Disc 1 | ||||||
1. |
| 4:51 | ![]() |
God, our merciful father, I'm wrapped in a robe of light Clothed in your glory That spreads it's wings over my soul. May I be worthy. Amen. There's not a morning I begin without A thousand questions running through my mind, That I don't try to find the reason And the logic in the world that God designed. The reason why A bird was given wings, If not to fly And praise the sky With ev'ry song it sings. What's right or wrong. Where I belong Within the scheme of things. And why have eyes that see and arms that reach Unless you're meant to know there's something more? If not to hunger for the meaning of it all. Then tell me what a soul is for? Why have the wings unless you're meant to fly? And tell me please, why have a mind If not to questino why? And tell me where- Where is it written what it is I'm meant to be, That I can't dare To have the chance to pick the fruit of ev'ry tree, Or have my share Of ev'ry sweet-imagined possibility? Just tell me where, tell me where? If I were only meant to tend the nest, Then why does my imagination sail Across the mountains and the seas, Beyond the make-believe of ev'ry fairy tale? Why have the thirst if not to drink the wine? And what a waste To have a taste Of things that can't be mine? And tell me where- Where is it written what it is I'm meant to be, That I can't dare- To find the meanings in the mornings that I see, Or have my share- Of ev'ry sweet-imagined possibility? Just tell me where- Where is it written? Tell me where- Or if it's written anywhere? |
2. |
| 3:31 | ![]() |
(Filled with a love for learning, Yentl has
no choice after her father dies but to disguise herself as a man, so that she can pursue all her "sweet-imagined possibilities." Her journey begins...) [Prayer] Oh God-our heavenly Father. Oh, God-and my father Who is also in heaven. May the light of this Flickering candle Illuminate the night the way Your spirit illuminates my soul. Papa, can you hear me? Papa, can you see me? Papa can you find me in the night? Papa are you near me? Papa, can you hear me? Papa, can you help me not be frightened? Looking at the skies I seem to see A million eyes which ones are yours? Where are you now that yesterday Has waved goodbye And closed its doors? The night is so much darker; The wind is so much colder; The world I see is so much bigger Now that I'm alone. Papa, please forgive me. Try to understand me; Papa, don't you know I had no choice? Can you hear me praying, Anything I'm saying Even though the night is filled with voices? I remember everything you taught me Every book 1've ever read... Can all the words in all the books Help me to face what lies ahead? The trees are so much taller And I feel so much smaller; The moon is twice as lonely And the stars are half as bright... Papa, how I love you... Papa, how I need you. Papa, how I miss you Kissing me good night... |
3. |
| 4:07 | ![]() |
(She joins a group of students on their way to a Yeshiva in Bechv where she is tested by the Rabbi. He is impressed with Yentl's knowledge and admits "him" as a student.) There are moments you remember all your life. There are moments you wait for ans1 dream, Of all your life. This is one of those moments. I will always remember this chair, that window, the way the light streams in. The clothes I'm wearing, The words I'm heating, The face I'm seeing, The feeling I'm feeling, The smell, the sounds, will be written On my mind, will be written in my heart As long as I live! I can, travel the past and take what I need To see me through the years What my father learned and his Father before him will be there For my eyes and ears. I can walk through the forests Of the trees of knowledge And listen to the lessons of the leaves. I can enter rooms Were there are rooms within rooms Wrapped in the shawl that learning weaves. I remember, Papa-everything you taught me What you gave me, Papa- Look at what it's brought me There are certain things that once you have No man can take away- No wave can wash away- No wind can blow away- And now they're about to be mine! No tide can turn away- No fire can burn away- No time can wear away... I can open doors and take from the shelves All the books I've longed to hold I can ask all the questions, The whys and the wheres As the mysteries of life unfold Like a link in a chain From the past to the future That joins me with the children yet to be, I can now be a part Of the ongoing stream, That has always been a part of me! There are certain things that once you have No man can rake away- No wave can wash away- No wind can blow away- No tide can turn away- No fire can burn away- No time can wear away- And now they're about to be mine! There are moments you remember all your life. There are moments you wait for And dream, of all your life. This is one of those moments! |
