밴드라는 음악적 유닛(Unit)은 - 개개인 멤버들의 단순한 모임이 아닌 - 그 자체로 새로운 생명을 가진 개체가 된다. 즉 인간의 삶과 같이 탄생과 성장, 그리고 노쇠와 사망의 길을 걷게 되는 것이다. 물론 그 흐름의 깊이와 그것이 내뿜는 호흡의 길이는 밴드가 가진 음악적 역량에 따라 다소간의 차이가 있긴 하겠지만 말이다. 밴드는 음악적 신념과 의욕으로 가득한 젊은이들에 의해 탄생하여, 지속적인 음악적 발전으로 인해 팬들에게 인기를 얻어가다가 어느 순간부터는 창조력의 고갈과 멤버간의 불화등 내, 외부적인 요인으로 인해 음악적 정체기를 맞게 된다. 이 시기가 지난 밴드들은 해체되거나, 개개인의 솔로 활동에 전념하거나 혹은 과거의 영광에 기대어 생명을 이어가는 모습을 보이게 된다. 물론 소수이긴 하지만 모든 역경과 한계를 극복하고 스스로에게 새로운 생명력을 부여하는 팀들도 존재하긴 하지만 이러한 밴드들은 소수에 불과한 것이 사실이다. 그런 의미에서 본다면 현재 유러피언 헤비메탈 씬에서 볼 수 있는 밴드들의 다양한 모습은 세대교체의 자연스러운 과정일 것이다. 유러피언 메탈의 양적, 질적인 팽창을 가져온 헬로윈(Helloween)과 감마레이(Gamma Ray)의 음악적 노쇠 - 이 부분에 대해서 이견을 가지신 팬들도 있겠지만 이들의 음악적 전성기가 지났다는 것은 인정해야 한다고 본다 - 와 그들을 이어 멜로딕 스피드 메탈에 바로크적인 어프로치를 더해 큰사랑을 받았던 스트라토바리우스(Stratovarius), 역시 멤버간의 불화와 음악성의 변화로 많은 팬들의 사랑을 잃고 있다. 국내 팬들에게 큰사랑을 받았던 랩소디(Rhapsody)도 예전만큼 큰 매력을 가진 팀이 되지 못하고 있고 유러피언 메탈계에 유행처럼 번졌던 여성 보컬리스트의 시발점이 된 타르야(Tarja Turunen)를 잃은 핀란드의 국민 밴드 나이트위시(Nightwish) 역시 다음 앨범에 대한 걱정이 앞서는 것을 부정할 수 없다. 이렇듯 대 밴드들이 분명한 하향곡선을 그리고 있는 지금 현존하는 밴드 중 가장 굳건한 모습을 보이고 있는 팀은 누구일까? 그러한 팀으로 에드가이를 꼽는데 이견을 가지신 분들은 없을 듯하다. 1995년 [Savage Poetry]로 데뷔한 이래 2004년 [Hellfire Club]에 이르기까지 밴드가 보여준 지속적인 발전과 정열적인 활동은 이들을 현존하는 최고의 밴드로 꼽기에 손색이 없다. 그리고 정통 메탈의 파워풀함에 유러피언 메탈이 가진 다이나믹하고 캐치한 멜로디를 첨가한 음악으로 지속적인 사랑을 받아온 밴드의 모습은 새해에도 여전히 유효할 것으로 보인다. 새로운 앨범 [Rocket Ride]는 에드가이는 여전히 젊은 밴드이고 음악적 최정점에서 자신들의 전성기를 누리고 있는 밴드임을 다시 한번 확인 시켜주는 작품이다. 먼 훗날 이들의 전성기 시절 대표 앨범으로 꼽힐 또 하나의 명반인 것이다.
