달콤한 비트로 전세계를 사로잡은 재미 한국인 케로원(Kero One)의 언더그라운드 재즈 힙합 클래식 [Windmills of The Soul] + [Single Collection (Bonus CD)] 2CD
- 미국은 물론 일본의 재즈 힙합씬까지 점령한 재미 한국인 Kero One의 화제의 데뷔작.
- 사운드 프로바이더스(Sound Providers)의 멤버 J Skillz가 직접 앨범의 믹싱에 참여.
- 기존 미국, 일본반에서 볼수 없었던 보너스 트랙과 새롭게 리엔지니어링 된 음원 수록.
- 평화롭고 따뜻한 질감의 빈티지 재즈 힙합 사운드
이 뮤지션은 너무도 쉽게 힙합의 바운더리를 초월하고 있다. - okayplayer.com 따뜻하고, 너무나 달콤한, 한가로운 비트로 가득한 음반. - dustygroove.com 심미안을 가진 그루브와 영적인 재즈훵크를 들려주는 앨범. - Turntablelab.com 그는 확실히 현재 가장 중요한 프로듀서중 하나이다. - Stacks Vinyl 언더그라운드에서 가장 주목받고 있는 뮤지션 - Rapreviews.com 본 작은 가장 소울풀한 힙합 앨범중 하나로 성실한 인디 힙합씬의 증거로 기록될 것이다. -Picadillyrecords.com
동의하지 않는 사람들이 있을지 모르겠는데 특히 한국과 일본에서 유난히 재즈힙합이 사랑을 받고있다. 10여년 전으로 거슬러 올라가보면 어스3(Us3)라던가 디거블 플레닛(Digable Planet), 그리고 피트 락(Pete Rock)과 트라이브 콜드 퀘스트(A Tribe Called Quest)등의 뮤지션들이 널리 사랑을 받았으며 현재 재즈 샘플을 기반으로 한 미국의 언더그라운드 뮤지션들 또한 국내에서 많은 사랑을 받고 있다. 일련의 예를 들어보자면 매드립(Madlib)을 비롯한 스톤스 쓰로우의 패거리들부터 피플 언더 더 스테어스(People Under The Stairs), 론 캐털리스츠(Lone Catalysts)등, 일일이 언급하기 어려울 정도로 넘쳐난다. 가까운 예를 한S">(Sound Providers)가 한국과 일본에서 얻어낸 성공은 미국에서 그들이 이루어낸 것에 비하면 너무나 어마어마했고 [사무라이 참푸루] 외에는 국내에 정식으로 공개된 것이 없는 누자베스(Nujabes)의 내한공연은 엄청난 관심 속에서 이루어졌다. 재미있는 사실은 한국은 일본에 비해서는 재즈가 활성화된 나라는 아니라는 것이다. 물론 많은 재즈 리스너들이 이땅에 존재하지만 듣는 사람의 분포가, 그리고 재즈음반 시장이 일본만큼 광범위 하지는 않다. 심지어는 노라 존스(Norah Jones)가 블루노트에서 발매됐다는 이유로 재즈차트에 오르며 오히려 컨추리/어덜트 컨템프러리에 가까운 그녀의 앨범이 마치 제대로 된 재즈 레코딩인 것 인냥-물론 신작에는 크로노스 쿼텟(Kronos Quartet)이 참여하기도 했다- 매체에서 이야기하는 것이 이 나라의 실정이니 말이다. 이 예시는 주제에서 약간은 벗어난 이야기였지만 일본에 비해 재즈 음반들의 리이슈화가 비교가 되지 않을 만큼 적다는 현실은 모두 동의할 것이다. 한국 사람들은 쿨 재즈의 달콤한 요소들, 그리고 비밥의 담백한 느낌을 한데 모아 섞어놓는 것을 좋아하는 것 같다. 마치 부대찌개나 비빔밥을 좋아하는 것 처럼 말이다. 그리고 그러한 음악들은 클럽에서는 물론, 일상생활에서도 훌륭한 BGM이 되어주곤 한다.
여기, 미국의 언더그라운드 힙합씬은 물론이거니와 일본에서도 폭발적인 사랑을 받고있는 재미 한국인힙합 아티스트가 있다. 그런데 정작 그의 음악을 듣게 되면 자연스럽게 한국계라는 사실이 별로 중요하지 않은 것이 되어버린다. 마치 심(Seam)의 음악을 들었을 때 처럼 말이다.
캘리포니아의 베이 에이리어 출신의 케로원(Kero One)은 90년대 초부터 MC와 비트 메이킹, 그래피티와 디제잉, 그리고 레코드 수집을 해온 아티스트이다. 혼자 여러 가지 작업을 시도해 보다가 드디어 2003년 여름, 스스로 운영하는 레이블인 플러그 레이블(Plug Label)에서 발표하는 첫 12인치 레코드 [Check the Blueprints]를 공개하게 된다. 재즈 훵크 비트, 그리고 적절한 비유에 중후함을 더한 가사를 베이스로 만들어진 본 싱글은 공개되자 마자 곧바로 폭발적인 반응과 여러 커뮤니티로부터의 명확한 평가에 힘입어 레코드샾, 레이블, 그리고 DJ들 사이에 이름이 알려지기 시작한다. 싱글 [Check the Blueprints]는 각종 라디오 차트의 톱 5에 들어가게 되는데, J-부기(J-boogie : OM records), 존 케네디(Jon Kennedy : Tru-thoughts UK) 등의 유명한 DJ들의 플레이리스트에 끊임없이 돌아가면서 월드-와이드하게 퍼져나간다. 더구나 CD가 아닌 12인치 바이닐 레코드 임에도 불구하고 일본에서만 4000장, 전세계적으로는 1만장에 가까운 판매고를 올리면서 음악 애호가들 사이에서 데뷔앨범이 가장 기대되는 힙합 아티스트로 등극하기에 이른다. 특히 일본 내에서 케로원에 대한 애정은 각별한데, 일본에서만 한정으로 발매되기도 했던 12인치 싱글[My Story]를 비롯하여 일본반 보너스 트랙에 DJ 미츠 더 비츠(DJ MITSU THE BEATS)의 리믹스가 실리면서 많은 호응을 얻어냈다. 2004년 1월에 이어 2007년 4월 현재 일본 투어가 진행 중에 있으며 그 이후에는 유럽투어가 예정되어 있다고 한다.
