감동을 전하는 천상의 목소리! 한국인이 가장 사랑하는 그리스 출신의 세계적인 여가수NANA MOUSKOURI "나나 무스꾸리"2008년 신년 맞이 내한공연을 기념하며 발매되는 나나 무스꾸리의 베스트 앨범[GREATST HITS - KOREA TOUR EDITION ]발라드와 샹송, 가스펠 등 장르를 넘나들며 수많은 곡들을 천상의 노래로 재 탄생시켜온 천상의 목소리 나나무스꾸리! 450여 장의 앨범 중 350여 장을 골드와 플래티넘 앨범에 올려놓으며, 팝 역사상 가장 많은 음반을 판매한 여성가수로 기록된 그녀가 2008년 한국 투어를 기념하여 새롭게 발매하는 궁극의 베스트 앨범 [THE GREATEST HIST-KOREA TOUR EDITON]!사랑의 기쁨, 로망스, 고독한 양치기, 보리수 등 기존 히트곡 외 한국어로 직접 부른 '하얀 손수건', 헨델의 불후의 명곡 'LASCIA CH'IO PIANGA' 까지 2CD 총 36곡 수록! .... ....
Me t'aspro mou mantili Tha s'apoheretiso Ke gia na mou 'rthis piso Stin ekklisia tha bo Tha anapso to kantili Ke to keri tha zviso Ta matia mou tha kliso Ke tha se onirefto.
Giati ise lipimeno Ke de milas ki esi Pouli taxidemeno se makrino nisi.
Iha ta dio sou hili Krifo tis nihtas teri Ma to diko mou asteri Min pernis ap' edo Sou harisa kohili Na to kratas sto heri Os t'allo kalokeri Pou tha se xananaido.
Giati ise lipimeno Ke de milas ki esi Pouli taxidemeno se makrino nisi.
When you sing I'm singing with you liberty When you cry I cry with you in sorrow When you suffer I'm praying for you liberty For your struggles will bring us a new tomorrow Days of sad darkness and fear must one day crumble For the force of your kindness and love make them tremble When you sing I'm singing with you liberty In the void of your absence I keep searching for you
Who are you dream illusion or just reality Faith ideal desire revolution I believe you're the symbol of our humanity Lighting up the world for eternity
I can see why men die to defend you Try to guard to protect and attend you When you sing I'm singing with you liberty With your tears or your joys I love you Let us sing and rejoice make our own history Songs of hope with one voice guide us to victory Liberty, Liberty
Quelle importance le temps qu'il nous reste Nous aurons la chance de vieillir ensemble Au fond de tes yeux vivra ma tendresse Au fond de mon c?ur vivra ta jeunesse
Comme une priere du temps de l'enfance Ces mots sur tes levres me donnent confiance Je nous imagine ta main dans la mienne Nos moindres sourires voudront dire je t'aime
Mais l'un de nous s'en ira le premier Il fermera ses yeux a jamais Dans un tout dernier sourire Et l'autre en perdant la moitie de sa vie Restera chaque jour dans la nuit Son c?ur bien sur battra mais pour qui mais pourquoi
Ton pas resonne la porte s'entrouvre Mon c?ur bat plus vite et je te retrouve Quand nos mains se tiennent j'oublie tout le reste J'ai l'impression meme que le temps s'arrete
Mais l'un de nous s'en ira le premier Il fermera ses yeux a jamais Dans un tout dernier sourire Un jour l'un de nous sera trop fatigue S'en ira presque heureux le premier Et l'autre s'en tarder viendra le retrouver
Je nous imagine ta main dans la mienne Nos moindres sourires voudront dire je t'aime
I never dare to reach for the moon I never thought I'd know heaven so soon I couldn't hope to say how I feel The joy in my heart no words can reveal Over and over I whisper your name Over and over I kiss you again I see the light of love in your eyes Love is forever no more goodbyes Now just a memory the tears that I cried Now just a memory the sighs that I sighed Dreams that I cherished all have come true All my tomorrows I give to you Over and over I whisper your name Over and over I kiss you again I see the light of love in your eyes Love is forever no more goodbyes
Life's summer leaves may turn into gold The love that we share will never grow old Here in your arms no words far away Here in your arms forever I'll stay Over and over I whisper your name Over and over I kiss you again I see the light of love in your eyes Love is forever no more goodbyes Over and over I whisper your name Over and over I kiss you again I see the light of love in your eyes Love is forever no more goodbyes Lai la la lai la la lai lai lai lai la Lai la la lai la la lai lai lai lai la la la la la li la la lai la la lai lai lai lai la lai lai lai lai Lai la la lai la la lai lai lai lai la Lai la la lai la la lai lai lai lai la la la li la li la la lai la la lai lai lai lai la lai lai lai lai
