uncoolclub 1집 - Diorama of Life (2018) by uncoolclub (보컬) on maniadb.com

uncoolclub 1집 - Diorama of Life
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RELEASE DATE: 2018-02-14
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio, 1집


Link6의 첫번째 1MC, 1Producer 한국 힙합 그룹 'uncoolclub' 정규 앨범 발매!

[Tuifu 전영환]
이 앨범은 온전히 저의 얘기를 담아내고자 시간을 많이 쏟아 부은 앨범입니다. 성인이 된 이후 스무살 어귀에서 떠돌며 주변 친구들이 사회인이 되어가는 걸 보며 점차 그들과 멀어지며, 도태되어 가는 제 모습도 담겨있고 그 ....



CD 2018-02-14 윈드밀 이엔티
DIGITAL ALBUM 2018-02-14 Link 6, 딩고뮤직


Performed by uncoolclub 1기
- Tuifu : 보컬
- vinternoon : 보컬
01 Night and dawn
Produced by vinternoon
All instruments by vinternoon
except/ Rhythm guitar 형우형
Violin calenda

02 View
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu
All instruments by vinternoon
except/ Second chorus guitar solo by 형우형
Bass by 박범석

03 Dreamdrop (feat. Dopein)
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by vinternoon
All instruments by vinternoon
except/ Outro acoustic by 형우형
Swing part bass by 박범석

04 Cowboy snooze (feat. Thursdyy)
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu, Thursdyy
All instruments by vinternoon
Guitar with 형우형

05 Two dumbs up
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu
All instruments by vinternoon

06 Days
Produced by vinternoon
All instruments by vinternoon
except Chorus keyboards by DAZE

07 편지
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu
All instruments by vinternoon
깨알 Dopein

08 Tender
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu
All instruments by vinternoon

09 Merry go round (feat. CIKI)
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu
All instruments by vinternoon

10 This city life (feat. Rick Bridges, Dopein)
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu, Rick Bridges
All instruments by vinternoon
Guitar 짤짤이 형우형

11 skit for Cream
Produced by vinternoon
Guitar interplay 형우형, vinternoon

12 Cream (feat. Dopein)
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu
All instruments by vinternoon
Guitar 짤짤이 with 형우형

13 모래시계
Produced by vinternoon
Lyric by Tuifu
All instruments by vinternoon
except/ violin by calends

14 Exit
Produced by vinternoon
All instruments by vinternoon
except/ EP Keyboards 이경태

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A748876


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