Windmills of The Soul
[Check the Blueprints] 이후 2006년, 케로원은 대망의 정규앨범 [Windmills of The Soul]을 발매하게 된다. 전작에 비해 더욱 다양한 실제 악기를 사용했으며 그의 친구들인 엠씨 나이아마(MC Niamaj), 골다 수퍼노바(Golda Supanova), 그리고 무엇보다 사운드 프로바이더스(Sound Providers)의 제이슨 스킬즈(Jason Skillz)의 도움을 받게 된다. 제이슨 스킬즈는 그의 음악을 듣고 다른 음악들을 생각할 수 없다는 이야기를 하면서 케로원의 작업을 도와주었는데 사운드 프로바이더스가 한국에 공연하러 왔었을 당시에도 케로원에 대한 이야기를 하기도 했다. 나는 그와 고기를 먹으면서 칼 제이더(Cal Tjader), 오스카 피터슨(Oscar Peterson), 그리고 케로원에 관한 이야기를 했던 걸로 기억하는데, 제이슨은 케로원이 성실하고 다양한 악기를 다룰 줄 안다고 이야기 하기도 했다.
실제로 케로원은 많은 악기를 다룰 줄 안다. 본 작에서는 기본적인 샘플링과 비트 메이킹, 스크래칭은 물론이고 휀더로즈, 무그, 그리고 베이스까지 자신의 연주로 채워 넣었고, 앨범에 나오는 색소폰 또한 연주자가 실제로 연주한 것을 녹음했다. 그는 오메카 와츠(Omega Watts)라던가 크라운 씨티 락커즈(Crown City Rockers)와 함께 투어를 다니기도 했는데 크라운 씨티 락커즈의 실제로 연주하는 방식에 많은 자극을 받았던 모양이다. 그리고 그의 연주는 정제되어있는 동시에 마치 맥을 짚듯 적재적소하게 위치하고 있다.
본 정규 앨범은 미국보다는 일본에서 몇 달 먼저 발매됐다. 일본 발매 당시, HMV와 타워 레코드 등의 대형매장 힙합 차트 1,2위에 오르며 선전했으며 아이튠즈(Itunes)의 힙합 부분 다운로드 100위안에 3달 동안 머물면서 인기를 얻어왔고 MSN 뮤직에서는 베스트 인디-힙합 부분에 랭크 되면서 이름을 날렸다. 거대한 일본시장을 생각해 본다면 엄청난 성공을 이루어낸 셈이다.
앨범은 낡았지만 아름다운 재즈가 힙합의 에너지를 얻은듯한 느낌을 준다. 잘 다듬어진 샘플과 실제로 연주하는 색소폰, 휀더로즈는 라이브의 질감을 살린 오가닉한 느낌을 주는데 트라이브 콜드 퀘스트라던가 루츠(Roots), 그리고 초기의 커먼(Common)의 사운드와 닮아 있다.
빈티지하고 심플한 기타루핑이 인상적인 [Windmills Intro]를 시작으로 휀더로즈와 색소폰의 훵키한 느낌을 고스란히 전달하고 있는 [Give Thanks-후에 이 곡은 사운드 프로바이더스가 리믹스 했다-], 일본에서만 12인치 싱글로 발매되면서 특히 사랑 받았던 [My Story], 그리고 케로원의 목소리가 들어가있지 않은 두 곡 [Ain’t That Somethin?], [It’s a New Day]에서는 그의 프로듀싱과 비트 메이킹을 제대로 감상할 수 있는 계기를 마련해 주기도 한다. 아름다운 피아노 루핑이 인상적인 최근 12인치 싱글 트랙 [In all the Wrong Places], 사운드 프로바이더스의 제이슨 스킬즈가 참여했으며 싱글로도 발매되어 사랑 받았던 [Keep it Alive!], 그리고 그의 이름을 알리는데 가장 큰 공헌을 한 현대 B-BOY들의 클래식 브레익, [Check The Blueprints]을 마지막으로 이 놀라운 정규앨범은 끝이 난다.
Single Collection (Bonus CD)
일본의 라이센스 버전에는 미츠 더 비츠의 리믹스가 포함되어 있는데 한국 발매반은 [Check The Blueprints]와 [Keep it Alive!]의 리믹스 트랙들, 그리고 인스트루멘탈 버전과 씨디에는 수록되어 있지 않은 [Keep it Alive!]의 아카펠라 트랙까지 담고 있다. 아카펠라 트랙의 경우, 12인치 싱글에만 수록되어 있던 것인데 새로운 리믹스를 원하는 프로듀서 지망생들에게 아주 유용한 소스가 되어 줄 것이다. 너무나 알찬 보너스 트랙들이라 하겠다.