4. |
| 2:29 | ![]() |
She's mother, she's sister,
She's lover. She's the wonder of wonders No man can deny. So why would he change her? She's loving- she's tender- She's woman- So am i. |
5. |
| 3:46 | ![]() |
There's no chill and yet I shiver
There's no flame and yet I burn I'm not sure what I'm afraid of And yet I'm trembling There's no storm yet I hear thunder And I'm breathless why I wonder Weak one moment then the next I'm fine I feel as if I'm falling Every time I close my eyes And flowing through my body Is a river of surprise Feelings are awakening I hardly recognize as mine What are all these new sensations What's the secret they reveal I'm not sure I understand But I like the way I feel Oh why why why why oh Why is it that every time I close my eyes he's there The water shining on his skin, The sunlight in his hair And all the while I'm thinking things That I can't wait to share with him I'm a bundle of confusion Yet it has a strange appeal Did it all begin with him And the way he makes me feel I like the way he makes me feel, he makes me feel, I like the way, I like the way he makes me feel. |
6. |
| 3:18 | ![]() |
She's mother, she's sister,
She's lover. She's the wonder of wonders No man can deny. So why would he change her? She's loving- she's tender- She's woman- So am i. |
7. |
| 4:43 | ![]() |
Look at me-I must be absolutely crazy!
How did I ever let it get this far? Look at me! I'm getting deeper into trouble. Am I woman or a man? Am I a devil or a demon? Papa was right! I ask too many questions. He said a soul can get perplexed- I can't believe what happens next! Papa was right! It seems this little game I play Becomes more risky every day! Tomorrow night, tomorrow night... Under the canopy I'll stand with her tomorrow night! And place a ring upon her hand With her all dressed in white Tomorrow night I don't know how this came about But I'll be wed without a doubt. Oh, my God, I've got to get out! Look at this-The way one lie begets another Somebody wake me up and say It's all a dream! (Look at this!) Look how easily I fool them They may have eyes but they don't see They never really look at me People are blind! How else would everyone believe me? It might be interesting to know Just how much further I can go Tomorrow night, tomorrow night... I can't believe what I'll presume to be Tomorrow night, I'm not the bride but I'm the groom to be Tomorrow night, And that's a monumental trick I'd better think of something quick (Oh, my God, I'm feeling sick! I could run away I could leave without a trace, Go anywhere or any place Where no one knows my face. As a woman or a man? I don't know just so I can Run away-run away! I'd be free-I'd be rid of all of this But there's someone I would miss And being near him is what this is all about! So running away is out! Papa dear, you dreamed of dancing At my wedding; But something tells me that I'm right You wouldn't want to dance tonight! Isn't this a strangely logical solution? Things may not be as they appear But the advantages are clear: He loves her-she loves him He likes me-I like her And I've reasons to think she likes me. She keeps him-he keeps her I keep things as they were It's a perfect arrangement for three! Who'd have ever predicted The moment would come When I'd find myself grateful They've kept women dumb! She's an innocent maiden But then so am I! That's why it's possible I could get by. Look, I've seen the impossible happen before, So maybe, God willing, it'll happen once more. For I feel like a train on a perilous track. With no way to stop and no way to go back. Like a snowball that's gathering speed down a hill, Going faster and faster and faster until... Tomorrow night, tomorrow night... Even if someone would pray for me Tomorrow night, There's not a prayer That they could say for me Tomorrow night, Tomorrow night, tomorrow night... Tomorrow night...is now tonight! |
8. |
| 3:03 | ![]() |
Look at how he looks at her
Will someone ever look at me that way- Full of all the feelings and the soft unspoken words That lovers say? I thought that i knew ev'ry single look And sweet expression on his face, Yet this is one that i don't recognize. Althought i've set and studied him for hours. But now i see how love completely occupies A pair of eyes. See the way they gaze at her, Like slaves they follow ev'ry where she goes. Do my eyes forget themselves And do i ever look at him And smile in such a way That what i'm feeling shows? Sometimes i have the feeling Ev'rybody knows. And even though it's crazy, Still i can't help wond'ring if i'll ever Live to see the day When by some miracle of miracles, He'll turn around And look at me that way! |
