거리에서 그녀를 만났어요
저의 노래와 기타 소리에
그녀의 화음과 피아노 선율이 맞닿은 순간
어두컴컴하던 우주가
별빛으로 채워졌죠.
음악을 향한 꿈을 포기하지 말자고 생각했습니다.
한 번뿐인 삶에서 바라는 단 하나의 꿈과
이를 향한 절실하고 애절한 노력은
타인의 빛바랜 꿈을
마법처럼 되살려주기도 합니다.
오늘도 꿈을 위해 치열한 시간을 보내고 있는
당신을 응원하고 있어요.
그런 당신에게 이 음악이 따뜻한 위로가 되었으면 합니다.
I thought there would be no more dreams or loves in my life. One day, suddenly, I met a woman on the street where I always sing.
My dark, damp universe started to fill with glowing starlights when her chords and piano melodies merged into my voice and guitar tunes. Then I decided to never give up on our dreams.'
Someone's earnest and desperate effort toward a lifetime dream can magically bring the dusty hope back to other hearts.
Two main characters of the film <Once> happen to meet on the street in Dublin and develop their feelings through music. The man records his demos with a range of help from the woman. Even though they made down-to-earth decisions in the movie, we'd like them to be together until the end, at least in our album.
We're cheering for you and your worthy effort to carry on towards each dream. Hope we give you a warm consolation with our music.
Executive Producer : Dept (뎁트) @dept113
Presented by Dept Music(뎁트 뮤직)
기획, 제작팀 - clam, jazzer
art directed by 바퀴주@bakijoo
앨범 소개글 - Dept (뎁트) @dept113, chaelinjane
가사 번역 - chaelinjane
lyrics video by @heejuk_heejuk 히주
Mixed by Andnew @everyday_newmix
Masterd by 소닉코리아 전훈(Assist. 신수민)
1.Once (Feat. J.O.Y)
작사(lyrics): 뎁트(Dept), clam, J.O.Y
작곡(composed): 뎁트(Dept), jazzer, J.O.Y
편곡(arrange): 뎁트(Dept), jazzer, clam
Vocal by J.O.Y
Chorus by GRAM
Drum by clam, 김은석, 뎁트(Dept)
Bass by jazzer
Piano by jazzer
Guitar by jazzer
Synth by clam
String by 전경민
2.If You Want Me (Feat. Kelsey Kuan, heyden)
작사(lyrics): 뎁트(Dept), clam, Kelsey Kuan, heyden
작곡(composed): 뎁트(Dept), jazzer, Kelsey Kuan, heyden
편곡(arrange): 뎁트(Dept), jazzer, clam
Vocal by Kelsey Kuan, heyden
Drum by clam, 뎁트(Dept)
Guitar by jazzer
Bass by jazzer
Piano by jazzer ....