그는 한국의 어느 힙합 웹진의 인터뷰에서 고국을 방문하고 싶다는 의사를 표현한 바 있었다. 그리고 나는 그것이 가능할 것이라고 믿는다. 사실 그의 앨범에서 한국적인 무언가를 찾는 것은 불필요한 일이다. 그의 음악은 국가를 초월한 그루브를 담고 있고 어느 나라의 사람이든 아름다운 음악을 좋아하는 것은 마찬가지이기 때문이다.
“나는 양보다는 질적으로 좋은 작품을 만들기 위해 노력하는 편이다. 앞으로 몇 년이 지나도 꾸준히 플레이 되는 음악, 그리고 스스로 납득이 가는 작품들을 만들고 싶다.” -Kero One .... ....
(Verse 1, Kero One) Its time to pump up the volume all you in the area From suburbs, slums and ghettos through America I?m here to break the barriers unify you and I Cause under one God we all are humankind No matter the race, creed, color, or state of mind There?s much to celebrate in this space and time So I .. deliver these rhymes to uplift the mind Spirit and soul with every rhyme I unfold And hold my head low and stay humble Cause who knows what piece tomorrow will bring to the puzzle I huddle my hands together and give praise No matter the weather God?s sun provides the rays And lights the way through this desolate maze Where the obstacles of life can leave your confidence dazed But I maintain through strife struggle and strain Gain character from persevering through pain And it?s strange how I?ve complained when others have had it worse Lacking in understanding of the next mans hurt But now I comprehend as I write this verse So today I give thanks, ?today ya giving what?? So today I give praise, ?Kero One say it again? So today we rejoice as we spit these words
(Chorus) Saying... thanks, for the roof over our heads As we rejoice, for every day that we?re fed We giving praise ya?ll, to the creator above For giving us hope in life and promoting the love We give thanks, for the roof over our heads As we rejoice, for every day that we?re fed We givin praise yall to the creator above For givin us this chance to expand the love
(Verse 2, Niamaj) The earth rapidly rotates at a miraculous rate And we still seek to find the definition of appreciate The gift of life is a gift in itself see And this goes out to middle class broke and wealthy I like to recognize all the things in my lifetime Stayin alive or the ability to write rhymes Uplift the mind through these treacherous times I give props to all mighty cause the sun still shines
I walk the earth mad cool with a righteous attitude Manifest my humbleness and express my gratitude Realize the worth and quality of things that I got Cause all things that you have kid you might have not As I drop you say ?word? but check the words that I say Just like the Lord giveth he can taketh away And today I take time to realize the strife Of many people with they conflicts and difficult lives Open your ears wide, I hope the message ya get And if you?re broke with no job or financially set let?s correct The issues at hand the moves we faking And start demonstrating the love for appreciation Like Mobb Deep we got ya stuck off the realness And motivate so ya next to kin will feel this We on drive ya best peel quick Niamaj and Kero One?s bout to tell ya what the deal is Not to preach or bore ya with flows Celebration is the key so the chorus it goes?
(Verse 3, Kero One and Niamaj) We give thanks for the roof over our heads And rejoice, for every day that we're fed We give praise for good peoples around us Uplifting the spirit let progression surround us And count the blessings found in life?s lessons With every negative there?s a positive message So step in these shoes for just a few They may fit snug, if so we?re talking to you Our story unfolds in a town with a beautiful view Where money flows through pockets but people still feud And closer to the ground, bums hunger for food Embracing nickels of hope or pennies just for booze While we view, the television we see People at war with each other, themselves, and we Dying by the thousands, how thankful we be So I?m trying to keep it moving ?cause there?s a reason we?re free? I said we gotta keep it moving ?theres a reason we?re free? Yo we trying to make moves ?one time for ya mind? I said we gotta keep it moving So we find humility?..and give thanks to thee.
Now as I rise from the underground destinations unknown Like a feather, goin wherever the wind is blowin' Music is my transportation my tank is full, My alter egos on production providing the fuel My school of thought is elementary bringin it back to basics Lacing the cuts like surgeons givin hiphop a facelift The formula's this: raw beats for consumption With more dope lines than Scarface equals combustion Burning competition, when Keros on the scene I fuel flames to burn emcees with more degrees than PhDs Still, the unidentified object, mics I spark it Providin light like Christ to guide the lost out of darkness Orally deadly leaving my teeth with cavities Drop science like Galileo as foes fall like gravity I'm flippin concepts conscious like Confucius So twist your thinking caps to the side and ride the music
Now that you know a bit about me, its time we dig deeper, Got my Seoul from Korea, names Kero nice to meet you Spare time I tag trains and get brain dead from my Nokia And when planets align, I write rhymes for nonbelievers Flipping pages like beepers, but in Meads and Trapper Keepers Filled with these rhymes I wrote in front of my boring teachers And for a breather I'd smoke refer at recess for leisure Blunts burned, till I learned it made my mind weaker Flippin freestyles ciphers from morning to noon Coming of the top like bras on honeymoons Yeah the good old days, when everything was new Lounging with crew, pounding brews, we'd seldom sing the blues Spending all day flippin skate boards on pavement Who woulda of thunk, a chunk of wood could make poor kids famous And I'm sayin things are changing, enjoy the ride With the creator on my passenger side I will survive As I reminisce on this journey from adolescence God gives me the gift of today I call the present I said God gives me the gift of today?
