David Lloyd-Jones, English Northern Philharmonia - The Quest/ The Wise Virgins Etc/ David Lloyd-jones (2002) by David Lloyd-Jones (지휘), English Northern Philharmonia (오케스트라), William Walton (작곡) on maniadb.com

David Lloyd-Jones (지휘), English Northern Philharmonia (오케스트라), William Walton (작곡)
국외음악 / 클래식
The Quest/ The Wise Virgins Etc/ David Lloyd-jones
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RELEASE DATE: 2002-09-00
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio



CD :: 2002-09-00 :: Naxos (0747313586820)
[Disc 1]
1. The Quest(a Ballet In Five Scenes): Scene 1: Outside The House Of Archimago (William Walton) - Sir William Walton / 2. The Quest(a Ballet In Five Scenes): Scene 2: Near The Palece Of Pride - Sir William Walton / 3. The Quest(a Ballet In Five Scenes): Scene 3: The Palace Of Pride-opening Scene - Sir William Walton / 4. The Quest(a Ballet In Five Scenes): Scene 3: The Seven Deadly Sins - Sir William Walton / 5. The Quest(a Ballet In Five Scenes): Scene 3: The Palace Of Pride-concluding Scene - Sir William Walton / 6. The Quest(a Ballet In Five Scenes): Scene 4: Near The Palace Of Price - Sir William Walton / 7. The Quest(a Ballet In Five Scenes): Scene 5: The House Of Holiness - Sir William Walton / 8. Siesta - Sir William Walton / 9. The Wise Virgins: Quite From The Ballet(after J.s.bach): What God Hath Done, Is Rightly Done - Sir William Walton / 10. The Wise Virgins: Quite From The Ballet(after J.s.bach): Lord, Hear My Longing - Sir William Walton / 11. The Wise Virgins: Quite From The Ballet(after J.s.bach): See What His Love Can Do - Sir William Walton / 12. The Wise Virgins: Quite From The Ballet(after J.s.bach): Ah! How Ephemeral - Sir William Walton / 13. The Wise Virgins: Quite From The Ballet(after J.s.bach): Sheep May Safely Graze - Sir William Walton / 14. The Wise Virgins: Quite From The Ballet(after J.s.bach): Praise Be To God - Sir William Walton

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A270481


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