마크툽 - A Wind Pining For You [digital single] (2022) by 마크툽 (보컬) on maniadb.com

A Wind Pining For You [digital single]
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RELEASE DATE: 2022-09-22
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, digital single, studio



DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2022-09-22 :: (주)MAKTUB Company, wea
[Disc 1]
1. 너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind)  featuring MaRa Music friends / 2. 너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind) (Piano Tapes) / 3. 너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind) (Live Ver. at the Beatles Bar) / 4. 너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind) (Inst.) / 5. 너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind) (Piano Tapes) (Inst.)


Executive Producer : MAKTUB Inc.

Executive Producer: MAKTUB Inc.

1.너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind) (Feat. MaRa Music friends)

Directed by Maktub
Lyrics by Maktub
Composed by Maktub
Arranged by Maktub
Background Vocals & Arranged by Maktub,MaRa Music Friends
Synthesizer Perfomed by Maktub
String Arranged by Park minji, Maktub
String Performed by LA String
Piano Performed by Maktub,Song misun
Guitar Keum sanghun,Lee Teauk, Heo yoonjae, Andrew Harris
Bass Maktub
Drum Kim youngjin
All Sources Programming Maktub

2..너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind) (Piano Tapes)
Directed by Maktub
Lyrics by Maktub
Composed by Maktub
Arranged by Maktub
Piano Performed by Kim hyunjung
All Sources Programming Maktub

3.너를 부르는 바람 (A Pining Wind) (Live Ver. at the Beatles Bar)
Directed by Maktub
Lyrics by Maktub
Composed by Maktub
Arranged by Maktub
Background Vocals & Arranged by Maktub
Synthesizer Perfomed by Maktub
String Arranged by Park minji, Maktub
String Performed by LA String
Piano Performed by Maktub,Song misun
Guitar Keum sanghun,Lee Teauk, Heo yoonjae, Andrew Harris
Bass Maktub
Drum Kim youngjin
All Sources Programming Maktub
Director: LeeBum (@Leegendstudios)
Director of Photography: LeeBum (@Leegendstudios)
B Camera Operator: David Kim
C Camera Operator: John You
Gaffer: Xander (Catalog)
Production Manager: Sunny (Catalog)
Edit/2D/DI : Leegendstudios (@Leegendstudios)
Decorator : Kim bora

Album Photo: Jang jongeun
Manager: Yang jungmo

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A960507


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