스포츠카와 같은 짜릿한 스피드, 질주하는 Heavy metal에 담아낼 수 있는 최상의 Groove! 트윈기타 시스템으로 더욱 풍성하고 강력해진 기타 리프. 한층 더 진보된 폭발적인 Heavy metal! 봉인을 풀고 컴백한 디아블로에 열광할 준비는 되었는가?! DIABLO는 이미 Pantera 내한공연 당시 오프닝을 맡으며 필립 안젤모의 엄지손가락을 위로 치켜 올리게 만들었던 일화로 유명한 한국 헤비메탈 계의 강자이다. 첫 번째 앨범 ‘Desirous Infection’의 한,일 동시발매로 한국 Rock시장의 부흥을 알렸던 DIABLO는11년 만에 다시 한번 한,일 동시발매로 두 번째 앨범 ‘Undefined’를 발매하게 되었다.
타이틀 곡 ‘Dust’는 인기밴드 YB의 보컬 윤도현이 피쳐링으로 참여한 곡이다. 힙합의 그루브를 헤비메탈에 접목시킨 것이 특징이며, 헤비메탈 안에만 머무르지 않고 다양한 장르를 접목시켜 새로운 음악을 개척하려는 DIABLO의 의지가 담겨있는 센스 있는 곡이라고 할 수 있다. 서태지 밴드 출신 Rock(최창록)이 멤버로 가세하면서 기존 원기타 시스템에서 트윈기타 시스템으로 변신에 성공하였다. 이로 인해 더욱 풍성한 사운드의 두 번째 앨범이 완성되었다. 또한 Beatles, Frank Sinatra 등의 음반을 녹음했던 체로키 스튜디오와 명 프로듀서 故Rob Dee의 마지막 작업으로 더욱 의미가 있는 이번 DIABLO의 ‘Undefined’ 발매는 한국 헤비메탈의 또 하나의 이정표를 세웠다 할 수 있다. 한편, 2001년 3월 ‘反亂’, ‘反亂2’라는 타이틀로 한국 헤비메탈 역사상 최다 유료관객 기록을 세웠던 DIABLO는 10년 만에 다시 한번 단독공연으로 기지개를 켠다. 1집 대표 곡들과 2집 곡들로 구성된 이번 공연 set list는 좀 더 대중들에게 어필할 수 있는 새롭고 참신한 공연을 준비했다. 게스트로는 한국 헤비메탈 사에 커다란 획을 그은 인기밴드 Crash와 일본, 독일 언론의 극찬을 받았던 Method가 참여한다. .... ....
Time's cruel creep hasn't change a thing Where do i rest my thrashing head When the world around me is all but dead My eyes awoke to the morning stroke of light With a bitter smile i arose clenching in my pool of sweat
* oppression- I can't see any more Explosion- I can't take it no more Suffocation- I can't breathe anymore Elimination- I'll never go back
While yesterday it rained today is still the same Haunted my dreams where i'm sitting on my grave Smoking I can even taste the the bitter cigarette The dreams the nightmare I torture myself I wanna run I need to run but my legs are torn & broken
* oppression- I can't see any more Explosion- I can't take it no more Suffocation- I can't breathe anymore Elimination- I'll never go back
The cool of spring has left us now But the chills of winter are coming
making a choice of this or that to be or not to be I need a grip or helping hand because I can't handle this
The treaty of blood, no peace is absolute without absolute victory. Meaningless sacrifice is all that exists in the rule of this world…
Under the burning sun... just today... please just today... A feast of their own, in a fest of their own Who's the absolute strong and the absolute weak!
* Desperate cry, nobody cares no more about these sorrowful tears. Gamble of death but this fucking world goes on ahead.
Begging for life in front of a smoking gun barrel, uncertain future! Frozen heart, red blood, sad eyes. Stealing the souls of our sacred children Abandoned fate unprotected every second…
Under the burning sun... just today... please just today... A feast of their own, in a fest of their own Who's the absolute strong and the absolute weak!
* Desperate cry, nobody cares no more about these sorrowful tears. Gamble of death but this fucking world goes on ahead
Chaos inside all kinds of shit. Going crazy to accept this reality. power, fucking power, strength meaning good, and weakness meaning evil…
The filth inside my soul, the stench of life Too many things don’t come in life
The more i wait and the more I try the emptiness grows...
Not me I say... Never us we say... But the pain once again forces me down today And I breakdown again... This can't be... this can never be... But we get up once again And try to smile once again
* Too strong to surrender. Hit me with all you've got.
Smothering pain, the shadows of wasted souls Wishing for this day to pass for a better tomorrow... don't pray for this misery let it grow tomorrow… We screamed in silence...
