M.O.E. OST : Master Of Eternity by 은토, Asteria [single, ost] (2016) by 은토 (보컬), Asteria (보컬) on maniadb.com

은토, Asteria
M.O.E. OST : Master Of Eternity [single, ost]
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RELEASE DATE: 2016-09-22
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, single, studio, OST


미소녀 픽시들의 메카닉 SRPG M.O.E (Master Of Eternity) 독특한 컨셉으로 많은 게임 팬들의 관심을 한 몸에 받고 있는 Nexon의 모바일 게임 M.O.E. 예부터 미소녀와 메카닉의 조합은, 뭇 남성의 마음을 흔드는 매우 매력적인 소재로 꼽혔다. 사랑스러운 소녀들이 주인공인 만큼 풋풋한 설렘과 서정성 있는 고운 멜로디, 또한 메카닉에 ....





 1. 너만의 별 (Shooting Star)- Produced by : ASTERIA (of NECORD)- Composed by : 김달우- Lyrics by 김달우, 은토- Arranged by 유종호, 이나일- Vocal 은토- Chorus 김현아- Keyboard 김달우, 유종호- Guitar 성상민 (Tasty Guitar)- Bass 최훈 78- Strings On The String- Synthesizer 유종호- Recording Engineer 최자연 (W Sound), 이경호 (서울 스투디오)- Mixing Engineer 조준성 (W Sound)- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea)
2. 아스가르드함의 여행 (The Adventure of The War-Ship Asgard)- Produced by ASTERIA (of NECORD)- Composed by 김가해- Arranged by 김가해, Sound Edit- Keyboard & Synthesizer 김가해- Mixing Engineer Sound Edit- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea) 3. 픽시들의 이야기 (What’s Your Story, Pixie)- Produced by ASTERIA (of NECORD)- Composed by 김가해- Arranged by 김가해, Sound Edit- Keyboard & Synthesizer 김가해- Guitar 성상민 (Tasty Guitar)- Mixing Engineer Sound Edit- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea) 4. 모처럼의 평화 (Long-Waited Break Time)- Produced by ASTERIA (of NECORD)- Composed by 김가해- Arranged by 김가해, Sound Edit- Keyboard & Synthesizer 김가해- Guitar 성상민 (Tasty Guitar)- Mixing Engineer Sound Edit- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea) 5. 또 다른 위기 (Another Critical Moment)- Produced by ASTERIA (of NECORD)- Composed by 김가해 - Arranged by 김가해, Sound Edit- Keyboard & Synthesizer 김가해- Mixing Engineer Sound Edit- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea) 6. 마지막 픽시 (The Last Pixie)- Produced by ASTERIA (of NECORD)- Composed by 김가해- Arranged by 김가해, Sound Edit- Keyboard & Synthesizer 김가해- Guitar 성상민 (Tasty Guitar)- Mixing Engineer Sound Edit- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea) 7. 최후의 전장 (The Final Battlefield)- Produced by ASTERIA- Composed by 김가해- Arranged by 김가해, Sound Edit- Keyboard & Synthesizer 김가해- Mixing Engineer Sound Edit- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea) 8. 이리와요, 마스터 (Master, Come To See Me)- Produced by ASTERIA- Composed by 김가해- Arranged by 김가해, Sound Edit- Keyboard & Synthesizer 김가해- Guitar 성상민 (Tasty Guitar)- Mixing Engineer Sound Edit- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea) 9. 너만의 별 (Shooting Star) (Bossa Nova Ver.)- Produced by ASTERIA- Composed by 김달우- Lyrics by 김달우, 은토- Arranged by 성상민, 김달우, 유종호, 은토- Vocal & Chorus by 은토- Drum & Percussion 유종호- Keyboard 김달우- Guitar 성상민 (Tasty Guitar)- Mixing Engineer 김정훈- Mastering Engineer 전훈 (Sonic Korea)  

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