) Burry yourself
[Intro: News Excerpts] The damage here along the gulf coast is catastrophic. There's a frantic effort under way tonight to find survivors. There are an uncounted number of the dead tonight... People are being forced to live like animals... We are desperate... No one says the federal government is doing a good job.. And hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people... No water, I fought my country for years.. We need help, we really need help.. In Baghdad, they they drop, they air drop water, food to people..why cant they do that to their own people? The same idiots that can't get water into a major American city in less than three days are trying to win a war...
[Verse 1 - Jay-Z] People was poor before the hurricane came But the down pour poured is like when Mary J. sang Every day it rains, so every day the pain But ignored them, and showed em the risk was to blame For life is a chain, cause and effected Niggas off the chain because they affected It's a dirty game so whatever is effective From weed to selling kane, gotta put that in effect Wouldn't you loot, if you didn't have the loot? Baby needed food and you stuck on the roof Helicopter swooped down just to get a scoop Through his telescopic lens but he didn't scoop you The next five days, no help ensued They called you a refugee because you seek refuge The commander-in-chief just flew by Did he stop? No, he had a couple seats Just proved jet blue he's not Jet flew by the spot What if he ran out of jet fuel and just dropped hu,That woulda been something to watch Helicopters doing fly-bys to take a couple of shots Couple of portraits then ignored 'em He'd be just another bush surrounded by a couple orchids Poor kids just 'cause they were poor kids Left 'em on they porches same old story in New Orleans Silly rappers, because we got a couple Porches MTV stopped by to film our fortresses We forget the unfortunate Sure I ponied up a mill, but I didn't give my time So in reality I didn't give a dime, or a damn I just put my monies in the hands of the same people that left my people stranded Nothin' but a bandit Left them folks abandoned Damn, that money that we gave was just a band-aid Can't say we better off than we was before In synopsis this is my minority report Can't say we better off than we was before In synopsis this is my minority report
[Verse 2 - Ne-Yo] So many times I'm, covering my eyes Peeking through my fingers Tryin' to hide my, frustration at the way that we treat (Seems like we don't even care) Turn on the TV, seein' the pain Sayin' such a shame Then tryin' to go on with my life Of that, I too, am guilty (Seems like we don't even care) So we send a lil' money, tell 'em it's alright To be able to sleep at night You will pay that price While some of these folks' lost their whole life (Seems like we don't even care) Now it wasn't on the nightly news no more Suddenly it didn't matter to you no more In the end almost nothing changed What the hell, what was that for? (Seems like we don't even care)
[Outro: News Excerpts] ...Buses are on the way to take those people from New Orleans to Houston ...They lyin' ...People are dying at the convention center ...Their government has failed them ...George Bush doesn't care about black people
Life is but a dream to me I don't wanna wake up 30 odd years without having my cake up So I'm bout my paper 24/7, 365, 366 in a leap year I don't know why we here Since we got a beat here Life is but a beach chair (chair, chair, chair) Went from having shabby clothes To crossing over Abbey Road Hear my angels singing to me (are you happy Hov?) I just hope I'm hearing right Karma's got me fearing life Khalik are you praying for me See I got demons in my past so I got daughters on the way If the prophecy's correct than the child shall have to pay For the sins of the father So I barter my tomorrows against my yesterdays In hopes that she'll be O.K. And when I'm no longer here To shade her face from the glare I'll give her my share of Carol's Daughter And a new beach chair
(I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) (I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose (I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) (I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose
Life is but a dream to me Gun shots sing to these Other guys but lullabies don't mean a thing to me I'm not afraid of dyin' I'm afraid of not tryin' Everyday hit every wave like I'm Hawaiian I don't surf the net No I never been on Myspace Too busy letting my voice vibrate Carving out my space In this world of fly girls Cut throats in diamond cut ropes I twirls Business round corners where the sun don't shine I let the wheels give a glimpse of hope in ones grind Some said "Hov how you get so fly?" I said from not being afraid to fall out the sky My physical's a shell so when I say farewell My soul will find an even higher plane to dwell So fly you shall so have no fear Just know that life is but a beach chair (chair, chair, chair)
