테너 색소폰에 소니 롤린스와 존 콜트레인, 피아노에 레드 갈란드와 빌 에반스 등 최고의 뮤지션들이 참여하였다. 이들의 기량과 감각이 최고조에 이르렀을 때인 57년과 58년도에 녹음된, 정규앨범이 아닌 일종의 부트랙"BOOTLEG" 앨범이다. 정식으로 발매되지 않았던 음원이라는 점과 클럽의 생동감 있는 라이브를 느낄 수 있는 아주 매력적인 라이브 앨범이라는 두 가지 매력적인 요소를 지닌, 살아있는 역사로서 그 가치가 귀중한 작품이다특히 모드에 대한 완벽한 이해를 하고 있는 빌 에반스가 피아니스트로 참여, 말이 필요 없는 마일즈 데이비스의 뛰어난 연주와 단기간에 부쩍 성장한 모습이 확연하게 드러나는 존 콜트레인의 빼어난 연주는 당시 재즈가 지닌 가장 뛰어나고 완벽한 모습으로 이를 만끽할 수 있는 앨범이다 .... ....
Of the wonderful things that you get out of life there are four. And they may not be many but nobody needs any more. Of the many facts making the list of life, Truth takes the lead. And to relax knowing the gist of life, It's truth you need.
Then the second is honor and happiness makes number three. When you put them together you know what the last one must be. Baby so truth, honor and happiness And one thing more, Meaning only wonderful, wonderful love that'll make four.
Of the wonderful things that you get out of life there are four. And they may not be many but nobody needs any more. Of the many facts making the list of life,
Truth takes the lead. And to relax knowing the gist of life, It's truth you need.
Then the second is honor and happiness makes number three. When you put them together you know what the last one must be. Baby so truth, honor and happiness And one thing more, Meaning love and that's the real score and more than enough when times are tough and poor. They may not comprise a lot Still (you) only got those four. And there ain't no more.
Once I laughed when I heard you saying That I'd be playing solitaire Uneasy in my easy chair It never entered my mind.
And once you told me I was mistaken That I'd awaken with the sun And ordered orange juice for one. It never entered my mind.
You had what I lack, myself Now I even have to scratch my back myself.
Once you warned me that if you scorned me, I'd say the maiden's prayer again And wish that you were there again To get into my hair again. It never entered my mind.
Of the wonderful things that you get out of life there are four. And they may not be many but nobody needs any more. Of the many facts making the list of life, Truth takes the lead. And to relax knowing the gist of life, It's truth you need.
Then the second is honor and happiness makes number three. When you put them together you know what the last one must be. Baby so truth, honor and happiness And one thing more, Meaning only wonderful, wonderful love that'll make four.
Of the wonderful things that you get out of life there are four. And they may not be many but nobody needs any more. Of the many facts making the list of life,
Truth takes the lead. And to relax knowing the gist of life, It's truth you need.
Then the second is honor and happiness makes number three. When you put them together you know what the last one must be. Baby so truth, honor and happiness And one thing more, Meaning love and that's the real score and more than enough when times are tough and poor. They may not comprise a lot Still (you) only got those four. And there ain't no more.