배드로맨스 - Wait For Spring [ep] (2018) by 배드로맨스 (보컬) on maniadb.com

Wait For Spring [ep]
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RELEASE DATE: 2018-02-07
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, ep, studio



DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2018-02-07 :: 배드로맨스, 포크라노스
[Disc 1]
1. 네 생각 (Remastered) / 2. Leave A Trace / 3. 봄을 기다려 / 4. I`ll Love Her / 5. 너에게 전해지길 / 6. Outro (Star)


Performed by 배드로맨스 1기 (2010)
- 유월 : 보컬
- 이근형 : 보컬
- 임다훈 : 보컬
'배드로맨스(Bad Romance)' EP [Wait For Spring]

배드로맨스(Bad Romance) members / 유월, 이근형, 임다훈, 전승현

All Produced by 배드로맨스
All Composed & Written by 유월

1. 네 생각 (Remastered)
Arranged by 유월, 더코(The co), 장민하, 임다훈
Vocal by 유월
Guitars by 더코(The co), 유월
Bass by 장민하
Drums by 임다훈
Recorded by Stoneage, Macnori Studio
Mixed by 곽동준 @ Macnori Studio
Remastered by 신재민 @ Philos Planet

2. Leave A Trace
Arranged by 유월, 전승현, 장민하, 김민규
Vocal by 유월
Guitars by 전승현, 유월
Bass by 장민하
Drums by 김민규
Recorded and Mixed by 이승환 @ 상상마당 춘천
Mastered by 강승희 @ Sonic Korea

3. 봄을 기다려
Arranged by 유월, 이근형, 로드훈, 유종광
Vocal by 유월
Guitars by 로드훈, 유월
Bass by 이근형
Drums by 유종광
Chorus by 양현우
Recorded by 곽동준, 은강인 @ Studio ARK
Mixed by 곽동준 @ Studio ARK
Mastered by 신재민 @ Philos Planet

4. I’ll Love Her
Arranged by 유월, 이근형, 로드훈, 허예찬
Vocal by 유월
Guitars by 로드훈, 유월
Bass by 이근형
Drums Programming by 허예찬
Recorded by 곽동준, 은강인 @ Studio ARK
Mixed by 곽동준 @ Studio ARK
Mastered by 신재민 @ Philos Planet

5. 너에게 전해지길
Arranged by 유월, 전승현, 장민하, 이진
Vocal by 유월
Guitars by 전승현, 유월
Bass by 장민하
Drums by 이진
Recorded and Mixed by 곽동준 @ Studio ARK
Mastered by 신재민 @ Philos Planet

6. Outro (Star)
Arranged by 유월, 로드훈, 유종광, 김민지
Vocal by 유월
Guitars by 로드훈
Drums by 유종광
Piano by 김민지
Recorded by 은강인, 곽동준 @ Studio ARK

Artwork by 서영 @ poell_pic
Design by 서영 @ poell_pic
Photo by 서영 @ poell_pic

Publishing by POCLANOS

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A821530


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