<b>인디 레이블 [Vagrant]의 `emotional`한 현재</b> Another Year On The Streets
시골의 차고 같은 허름한 건물, 철제 지붕 위에 페인트로 아로새긴 `Vagrant`의 로고, 그리고 벽에 기대 세워진 어쿠스틱 기타 한 대. `길 위에서의 또 한 해`라는 타이틀이 붙은 이 앨범은 한 마디로 [베이그런트(Vagrant)]라는 레이블 자체를 주제로 당연히 [베이그런트]에서 발매된 편집 앨범이다. 그리고 앨범을 들어보기 전에 이미 예상할 수 있는 것처럼 `같은 레이블`에 소속된 이들 밴드들의 음악은 그 내용 면에서도 같이 묶일 만한 충분한 공통적 흐름을 지니고들 있다. 음악을 너무 좋아하는 사람이 내 손으로 뮤지션들을 발굴해 음반을 내도록 하겠다는 순진한 생각에서 출발한 경우가 많은 이런 작은 레코드 회사들은 음반 팔아서 돈 벌어보겠다는 생산적이고 상업적인 마인드와는 애초 동떨어져 있는 경우가 많다. 그러다 보니 아티스트를 픽업하는 과정에서도 이 뮤지션이 잘 팔릴까, 하는 계산은 뒷전이고 제작자의 취향이 앞선다. 자, 그렇다면 아래의 정보와 더불어 이제 이 [베이그런트]라는 레이블의 취향은 어떤 것인지, 이 꼬리표를 달고 있는 밴드들은 어떤 음악을 들려주고 있는지 맛보기 할 차례다. 참고로 [Another Year On The Streets]는 미국에서는 원래 1집과 2집으로 연차를 두고 발매되었던 것이며, 본 작은 그간 일본에서만 발매되었던 특집 본이다.
1. Regret / The Get Up Kids [Something To Write Home About](1999) 이 곡은 아는 것처럼 영국의 전설적인 모던 록 밴드 뉴 오더(New Order)의 것이다. 겟 업 키즈가 새롭게 소화해낸 이 곡은 뉴 오더의 매끈한 느낌에 비해 어설프고 서투르지만 그렇기 때문에 어쩐지 묘하게 매력적이다. 캔사스 출신의 네 친구가 `97년 데뷔 앨범 [Four Minute Mile]을 발표하면서 겟 업 키즈의 본격적인 출발이 이루어졌다. 생각지도 못하게 대학가와 클럽가에서 큰 인기를 얻으면서 이들은 머틀리 크루(Motley Crue)와 픽시스(Pixies)의 트리뷰트 앨범에 참여하기도 했고, 새 멤버 제임스 듀이즈(James Dewees)를 맞아들인 뒤 두 번째 앨범 [Something To Write Home About]를 내놓았다. 겟 업 키즈를 이야기할 때면 `이모(emo)`라는 말이 따라다닌다. `emotional`에서 나온 이 조어는 `core`를 결합해 `emo-core`라고 쓰기도 하는데 기본적으로는 펑크와 하드코어의 연장선에 놓여 있지만 가사와 멜로디가 개인적인 감정에 많이 치우쳐 있다는 의미다. 80년대 후반의 푸가지(Fugazi)에서부터 브레이드(Braid), 그리고 겟 업 키즈를 포함한 [베이그런트] 레이블의 많은 밴드들은 이런 이모 코어의 물결을 만드는 데 핵심적인 역할을 했다. 물론 점차 다양한 음악적 요소들이 이들의 음악에도 등장하다 보니 딱히 `코어`적인 느낌을 발견하지 못하게 만드는 경우도 많아졌다.
2. The Pharmacist / Hot Rod Circuit [Sorry About Tommorrow](2002) 핫 로드 서킷은 보컬과 리듬 기타를 맡은 앤디 잭슨(Andy Jackson), 리드 기타리스트 케이시 프레스트우드(Casey Prestwood), 베이시스트인 제이 러셀(Jay Russel), 그리고 드러머 웨스 크로스(Wes Cross)의 4인조 밴드이다. 처음에는 앤티도트(Antidote)라는 이름으로 [Mr. Glenbowski]라는 앨범을 내놓기도 했는데, 이 앨범이 `98년에 록 연주자들을 위한 전문지 `Musician`에서 뽑은 `아직 계약 안 맺은 최고의 밴드` 부문을 수상하면서 뭔가 새롭게 다져보자고 결심을 했던지 이름을 핫 로드 서킷으로 바꾸고 코네티컷으로 이사도 했다. 그리고 첫 앨범 [If I Knew Now What I Knew Then]을 발매한다. 앨범 홍보를 위해 겟 업 키즈, 재즈 튠(Jazz Tune), 그리고 앳 더 드라이브 인(At The Drive In)과 함께 투어를 벌인 그들은 2002년 봄 두 번째 앨범이자 [베이그런트] 레이블에서 발매하는 첫 번째 앨범인 [Sorry About Tomorrow]를 발매했다. 멜로디도 구성도 네오 펑크 튠의 전형을 따르고 있고, 쉽게 다가오는 친근감이 매력이다.
