에이체스, Yonge Jaundice - OFF THE RECORD [ep] (2023) by 에이체스 (보컬), Yonge Jaundice (보컬) on maniadb.com

에이체스, Yonge Jaundice
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RELEASE DATE: 2023-04-18
ALBUM TYPE: 싱글/EP, ep, studio


Disc 1
작사:A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice 작곡:UGP 편곡:UGP
Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스
Members Only     featuring Deepflow, Owen
작사:A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice, Deepflow, Owen 작곡:Fredi Casso 편곡:Fredi Casso
Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스
작사:A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice 작곡:Fredi Casso 편곡:Fredi Casso
Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스
작사:A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice 작곡:Fredi Casso 편곡:Fredi Casso
Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스
Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스
작사:A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice 작곡:Fredi Casso 편곡:Fredi Casso
Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스
작사:에이체스(A-Chess), Yonge Jaundice(영잔디스), Deepflow(딥플로우), 오왼(Owen) 작곡:Fredi Casso 편곡:Fredi Casso
Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스


DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2023-04-18 :: OFF THE RECORD, 포크라노스
[Disc 1]
1. Off The Record - Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스 / 2. Members Only  featuring Deepflow, Owen - Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스 / 3. Drop - Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스 / 4. 우리들만 아는 얘기 - Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스 / 5. All About Playin' - Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스 / 6. Blood Diamonds - Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스 / 7. Outro - Yonge Jaundice, 에이체스


1. Off The Record
Lyrics by A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice
Composed by UGP
Arranged by UGP
Drums by UGP
Bass by UGP
Piano by UGP
Synthesizer by UGP
Mixed and Mastered by Brasco

2. Members Only (Feat. Deepflow, Owen)
Lyrics by A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice, Deepflow, Owen
Composed by Fredi Casso
Arranged by Fredi Casso
Drums by Fredi Casso
Bass by Fredi Casso
Synthesizer by Fredi Casso
Mixed and Mastered by Brasco

3. Drop
Lyrics by A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice
Composed by Fredi Casso
Arranged by Fredi Casso
Drums by Fredi Casso
Bass by Fredi Casso
Piano by Fredi Casso
Mixed and Mastered by Brasco

4. 우리들만 아는 얘기
Lyrics by A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice
Composed by Fredi Casso
Arranged by Fredi Casso
Drums by Fredi Casso
Synthesizer by Fredi Casso
Mixed and Mastered by Brasco

5. All About Playin'
Lyrics by A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice
Composed by Fredi Casso
Arranged by Fredi Casso
Drums by Fredi Casso
Bass by Fredi Casso
Synthesizer by Fredi Casso
Mixed and Mastered by Brasco

6. Blood Diamonds
Lyrics by A-Chess, Yonge Jaundice
Composed by Fredi Casso
Arranged by Fredi Casso
Drums by Fredi Casso
Bass by Fredi Casso
Synthesizer by Fredi Casso
Mixed and Mastered by Brasco

7. Outro
Composed by Fredi Casso
Arranged by Fredi Casso
Drums by Fredi Casso
Mixed and Mastered by Fredi Casso

Executive Produced by 에이체스(A-Chess), Yonge Jaundice(영잔디스)
Lyrics by 에이체스(A-Chess), Yonge Jaundice(영잔디스), Deepflow(딥플로우), 오왼(Owen)
Produced by UGP, Fredi Casso
Recorded by UGP @FOT Studio, The NOTE @MVM Studio, ALE(에일) @Starry Studio
Mixed and Mastered by Brasco @Brasco911 Studio
Except Track 7 Mixed and Mastered by Fredi Casso @Nollshine Studio
Artwork by Sean Rhee
Photo by 이상민 @LEESANGMIN Studio
Fashion Directed by 최승혁
H/M by Chaerin Jang

Publishing by POCLANOS

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/A987847


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