MapleStory The Indiction by 두번째달 [single, ost] (2018) by 두번째달 (보컬) on

MapleStory The Indiction [single, ost]
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RELEASE DATE: 2018-06-16
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, single, studio, OST
INDEX: 128


[MapleStory The Indiction]

- 메이플스토리 15주년 기념 프로젝트
- 크로스 오버 퓨전 밴드 '두번째달' X 국민 게임 '메이플스토리'의 특급 컬래버레이션.

대한민국 크로스 오버 퓨전 밴드 '두번째달'과 국민게임 '메이플스토리'가 만났다. 올해 15주년을 기념해 지난 5월 예술의 전당에서 선보였던 [게임 속의 ....





Performed by 두번째달 2기 (2012)
- 김현보 : 아이리시 휘슬, 만돌린, 어쿠스틱 기타, 테너 반조, 하모니카, 유리언 파이프
- 박진우 : 일렉트릭 베이스, 콘트라 베이스
- 이영훈 : 일렉트릭 기타, 어쿠스틱 기타, 만돌린
- 최진경 : 피아노, 아코디언
- 백선열 : 드럼, 퍼커션
- 조윤정 : 바이올린, 비올라
Project Managed by MapleStory, ASTERIA
Music Produced by 두번째달
Remade & Arranged & Performed by 두번째달
Original Scores Written by CODA SOUND, Studio EIM, ASTERIA
Mixing & Mastering Engineer 김대성 @ Tone Studio

Published by NECORD, NEXON Korea
Album Art Designed by NEXON Brand Design Team

01. Beachway
Irish Whistle, Bouzouki Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano, Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

02. Start The Adventure
Bouzouki, Electric Uilleann Pipes, Irish Whistle Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar. Electric Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

03. 무릉
Vocal by 노영채, 한설희
Lyrics by 은토
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin, Viola Performed by 조윤정, 윤종수, 박용은
Cello Performed by 주지현

04. Going on a Picnic
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano, Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

05. The Dimension Library
Electric Uilleann Pipes, Irish Whistle Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

06. Raindrop Flower
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Nylon Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

07. Fantastic Thinking
Mandolin Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Nylon Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

08. 늪지대
Mandolin, Irish whistle Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

09. Edelstein
Irish whistle, Bouzouki Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

10. The Cygnus Garden
Irish Whistle Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Nylon Guitar. Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano, Accordion Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

11. Wind And Flower
Harmonica Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Electric Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano Performed by 최진경
Violin Performed by 조윤정

12. Promise of Heaven
Vocal by 노영채
Re-Lyrics by 은토
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar. Electric Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano Performed by 최진경
Drums Performed by 백선열
Violin, Viola Performed by 조윤정. 윤종수, 박용은
Cello Performed by 주지현

13. Way Back Home
Vocal by 한설희
Lyrics by 은토
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Nylon Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin, Viola Performed by 조윤정, 윤종수, 박용은
Cello Performed by 주지현

14. The Lake of Oblivion
Irish Whistle Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Nylon Guitar. Acoustic Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정

15. Ariant
Bouzouki Performed by 김현보
Electric Bass Performed by 박진우
Acoustic Guitar. Electric Guitar Performed by 이영훈
Piano Performed by 최진경
Drums, Percussion Performed by 백선열
Violin Performed by 조윤정
Background Vocal by 두번째달

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