(Verse 1) It's way past my curfew in an emcee circle rhyme dispersal, the ones without rehearsal and if Pops found me, I'd get smacked hard by that tree branch from my own backyard cause it was all about textbooks and grades with A's something hard to juggle as a hiphop slave skating on pave, or lounging after school with my crew writing tags on the bus, or finding ways to rock a shoe paying dues no return no concern back then like fat kids in lunch lines at shows packed in for rhyme battles with ill punch lines at crunch time by unknown emcees thinking why aren't they signed? then I'd pick up a pen and express rhymes were nonsense but nonetheless were off my chest while some thought I should stop wasting my breath dent on confidence I put my pen to rest so what's left but getting high every day rolling blunts with vegas, smoking profit away Cypress Hill on play singing stoned is the way… singing stoned is the way… (chorus) And its like that I'm telling ya That's the way it went down, down down And it's like that I'm telling ya yo the truth is out my story is found And its like that I'm telling ya That's the way it went down, down down And its like that I'm telling ya, yo the truth is out My story is found.. (Verse 2) And with mad smoke came the need for entertainment But Hiphop radio was now playing some strange hits clubs gettin closed, cause money was tight folks would rather find some ass.. than that hiphop trash and can I blame em? I'm sayin, things were rock bottom With exceptions of few, my head was rarely nodding So I got in a zone and blew the dust off my notepad Arm wrestled with words, struggled with vocab then wrote, slowly steadily something something if lyrics were harsh the beats had to be bumping no frontin, right off the bat some turned their backs but many felt the same which put my name on the map and brought me down my coast , Japan and back mad support from locals cats, like homies at Stacks with blunts burnt out at the end of its road blazing trails on a spiritual path, with new goals and that's how it went how the plot unfolds they asked about the story so let it be told (chorus) And its like that I'm telling ya That's the way it went down, down down And it's like that I'm telling ya yo the truth is out my story is found And its like that I'm telling ya That's the way it went down, down down And its like that I'm telling ya, yo the truth is out My story is found.. (Verse 3) Singing one for free cans and two for mean streaks That's the very track that put my past in the streets Deejays copped doubles to juggle the beats using language that managed to let their hands speak To peeps that showed love but not all felt this rhyme sayer Non believers, killing vibes like Cal Tjader Cause of my race or the way I appeared But still I ran the race when placed to the rear imagine a gook, a youth jumped by truth kicked out spots at age five cause eyes looked glued mentally struck, forget peaches and cream and such but it built my biceps and today I lift up jotting down facts and pouring out my soul in these raps fingers crossed, till herds are left with words that last and beats that make dancers put soul in their movements Wreckin' shop from the bay, La back to Brooklyn Kids scratch temples, scientists bite fists Kero's on the scene shining light through mist Cause if I'm not fueling the flame I'm like a puppet My mouth might move but I ain't sayin nothing So stay tuned to see how this ends Sayin peace, sincerely yours, till we meet again Sayin peace..till we meet again Sayin peace…
(chorus) I'm wanderin free..just living in a dream.. every day that goes by..is the same old thing
(Verse 1) I push myself out of bed and wrestle with the clock every day this battle's fought, snooze buttons a flop but today I win the struggle, with time to cuddle embrace my girl to keep my mind outta trouble hear the bubble of the bong envelope the smoke clear the bowl take a toke leaving me in a choke "ring" your a joke! all in my ear through the phone that's my OTHER girl, the one that hates when I'm stoned so I'm torn but I know where my heart is but the temptress's so inventive when I spark it seducin me with her words in different ways I never heard the pipe or the girl.. which one do I prefer? Thinking too much, I need to get my ass to school always late to class in fact barely getting through grades are slippin, minds flippin on me thinking crazy thoughts man it's like a dream
(chorus) I'm wanderin free..just living in a dream.. every day that goes by..is the same old thing
(Verse 2) so now I'm on the shame train bus 23 thinkin bout friends, foes and family like how my best friend was family to me till making friends with the foe to become my enemy but see, times weren't always ugly like that from first girl kiss to thrown fist he had my back until his train of thought got derailed off track by that rock known as crack placed in his path but how could I tell? he played it off real well smooth talker with the ladies who made his stories gel in and out of jail with babies on the way
kicked out of his crib, so with me I let him stay loaning him cash for rainy days and entertainment but at that rate, sun rays came like his payments in fact, his payback robbing the crib like R. Kelly money taken from me, like he was not guilty and never found exit only his next hit his will power had biceps but couldn't flex it now he's in prison forgiven I won't forget our youth and how surreal this life can get...
(chorus) I'm wanderin free..just living in a dream.. every day that goes by..is the same old thing
(Verse 3) yo my exit's here, i hit the bell for the bus stop still in a zone, herb does that when you must talk my girls waiting, arms folded with that look the look that makes me want to go to sleep or read text books man what do I tell her, I know who I'd choose but before my lips could move, she leaves me confused off in the distance, she's shrinking from view but I guess that's the truth on this path I pursue where focus is gone, smoking every night choking from bongs, blunts, pipes, and this life I need to make things right I wanna feel what's real cause livin' in a dream got my purpose concealed so I gaze at my classmates, running with backpacks rushing like they cared so much what if I had that? I ask that as I pick up me feet showered by sunrays but wandering free and blend into the scene where things aint what they seem into a scene where things ain't what they seem searching for a moment of clarity창?짝 it's like I'm living in a dream.