C'est presque l'automne Les enfant moissonnent Et j'ai déjà Rentré le bois Toi, en uniforme Avec d'autres hommes, Très loin d'ici Tu es parti Toi qui chantais [Refrain:] Dans le soleil et dans le vent Tournant les ailes du vieux moulin Elles tourneront aussi longtemps Que nous vivrons main dans la main Un peu de poussière Sur la tabatière Me prouve bien Que tu es loin Mais, je crois entendre Le refrain si tendre Que l'an dernier Pour me bercer Tu me chantais [Refrain] Ton ami hier Est rentré de guerre, Il n'a rien dit Mais j'ai compris En voyant ta chaîne Ton blouson de laine Que plus jamais Tu ne viendrais Me rechanter. [Refrain] Tournent les ailes dans la lumière Tourne le temps rien n'a changé Mais dans mon cœur, depuis hier Le vieux moulin s'est arrêté ...
Only love can make a memory Only love can make a moment last
You were there and all the world was young and all its song unsung and I remember you then
When love was all, all you were living for and how you gave that love to me
Only than, I felt my heart was free I was part of you and you were all of me
Warm were the days and the nights of those years pained in colors to outshine the sun All of the words and the dreams and the tear live in my remembrance
(후렴) Ouly love can make a memory Only love can make a moment last
Life was new, threre was arage to me each day a page to live, and I remember you then,
When love was all, all you were living for and how you gave that love to me
Only than, I know my heart was free I was part of you and you were all of me
Le souvenir tout comme une berceuse A noue le fil d'or des annees d'autrefois Quand je trainais dehors mon ame paresseuse Et sans craindre le chaud, ni le froid
Le souvenir en moi tisse sa laine Et je vois des soleils et des arbres tout verts Tout est pourtant pareil mais j'ai comme une chaine Qui me rattache aux choses d'hier
Le souvenir est un tissu fragile Et j'ai cousu depuis sur ses etoiles d'or Tant de jours et de nuits auront cherche cette ile Ou l'enfance m'attend comme un port
Le souvenir a des phrases muettes Et quelquefois le soir elles se taisent pour moi, Pareils a des cauchemars, palpitent dans ma tete Les morceaux de reves d'autrefois
Mon avenir au cadran de ma montre Ecrit ses lettres d'or et me vole mes joies Je ne vis plus dehors et ceux que je rencontre Me demandent un peu plus chaque fois
Quand nous chanterons le temps des cerises Et gai rossignol et merle moqueur Seront tous en fete Les belles auront la folie en tete Et les amoureux du soleil au c?ur Quand nous chanterons le temps des cerises Sifflera bien mieux le merle moqueur
Mais il est bien court le temps des cerises Ou l'on s'en va deux cueillir en revant Des pendants d'oreilles Cerises d'amour aux robes pareilles Tombant sous la feuille en gouttes de sang Mais il est bien court le temps des cerises Pendants de corail qu'on cueille en revant
Quand vous en serez au temps des cerises Si vous avez peur des chagrins d'amour Evitez les belles Moi qui ne crains pas les peines cruelles Je ne vivrai pas sans souffrir un jour Quand vous en serez au temps des cerises Vous aurez aussi des peines d'amour
J'aimerai toujours le temps des cerises C'est de ce temps-la que je garde au c?ur Une plaie ouverte Et Dame Fortune, en m'etant offerte Ne saura jamais calmer ma douleur J'aimerai toujours le temps des cerises Et le souvenir que je garde au c?ur
Que sont mes amis devenus Qua j'avais de si pres tenus Et tant aimes Ils ont ete trop clairsemes Je crois le vent les a otes L'amour est mort-e Ce sont amis que vent emporte Et il ventait devant ma porte Les emporta Avec le temps qu'arbre defeuille Quand il ne reste en branche feuille Qui n'aille a terre Avec pauvrete qui m'atterre Qui de partout me fait la guerre L'amour est mort-e Ne convient pas que vous raconte Comment je me suis mis a ho En quelle maniere
Que sont mes amis devenus Que j'avais de si pres tenus Et tant aimes Ils ont ete trop clairsemes Je crois le vent les a otes L'amour est mort-e Le mal ne sait pas seul venir Tout ce qui m'etait a venir M'est avenu
Pauvre sens et pauvre memoire M'a Dieu donne le roi de gloire Et pauvre rente Et droit sur moi quand bise vente Le vent me vient Le vent m'evente L'amour est mort-e Ce sont amis que vent emporte Et il ventait devant ma porte Les emporta Les emporta...
