SPECTRUM for tomorrow [ep] (2023) by Various Artists (보컬) on maniadb.com

Various Artists
SPECTRUM for tomorrow [ep]
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RELEASE DATE: 2023-03-19
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, ep, studio


“SPECTRUM” 시리즈의 세 번째 앨범 [SPECTRUM for tomorrow]

컴필 앨범 “SPECTRUM”은 시리즈 마다 각기 다른 이슈를 주제로 다양한 뮤지션의 곡을 선보이는 프로젝트입니다. 시리즈 첫 번째 앨범인 [SPECTRUM for the future]와 Jimmy Brown, Rovv, Sweet The Kid의 크루 앨범 [S ....



DIGITAL ALBUM 2023-03-19 SPECTRUM X, 카카오 엔터테인먼트


01 헤온(Heon) / Before Sunrise
Music by 헤온(Heon), 리선
Words by 헤온(Heon), 리선
Arranged by 헤온(Heon), 리선, 문성혁, 윤동주

Mixed by 고도현
Executive Produced by 헤온(Heon), SPECTRUM X

02 Avii Garde / Take It Home
Music by Avii Garde
Words by Avii Garde, Bob Enough
Arranged by drewboi, Avii Garde

Guitar by hyuk
Synthesizer by drewboi
Recorded by Avii Garde
Digital Edited by Avii Garde

Mixed by Avii Garde
Executive Produced by Avii Garde, SPECTRUM X

03 Jinee (지니) / Addicted
Music by Jinee (지니), ohsol
Words by Jinee (지니)
Arranged by ohsol

Vocal by Jinee (지니)
Chorus by Jinee (지니)
Drum, Bass, Synth by ohsol
Midi programing by ohsol
Recorded by Lokid @inandout

Mixed by 고현정 @koko sound studio
Executive Produced by Jinee (지니), SPECTRUM X

04 더 굿 보이즈(The Good Boys) / Take It Back (Prod. 마르슬랭 까이유)
Music by 마르슬랭 까이유
Words by 마르슬랭 까이유, Limited(리미티드), 선호탄(Sunhotan)
Arranged by 마르슬랭 까이유

BGVs The Good Boys
Produced by Marcellin Caillou
Mixed by Limited
Executive Produced by The Good Boys, SPECTRUM X

05 디스코택시(D'scoTech-XI) / Chopin - Prelude E minor OP.28 no.4 (Classic Tech-XI Remake)
Music by Frederic Chopin
Arranged by 릴피쉬 (Lil FISH)

Mixed by 릴피쉬 (Lil FISH)
Executive Produced by 디스코택시(D'scoTech-XI), SPECTRUM X

Album Mastering by 권남우 @821 Sound
Album Artwork by KATE @KATEFARM

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A983610


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