(I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) (I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose Life is but a dream (I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) (I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose Life is but a dream
Life is but a dream can't mimic my life I'm the thinnest cut slice Intercut, the Winner's Cup Where winter's rough enough to interrupt life That's why I'm both saint and sinner...nice This is Jay every day no compromise No compass comes with this life just eyes So to map it out you must look inside Sure books can guide you but your heart defines you chica The corazon is what brought us home In great shape like Heidi Klum, maricon, I am on Permanent vaca', life is but a beach chair Song's like a Hallmark card until you reach here So till she's here And she's declared The heir I will prepare A blueprint for you to print a map for you to get back A guide for your eyes So you won't lose scent I'll make a stink for you to think I ink these verses Full of prose so you won't get conned out of 2 cents My last will and testament I leave my heir My share of Roc-a-fella Records and a shiny new beach chair
(I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose Life is but a dream (I hear my angels sing) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose Life is but a dream
Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose Life is but a dream Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna wake up (wake up) Life is just a dream and you really don't wanna lose Life is but a dream
(I hear my angels sing) (I hear my angels sing) (I hear my angels sing)
You know how we do, Roc-a-Fella... forever... You can catch me skatin through your town puttin it down y'all relatin No waitin I'll make your block infrared hot I'm like Satan Y'all feel a n***a's struggle, y'all think a n***a love to hustle behind the wheel, tryin to escape my trouble kids stop they greetin me, I'm talkin sweet to keys Cursin the very God, that bought this wreath to be My life is, based on sacrifices, jewels like ices and fools that think I slip, you f**k around you get your guys hit, they built me to be filthy on some I-do-or-die s**t, for real The price of leather's got me, deeper than ever and just think, with this here, I'm tryin to feel made nig-ga
Politics as us-ual... I took my Frito to Tito in the district, blessed me with some VS somethins I can live with, stop frontin And for the dough I raise, gotta get s**t appraised No disrespect to you, make sure you word is true I'm takin wages down in Vegas just in case Tyson have a major night off, that's clean money, the tax write-off You ain't seen money in your life, when it comes to this cheese y'all like Three Blind Mice A smokin bro, who pump Willie Ike spokes The furthest you Chiles been is the Pocanos My portfolio reads: leads to Don Corleone, n***a please Ten year feleon, heavy on the wrist, our face used with the diamond blooded Jesus and blind your face youse for life... sharight, Jigga, I keep it tight nig-ga
Politics as us-ual... You feel my triumph never, feel my pain I'm lyin Low in the leather Zion, the best that's ever came The game changes like, my mind just ain't right We 'gwan get this dough, I guess it ain't your night Suckin me in like a vacumn, I remember tellin my family I'll be back soon, that was December Eighty-five and, Jay-Z rise ten years later got me wise still can't break my underworld ties I wear black a lot, in the Ac', act a lot Got matchin VCR's, a huge Magnavox to nitch, green like spinach pop wines that's vintage It's a lot of big money in my sentence Hittin towards a mil', lip a, written I kill like that chick faked me one-two cat, yeah, I do dat Ain't no stoppin the champagne from poppin the drawers from droppin, the law from watchin, I hate em
I'm makin sure it turns gold, when the weather folds, just put away the leathers and put ice on the gold, chilly with enough bail money to free a big willy, hi-stakes, I got more at stake than philly, shopping sprees, coppin 3, deuce fever I.S'n, fully loaded, aahh yes, bouncin in the lex luger, tires smoke like budah, 50 g's to the crap shooter, niggas cant fade me, chrome stocks beamin, through my peripheral, I see you schemin, stop dreamin, I'll leave ya body steamin, niggas is fiendin, whats the meanin?, I'm leanin on any nigga intervenin with the sound of my money machine'n, my cup's runneth, over with hundreds, I'm one of the best niggas that done it, 6 digits and runnin, y'all niggas dont want it, I got the godfather flow, the don juan demarco, swear to god dont get if fucked up
chorus (Mary J. Blige)
takin out this time, to give you a piece of my mind, (Jay-Z) cuz you cant knock the hustle, who do you think you are?, wel baby one day youll be a star
verse II
