“매일이 우리들을 위한 날인 것처럼”
“오월오일이란 날짜를 듣기만 해도 설레고 기대하던 어린아이처럼”
삭은 달과 태양의 황경이 같아지는 때를 말한다.
지구에서 보았을 때 달의 뒷면만 햇빛을 받으므로 지구에서는 보이지 않는다.
해와 달처럼 우리들의 마음은 같아졌고 아직 보이지 않은 달엔 매일을 어린아이처럼 새롭게 살아가는 소중한 우리
들의 모습과 이야기들을 담아 색칠해두었다.
보이지 않는 그것들이 앞으로 더 빛나게 될 시작점, 우리는 그것을 삭이라 표현하기로 했다.
The “SAK” is a time when the longitude of the moon and the sun is equal.
When we look at the Moon from Earth, only the backside of the moon receives sunlight, so the moon is invisible from Earth.
Like the sun and the moon, our mind and thinking is on the same line.
We colored our own priceless memories, stories and fragments of images on the moon.
And the starting point when all things we cannot explore now, but will be brightened, We decided to describe that moment, “SAK”. ....
Performed by
오월오일 1기 (2019)
류지호 : 보컬
곽지현 : 보컬
장태웅 : 보컬
Executive Producer : 문성환, 전승환
작사 : 류지호
작곡 : 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
편곡 : 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Executive Producer : 문성환, 전승환
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
All Tracks Recorded by 전승환 @The Mix LAB
Mix & Mastering Engineer : 전승환 @The Mix LAB
Art Direction & Design : 유재형
Photo by 김대훈
M/V by 김대훈
01. 삭 (SAK)
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Guitar by 장태웅, 류지호
Synthesizer by 곽지현
02. Tree
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Drum by 곽지현
Bass by 곽지현
Guitar by 장태웅
Synthesizer by 곽지현
Vocal & Chorus by 류지호
03. Young Adult
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Drum by 곽지현
Bass by 박영빈
Guitar by 장태웅
Synthesizer by 곽지현
Vocal & Chorus by 류지호
04. SSY
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Drum by 곽지현
Bass by 곽지현
Guitar by 장태웅
Synthesizer by 곽지현
Vocal & Chorus by 류지호
05. I Met My Friend In The Water
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Guitar by 장태웅
Synthesizer by 곽지현
Vocal & Chorus by 류지호
06. 바라보는걸
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Drum by 곽지현
Bass by 박영빈
Guitar by 장태웅
Synthesizer by 곽지현
Vocal & Chorus by 류지호
07. 청춘
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 ), HAD
Drum by HAD
Bass by HAD
Guitar by 장태웅
Synthesizer by 곽지현
Vocal & Chorus by 류지호
08. 봉숭아
Lyrics by 류지호
Composed by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Arranged by 오월오일 ( 五月五日 )
Guitar by 류지호
Vocal & Chorus by 류지호