최고의 테크니션 집단인 드림 씨어터와 O.S.I에서 발군의 연주력을 과시하며 가장 영향력있는 건반주자로서 인정받고 있는 키보디스트 케빈 무어의 프로젝트 밴드 크로마키의 3집 앨범. 전작들보다 한 단계 진보된 구성으로 크로마 키의 음반중 최고의 완성도를 보여주고 있다. 같이 들어있는 DVD에는 "13살"이라는 1950년대 영화의 이미지에 맞추어 그의 음악이 마치 사운드트랙처럼 매치가 되어 들어있다. 네오 프로그레시브 록의 새로운 성향을 이 음반에서 찾아본다.
Come on along, in your white robe, come on to bed Take off your head, you were right there, come on to bed
The moon was so heavy you could put your mind to it No one looked up and that's how you do it No one can tell you that those were the days That's what I see when I pray
Before you started calling, I'd walk to the phone Now I never never walk, cause I know you're never home
(no one's home I guess, no one's home ring ring)
Baby's always comin' round don't that feel nice Baby's always comin' round ain't the great? My sugar's always comin' by just in time man Here she comes now baby it's too late
I thought you had enough of me, I thought you had enough of me I thought you had enough of me, I thought you had enough of me I thought you had enough of me, I thought you had enough of me
Walking through the night Lost my path somehow I am cold and dry, I am true and lost I'm the right man for the job You picked the right man for the job You know it's gonna get better, baby This is all gonna pass, maybe And I might just let you stay, hey