VA - Gluck: Iphiginie En Tauride (2003) by VA (보컬) on

Gluck: Iphiginie En Tauride
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RELEASE DATE: 2003-08-22
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio



CD :: 2003-08-22 :: Sony Classical (SM2K90463, KRSM2K90463)
[Disc 1]
1. Introduction, Air Et Choeur: Grands Dieux! Soyez-nous Secourables! [Carol Vaness, Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 2. Recitatif: Le Calme Repara챤t [Carol Vaness, Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 3. Choeur: O Songe Affreux! [Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 4. Recitatif: ? Race De Pelops,... [Carol Vaness, Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 5. Air: ? Toi, Qui Prolongeas Mes Jours [Carol Vaness] / 6. Choeur: Quand Verrons-nous Tarir Nos Pleurs? [Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 7. Recitatif: Dieux! Le Malheur En Tous Lieux... [Giorgio Surian, Carol Vaness] / 8. Air: De Noirs Pressentiments [Giorgio Surian] / 9. Choeur: Les Dieux Apaisent Leur Courroux [Angelo Veccia] / 10. Recitatif: Malheureuse! [Carol Vaness, Giorgio Surian, Angelo Veccia] / 11. Choeur: Les Dieux Apaisent Leur Courroux [Angelo Veccia] / 12. Recitatif: Dieux! Etouffez En Moi Le Cri... [Carol Vaness, Giorgio Surian] / 13. Recitatif: Et Vous, ? Vos Dieux Tutelaires [Giorgio Surian] / 14. Choeur: Il Nous Fallait Du Sang [Angelo Veccia] / 15. You Are A Bad Liar - Shigeru Suzuki / 16. Five Steps - Shigeru Suzuki / 17. Illusion - Shigeru Suzuki / 18. Galaxy Girl - Shigeru Suzuki / 19. Viva California - Shigeru Suzuki / 20. Hey! Woman - Shigeru Suzuki / 21. Bad Dream - Shigeru Suzuki / 22. Santa Monica Rally - Shigeru Suzuki / 23. Cold Blood - Shigeru Suzuki / 24. Phoenix - Shigeru Suzuki / 25. Ballet-pantomime - Sugar Babe, Yamashita Tatsuro / 26. My Sugar Babe / 27. Daydream - Yamashita Tatsuro / 28. Recitatif: ? Ciel! De Mes Tourments [Carol Vaness] / 29. Ride On Time - Yamashita Tatsuro / 30. Rainy Walk - Yamashita Tatsuro / 31. Let's Kiss The Sun - Yamashita Tatsuro / 32. The Whispering Sea - Yamashita Tatsuro / 33. 永遠のFull Moon - Yamashita Tatsuro
[Disc 2]
1. Funky Flushin' = ファンキー・フラッシン - Yamashita Tatsuro / 2. レッツ・ダンス・ベイビー = Let's Dance Baby - Yamashita Tatsuro / 3. ボンバー = Bomber - Yamashita Tatsuro / 4. 希望という名の光 (Prelude) [Carol Vaness, G?Sta Winbergh, Thomas Allen] / 5. Never Grow Old [G?Sta Winbergh, Thomas Allen] / 6. 希望という名の光 [Thomas Allen, G?Sta Winbergh] / 7. 街物語 (New Remix) [Thomas Allen, G?Sta Winbergh] / 8. プロポーズ [Thomas Allen, G?Sta Winbergh] / 9. 僕らの夏の夢 [Thomas Allen, G?Sta Winbergh, Carol Vaness] / 10. 俺の空 [Thomas Allen, Carol Vaness] / 11. ずっと一緒さ [Carol Vaness, G?Sta Winbergh] / 12. Happy Gathering Day [G?Sta Winbergh] / 13. いのちの最後のひとしずく [Carol Vaness] / 14. My Morning Prayer [Carol Vaness] / 15. 愛してるって言えなくたって (New Remix) [Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 16. バラ色の人生~ラヴィアンローズ [Carol Vaness, Thomas Allen] / 17. 希望という名の光 (Postlude) [Thomas Allen, Carol Vaness] / 18. 素敵な午後は ('85 Live Version) [Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 19. The Theme From Big Wave ('85 Live Version) [Carol Vaness, Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor, Thomas Allen] / 20. Only With You ('86 Live Version) [Carol Vaness] / 21. 二人の夏 ('94 Live Version) [Svetla Krasteva, Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor] / 22. こぬか雨 ('94 Live Version) [Carol Vaness] / 23. 砂の女 ('94 Live Version) [Giorgio Surian, Carol Vaness, Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor, Thomas Allen] / 24. アトムの子 ('92 Live Version) [G?Sta Winbergh, The Guard Of Thoas, Carol Vaness, Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor, The Greeks, Svetla] / 25. 言えなかった言葉を [Sylvie Brunet] / 26. 2000トンの雨 (2000t Of Rain) [G?Sta Winbergh, Thomas Allen] / 27. おやすみ (Kissing Goodnight) [Anna Zoroberto, Michela Remor, The Greeks, The Scythes, Angelo Veccia, Svetla Krasteva]

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