방찬우 - Pursuit [ep] (2020) by 방찬우 (보컬) on maniadb.com

Pursuit [ep]
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RELEASE DATE: 2020-11-09
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, ep, studio


사람들은 늘 ‘사랑’에 대해 이야기한다. 하지만, ‘사랑’이란 정확히 무엇일까? 어렸을 때부터 주변 사람들로부터 사랑을 듬뿍 받으며 자라서 그런지 내게 있어서 ‘사랑’은 복잡한 감정이 아니었다. 남에게 사랑을 많이 받은 만큼 사랑을 주는 것도 내겐 어렵게 느껴지지 않았다.

하지만 ....



DIGITAL ALBUM 2020-11-09 Chanwoo Bang, YG PLUS


01. Mirror on the Wall

Composed by 방찬우
Lyrics by 방찬우
Arranged by Matthew Kim, Minsung (민성)

Guitar Minsung (민성)
Chorus 방찬우
Voice Over 방예빈

Recorded by Minsung (민성) @min5un9
Mixed by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mastered by 박정언 at Honey Butter Studio

02. 손잡잘

Composed by 방찬우
Lyrics by 방찬우
Arranged by Matthew Kim, Minsung (민성)

Drum Matthew Kim
Bass Matthew Kim
Guitar Minsung (민성)
Keyboard Minsung (민성)
Chorus 방찬우

Recorded by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mixed by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mastered by 박정언 at Honey Butter Studio

03. 오래 있어줘

Composed by 방찬우, Minsung (민성)
Lyrics by 방찬우
Arranged by Matthew Kim, Minsung (민성)

Drum Matthew Kim
Bass Matthew Kim
Guitar Minsung (민성)
Keyboard Matthew Kim
Chorus 방찬우

Recorded by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mixed by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mastered by 박정언 at Honey Butter Studio

04. 커피가 안 맞나

Composed by 방찬우
Lyrics by 방찬우
Arranged by Matthew Kim, Minsung (민성)

Cajon Matthew Kim
Bass Minsung (민성)
Guitar Minsung (민성)
Keyboard Minsung (민성)
Chorus 방찬우

Recorded by Minsung (민성) @min5un9
Mixed by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mastered by 박정언 at Honey Butter Studio

05. Please Don’t Say

Composed by 방찬우, Minsung (민성)
Lyrics by 방찬우
Arranged by Matthew Kim, Minsung (민성)

Drum Matthew Kim
Bass Minsung (민성)
Guitar Minsung (민성)
Keyboard Matthew Kim
Chorus 방찬우

Recorded by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mixed by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mastered by 박정언 at Honey Butter Studio

06. 그런 날이 있어

Composed by 방찬우
Lyrics by 방찬우
Arranged by Matthew Kim, Minsung (민성)

Drum Matthew Kim
Bass Minsung (민성)
Guitar Minsung (민성)
Chorus 방찬우

Recorded by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mixed by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mastered by 박정언 at Honey Butter Studio

07. 그 사람을 진심으로 사랑했다면

Composed by 방찬우, Minsung (민성)
Lyrics by 방찬우
Arranged by Matthew Kim, Minsung (민성)

Drum Matthew Kim
Bass Matthew Kim
Guitar Minsung (민성)
Keyboard Matthew Kim
Chorus 방찬우

Recorded by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mixed by Matthew Kim @mattmusickim
Mastered by 박정언 at Honey Butter Studio

Special thanks to

Artwork by 김민주 @atelier_more
오래 있어줘 M/V directed by DH Seo
오래 있어줘 M/V Best Boy by Will Lee
오래 있어줘 M/V Actress by Nayoung Kang

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A832416


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