(Verse 1) The phone rings, it?s a quarter to 9 I?m slippin? on some fresh kicks and jacket with matching lining My boys on the line and announcing the time and How I need to hurry cause its bout to be live man A parties jumping off Dj?s bringin beats My boys bringing his girl, the one he met last week Mad geeked he says peace and ends the conversation with that Not sure what to expect, but that?s the beauty perhaps So I rush out of my crib followed by the door Meet up, get to the club, make my way to the floor, I?m seeing girls showing flesh, dancing shoes in full effect My boys in the vicinity his girls to his left Rubbing her bootie on me, when his heads turned right Yo a cutie indeed, damn, but something ain?t right So I ignore her gestures, and proceed with my business Just enjoying music and some physical fitness And when the nights over yo we're back at my boys crib He dips to the store, so I?m alone with his mistress She sits at a distance ..but what is this? She?s throwing charm like javelins traveling within inches I duck and dodge but now her hands on my leg Damn she?s creeping towards red I hold my head and beg?
(Chorus) Father, don't let me be tempted, cause I been that route Sayin father don?t let me be tempted I been there before (repeat)
(Verse 2) And after nights like that, I?m dead tired at work Behind on deadlines and a boss that?s a jerk 2 years under my belt, sitting here, what?s the worth? Staring at a screen until my vision is blurred Word, I?m trying to get by, cause I must survive Living for measly checks till the day that I die? Never that, settle that I hear a voice in my head sing Just then I see a pen and timecard for weeks ending
Yeah I worked plenty, but the question is when I can say I worked 20 when I only did 10 And pretend, cause with the extra ends there?s plenty to spend on Or if accounts in the red, its what I?ll depend on Once the rents gone, and its due real soon So I?m convincing myself, my lies could be true And its funny, how money can change your thinking Like a boat that floats false hope when your sinking I?m flinching I pause with a pen in my palm I see two doors so to my lord I sing this song...
(Chorus) Saying father, don't let me be tempted, cause I been that route Saying father don?t let me be tempted I been there before (repeat)
(Verse 3) I?m saying, twist ya thinking caps to the side I?m saying one time for your mind one time I?m like walking the ave on a hot ass day Just got off that job with that modest pay But yo I?m on my way hold up on my way Banks close at 6 and cash is calling my name So as I rush the door I brush shoulders with this stranger Who gets angered, throwing curses my way Straight disturbed but I say ?sorry man? and keep walking But he keeps talking shouting ?chink!? from his coffin Often that words left herbs bloody like tampons The setting?s ironic cause someone?s bout to get banked on I?m amped son, blood is pumping through veins I?m making knuckle sandwiches and lunch is on me now I know with every pickle there?s a way out Just brush my shoulders off and go with the safe route But this time it?s different, or is it? I play out These thoughts in my mind, then from my mouth I sang out?
In the beginning, I remember that God made man crafted in his image, with his own hands then out of mans rib, came the woman the creatures we love, like or don’t understand but its amazing, I see God's beauty through her physical design plus her mind combined defines miracle and I’m not convinced that a mineral or bang from the sky can derive such individuals and as the world turns, I wonder with concern the time we'll meet and complete each other words I’m kidding, but who says fantasies forbidden see I’m the type of cat, that express myself from within driven, to promote love in every essence living by this mission its hard to miss the blessings caressing the mic like a newlywed wife ink flows from my pen in hopes to truly shed light upon this situation that I’m faced with one that takes patience to build on foundation that we both share now that’s stimulation anything less don’t impress know what I’m sayin? I look into the mirror and everyday it gets clear I gotta steer from the places I’ve veered I said I look into the mirror and everyday it gets clear I gotta steer... (Chorus) Cause I’ve been lookin for love lookin for love yall In all the wrong places. lookin for love lookin for love yall In all the wrong places. (verse 2) And in the summer, heat waves rise from the street pave warm nights mixed drinks dope djs females super fly, showing mad thigh thoughts of lust rush guys dont ask why is it her presence or feminine vibe? when her body rebels against a vertical line? that got guys lying for personal time and once they get their catch , they back on the grind and i'm just kicking my feet up like Bruce Lee reclined, when this dime approaches within few feet style, not unique, but def got the beauty so who cares when this cutie now pursues me and with charm I’m on her arm like Coachbag one of the few effortless things life threw back then like annoyed smokers we found no match and fell apart, without knowing romance but what I found, proved to be more special a lesson from experience, a jewel for the mental shining from my notepad with rhymes signed in pencil outlining my finding using life as a stencil and for this I feel mad fortunate for real I’m done with that short term fix and I ask can I be fortunate? to know that I’m done with this (Chorus) Cause I’ve been looking for love looking for love yall In all the wrong places. looking for love looking for love yall In all the wrong places. (verse 3) And now I ponder, about the times that we might have caressing questions that sing from my mic stand like damn whats these feelings I’m revealing like if I’d tell tha fellas I’d get smacked in my melon but its unique love only women can provide I seent it in my moms, I seent it in her eyes I seent it in these guys when proposing to their brides down on bended knee with diamonds shining near her thighs it makes me visualize, the way that we'd get down I’d take the lead, and no doubt you'd wear the crown the one I’d serve, cause she feels my vibe supports my wings, till the day that we fly and I know that right now, that we’d grow despite how the world is on our shoulders trying to control our lifestyles we wont get wiped out, if on the right route soon we'll reunite and then I’ll recite out… since the beginning of man our separation is fact I said you came from mans rib now I’m taking it back I said you came from mans rib and now I’m taking it back I said you came from mans rib so join me as.. we find love, we’ll find love girl in all the wrong places…