[Rocket Ride]의 발매에 앞서 미리 소개되었던 미니앨범[Superhereos]는 “역시 에드가이!!!”나는 감탄이 절로 나올 만큼 멋진 작품이었다. 그만큼 정규 앨범에 대한 기대가 커지기 마련인데 결론적으로 말하자만 그러한 기대를 충분히 채우고도 남을 완성도를 지닌 일곱 번째 정규 앨범이다. 앨범의 서두는 놀랍게도 8분을 넘기는 긴 런닝 타임을 가진 “Sacrifice”이다. 이런 대곡은 앨범의 중후반에 담기는 것이 일반적인데 대담하게 앨범의 첫 곡으로 실은 것은 그만큼 그 완성도에 자신이 있어서일 것이다. 전반적으로 무거워지고 다소 스트레이트해진 앨범의 성격을 잘 나타낸 곡이다. 와와 패달을 이용한 멋진 솔로에 특히 관심이 가는 타이틀 트랙인 “Rocket Ride"는 격정적인 도입부와 희망적인 느낌의 코러스등 에드가이 사운드의 전형을 보여주는 드라마틱한 작품이다. 세 번째 트랙인 ”Wasted Time“는 선이 굵은 멜로디 라인과 탄력적인 리듬파트의 연주가 아이언 메이든의 곡들을 연상시킨다. 공간감이 빼어난, 중독성 강한 곡인 ”Matrix“는 미들템포이면서도 다이나믹한 느낌을 주는 이색적인 곡이라 말하고 싶다. “Return To The Tribe”의 시종일관 질주하는 드러밍이 전해주는 통쾌함을 지나 등장하는 “The Asylum”는 제목처럼 외로움과 슬픔 그리고 광기가 느껴지는 육중하고 스산한 느낌의 트랙이다. 멜로딕 하드락 밴드들의 곡을 연상시키는 “Save Me”는 공연장에서 연출될 캔들 스틱의 물결과 거대한 합창이 절로 연상되는 트랙이다. 80년대 정통 메탈의 향기가 강하게 느껴지는 “Catch Of The Century”와 빼어난 멤버들 간의 호흡을 느낄 수 있는 “Out Of Vogue” 등 앨범 내에는 단 한곡도 흘려들을 만한 트랙이 없다. 다음 곡은 이미 싱글로 발표되어 많은 사랑을 받은 “Superhereos"으로 전형적인 에드가이 곡이라는 설명이 가장 적절하고, 정확한 표현인 트랙이다. 에드가이 음악이 지닌 가장 큰 미덕 중에 하나는 어느 한 가지 스타일이나 구성에 경도 되지 않았다는 것이다. 즉 앨범에 참으로 다양한 느낌의 곡들이 나름대로 에드가이 스타일이라는 명제 안에서 통일성을 갖고 담겨있다는 것인데, 흡사 어느 친구의 생일파티 현장을 연상시키는 유쾌한 곡인 “Trinidad” 역시 그러한 이들의 넓은 음악적 스펙트럼을 엿볼 수 있는 작품이다. 그 시작서부터 상당부분 80,90 연대 정통 메탈에 음악의 한 축을 둔 에드가이지만 이 번 앨범에서는 그러한 경향이 더욱 더해진 느낌이다. “Fucking With Fire" 역시 그러한 호쾌하면서도 왠지 모를 향수를 불러일으키는 사운드로 채워진 작품이다.
