뛰어난 피아니스트이자 보컬로 블루노트 레이블을 대표하는 여성 뮤지션으로 자리매김하고 있는 엘리아니 엘리아스의 베스트 앨범으로 그녀가 발표했던 보사노바 계열의 작품 14곡을 엄선하여 담고있다. 투스 틸레망의 애상적인 하모니카 사운드가 인상적인 ‘ESTATE "SUMMER"’를 비롯하여 뛰어난 하모니가 돋보이는 이반 린스와의 두엣곡 ‘I'M NOT ALONE "WHO LOVES YOU?"’ 스티비 원더의 작품을 보사노바의 형식으로 탈바꿈시킨 ‘SUPERWOMAN’ 이외 화려한 스트링 세션과 그녀의 피아노의 조화가 인상적인 ‘THE GIRL FROM IPANEMA’ 등이 수록되어 있다 .... ....
Vai minha tristeza E diz a ela Que sem ela nao pode ser Diz-lhe numa prece Que ela regresse Porque eu nao posso mais sofrer
Chega de saudade A realidade E que sem ela nao ha paz Nao ha beleza E so tristeza E a melancolia Que nao sai de mim Nao sai de mim, nao sai.
Mas se ela voltar, se ela voltar Que coisa linda, Que coisa louca Pois ha menos peixinhos a nadar no mar Do que os beijinhos Que eu darei na sua boca.
Dentro dos meus bracos, Os abracos Hao de ser milhoes de abracos Apertado assim, Colado assim, Calado assim Abracos e beijinhos E carinhos sem ter fim Que e pra acabar com esse negocio De viver longe de mim Nao quero mais esse negocio De voce viver sem mim Vamos deixar desse negocio De voce viver sem mim.
In summer...I miss you more than any other season my heart has lost all thought of rhyme or reason without you it's like winter in my heart
In summer...the memory of things we did together is stronger than the trials we had to weather without you,i feel winter in my heart
it's the end of life daydream like plucking all the petals from the roses like burying all the secrets love discloses like stopping songs of birds before they start
In summer...when once again feel that old desire as you return to set my soul on fire Please darling, take the winter from my heart
(second bridge) I feel you always near me in every song the morning breeze composes in all the tender wonder of the roses each time the setting sun shines on the sea
in summer... and when you sleep beneath your snowy cover I'll keep you in my heart just like a lover and wait until you come again to me
You're just too marvelous, too marvelous for words Like glorious, glamorous and that old standby amorous It's all too wonderful, I'll never find the words that say enough, tell enough I mean they just aren't swell enough
You're much too much and just too very, very To ever be in Webster's dictionary And so I'm borrowing a love song from the birds To tell you that you're marvelous, tell you you're too marvelous To tell you you're too marvelous for words
You're much too much and just too very, very To ever be in Webster's dictionary And so I'm borrowing a love song from the birds To tell you that you're marvelous, tell you you're too marvelous To tell you you're too marvelous for words
Day by day, I'm falling more in love with you And day by day my love seems to grow There isn't any end to my devotion It's deeper dear by far than any ocean
I find that day by day you're making all my dreams come true So come what may I want you to know I'm yours alone and I'm in love to stay As we go through the years day by day
Day by day I'm falling more in love with you And day by day my love seems to grow There isn't any end to my devotion It's deeper dear by far than any ocean
I find that day by day you're making all my dreams come true So come what may I want you to know I'm yours alone and I'm in love to stay As we go through the years day by day
I find that day by day you're making all my dreams come true So come what may I want you to know I'm yours alone and I'm in love to stay As we go through the years day by day I'm yours alone and I'm in love to stay As we go through the years day by day Day by day, day by day, day by day