Verse1: I put the needle to the groove and let my physical move/ to these deep funky rhythms that uplift my mood/ flippin' through tunes and stacks of wax for quality/ addicted to vinyl and my only cure is poverty/ getting fingers dusty in a number of states/ is the thrill the kill or hunt for chase/catch me diggin in crates.. for fatter breaks than pangea/ makin beats for streets creatin a buzz like sangria/ searchin groove merchants and virgin soil for soul/ ..unearthin beats that make your body lose control/ and it dont stop a story telling never ending/ cali’s the setting the plots a pot forever melting/ connectin cultures, through music its amusing/ disk jockies.. rock parties.. and its records they're using awesome feeling my noddin head forecasts/ its the beats, no the vibe, man i cant hold back/ (chorus) so yes party people are you feeling the vibes/ records are rotatin i'm feelin alright/ we resurrect old artists and help their music survive/ so join us on this ride to keepin vinyl alive/ verse2 and now its Friday I just got paid/ I’m off to vinyl shops cause hunger can wait/ And I’ll explore stores mining for that diamond in the rough/ without music I’m handicapped and vinyls my crutch/ lifting me up… inverting my frown when I’m down/ mentally I hear its melodies but yet to be found/ so I lounge untill that day we’re bound by destiny/ Looking past the cover to see if its meant to be/ cuz if its unique I’ll discover whats underneath/ to reveal its true appeal and if we’re destined to meet/ and check the rhythm, check the rhythm like this/ and check the rhythm..cuz true love is in sync/ as I flirt with wax in search of romance/ honeymoon in my room and give birth to tracks/ and perhaps happily after this chapter will end/ its the beats or the steez...damn I can’t comprehend.../ (chorus) its like this yall, are you feeling the vibes?/ records are rotatin i'm feelin alright/ we resurrect old artists and help their music survive/ so join us on this ride to keepin vinyl alive/
Chorus It goes 1 for free cans/ and 2 for mean streaks/ 3 for fat markers that we use to bomb streets/ 4 for cops makin' your heart beat thump, often the rush is enough to motivate us to bust/ but i'll avoid the buff by all means necessary/ bombin' strategically to have one less adversary/ and cops work the beat so my feet move with rhythm/ on the ankle express to manifest youth and rebellion/ riskin' freedom to animate cities we live in/ using weapons from neckup and ambition like ammunition/ pushin' the envelope of graff higher for writers/ as kings develop styles and inspire the birth of biters/ toys sketch on papyrus, then graduate to streets/ spawning new admirers and the cycle repeats/ and it goes... chorus 1 for free cans, 2 for the crew, 3 toy writers keeping our confidence fueled/ 4 for cops makin your heart beat thump / often that rush is enough to motivate us to bust/ now if paintings are rich in content am I defacing walls/ or breakin the law if recognitions my accomplice/ I ponder.. while stompin' through concrete museums/ painting property consciously cause gangs are on surveilance/ indecent exposure is graffiti what it seems to be?/ when bringin color to poverty stricken sceneries/ still a starving artist, cause i'd rather buy paint/ when passion is massive peripheral become faint/ My eyes on the prize untill I'm tried by police / but as soon as i'm released you know the cycle repeats/ and it goes.. chorus 1 for free cans/ and 2 for mean streaks/ 3 for fat markers that we use to bomb streets/ 4 for cops makin your heart beat thump/ often that rush is enough to motivate us to bust/
(Verse 1) In this game I don't claim to be a veteran, I'm just spittin lyrical Excedrin for brethren, medicine to keep your head from spinning when rappers mumble jargon, I fumble rhymes and start an arson burning gassed up heads and sparking light to brighten dark ends of the mind, now let it shine so we can all be the kerosene fearing no team man or human being are you believing? if I speak truth will I lose market share? cause it's something the public wont digest in its ears? well I don't care. I'm rolling on spares on the road surpassing obstacles that's there and I swear I'll hold down the fort like mayor as a temporary duty since my home ain't here I said I swear I hold down the fort like mayor as a love for the people since my home ain't here and its time... (verse 2) I feel like an alien outcast in a world so vast searching miles for my niche but lost in the mist so what's the answer to this... cause one always exists, with every question that hits and yeah, some hit like Tyson, hard to the jaw impairing your ability to answer at all leaving the question in awe cause we ain't trying to fight back but if we're born with teeth we're born to bite back so I ask, how long does life lasts regardless of color or age can it go in a flash well in fact, it really only lasts a minute versus the infinite a concept too intricate for the intellect so some get intimate with earths filthiness where melodies are dark and human's are used as instruments where drugs and booze are often abused best friends stab backs then wrap their arms around you where its true lives are driven by power and fame driven by sex, success, approval, and pain and for what? Nothing's left when we're driven to graves just memories of the past, or a loved ones pain and its real what's seen today fades away but the unseen's eternal so I cherish its stay the un-American way but I must maintain cause if I forfeit my soul, then what's been gained? (verse 3) So sometimes, I grab my pen and write rhymes my mind breathes when the ink flows into nighttime I plant seeds, and watch 'em grow into trees produce fruit from leaves and feed the people in need and that's the truth if that fruit is wealthy who cares if music's moving if the products unhealthy I'm looking at the crowd for that one who felt me helping' me raise the bet on these cards God dealt me but still some doubt it's worth pursuing we've all been given gifts so now how we going to use 'em I'm on the outside looking in at the confusion I been there before swinging fists at those illusions now I fight the hands of time, with my might so my life can be seen as worthy in hindsight I clutch my mic tight and ponder the way reflecting back sometimes on this temporary stay but I won't get attached cause I know where home is and reach out to souls that are currently homeless cause some claim the earth and clown around 'till it hurts us in this circus a juggling act that makes me nervous maybe its entertaining when you look at its surface but step outside the ring and ask is it all worth it just step outside the ring and ask is it all worth it just step outside the ring on this temporary stay..