정규 트랙은 여기서 끝나지만 반갑게도 국내반에는 세 곡의 보너스트랙이 들어있다. 사실 정확히는 일본반에 실린 보너스 트랙이라는 표현이 더 맞겠지만 어쨌든 이들의 곡들 더 들을 수 있다는 것만으로도 기분 좋은 일 아니겠는가! 이런 면을 보면 적어도 음악적 면에서만큼은 일본을 부러워하지 않을 수 없게 된다. 첫 번째 보너스 곡은 [Theater of Salvation] 앨범에 실린 “Land of the Miracle"의 라이브 트랙이다. 특유의 서정적인 면은 물론 이 곡의 백미라 할만한 깊이 있는 기타 솔로의 매력이 한껏 빛을 발하고 있는 트랙이다. 다른 여타의 밴드들의 앨범과 달리 에드가이 앨범의 보너스 트랙을 듣다보면 팬들을 위한 말 그대로 “보너스”적인 면과 함께 밴드 스스로를 위해 할애된 부분도 많이 느껴진다. 즉 밴드 스스로를 위한 곡들이란 느낌이 든다는 얘기다. 대표적인 경우가 [Hellfire Club]의 발표 이전에 소개된 미니 앨범[King of Fools]의 “Life and Times of a Bonus Track"을 들 수 있지 않을까 싶다. 범람하는 불법 복제와 파일 공유 등에 대한 불만을 보너스트랙을 의인화하여 나타낸 곡으로 에드가이 특유의 블랙 코메디가 가장 빛나는 부분이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. “Lavatory Love Machine” 싱글에 실렸었던 곡인 “Reach Out"은 스스로의 음악에 대한 열정과 아티스트로서의 삶에서 느끼는 외로움에 대해 나타낸 곡이다. 그러면서도 스스로에게 더욱 정진해 나가자는 다짐 역시 잊지 않고 있는 감동적인 트랙. 마지막 보너스 트랙인 “Lavatory Love Machine”은 또 다른 의미를 가진 보너스 곡이다. 즉 자신들이 만든 곡이 가진 그 자체의 매력을 스스로 뽐내는 작품인 것이다. 본 어쿠스틱 버전 역시 “Lavatory Love Machine” 싱글에 실려 있는 트랙으로 디스토션 기타와 파워풀한 드러밍 없이도 확실히 매력적이고 잘 만들어진 곡이라는 것을 어쿠스틱 사운드를 빌려 과시하고 있는 느낌이다. 전반적으로 스피드보다는 안정적인 구성과 완성도에 주안점을 둔 작품으로 전작들에 비해 정통 메탈적인 느낌을 주는 트랙들이 다수 포진되어있는 것이 눈에 띈다. 또 한발의 발전을 이루어낸 에드가이의 발전상을 고스란히 담은 작품이다. 언젠가는 에드가이도 과거의 밴드가 되고 팬들에게 더 이상 매력적인 신보를 선사하지 못하는 날이 올지도 모르겠지만 - 어느 영화의 대사처럼 - 아직은 그 때가 확실히 아니다. 여전히 에드가이는 발전하고 있고, 최고의 전성기에 있다.
동양 전통 철학에서 미덕으로 삼는 항목 중의 하나로 중용(中庸)이란 것이 있다. 어느 쪽으로나 치우침이 없고, 지나치거나 모자람이 없이 알맞은 것을 의미하는 말로 에드가이의 신보는 바로 이 중용의 도(道)를 잘 지킨 작품이라는 생각을 해 보았다. 강렬하면서도 부담스럽지 않고, 헤비하면서도 답답함이 없다. 또한 멜로딕하면서도 곡의 흐름이 자연스럽고, 빠른 곡들도 가볍게 느껴지지 않는 사운드를 담은 작품이다. 에드가이의 앨범이 쉽게 질리지 않는 것은 바로 그만큼 완성도 높은 작품들이라는 것을 반증하는 것이 아닐까한다. 좋은 음악이란 굳이 이성적으로 그 구성과 완성도를 생각하지 않아도 청자의 귀와 가슴으로 자연스럽게 느끼게 되는 것이기 때문이다. 에드가이는 적어도 당분간은 음악적으로나 그 대중적 인기에서나 하향곡선을 그리거나 팬들을 실망시킬 일은 없을 듯하다. 로켓을 타고 우주를 향해 솟아오른 이들은 여전히 유러피언 메탈의 미래를 양어깨에 짊어지고 있는 젊은 밴드이다. 그리고 그 로켓이 얼마나 튼튼한 것인지는 이 앨범을 통해 느낄 수 있을 것이라 믿는다. .... ....
