Dust Collectors - Wave Theory (2020) by Dust Collectors (보컬) on maniadb.com

Dust Collectors
Wave Theory
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RELEASE DATE: 2020-04-03
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio



DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2020-04-03 :: ㈜리웨이뮤직앤미디어
[Disc 1]
1. we can live here - Another Silent Weekend / 2. in the wind - Linanthem / 3. never ending story - Flitz & Suppe / 4. bloom - Chris Mazuera / 5. dilemma - Milkz / 6. global - clap cotton / 7. recliner - Kurt Stewart / 8. chocolate croissant - G Mills / 9. apollo fire - DLJ / 10. sakura wildflower - Afternoon Bike Ride / 11. left me behind!!! - INKY! / 12. having friends over - HM Surf / 13. leaves - mell-ø / 14. my girl - Karavelo / 15. sprung - Dr Dundiff / 16. oil merchant - Danny Freeman / 17. saturday night out - Almost Speechless / 18. everyday everynight - Rudy Raw / 19. three bears - no.18, Soul Food Horns / 20. astro blues - ZOD1AC / 21. pillow - Kuranes / 22. zweig - oofoe / 23. midnight loops - Ameba / 24. ice cream - Lace434 / 25. in my dreams - Martin $ky / 26. burntsienna - Nothing_Neue / 27. nod god - xJK. / 28. harley quinn - [KSG] / 29. beatrice - Ali Campbell / 30. the waiting game - Keem the Cipher / 31. god so help me - Tedd Boyd / 32. triiiple focus - Rah Zen / 33. pardon our dust - Dutchyyy / 34. novelist - Dao / 35. mac n cheese - Dweeb / 36. grime - MF Eistee / 37. green gone - drkmnd / 38. it's safe to say - Mikey Sol / 39. head in the clouds - Robot Orchestra / 40. sparkles - Phlocalyst / 41. déjà vu - Juan RIOS / 42. comrade - Stan Forebee / 43. first frost - Peter Bark / 44. la lavande - Another Silent Weekend

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A811020


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