1 Am Brunnen vor dem Tore, da steht ein Lindenbaum; ich traumt" in seinem Schatten so manchen sußen Traum. Ich schnitt in seine Rinde so manches liebe Wort; es zog in Freud" und Leide zu ihm mich immer fort, zu ihm mich immer fort.
2 Ich mußt’auch heute wandern vorbei in tiefer Nacht, da hab" ich noch im Dunkel die Augen zugemacht. Und seine Zweige rauschten, als riefen sie mir zu: Komm her zu mir, Geselle, hier findst du deine Ruh, hier findst du deine Ruh!
3 Die kalten Winde bliesen mir grad" ins Angesicht; der Hut flog mir vom Kopfe, ich wendete mich nicht. Nun bin ich manche Stunde entfernt von jenem Ort, und immer hor" ich rauschen: du fandest Ruhe dort, du fandest Ruhe dort!
Una furtiva lagrima negl'occhi suoi spunto... quelle festose giovani invidiar sembro... Che piu cercando io vo? M'ama, lo vedo. Un solo istnte i palpiti del suo bel cor sentir!... I miei sospir confondere per poco a' suoi sospir! I palpiti, i palpiti sentir! confondere i miei co'suoi sospir!... Cielo, si puo morir; di piu non chiedo, non chiedo; ah! cielo, si puo, sipuo morir; di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
Alone between the sky and sea An island Reaching out to me Neglected A world apart rejected It's wild shore Deserted and unsought for An island An island A vision calling me
An island in the setting sun Alone At a peace when the day is done Protected It's secrets undected Illusion Untouched and in seclusion An island An island At peace when day is done
I must go there Without the crowds around me There with silence to astound me Alone to face my destiny To understand what life might be
I must go there To take my future chances To turn away the backward glances Then in that moment I will know Why we are apart When still I love you so
* Alone between the sky and sea An island Reaching out to me Neglected A world apart rejected It's wild shore Deserted and unsought for An island This island My island is you *
I will be there Without the past to hound me There without the tears that bound me Alone without my memories As empty as the endless seas
I will be there Without the pride that taunts me without the love and hate that haunts me And in that moment I will know The way to show That still I love you so
Ave Maria Gratia plena Maria, gratia plena Maria, gratia plena Ave, ave dominus Dominus tecum Benedicta tu in mulieribus Et benedictus Et benedictus fructus ventris Ventris tuae, Jesus. Ave Maria
Ave Maria Mater Dei Ora pro nobis peccatoribus Ora pro nobis Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus Nunc et in hora mortis Et in hora mortis nostrae Et in hora mortis nostrae Et in hora mortis nostrae Ave Maria
When you're weary Feeling small When tears are in your eyes I'll dry them all I'm on your side when times get rough And friends just can't be found Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down
When you're down and out When you're on the street When evenings fall so hard I will comfort you I'll take your part Oh When darkness comes And pain is all around Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down
Sail on silver girl Sail on by Your time has come to shine All your dreams are on their way See how they shine Oh If you need a friend I'm sailing right behind Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind ease your mind
Deep and silent sea Close to you, I feel protected You are so like me In your face I am reflected Tell me what to do For you know so well My soul is restless too
Touching every shore You belong to no one ever Let the tempest roar You remain and dwell forever Secret are your ways Do you wonder that I'd love you All my days
You can be unkind Where the children play And you drown their castles in the tide They don' t seem to mind ????????