Too much time to get lost in the maze Tell me, isn't that strange? You bleed to get there, you were ready You were ready, to be a bird in a golden cage
Sweat is breaking on my brow Where's the freak to ease my pain? The room is dark and big and empty Silence drivin' me insane
Night has fallen, demons laughing Waiting for the light of day Here's the land of milk and honey There you got the price to pay
Searching for shelter Riding the pendelum to paradise As I'm reaching higher What a pure desire Swinging back towards the edge
When I drift away killing sacrifice Here I go insane What a price to pay, living sacrifice I set off to Heaven, and found bedlam
There's a part of me that has not been sold Save me please, embrace me, hold me And kiss my bleeding soul
You can see below the creature Pounding, sitting in my neck If you'd see inside my head You surely wouldn't turn your back on me
I'm looking for shelter, riding the pendelum to paradise As I'm reaching higher, what a pure desire Swinging back towards the abyss
When I drift away killing sacrifice Here I go insane What a price to pay, living sacrifice I set off to Heaven, and found bedlam
Nothing remains the same, but still I hear those voices Nothing remains the same, where am I gonna go? Is it my destination, or just a fake temptation, baby? I remember home, when demons came and I got swept away From me
When I drift away killing sacrifice Here I go insane What a price to pay, living sacrifice I set off to Heaven, and found bedlam
Road lies ahead And a long road lies behind me I see lights passing by And I know it's the time of our lives A million miles Lightyears I've been travelling To watch and enjoy this world And I've seen ass galore
I'm musing over it all Closing my eyes to remember it all Embracing the past and the future to come Kiss the road that leads to my tribe..
I've found my way home I'll return to where I belong Back to where I stem from Back to Paradise Time to return to the tribe!
The other side - always close to the edge Been walking a thin line Always knew someone watched my step A mistery to make it out alive and sane The battle is over And I know who's been with me
Now I'm musing over it all On top of this world I remember it all Awaiting that sunrise and sunset at home Kiss the way that leads me to my tribe
I've found my way home I'll return to where I belong Back to where I stem from Back to Paradise Time to return to the tribe!
I've seen battlefields, drunk drummers Japanese hotel toilets Piesel tuning guitar And A.C. being my personal slave
The dream is over - no one is to take the blame We believed in roses but only thorns remained
And I look into the rear view mirror We create and we destroy Put our blood into a street with a dead end Walk up that stairway to jump off into the black
Here we go! We go all the way - Do we need the pain? Waking up in a black tomorrow I've been there before - Was it all wasted again? We go all the way - Do we need the pain Waking up in a black tomorrow I've been there before - Was it all just wasted time?
Maybe I am different, maybe I'm a fool And I wonder if it's worth it Trying to find another you
And I look into the rear view mirror Just to see how fucked I look While I drive along that street with a dead end Like a moth to the flame it's gonna suck me into pain
Still we go! We go all the way - Do we need the pain? Waking up in a black tomorrow I've been there before - Was it all wasted again? We go all the way - Do we need the pain Waking up in a black tomorrow I've been there before - Was it all just wasted time?
What are we heading for, why do I dare again? Once bitten twice shy and still we never learn
So here I'm lying - A leisure-poet in pain Involuntary loner, I know that life is just a game Where nobody gets out alive - A sedative shot for me No happy man gets out alive - Neither of us you will see
Here we go! We go all the way - Do we need the pain? Waking up in a black tomorrow I've been there before - Was it all wasted again? We go all the way - Do we need the pain Waking up in a black tomorrow I've been there before - Was it all just wasted time?
I see your face in a masquerade I see your made up smile When the show is over, then what is left behind? It's in your eyes, it's in your hair How come they say opposites attract? When all you feel is a struggle deep inside?
Don't tell no lies, no more disquise I'm tracing the matrix of my life The damage is done, you don't belong Deep down in the matrix
I'm feeling pushed, from left to right Is this the way it's meant to be? Is my destiny crawling on my knees?