Slowly and steadily MC's are fallin off like leprosy Instead build immunity spread insight through community These fundamentals form the krux of longevity When melodies are looped and vocals harmonize in unity now its 99 and aint a damn thing changed Some seek the fain fame as wealth manipulates the brain let me paint this picture your minds the canvas many claim their real and later flake like dandruff Cause one out of ten stick to their words The other 9 stick to my nikes and get rubbed out on the curb Lets be real we're paper chasin' for financial backing But theres a thin line defined by need and greed many are passing Known as crossing over for exposure some embark Or cars jewels and shit that wont exist when we depart Crews don't snooze or eyes become bruised This goes out to those that slept knew the deal or were confused Check the blueprint
So MC's take it back to lyricism Producers pour out your heart into the rhythm DJ's pay bills develop skills And respect the architecht as we begin to build And check the blueprint to keep the culture alive And check the blueprint so as an artist you can survive And check the blueprint I speak these words without frills So respect the architect as we begin to build Clutchin my pen tight strugglin to portray the right depiction I'm punchin the wall of writers block loathing for recognition Nowadays your not heard unless your posing an image With watered down lyrics that appeal to most who listen Instead i'll water the roots so branches will replenish Expanding elements that pioneers started building Hiphop houses so many free loading MC's I feel theres only a few tenants who've been paying their fees 360 degrees what goes around comes back I'm smoking mics as I inhale lies and exhale facts Unfold the blueprints the plans for improvement Bridging gaps between the mind ball point pen and the clueless Innovation is useless once you forget the essence So respect the architect pick up your pens and start sketchin Pick up your pens and start sketching So MC's take it back to lyricism Producers pour out your heart into the rhythm DJ's pay bills develop skills And respect the architecht as we begin to build And check the blueprint to keep the culture alive And check the blueprint so as an artist you can survive And check the blueprint I speak these words without frills So respect the architect as we begin to build As I open my slanty eyes to this place called earth I contemplate how music has lost artistic worth And I'm shrivled up in my niche like the scrotum when its freezing With bags under my eyes on account of too much sleeping Because of these lies in rap that I can't feel Leaving me dazed with the phrase 'i keep it real' How many times heard this being fed through your ears I'd rather be fed in the mouth to shit it out from the rear Claiming their underground but underwater their wrinkling And me like water buoys to that level I'm never sinking Sink your teeth into my words hard enough to be lispin' when you finished biting them find your front teeth missing I see em sippin fine wines in spas to match their image is Gimmicks I flap my jaws and their squads diminished I don't mess with glocks but metaphorically in speech I'd like to pump em' with more shots diabetics receive Then in a better place may they peacefully rest In hopes that next time the blueprints they'll manifest Check the blueprint Check the blueprint So MC's take it back to lyricism Producers pour out your heart into the rhythm DJ's pay bills develop skills And respect the architecht as we begin to build And check the blueprint to keep the culture alive And check the blueprint so as an artist you can survive And check the blueprint I speak these words without frills So respect the architect as we begin to build
Slowly and steadily MC's are fallin off like leprosy Instead build immunity spread insight through community These fundamentals form the krux of longevity When melodies are looped and vocals harmonize in unity now its 99 and aint a damn thing changed Some seek the fain fame as wealth manipulates the brain let me paint this picture your minds the canvas many claim their real and later flake like dandruff Cause one out of ten stick to their words The other 9 stick to my nikes and get rubbed out on the curb Lets be real we're paper chasin' for financial backing But theres a thin line defined by need and greed many are passing Known as crossing over for exposure some embark Or cars jewels and shit that wont exist when we depart Crews don't snooze or eyes become bruised This goes out to those that slept knew the deal or were confused Check the blueprint
So MC's take it back to lyricism Producers pour out your heart into the rhythm DJ's pay bills develop skills And respect the architecht as we begin to build And check the blueprint to keep the culture alive And check the blueprint so as an artist you can survive And check the blueprint I speak these words without frills So respect the architect as we begin to build Clutchin my pen tight strugglin to portray the right depiction I'm punchin the wall of writers block loathing for recognition Nowadays your not heard unless your posing an image With watered down lyrics that appeal to most who listen Instead i'll water the roots so branches will replenish Expanding elements that pioneers started building Hiphop houses so many free loading MC's I feel theres only a few tenants who've been paying their fees 360 degrees what goes around comes back I'm smoking mics as I inhale lies and exhale facts Unfold the blueprints the plans for improvement Bridging gaps between the mind ball point pen and the clueless Innovation is useless once you forget the essence So respect the architect pick up your pens and start sketchin Pick up your pens and start sketching So MC's take it back to lyricism Producers pour out your heart into the rhythm DJ's pay bills develop skills And respect the architecht as we begin to build And check the blueprint to keep the culture alive And check the blueprint so as an artist you can survive And check the blueprint I speak these words without frills So respect the architect as we begin to build As I open my slanty eyes to this place called earth I contemplate how music has lost artistic worth And I'm shrivled up in my niche like the scrotum when its freezing With bags under my eyes on account of too much sleeping Because of these lies in rap that I can't feel Leaving me dazed with the phrase 'i keep it real' How many times heard this being fed through your ears I'd rather be fed