015B, 나율 - The Legacy 02 [digital single] (2018) by 015B (보컬), 나율 (보컬) on maniadb.com

015B, 나율
The Legacy 02 [digital single]
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RELEASE DATE: 2018-08-14
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, digital single, studio
INDEX: 128



DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2018-08-14 :: the015B, 지니뮤직
[Disc 1]
1. 처음만 힘들지 / 2. 처음만 힘들지 (Original Ver.) / 3. 처음만 힘들지 (Inst.) / 4. 처음만 힘들지 (Original Ver.) (Inst.)



[The Legacy 02]

1. ‘처음만 힘들지’

Produced by 015B
Lyrics by 정석원
Composed by 정석원
Arranged by 정석원
Guitars by 장호일
Keyboards & Sample Edit by 정석원
Drums Programming by 정석원
Vocals by 나율(NAYUL)
Chorus by 나율(NAYUL)
Vocals Recorded by 홍용철 @ Evermore Studios
Guitars Recorded by 정석원, 장호일 @ Team 89
Mixed & Edited by 김영식 @ Qish Sound
Mastered by heeljack @ high-drive

2. ‘처음만 힘들지(Original Ver.)’

Produced by 015B
Lyrics by 정석원
Composed by 정석원
Arranged by 정석원
Keyboards & Sample Edit by 정석원
Drums Programming by 정석원
Vocals by 나율(NAYUL)
Chorus by 나율(NAYUL)
'Special Boss' Voice by 장호일
Recorded by 홍용철 @ Evermore Studios
Mixed by 정석원 @ Team89
Edited by 김영식 @ Qish Sound

*Thanks to

벌써 두 번이나 보컬에 참여해 준 ‘나율(NAYUL)’, '열두달(12DAL)'의 데뷔를 축하합니다.
데뷔곡 "일초 하루"도 많은 사랑을 받길!
이번에도 작업에 많은 도움을 주신 ‘더블엑스엔터테인먼트’에 감사드립니다.
뮤직비디오에 출연해 준 '샛별'양, "언젠가 다시 만날 날을 기약하며..."
2가지 버전의 '처음만 힘들지' 뮤직비디오를 만든 '준규', "다음에도 고생하자!"


[The Legacy 02]
1. ‘처음만 힘들지’

Music by 015B
Character Design 배하진
Video Works 김준규

2. ‘처음만 힘들지(Original Ver.)’

Music by 015B
Video Works 김준규

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A762528


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