Now who is right? And who is wrong? Who is one that won't belong? Who is for real? And who's just pretending to be?
Don't tell no lies, no more disquise I'm tracing the matrix of my life The damage is done, you don't belong Deep down in the matrix No more lies, no more disquise Into the matrix
No more lies, no more disquise I'm tracing the matrix No more...
lies, no more disquise I'm tracing the matrix of my life The damage is done, you don't belong Deep down in the matrix No more lies, no more disquise Tracing the matrix of my life The damage is done, you don't belong Deep down in the matrix Into the matrix
I sought salvation but I found insanity Lost in a mess I returned to profanity
I've been reaching for the sky But I got stuck with my feet down in concrete
Don't you run away now - Don't you be afraid You know there is a meaning - woah Don't you run away now - Don't you live a lie There's more to life than struggle - Take a rocket ride
Suffered my way with divine aspiration I failed to resist the sweetest temptation Been stuck to religion till I've clung to the pie You never really miss it until you really try
Tried to jump but held down by concrete the venery surrounding my feet
Don't you run away now - Don't you be afraid You know there is a meaning - woah Don't you run away now - Don't you live a lie There's more to life than struggle - Take a rocket ride
Oh I've tried to reach higher On and on but my flesh is too weak Been searching for answers - I've been led to the fire There must be a reason for us to be down here Oh I'm drifting - temptation Carried out to sea - I'm drifting - I'm drifting away I'm drifting away - I'm drifting away
I'm a piledriver - piledriver...
I've been reaching for the sky but I got stuck with my feet down in concrete
Don't you run away now - Don't you be afraid You know there is a meaning - woah Don't you run away now - Don't you live a lie There's more to life than struggle - Take a rocket ride
Crying in the still of the night A yearning for shelter Silence kissing your wounds Soothing your pain Darkness - and what do they know 'Bout losing direction clutch at a straw Cherish the hope to make it finally home...
You long to be see - through So nobody can tell Whenever they made you Bleed your pride away Now you're driven by a one track mind Initiating you Splendid flowers Blossom from the wounds The stronger the poison The sweeter smells the bloom
Don't you try to stand your ground Cause you're only coming home
To the heart of fire You're home - found asylum In a world where the broken dance On shards of glass I see fire - ruins and fire - and fire In a world where the broken dance With shattered dreams
It's burning inside you This emotional hell And you keep on smiling Upon the icy tiles A stream of fire to sweep the fears away Seems like forever Too long you've had to wait Plunge in darkness For wicked harmony
Little angel thrown away Sure'll be back another day
To the heart of fire You're home - found asylum In a world where the broken dance On shards of glass I see fire - ruins and fire - and fire In a world where the broken dance With shattered dreams
Now see the cornered children I see them off the beaten track Embracing and crying Freezing and dying Concealed humiliation Now let them dance Liberation cruelty-free Dance towards the gallows-tree
Bogyman was sought and found Bogyman has found a home
In the heart of fire He's found his asylum In a world where the broken dance On shards of glass I see fire - ruins and fire - and fire In a world where the broken dance With shattered dreams
Waiting for a little sign seems like to no avail Strolling down the pavement aimlessly She is praying for someone To snatch her bag of memories How come you call it destiny when the cross you bear is Your only company?
Never seen you I don't even know your name But still I believe
That you are gonna save me somehow I got a notion Just a little affection On this cold and windy road Save me from a state of unemotion Just a little affection On this windy road
Why is it all so confusing? Why does growing up hurt so bad? We seek and we get lost we get found and go again And I don't know what's gonna be I won't make any promise but I believe
Never seen you I don't even know your name But still I believe
That you are gonna save me somehow I got a notion Just a little affection On this cold and windy road Save me from a state of unemotion Just a little affection On this windy road
I don't know if I can I don't know if I should I don't know what is right And what's to come if you would Here I stand in the rain Here I stand in the cold I'm reluctant to get another shot in my soul... I'm afraid of that hole.....
