엄유민법 - 엄유민법 (2019) by 엄유민법 (보컬) on maniadb.com

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RELEASE DATE: 2019-12-24
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio


뮤지컬 배우 엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래의 첫 번째 정규 앨범 '엄유민법'

- 엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래의 우정이 만들어 낸 아름다운 꿈
- 막이 오르고 내릴 때까지 함께한 고마운 팬들에게 엄유민법이 드리는 선물

좋은 추억이 많을수록 삶이 풍요로워지고 그 추억을 공유하는 친구가 있다면 삶은 더더욱 아름다워진다. 여기, ....



DIGITAL ALBUM 2019-12-24 쥬네스 엔터테인먼트, 뮤직앤뉴


Performed by 엄유민법 1기 (2019)
- 유준상 : 보컬
- 민영기 : 보컬
- 김법래 : 보컬
- 엄기준 : 보컬
1. Introduce the UYMP (CD Only)

2. 막이 오르면
Vocal 엄유민법 (엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래)
Lyrics by 유준상
Composed by 이준화
Arranged by 이준화
All Instruments by 이준화(Piano/Guitar/Synthesizer/Drums/Bass)
Recording Engineer Vocal 김시철 @ Trinity Sound, 민성환 @ SR Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

3. 겨울, 그 아름다운...
Vocal 엄유민법 (엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래)
Lyrics by 유준상
Composed by 개미
Arranged by 이준화
All Instruments by 이준화 (Piano/Guitar/Synthesizer/Drums/Bass)
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

4. 너만이
Vocal 김법래
Lyrics by 유준상
Composed by 유준상
Arranged by 이주원
Keyboard 이주원
Guitar 문원우
Bass 이반석
Drums 이진붕
String Arranged by 이주원
Background Vocals by 김효수
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio, Drums 김태호 @ Groove N Balance Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

5. 시간에서 시간으로
Vocal 엄기준
Lyrics by 유준상
Composed by 유준상
Arranged by 이주원
Keyboard 이주원
Guitar 문원우
Bass 이반석
Drums 이진붕
Background Vocals by 김효수
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio, Drums 김태호 @ Groove N Balance Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

6. Without You
Vocal 민영기
Lyrics by 유준상
Composed by 유준상
Arranged by 이주원
Keyboard 이주원
Guitar 문원우
Bass 이반석
Drums 이진붕
Background Vocals by 김효수
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio, Drums 김태호@ Groove N Balance Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

7. 달려가서
Vocal 유준상
Lyrics by 유준상
Composed by 유준상
Arranged by 이주원
Keyboard 이주원
Guitar 문원우
Bass 이반석
Drums 이진붕
Background Vocals by 김효수
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio, Drums 김태호 @ Groove N Balance Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

8. 말하는 대로
Vocal 엄유민법 (엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래)
Lyrics by 이적, 유재석
Composed by 이적
Arranged by 이성준
Piano 이유진
Guitar, Bass, Drums, Percussion, Synthesizer 이반석
Recording Engineer Vocal 김시철 @ Trinity Sound, 민성환 @ SR Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

9. 그곳에서 울지 마오
Vocal 엄유민법 (엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래)
Lyrics by 김윤영
Composed by 이성준
Arranged by 이성준, 안희진
Piano 이유진
Orchestra Arranged by 안희진
Violin 이무은, 조영은
Viola 박용은
Cello 정민영
Flute 임진영
Clarinet 이승훈
Oboe 이법승
Synthesizer 김창현
E.Guitar, Nylon Guitar, Bass, Drums 이반석
Recording Engineer Vocal, Strings 김시철 @ Trinity Sound, Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

10. 회색도시
Vocal 유준상, 민영기
Lyrics by 왕용범
Composed by 이성준
Arranged by 이성준, 안희진
Piano 이유진
Orchestra Arranged by 안희진
Violin 이무은, 조영은
Viola 박용은
Cello 정민영
Flute 임진영
Clarinet 이승훈
Oboe 이법승
Synthesizer 김창현
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio, String 김시철 @ Trinity Sound
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

11. 봉숙이
Vocal 김법래, 엄기준
Lyrics by 강준우, 육중완
Composed by 강준우, 육중완
Arranged by 마창욱, 이성준
Piano 이유진
Orchestra Arranged by 안희진
Violin 이무은, 조영은
Viola 박용은
Cello 정민영
Flute 임진영
Clarinet 이승훈
Oboe 이법승
Synthesizer 김창현
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio, String 김시철 @ Trinity Sound
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

12. You are the Best
Vocal 엄유민법 (엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래)
Lyrics by 유준상
Composed by 유준상, 곽태훈
Arranged by 이성준
Piano 이유진
Guitar, Bass, Drums, Percussion, Synthesizer 이반석
Trombone 권영민
Trumpet 최현진
Saxophone 주현우
Recording Engineer Vocal 민성환 @ SR Studio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

13. 막이 오르면 (Inst.)
Composed by 이준화
Arranged by 이준화
All Instruments by 이준화(Piano/Guitar/Synthesizer/Drums/Bass)
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

14. You are the Best (Inst.)
Composed by 유준상, 곽태훈
Arranged by 이성준
Piano 이유진
E.Guitar, Bass, Drums, Percussion, Synthesizer 이반석
Trombone 권영민
Trumpet 최현진
Saxophone 주현우
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio

Executive Producer 유준상 from JUNES Entertainment
Artist 엄기준, 유준상, 민영기, 김법래 @ 엄유민법
Associate Producer 임애영 from LaLa Music
Produced by 이반석, 이성준
Vocal Director 이반석
Recording Engineer 김시철 @ Trinity Sound, 민성환 @ SR Studio, 김태호 @ Groove N BalanceStudio
Mixed & Mastering by 노양수 @ T Studio
Photographs by 김환 from MomentArt
Still by 김진도
Video Director 박성훈 from Pixsell
Album Designed by Starcomo
Album Editings by 권혜란
Publishing & Copyright Clearance by Junes Entertainment
Printing by M-TECH
Artist Management Namoo Actors, Hunus Entertainment, EMK Entertainment, SidusHQ
Manufactured by Junes Entertainment

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A786213


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