There are things that used to make me smile One of them was you for just a little while You left me for dead so far away I replaced you with fear and shame You'll be happy on the day I die
There are things that used to make me laugh But now they're deeply buried in the past I left them there so far away Replaced my humor with my pain I'll be happy on the day it dies
Remember when I said I love you? Well, forget it, I take it back I was just a stupid kid back then I take back every word that I said
There are things that used to make you cry One of them was me for just a little while Why is it that you had to say Goodbye in your special way You slashed the tires on my car
Remember when I said I love you? Well, forget it, I take it back I was just a stupid kid back then I take back every word that I said
You're alright, you're alive, you're the number one They said that you're not ashamed of what you've done Everyone makes mistakes Make it up you'll be OK That's what they tell you You won't get the special treatment I don't care what you do or say Don't let them tell you what you're already thinking It's a no win situation
Well enough of the old way It's not working and the rules have already changed What we need is a new way There's something else just a little bit better It's on the way
You're a drag, you're a bore, you're a rainy day You take offense to almost everything they do or say Everyone makes mistakes Make it up you'll be OK
I don't want A picture in the paper I just want A minute of your time At a point Appreciate an answer Any token Would suit me fine
I won't ask A question you can't answer Like, "Do you remember All Shook Down?" At one time It was your favorite record But now it's broken And not around Baby I broke it Broke me down
Strain of the show Takes its toll But you don't Wanna know
Maybe I don't know what I'm asking This is not The place or time to speak It's possible piano may be drinking But it's not me Couldn't be I'm sincere As I can be
Strain of the show Takes its toll You don't Wanna know
Strain of the show Takes its toll You don't Wanna know
This song will become the anthem of your underground. You're two floors down getting high in the back room. If I flooded out your house, Do you think you'd make it out? Or would you burn up before the water filled your lungs? And at your funeral, I will sing the requiem.
This song will become the anthem of your underground. You're two floors down getting high in the back room. If I flooded out your house, do you think you'd make it out? Or would you burn up before the water filled your lungs?
And at your funeral, I will sing the requiem. I'd offer you my hand. It would hurt too much to watch you die.
And you can bet when we mourn the death of you that night, (Of you that night.) They'll lay me on the dinner table. I will be the pig, With the apple in my mouth. The food that celebrates your end.
And at your funeral, I will sing the requiem. I'd offer you my hand. It would hurt too much to watch you die.
And at your funeral I will sing the requiem. I'd offer you my hand. It would hurt too much to watch you die.
I'm missing your bed I never sleep Avoiding the spots where we'd have to speak And this bottle of beast Is taking me home
I'm cuddling close To blankets and sheets But you're not alone, and you're not discreet Make sure I know who's taking you home
I'm reading your note over again And there's not a word that I comprehend Except when you signed it I will love you always and forever
Well as for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs And sit alone and wonder How you're making out But as for me, I wish that I was anywhere, with anyone Making out
I'm missing your laugh How did it break? And when did your eyes begin to look fake? I hope you're as happy as you're pretending
I'm cuddling close To blankets and sheets And I am alone In my defeat I wish I knew you were safely at home
I'm missing your bed I never sleep Avoiding the spots where we'd have to speak And this bottle of beast is taking me home
Well as for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs And sit alone and wonder How you're making out But as for me, I wish that I was anywhere, with anyone Making out
Your hair, it's everywhere Screaming infidelities And taking its wear
Your hair, it's everywhere Screaming infidelities And taking its wear
Your hair is everywhere Screaming infidelities And taking its wear
Your hair, it's everywhere Screaming infidelities And taking its wear
Sweet Marie, there's a hole where your heart should be And on the hill she's begging for a harmony Sweet Marie, there's a hole where your heart should be And on the hill she's begging for a harmony
What beautiful lies you've been told What terrible truths drown your soul She hides behind all my lies
Oh you need to be loved Oh you need to be loved Oh you need all my love tonight - all my love
Sweet Marie, how cold your body can be And on the hill she's begging for a harmony Such a beautiful kiss in the face of fear Such a beautiful song burns through your ears She hides behind all my lies
Oh you need to be loved Oh you need to be loved Oh you need all my love tonight - all my love
Oh you need to be loved Oh you need to be loved Oh you need to be loved Oh you need...
Nobody claims to See it coming Nobody blames you Can't help thinking A marriage license A job was waiting By your mid-30's You feel unholy
No place for you To be a girl No place for you They closed your world No place for you To live and grow No place for you That I know
Approaching mirrors Waiting tables Fix your lipstick Don't disappoint those Who have nothing to do this evening No day is safe from thoughts of you leaving
No place for you To be a girl No place for you They closed your world No place for you To live and grow No place for you of That I know
Just add water Someone's done for I'm getting nervous, there goes one more Just add water Someone's done for I'm getting nervous, there goes one more
No day is safe from thoughts of you leaving Marriage license Can't help thinking It's all for nothing You're so unholy Up in the stars now She's getting lonely
No place for you To be a girl No place for you They closed your world No place for you To be a girl No place for you They closed your world To live and grow No place for you of That I know