9. |
| 4:03 | ![]() |
Look at how she looks at me,
I can never look at her that way... Full of all the feelings and the soft Unspoken words that lovers say... In all the words, in all the books I wish there were a way to say that What she's taught me Isn't written anywhere And I'm supposed to be the one Who's wise... One thing is certain, I can never be what she Expects of me... I've wanted the shadows, I don't anymore. No matter what happens, I won't anymore I've run from the sunlight- Afraid it saw too much. The moon had the one light I bathed in- I walked in. I held in my feelings And closed every door. No matter what happens. I can't anymore. There's someone who must hear The words I've never spoken. Tonight if he were here My silence would be broken. I need him to touch me- To know the love that's in my heart- The same heart that tells me To see myself- To free myself- To be myself at last! For too many mornings The curtains were drawn. It's time they were opened To welcome the dawn. A voice deep inside Is getting stronger, I can't keep it quiet any longer. No matter what happens, It can't be the same anymore... I promise it won't be the same Anymore! |
10. |
| 1:06 | ![]() |
She's mother, she's sister,
She's lover. She's the wonder of wonders No man can deny. So why would he change her? She's loving- she's tender- She's woman- So am i. |
11. |
| 4:20 | ![]() |
Tell me where Where is it written What it is I'm meant to be? That I can't dare... It all began the day I found That from my window I could only see A piece of sky. I stepped outside and looked around, I never dreamed it was so wide Or even half as high. The time had come (papa, can you hear me? ) To try my wings (papa, are you near me? ) And even thought it seemed at any moment I could fall, I felt the most (papa, can you see me? ) Amazing things, (can you understand me? ) The things you can't imagine If you've never flown at all. Though it's safer to stay on the ground, Sometimes where danger lies There the sweetest of pleasures are found. No matter where I go- There'll be mem'ries that tug at my sleeve But there will also be More to question yet more to believe. (oh tell me where- Where is the someone who will turn to look at me And want to sahre My ev'ry sweet-imagined possibility? ) The more I live - the more I learn. The more I learn - the more I realize The less I know. Each step I take- (papa, I've a voice now!) Each page I turn- (papa, I've a choice now!) Each mile I travel only means The more I have to go. What's wrong with wanting more? If you can fly - then soar! With all there is - why settle for Just a piece of sky? Papa, I can hear you... Papa, I can see you... Papa, I can feel you... Papa, watch me fly! |
12. |
| 4:10 | ![]() |
There's no chill and yet I shiver There's no flame and yet I burn I'm not sure what I'm afraid of And yet I'm trembling. There's no strom yet I hear thunder And I'm breathless, why I wonder? Weak one moment, Then the next I'm fine. I feel as if I'm falling every time I close my eyes, And flowing through my body Is a river of surprise. Feelings are awakening I hardly recognize as mine. What are all these new sensations? What's the secret they reveal? I'm not sure I understand But I like the way I feel. Oh, why is it that every time I close my eyes he's there? The water shining on his skin, The sunlight in his hair? And all the while I'm thinking things That I can never share with him. I'm a bundle of confusion Yet it has a strange appeal. Did it all begin with him. And the way he makes me feel I like the way he makes me feel... He makes me feel...Mmmm... I like the way, I like the way he makes me feel. |
13. |
| 3:18 | ![]() |
I've wanted the shadows, I don't anymore. No matter what happens, I won't anymore. I've run from the sunlight- Afraid it saw too much. The moon had the one light I bathed in- I walked in. I held in my feelings And close ev'ry door. No matter what happens, I can't anymore. There's someone who must hear The words i've never spoken. Tonight if he were here My silence would be broken. I need him to touch me- To know the love that's in my heart- The same heart that tells me To see myself- To free myself- To be myself at last! For too many mornings The curtains were drawn. It's time they were opened To welcome the dawn. A voice deep inside Is getting stronger.I can't keep it quiet any longer. No matter what happens, It can't be the same anymore. A voice deep inside Is getting stronger.I can't keep it quiet any longer. No matter what happens, It can't be the same anymore- |