프롬 디 에어포트 - The Boy Who Jumped (2017) by 프롬 디 에어포트 (보컬) on maniadb.com

프롬 디 에어포트
The Boy Who Jumped
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RELEASE DATE: 2017-02-07
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio


'프럼 디 에어포트 (From The Airport)' 정규 2집 [The Boy Who Jumped]

"인생은 치열한 마라톤이라고 한다. 누군가는 쓰러지고 누군가는 그를 밟고 앞으로 달려 나간다. 목적지는 하나가 아니다. 우린 멈추지 않고 끝까지 당신과 함께 달릴 것이다."
'프럼 디 에어포트 (From the Airport ....



DIGITAL ALBUM 2017-02-07 플럭서스, 케이앤씨뮤직퍼블리싱컴퍼니


Performed by 프롬 디 에어포트 1기 (2015)
- ZEE : 보컬
- MILO : 보컬
All Songs Written and Produced by From The Airport
-Milo [Guitar, Vocals, Synthesizer, Piano, Bass]
-Zee [ DJ, Vocals, Synthesizer, Percussion]
Recording Engineer Shin Hong Jae @Pondsound Studio
Mixing Engineer Shin Hong Jae @Pondsound Studio / Milo @FTA Stadium
Mastering Engineer Joe LaPorta @Sterling Sound
Chorus Lim of SOLATI (Track 2, 4, 5) / Milo
Vocal Director Kim Ki Won (Track 3, 4, 5) / Milo
A&R Kim Jin Seok, Park Jimin
Artist Management Jo Jung Hyun, Ka Chil Hyeon
Marketing & Planning Park Jimin, Jeffrey Chiang, Lee Hyun Woo
Artwork Milo
Design Jang Hak
Excutive Producer Kim Jin Seok, Chan Kim

[Track Credits]
01. The Heartbeats (Music and Arrangement : Milo / Lyrics : From The Airport)
02. Go or Die (Music, Lyrics and Arrangement : From The Airport)
03. Night & Day (Feat.Park Gyuri) (Music and Arrangement : Milo / Lyrics : From The Airport)
04. 감정 (Music and Arrangement : Milo / Lyrics : From The Airport)
05. The Jump (Music : Milo / Arrangement and Lyrics : From The Airport)
06. Noise Control (Music and Arrangement : Milo / Lyrics : From The Airport)
07. Age (Music : Milo / Arrangement and Lyrics : From The Airport)
08. Wash Away (Music and Arrangement : Milo / Lyrics : From The Airport)
09. Never Die (Music, Lyrics and Arrangement : From The Airport)
10. Go or Die (Kor Ver.)  (Music, Lyrics and Arrangement : From The Airport)
11. Go or Die  (From The Airport Remix)
12. The Jump (From The Airport Remix)

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A871419


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