You do not know, and you don't care And you may never learn I made approaches, you gave me teeth And got my open heart
I'm paid for sassing, that's what you say Don't get the essential point What it came down to, was you and good nothing Here's to the wicked and here's to the odd
You got your chance going down the drain, You're dumping The catch of the century You've got your chance, But you're much too vain to take it The catch of the century
Your bodies waiting, cause all the world is already spoken for a host of rivals, I'm out for boogeying and I'll be forever more You spread all around, sniff while I'm high, I'm on the road again I'm going down with flying colors, before I go down on someone else
You got your chance goin' on my train, you're dumping The catch of the century And lady luck's got her ass in pain, you're wasting The catch of the century You got your chance goin' on my train, you're dump The catch of the century
"I tell you, one day you will regret it I will sell millions of records I?m gonna have hundreds of women Seven, seven Ferraris! A private jet! A helicopter license! I'm gonna be the Formula One world champion! I?m gonna have a big house in Hollywood Hills! And you will be nothing Nothing! Nothing! You will be nothing but nothing! AAAAAHHH! AAAAAHHH! YOU! NOTHING! NOTHING, YOU'RE NOTHING! HELICOPTER!"
Jeer at him moving in slow-mo surrounded By a spirit-entourage so odd-inviting sneer You ride the spinning wheel that's getting faster Outside they saw the passing centuries
Round and round merry go round Round and round you go Scream and shout - laugh aloud
It's so out of vogue To lead a way outside the catalogue You're in vogue and don't understand It's so out of vogue to contradict Your transient mistress of the world How does it feel in your cage Trapped in vogue
So don't you miss a thing in your carrousel You feel so proud behind the steering wheel The mind you sold waves at you from outside And you feel happy as you kneel
Lady dark crack the whip - 300 pounds of lust One shall get what you need..
It's so out of vogue How do you do inside the catalogue? You're in vogue and don't miss a thing It's so out of vogue to contradict Your transient mistress of the world How does it feel in your cage Trapped in vogue
City lights are calling - slowly coming back to life Speeding in the fastlane - Mama let us waste no time Devil in the doorway - selling any kind of hell We're just coming out to play the game
And we never cry for love We're superheroes We are back where we belong We never cry for pain We're superheroes Make a stand where we belong
Way too long I've tried to be what I could never be For too long you've rolled the dice But you can't control me I ain't talking about romance you may fiddle I may dance Anyway it's just a game we play
And we never cry for love We're superheroes We are back where we belong We never cry for pain We're superheroes Make a stand where we belong
You gotta move to stay alive We're gonna rock the bash tonight..
Cry for love - We're superheroes We are back where we belong
And we never cry for love We're superheroes We are back where we belong We never cry for pain We're superheroes Make a stand where we belong
Let me tell you a story about an ugly woman I know...
"Hello girls!" "Hello Tobi you hot little machine!!!"
I'm a sight for sore eyes Oh, if your eyes would only see I've been born on tiptoe Still you looked like a lighthouse next to me
You pet-named me Napoleon I was proud 'til I got the reason why , why..... Never aimed for confrontation You've been sleeping when I kissed your ass goodbye
Oh, while you read this letter I'd just gone to eat out By the way
My what a sunshine in Trinidad Hope you're okay lightyears away My what A heat wave in Trinidad Hope you don't mind if I stay
Pitcher goes too often to the well And now the pitcher's gone insane Gotta run away, boiling over, getting hell And found the answer on a plane
Oh, I've been pissing off Before you might could have pissed me off. I hope you're fine, yeah
My what a sunshine in Trinidad Mind if you stay, I do okay My what A heatwave in Trinidad Sunburnt a night flight away
"Honey you're looking good so far away from me The weather is great, the beach is great, the food is great Everything is great and you're so far away, I love you honey Greetings from Trinidad, hey!