last seen outta state, where I dropped my slang, I'm deep in the south, kickin up top game, bouncin on the highways, switchin 4 lanes, screaming though the sunroof money aint a thing, your worst fear confirmed, me and my fam roll tight like the firm, gettin down for life, thats right, you better learn, why play when fire burns?, we get together like a choir, to acquire what we desire, we do dirt like worms, produce g's like sperm, till legs spread like germs, I get extensive hoes, with expensive clothes, and I sip fine wines, and spit vintage flows, what y'all dont know? cuz ya cant knock the hustle
chorus (Mary J. Blige)
runnin till the late day, I'm the one whos crazy, cuz thats the way youre makin me be, (the way you make me feel), (Jay-Z) cuz you cant knock the hustle I'm just tryin to get mine, I dont have the time, to knock the hustle for real
verse III
y'all niggas lunchin, punchin the clock, my function, is to make much and lay back munchin, sippin remy on the rocks, my crew, somethin to watch, nothin to stop, un-stoppable, scheme on the ice, I gotta hide ya crew, I gotta, let you niggas know the time like movado, my motto, stack rocks like colorado, while I order champagne, kristals by the bottle, its a damn shame, what ya not though, me, slick like a gato (cat), fuckin jay-z, my pops knew exactly what he did when he made me, he tried to get a nut and he got a nut and what!, straight bananas, can a nigga, see me, got the U.S Open, advantage jigga, serve like Sampras, play fake rappers like a canvas, le tigre, son youre too eager, you aint havin it?, good, me either, lets, get together and make this whole world believers huh, at my arraignment, screamin, all us blacks got is sports and entertainment, until we even, leavin, as long as I'm breathin, cant knock the way a nigga eatin, fuck you even, (fuck you)
chorus (Mary J. Blige)
takin out this time, to give you a piece of my mind, who do you think you are?, well baby one day youll be a star
runnin till the late day, I'm the one whos crazy, cuz thats the way youre makin me be, (the way you make me feel), I'm just tryin to get mine, I dont have the time, to knock the hustle for real
Yeah, hah, yeah Roc-A-Fella We invite you to, somethin epic y'all know? Well we hustle out of a sense of, hopelessness Sort of a desperation Through that desperation, we 'come addicted Sorta like the fiends we accustomed to servin But we feel we have nothin to lose so we offer you, well, we offer our lives, right What do you bring to the table?
While I'm watchin every nigga watchin me closely my shit is butter for the bread they wanna toast me I keep my head, both of them where they supposed to be Hoes'll get you sidetracked then clap from closed feet I don't sleep, I'm tired, I feel wired like codeine, these days a brother gotta admire from four fiends away My pain wish it was quick to see, from sellin 'caine til brains was fried to a fricaisse, can't lie At the time it never bothered me, at the bar gettin my thug on properly, my squad and me lack of respect for authority, laughin hard Happy to be escapin poverty, however brief I know this game got valleys and peaks, expectation for dips, four percent pertation we stack chips, hardly The youth I used to be, soon to see a mill'in No more, Big Willie my game has grown prefer you call me William Illin for revenues, grateful dim the light channel 7 news, round seven jewels, hand gettin the mic Forgettin all I ever knew, convenient amnesia I suggest you call my lawyer, I know the procedure Lock my body can't trap my mind, easily explain why we adapt to crime I'd rather die enormous than live dormant that's how we on it Live at the main event, I bet a trip to Maui on it Presidential suites my resedential for the weekend Confidentially speakin in codes since I sense you peekin The INXS rental, don't be fooled my game is mental We both out of town dog, what you tryin to get into? Viva, Las Vegas, see ya, later at the crap tables meet me by the one that starts a G up This way no fraud Willie's present gambling they re-up And we can have a pleasant time, sippin margaritas Ge-ge-geyeahhh, can I live? Can I live?
My mind is infested, with sick thoughts that circle like a Lexus, if driven wrong it's sure to hurt you Dual level like duplexes, in unity, my crew and me commit atrocities like we got immunity You guessed it, manifest it in tangible goods Platinum Rolexed it, we don't lease we buy the whole care, as you should My confederation, dead a nation, EXPLODE on detonation, overload the mind of a said patient When it balls to steam, it comes to it we all fiends gotta do it, even righteous minds go through this True this, history school us to spend our money foolish Bond with jewellers and, watch for intruders I stepped it up another level, meditated like a buddhist Recruited lieutenants with ludicrous, dreams of gettin cream let's do this, against T-D-S So I keep one eye open like, C-B-S, ya see me stressed right? Can I live? Can I live? Can I live? Can I live? Ha-hah, Roc-A-Fella y'all
Def Jam, 유니버어살 레코드 (DP-9441, 8808678233469)
Universal Music (ROCK A FELLA:171-363-8, 602517136380)