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| 3:15 | ||||
Voluntiers faria
Tal chanso novella Que fos agradiva Si far la podia Mas razor capdella Mon chant e l'abriva Per qu'ieu tant quant viva Vuelh servir la bella Que de grat sagella So faitz gent aiziva Humils ez esquiva Plazens ez ysnelha. Quar de gent badiva E de la senada Conquer benevolensa Tant esta celiva Que nulla vegada Voler non la vensa Endreg de fallensa Bona l'ai amada Quar s'amors m'a dada De trobar sabensa Don gent de velensa Ai ab grat privada. Doncx ma caramida Mos Behls Deportz sia El reys de Castella N'Anfos que grazida Valor ten a tria On pretz renovella Cuy devers gragella Lay chanson tey via Pero not daria Tornad' e revella Qu'om no t'escantella Quel compas mentria. |
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| 3:29 | ||||
Loibere risen von den boimen hin
zu tal des stan blot ir este. Blomen sich wisen daz se sint vurtorben al, schoene was ir gleste. Sus twinget de rife maniger hande wurzel sal, des bin ich gar sere betrubet. Nu ich zu grife: sint der winder ist so kal, des wirt nuwe vroide geubet. Helfet mir schallen hundert tusent vroiden mer, wen des meien blute kan bringen. Rosen de vallen an minr vrowen roter ler, da von wil ich singen. Twingt mich de kulde, al ir wurzel smackes ger de sint an ir libe gestrowet. Wurbe ich ir hulde, son bedrocht ich vroiden mer, sus de minningliche mich vrowet. |
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| 3:17 | ||||
Los set goyts recomptarem
Et, devotament xantant, Humilment saludarem La dolca verge Maria Ave Maria, gracia plena Dominus tecum, Virgo serena. Verge: fos anans del part Pura, e sens falliment En lo part, e pres lo part Sens negun corrumpiment. Ave Maria, gracia plena Dominus tecum, Virgo serena. Verge: tre reys d'Orient, Cavalcant amb gran corage, Al l'estrella precedent, Vengren al vostre bitage Ave Maria, gracia plena Dominus tecum, Virgo serena. Verge: lo quint alegrage Que'n agues del Fill molt car, Estant al Munt d'Olivatge Al cell l'on vehes puyar. Ave Maria, gracia plena Dominus tecum, Virgo serena. |
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| 3:47 | ||||
Once I had a sweetheart and now I have none
He's gone and leave me, he's gone and leave me He's gone and leave me to sorrow and moan. Last night in sweet slumber I dreamed I did see My own precious jewel sat smiling by me My own precious jewel sat smiling by me And when I awakened I found it not so My eyes like some fountain with tears overflow My eyes like some fountain with tears overflow. I'll venture through England, through France and through Spain All my life I will venture the watery main All my life I will venture the watery main. |
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| 3:03 | ||||
Quando andrai a scarborough fair
Salvia, menta, prezzemolo e timo Tu porta il segno del mio rimpianto Alla donna che allora io amavo Vorrei in dono una camicia di lino Salvia, menta, prezzemolo e timo Tu dille che non voglio ricami Ma che sappia che ancora io l'amo Per me basta un acro di terra Salvia, menta, prezzemolo e timo Quella casa tra il mare e le dune E la donna che allora io amavo Tornero a coltivare i miei campi Salvia, menta, prezzemolo e timo E distese di erica in fiore Perche sappia che ancora io l'amo |
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| 2:55 | ||||
Calenda maia
Ni fuehls de faia, Ni chans d'auzel Ni flors de glaia Non es que'm plaia, Pros dona gaia Tro qu'un isnel Messatgier aia Del voste bel Cors, qu'im retraia Plazer novel Qu'amors m'atraia E jaia E'm traia Vas vos, Domna veraia, E chaia De plaia 'L gelos, Anz que'm n'estraia. Ma bel'amia, Per Dieu non sia Que ja'l gelos De mon dan ria, Que car vendria Sa gelosia, Si aitals dos Amantz partia; Qu'ieu ja joios Mais non seria, Ni jois ses vos Pro no'm tenria; Tal via Faria Qu'oms ja Mais no'm veiria; Cel dia Morria, Domna Pros, qu'ie'us perdria. Domna grazida, Quecs lauz'e crida Vostra valor Qu'es abelida, E qui'us oblida, Pauc li val vida, Per qu'ie us azor, Domn' eissernida; Quar per gencor Vos ai chausida E per melhor, De pretz complida, Blandida, Servida Genses Qu'Erecs Enida Bastida, Finida, N'Engles, Ai l'estampida. |
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| 2:42 | ||||
Edi beo thu heven quene folkes froove & engles blis
maid unwemmed modher cleene swich in world non other nis on the hit is wel ethseene of alle wimmen thu hast the pris mi sweete leudi heer mi beene & rew ot me ghif thi will is. Thu astighe so dairewe deleth from the derke night of the sprong a leeme neue al this world hit hath ilight nis no maid of thine hewe so fair so scheene so rudi so bright mi leudi sweet of me thu rewe & have merci of thi knight. Sprunge blostm of one roote th'oli gost thee rest upon; that was for mankines boote her soul aleese for on. Leudi milde, soft and swoot, ich crie merci, ich am thi mon, to honde bothen and to foot on allewise that ich kon. Erth tu of goode seede on thee lighte th'even dew; of thee sprong that edi bleede th'oli gost it on thee sew. Bring us ut of kar, of dreede that Eve bitterlich us brew; thu shalt us into hevne leede; wel sweet is us thet ilke dew. Moder ful of thewes heende, maide dreigh and wel itaugh, ich am in thi luvebeende and to thee is al mi draught. Thu me schild ye from the feend, as thu art free and wilt and maught, and help me to mi lives eend and make with thi sune saught. |
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| 3:58 | ||||
Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa
De paradis ab tot gaug eternal Neta de crims de virtuts habundosa Mayres de Dieu per obra divinal Verges plasen ad fas angelical Axi com sotz a Dieu molt graciosa Placaus estar als fizels piadosa Pergant per lor al Rey celestial. Rosa flagran de vera benenanca Fons de merce iamais ne defallen Palays d'onor on se fech l'alianca De deu e d'hom per nostre salvamen E fo ver Dieus e hom perfetamen Ses defallir en alcuna substanca E segons hom mori senes dubtanca E com ver dieus levech del monimen. Flor de les flors dolca clement et pia L'angel de Dieu vesem tot corrocat E par que Dieus lamandat qu'ens alcia Don ell es prest ab l'estoch affilat Donchos placa vos que'l sia comandat Qu'estoyg l'estoch e que remes non sia Tot falliment tro en lo present dia Ens done gaug e patz e sanitat. |
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