Teach me to be free To be sure and strong and sea like Deep and shining You are what I long to be like Let the world go by I will love you till The silent sea runs dry
Goodbye to you my trusted friend We' ve known each other since we were nine or ten Together we' ve climbed hills and trees Learned of love and A-B-Cs Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees Goodbye, my friend, it' s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I' ll be there
We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed Were just seasons out of time
Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along
Goodbye, Papa, it' s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you' ll see them, I' ll be there
We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons, have all gone
Goodbye, Michelle, my little one You gave me love, and helped me find the sun
And everytime that I was down You would always come around Get my feet back on the ground
Goodbye, Michelle, it' s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there
All our lives we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the stars we could reach Were just starfish on the beach
We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed Were just seasons out of time
We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons, have all gone We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons, have all gone
Whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping thight Are rolling by light thunder now As I look in your eyes I hold on to you darling And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can
Lost is how I'm feeling Lying in your arms When the world outside is too much to take That all ends when I am with you Even though there may be times It seems I'm far away But never wonder where I am 'Cause I am always by your side
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learn But I'm ready to learn 'Bout the power of love The sound of your heartbeat Made it clear suddenly The feeling that I can't go on Is light years away
'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learn 'Bout the power of love
Sometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learn 'Bout the power of love
Try To Remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh so mellow Try to remember the kind of September When grass was green and grain was yellow Try to remember the kind of September When you were a young and callow fellow Try to remember and if you remember Then follow follow
When life was so tender when no one wept except the willow Try to remember when life was so tender when dreams were kept beside your pillow Try to remember when when life was so tender When love was an ember about to billow Try to remember and if you remember Then follow follow Deep in December it's nice to remember Although you know the snow will follow Deep in December it's nice to remember Without a hurt the heart is hollow Deep in December it's nice to remember The fire of September that made you mellow Deep in December our hearts should remember And follow follow follow
**Refrain Love changed our lonely lives Caught us by surprise Opened up our eyes Somehow we both knew Something rare and true Something bright and new Could be ours forever But love love can not be planned More you try to learnLess you understand Words could not dispel What we know so well Only time will tellLike a tree As it growsWe will reach For the sky Like a breeze Gently blows We'll be free You and I For we know Time alone Holds the key*
*Refrain Only time alone will tell Darling, only time will tell
Baby I see this world has made you sad Some people can be bad The things they do the things they say But baby I'll wipe away those bitter tears I'll chase away those restless fears That turn your blue skies into grey Why worry there should be laughter after the pain There should be sunshine after rain These things have always been the same So why worry now why worry now why worry now
Baby when I get down I turn to you And you make sense of what I do I know it isn't hard to say But baby just when this world seems mean and cold Our love comes shining red and gold And all the rest is by the way Why worry there should be laughter after pain There should be sunshine after rain These things have always been the same So why worry now why worry now why worry now why worry now
WHITE ROSE OF ATHENS / 1rst version xxxxx ( Hadjidakis / Newell / Bleyer )
So goodbye my love till then Till the white rose blooms again
1- The summer days are ending in the valley And soon the time will come when we must be apart Though you must start You journey to the sailing And leave me till another spring-time comes around
2- Till the white rose blooms again You must leave me, leave me lonely So goodbye my love till then Till the white rose blooms again Bis
3- The cotton leaves are falling in the valley And soon the winter snow will lie on the ground But like the rose that comes back with the springtime You will return to me when springtime comes around
Repeat 1
Goodbye till then Goodbye till then
WHITE ROSE OF ATHENS / 2nd version ( Hadjidakis / N. Newell / A. Bleyer )
Till the white rose blooms again You must leave me,leave me lonely So good-bye my love till then Till the white rose blooms again
The summer days are ending in the valley And soon the time will come when we must be apart But like the rose that comes back with the spring time You will return to me when spring-time comes around
Good-bye till then Good-bye till then Good-bye till then