오왼 - P.O.E.M. Ⅲ (2021) by 오왼 (보컬) on maniadb.com

P.O.E.M. Ⅲ
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RELEASE DATE: 2021-04-13
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio


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1. 흰 눈 (Prod. The Quiett)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by The Quiett
Contains a sample of ‘Ain't No Life After Love’ performed by Keisa Brown
Mixed by The Quiett
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
Outro includes [Over the City - Sircharlesthepoet]

2. 재도약 (Prod. The Quiett)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by The Quiett
Mixed by The Quiett
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

3. 기회 (Prod. Cribs)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by Cribs
Ep, Synth, Drum, Bass, Guitar by Cribs
Mixed by 샤군(ShahgooN), Fall August @260db
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

4. 힙합 II (Prod. DJ Wegun)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by DJ Wegun
Cuts by DJ Wegun
Mixed by 샤군(ShahgooN), Fall August @260db
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

5. 소맥 (Prod. Cribs)
Lyrics by Owen, Dynamic Duo
Produced by Cribs
Piano, Bass, Drum, EP, Saxophone by Cribs
Mixed by 샤군(ShahgooN), Fall August @260db
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
Outro includes [초심 - 금송(김병근)]

6. 오늘 (Prod. The Quiett)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by The Quiett
Mixed by The Quiett
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
Outro includes [Just Today - Hunter Taylor]

7. 가시 (Prod. The Quiett)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by The Quiett
Mixed by The Quiett
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
Outro includes [Tupac Shakur]

8. 밑 (Prod. DJ Wegun)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by DJ Wegun
Cuts by DJ Wegun
Mixed by 샤군(ShahgooN), Fall August @260db
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

9. 후 (Prod. Cribs)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by Cribs
Bass, Drum, EP, Saxophone, Synth by Cribs
Mixed by 샤군(ShahgooN), Fall August @260db
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

10. 너 (Prod. DJ Wegun)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by DJ Wegun
Cuts by DJ Wegun
Mixed by 샤군(ShahgooN), Fall August @260db
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

11. 갈색 눈 (Prod. The Quiett)
Lyrics by Owen
Produced by The Quiett
Contains a sample of ‘Al Wants his Stuff Back’ performed by Chords
Mixed by The Quiett
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering
Outro includes [Movie ‘MIDNIGHT IN PARIS’ Quotes]

Executive Producer | Owen
Executive Director | UNCUTPOINT
A&R | Megan Hyemi Kim
Management | Dohyun Kim
Art Director / Design | LAUNDRY OFFICE

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A850197


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