My what a sunshine in Trinidad Mind if you stay, I do okay My what a heatwave in Trinidad Sunburnt a night flight away
"Back and home in Germany I was a famous porn star, hahaha"
I saw her coming in high heels moving like a queen A little sweet angel but deep underneath a mean machine
You're lying in wait to make me a fool you want me to bite I'm gonna take the bait and the hunter for afters I'll take you for a ride
I don't wanna play no games cause I'm a bad bad boy-all around Let me be your Titanic before you know what's going on I may go down..
Fucking with fire-I'm coming to rock got my rocket on fire and I take what I want Fucking with fire-loaded and cocked you never miss it until you've begun with the hair force one
Don't make no mistakes,don't you miss out on the hell of a time I'm a real go-getter and there's no doubt that down the line
I know what you want and I know what you need your secret desire got the gloves of a man the hands of a beast and my pants on fire
And I don't wanna play no games cause I'm a nasty bad boy-all around, around Let me be your Titanic, before you know what's going on I'm going down...
Blinded by the fire and the sorrow of the day, I come knocking at your door to dry the tears away, the eventide is calling me to take a look into your eyes, pull me on and make me mesmerized!
Riding on the wings of light, dreaming dreams and holding tight: leaving all my sorrow far behind, your eyes are the gate
To the land of the miracle where our love can make us fly, make us fly, in the land of the miracle, we can find a reason why and how we can fly.
Open up the book up madness read the page of life! Who's the one to tell you what to do and how to rise! And if the stars would fall one day I'd climb up the sky To put them back for you to save your smile.
Riding on the wings of light, dreaming dreams and holding tight: leaving all my sorrow far behind, your eyes are the gate
When the spotlight is fading And everyone's gone When your thoughts come back to life And you think of what you have done
Take a look in the mirror And then look to the past Tell me who you are And then tell me what's gonna last
And as you take off your disguise As you dare to open your eyes
To behold the panacea Embracing your life Oh, and then you realize
You gotta reach out To find it all inside of you As the spotlight fades away You gotta reach out To find it all inside of you And let that spotlight fade away
It's so hard to escape from Where they say you belong If they say don't you break the rules You just got abandon them and then go on
And there won't be anything missin' There won't be no grief or regret Oh, let the child inside break free I'll find the time to be stiff when I'm dead
Don't wanna be trapped in a disguise I want it all and I wanna rise
And I dive in the panacea Embracing my life Open my eyes
Reach out! To find it all inside of you As the spotlight fades away You gotta reach out To find it all inside of you And let that spotlight fade away Reach out! Find it all inside of you As the spotlight fades away Reach out! Find it all inside of you And let that spotlight fade away
Oh if only Brazil was not so far Far away I would swim or walk or ride But never ever fly But all the noise of the maniacs there The seat on my face it's worth to bear But I don't wanna bounce and die
But then I see a lady in a tight blue dress I close my eyes, I know what I would go for Stewardess before the crash
Lavatory love machine No fear can quell my steam Lavatory live machine No cabin fire burn my dream
I'm at you disposal I gotta get up to see what you ain't gotta hide Wheeling junk along the aisle Keep your seat belt fastened You're whipping with an iron voice You command Uh mistress I am in your hands
And when she asks me what I'd like to eat I realise the domina feels the same And I reply... What about your pie?
Lavatory love machine No fear can quell my steam Lavatory live machine No cabin fire burn my dream
Lavatory love machine No broken wings to stop me stream Lavatory love machine Honey do you like the way I cream?!
Now if I gotta die I'll have been stiff and smiling till the crash Let them know I've been alive Till I made my final splash
Lavatory love machine No fear can quell my steam Lavatory live machine Oh~
Don't hear those scary noises From the turbine when you scream
Lavatory love machine No broken wings to stop me stream Lavatory love machine Honey do you like the way I cream?!