His Dark Materials (Original Television Soundtrack) (TV 시리즈 황금나침반) by Lorne Balfe [ost] (2019) by Lorne Balfe (보컬) on maniadb.com

Lorne Balfe
His Dark Materials (Original Television Soundtrack) (TV 시리즈 황금나침반) [ost]
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RELEASE DATE: 2019-12-20
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio, OST, drama
ALSO KNOWN AS: TV 시리즈 황금나침반



DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2019-12-20 :: Silva Screen Records Ltd., 뮤직마인레코드
[Disc 1]
1. Iorek's Armor / 2. The Great Flood / 3. Lyra's Jordan / 4. Everyone is Special / 5. The Golden Compass / 6. Where Is Roger? / 7. Readying the Boats / 8. Leaving Jordan / 9. Tell Me Where He Is / 10. Voyages / 11. Cocktail Party / 12. I Will Succeed / 13. There Was a Gyptian Nurse / 14. Daemons to Dust / 15. Clear Your Mind / 16. The List / 17. Look to the Stars
[Disc 2]
1. Gateway to the North / 2. You Loved a Witch / 3. Iorek Breaks Loose / 4. Some Sort of Ghost / 5. Polar Adventure / 6. The Silver Guillotine / 7. Battle of Bolvangar / 8. Parting Ways / 9. Armored Claws / 10. Assuming The Mantle / 11. Airships Approaching / 12. Fog and Ice / 13. Bridge to the Stars / 14. The End of the Magisterium / 15. Crossing Worlds / 16. Into The Sky

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A986078


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