* Too strong to surrender. Hit me with all you've got.
It's just a fact I can't avoid. I feel it coming. Darkness is coming. Like death it creeps up slowly. Attacking the unknowing. Leaking into my veins. Penetrating it's driving me insane! It's there in the blink of an eye so I take joy in what can I deny. But it returns when I awake. This nightmare called 'life' is a chain I cannot break.
I Can't take it. I've gotta getaway. I won't take it i've gotta getaway.
* Trapping you inside my scar is how I must now live in the name of scar.
Your smile of fear strangles me and the very air I breathe While life is around the corner waiting and taunting me. I'm not insane and I am not blind. Pains your choice of knife. You left me scarred for life. In my heart...in my soul. Tattoos of pain now cover me. Like a blanket of your lies.
I Can't take it. I've gotta getaway. I won't take it i've gotta getaway
* Trapping you inside my scar is how I must now live in the name f scar.
This morbid cycle now comforts me because it's everlasting. Living a hoax, living this lie and sucking up to life. It's lurking inside of me like a fucking wife. Tattoos of pain now cover me. Like a blanket of your lies. I now face truth and accept this bond, my choice instead of cries.
Dreary life drags on day after day. Left on a long journey, came too far to ever go back… Everyday I pray for death.. Push the girl standing on the edge. Shoot the painful struggle with peaceful rest. From this smothering pain… Kill her. Burn her. I’m gonna release her. I am the slayer no I am the saviour
* Let her fly high… I will hold you in your sleep.
Life is a contradiction. Being alive ain’t the same as living. There’s a creature inside my brain. Eating away my sanity. Heaven and hell ain’t far away. Closing in wherever I go. On the edge of life and death, but I’m choosing this road anyway. Kill her. Burn her. I’m gonna release her. I am the painkiller
* Let her fly high… I will hold you in your sleep Death is the eternal life. Living is death... Embrace the angel of death.
Death is the eternal life. Living is death... Give her the wings of soul. I will hold you in your sleep
As i look in the mirror. there stood a stranger He whispered something, i don't understand. I smiled, but he seemed so enraged at something I don't know why
I should have escaped or am i just jaded What's this unknown feels like falling
* I'm falling oh! father but i need to fly Get rid of this fucking high Get back to my fucking life
As i look in the mirror, the same man stood there He whispered something, i don't understand. I smiled, but he seemed to be sadly weeping I don't know why
I'm feeling strange, i,m being chased What's this unknown feels like falling
* I'm falling oh! father but i need to fly Get rid of this fucking high Get back to my fucking life
Suddenly he left me one day i now understand and realize That man in the mirror was no one but me
* I'm falling oh! father but i need to fly Get rid of this fucking high Get back to my fucking life
마치 나의 삶은 소리 없는 먼지 같아 도울 수 없다면...oh help me!!! 아름다울 필요도 그 어느 누구도 누구도 나에게 필요 없지. 그게 나야!!!
내 삶과 너 two 또 다른 entities 어차피 남남일걸 이제야 i can see 목까지 밀려오는 슬픔도
* My heart is dry and thirsting for tears This long drought in a desert of fears
먹빛세상에 나 홀로 태어나 미친 듯이 절규해도 Illusion 나는 바로 empty shell 고개 숙인 나 그게 나야!!!
내 삶과 너 two 또 다른 entities 어차피 남남일걸 이제야 i can see 목까지 밀려오는 슬픔도
* My heart is dry and thirsting for tears This long drought in a desert of fears
Raised by loneliness, weather the cold I wanna disappear, runaway Raised by loneliness, weather the cold I wanna disappear, runaway
* Dry and thirsting for tears This long drought in a desert of fears My heart is dry and thirsting for tears This long drought in a desert of fears
FERAVIS, Mirrorball Music
Performed by 디아블로 2기 (2010) - 장학 : 보컬 - 김수한 : 기타 - Rock : 기타 - 윤재필 : 베이스 기타 - 추명교 : 드럼 Produced by DIABLO. Recorded by Dave Hanzey. Mixed by Dee Robb. Mastered by Eddy Schreyer. Recorded at Cherokee, Los Angeles, CA Mastered at Oasis, BURBANK, CA. Co-Recorded by lan, Todd, James, Berry, Dan, Christian. Dust(KOR) Recorded, Mixed, Mastered by Kim Dae Sung(TONE Studio). Choo Myoung Kyo is endorsed by Pearl.
ⓟ&ⓒ 2010 DIABLO. Distributed by mirrorball music. Manufactured by M-tech media.