O stay and hear, your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low.
Trip no further pretty sweeting.
Journeys end in lovers' meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know.
What is love, 'tis not hereafter,
Present mirth, hath present laughter:
What's to come, is still unsure.
In delay there lies no plenty,
Then come kiss me sweet and twenty:
Youth's a stuff will not endure.
- “십이야 [Twelfth Night]” 중
윌리엄 셰익스피어, William Shakespeare (1564.4.26. ~ 1616.4.23.)
Track 1. 소꿉놀이 w/ RIPLEY
너무 사랑하는 사람 앞에만 서면, 나는 내가 아닌 것처럼 행동한다
가벼운 모든 행동도 그녀에게 허락을 맡아야 행동 할 수 있는 것처럼 얼음처럼 행동 된다
마치 모든 행위를 처음 배우는 아이처럼
그리고 우리가 얼마나 자연스러운 사람인지를 잊어버린 것처럼 모두 부자연스러워진다
그래서 로봇들이 진정으로 마음으로 사랑을 할 수 없는 것인가? 하고 생각했다
우리 모두 사랑 앞에 우물쭈물하지 맙시다
(특. 이렇게 말하는 사람이 제일 우물쭈물함)
Executive Producer by CAS.T
Music Producer by CAS.T, Kanasus Brew
Composed by CAS.T, Kanasus Brew
Lyrics by CAS.T, RIPLEY
Arranged by CAS.T, Kanasus Brew
Drum by CAS.T, Kanasus Brew
Synth by Kanasus brew
Bass by Kanasus brew
E Piano by CAS.T
Vocal by CAS.T
Chorus by CAS.T
Programming by CAS.T, Kanasus brew
Recording Studio by C Room
Mixed by Kanasus brew
Vocal Mixed by CAS.T
Mastered by CAS.T
Cover art Designed by CAS.T
Photographer Hong Jong, CAS.T
Published by TSN Company