in the mouth to shit it out from the rear Claiming their underground but underwater their wrinkling And me like water buoys to that level I'm never sinking Sink your teeth into my words hard enough to be lispin' when you finished biting them find your front teeth missing I see em sippin fine wines in spas to match their image is Gimmicks I flap my jaws and their squads diminished I don't mess with glocks but metaphorically in speech I'd like to pump em' with more shots diabetics receive Then in a better place may they peacefully rest In hopes that next time the blueprints they'll manifest Check the blueprint Check the blueprint So MC's take it back to lyricism Producers pour out your heart into the rhythm DJ's pay bills develop skills And respect the architecht as we begin to build And check the blueprint to keep the culture alive And check the blueprint so as an artist you can survive And check the blueprint I speak these words without frills So respect the architect as we begin to build
I put the needle to the groove and let my physical move/ to these deep funky rhythms that uplift my mood/ flippin' through tunes and stacks of wax for quality/ addicted to vinyl and my only cure is poverty/ getting fingers dusty in a number of states/ is the thrill the kill or hunt for chase/catch me diggin in crates.. for fatter breaks than pangea/ makin beats for streets creatin a buzz like sangria/ searchin groove merchants and virgin soil for soul/ ..unearthin beats that make your body lose control/ and it dont stop a story telling never ending/ cali’s the setting the plots a pot forever melting/ connectin cultures, through music its amusing/ disk jockies.. rock parties.. and its records they're using awesome feeling my noddin head forecasts/ its the beats, no the vibe, man i cant hold back/
so yes party people are you feeling the vibes/ records are rotatin i'm feelin alright/ we resurrect old artists and help their music survive/ so join us on this ride to keepin vinyl alive/
and now its Friday I just got paid/ I’m off to vinyl shops cause hunger can wait/ And I’ll explore stores mining for that diamond in the rough/ without music I’m handicapped and vinyls my crutch/ lifting me up… inverting my frown when I’m down/ mentally I hear its melodies but yet to be found/ so I lounge untill that day we’re bound by destiny/ Looking past the cover to see if its meant to be/ cuz if its unique I’ll discover whats underneath/ to reveal its true appeal and if we’re destined to meet/ and check the rhythm, check the rhythm like this/ and check the rhythm..cuz true love is in sync/ as I flirt with wax in search of romance/ honeymoon in my room and give birth to tracks/ and perhaps happily after this chapter will end/ its the beats or the steez...damn I can’t comprehend.../
its like this yall, are you feeling the vibes?/ records are rotatin i'm feelin alright/ we resurrect old artists and help their music survive/ so join us on this ride to keepin vinyl alive/
It goes 1 for free cans/ and 2 for mean streaks/ 3 for fat markers that we use to bomb streets/ 4 for cops makin' your heart beat thump, often the rush is enough to motivate us to bust/
but i'll avoid the buff by all means necessary/ bombin' strategically to have one less adversary/ and cops work the beat so my feet move with rhythm/ on the ankle express to manifest youth and rebellion/ riskin' freedom to animate cities we live in/ using weapons from neckup and ambition like ammunition/ pushin' the envelope of graff higher for writers/ as kings develop styles and inspire the birth of biters/ toys sketch on papyrus, then graduate to streets/ spawning new admirers and the cycle repeats/ and it goes...
1 for free cans, 2 for the crew, 3 toy writers keeping our confidence fueled/ 4 for cops makin your heart beat thump / often that rush is enough to motivate us to bust/
now if paintings are rich in content am I defacing walls/ or breakin the law if recognitions my accomplice/ I ponder.. while stompin' through concrete museums/ painting property consciously cause gangs are on surveilance/ indecent exposure is graffiti what it seems to be?/ when bringin color to poverty stricken sceneries/ still a starving artist, cause i'd rather buy paint/ when passion is massive peripheral become faint/ My eyes on the prize untill I'm tried by police / but as soon as i'm released you know the cycle repeats/ and it goes..
1 for free cans/ and 2 for mean streaks/ 3 for fat markers that we use to bomb streets/ 4 for cops makin your heart beat thump/ often that rush is enough to motivate us to bust/
I put the needle to the groove and let my physical move/ to these deep funky rhythms that uplift my mood/ flippin' through tunes and stacks of wax for quality/ addicted to vinyl and my only cure is poverty/ getting fingers dusty in a number of states/ is the thrill the kill or hunt for chase/catch me diggin in crates.. for fatter breaks than pangea/ makin beats for streets creatin a buzz like sangria/ searchin groove merchants and virgin soil for soul/ ..unearthin beats that make your body lose control/ and it dont stop a story telling never ending/ cali’s the setting the plots a pot forever melting/ connectin cultures, through music its amusing/ disk jockies.. rock parties.. and its records they're using awesome feeling my noddin head forecasts/ its the beats, no the vibe, man i cant hold back/
so yes party people are you feeling the vibes/ records are rotatin i'm feelin alright/ we resurrect old artists and help their music survive/ so join us on this ride to keepin vinyl alive/
and now its Friday I just got paid/ I’m off to vinyl shops cause hunger can wait/ And I’ll explore stores mining for that diamond in the rough/ without music I’m handicapped and vinyls my crutch/ lifting me up… inverting my frown when I’m down/ mentally I hear its melodies but yet to be found/ so I lounge untill that day we’re bound by destiny/ Looking past the cover to see if its meant to be/ cuz if its unique I’ll discover whats underneath/ to reveal its true appeal and if we’re destined to meet/ and check the rhythm, check the rhythm like this/ and check the rhythm..cuz true love is in sync/ as I flirt with wax in search of romance/ honeymoon in my room and give birth to tracks/ and perhaps happily after this chapter will end/ its the beats or the steez...damn I can’t comprehend.../
its like this yall, are you feeling the vibes?/ records are rotatin i'm feelin alright/ we resurrect old artists and help their music survive/ so join us on this ride to keepin vinyl alive/