Henry Purcell [작곡,오르간]

Henry Purcell [작곡,오르간]    헨리 퍼셀
1660s - 1690s
1659년 / 영국,런던
1695년 11월 21일 / Nov 21, 1695 in London, England

실내악 / 독주곡


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Abdelazer (Z.570): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Abdelazer (Z.570): Rondeau-Air-Air-Minuet   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Abdelazer (Z.570): Air-Jig-Hornpipe-Air   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Abdelazer (Z.570): Song: Lucinda Is Bewitching Fair   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Distressed Innocence (Z.577): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Distressed Innocence (Z.577): Air-Slow Air-Air-Hornpipe Or Jig   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Distressed Innocence (Z.577): Rondeau-Air-Minuet   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Married Beau (Z.603): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Married Beau (Z.603): Slow Air-Hornpipe   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Married Beau (Z.603): Air-Hornpipe-Jig   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Married Beau (Z.603): Tpt Air-March-Hornpipe On A Ground   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Married Beau (Z.603): Song: See! Where Repenting Celia Lyes   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Gordian Knot Untyd (Z.597): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Gordian Knot Untyd (Z.597): Air-Rondeau Minuet-Air-Jig   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Gordian Knot Untyd (Z.597): Chaconne-Air-Minuet   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Sir Anthony Love (Z.588): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Sir Anthony Love (Z.588): Pursuing Beauty   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Sir Anthony Love (Z.588): No More, Sir, No More   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Sir Anthony Love (Z.588): In Vain Clemene   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Sir Anthony Love (Z.588): Ground   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Air-Hornpipe-Air   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Hornpipe-Air-Minuet   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Jack, Thou`Rt A Toper   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Hear Us Great Rugwith   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Hear, Ye Gods Of Britain   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Sing, Sing, Ye Druids!   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Divine Andate, President Of War   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): To Arms   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): Britons Strike Home!   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Bonduca (Z.574): O Lead Me To Some Peaceful Gloom   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Circe (Z.575): We Must Assemble By A Sacrifice   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Circe (Z.575): Their Necessary Aid You Use   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Circe (Z.575): Come Every Demon   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Circe (Z.575): Lovers, Who To Their First Embraces Go   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Circe (Z.575): Magicians` Dance... Pluto, Arise!   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Virtuous Wife (Z.611): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Virtuous Wife (Z.611): Song Tune-Slow Air-Air   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Virtuous Wife (Z.611): Prld-Hornpipe-Minuet-Minuet (1st Act Tune)   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Old Bachelor (Z.607): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Old Bachelor (Z.607): Hornpipe   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Old Bachelor (Z.607): Thus To A Ripe, Consenting Maid   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Old Bachelor (Z.607): Slow Air-Hornpipe   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Old Bachelor (Z.607): As Amoret And Thyrsis Lay   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Old Bachelor (Z.607): Rondeau-Menuet-Boree-March-Jig   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Ov In G (Z.770)   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): Sing All Ye Muses   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): When The World First Knew Creation   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): Let The Dreadful Engines   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): With This Sacred Charming Wand   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): Since Times Are So Bad   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): Genius Of England   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): Lads And Lasses, Blithe And Gay   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Don Quixote (Z.578): From Rosie Bow`Rs   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): Saraband   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): Celia, That I Once Was Blest   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): Hornpipe-Scotch Tune   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): For Iris I Sigh   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): Air-Minuet-Hornpipe   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): Fair Iris And Her Swain   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Amphitryon (Z.572): Bourree   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Double Dealer (Z.592): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Double Dealer (Z.592): Hornpipe-Minuet-Air-Hornpipe   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Double Dealer (Z.592): Cynthia Frowns   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Double Dealer (Z.592): Minuet-Minuet-Air-Air   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Richmond Heiress (Z.608): Behold The Man   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Rival Sisters (Z.609): Ov   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Rival Sisters (Z.609): Celia Has A Thousand Charms   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Rival Sisters (Z.609): Take Not A Woman`S Anger Ill   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Rival Sisters (Z.609): How Happy, How Happy Is She   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Henry The Second, King Of England (Z.580): In Vain, `Gainst Love, In Vain I Strove   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Tyrannic Love (Z.613): Hark! My Damilcar!   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Tyrannic Love (Z.613): Ah! How Sweet It Is To Love   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Ov In G (Z.772)   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Prepare, Prepare, The Rites Begin   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Can`St Thou, Marina   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): The Gate To Bliss   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Hark! Hark! Behold The Heav`Nly Chor   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Now The Fight`S Done   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Sad As Death At Dead Of Night   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Dream No More Of Pleasures Past   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Hail To The Myrtle Shade   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Theodosius (Z.606): Ah Cruel, Bloody Fate   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Libertine (Z.600): Nymphs And Shepherds   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Libertine (Z.600): We Come   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Libertine (Z.600): Prld   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Libertine (Z.600): Prepare, Prepare, New Guests Draw Near   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Libertine (Z.600): To Arms, Heroic Prince   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The Massacre Of Paris (Z.604): Thy Genius, Lo (2 Settings)   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Oedipus (Z.583): Hear, Ye Sullen Powers Below   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Oedipus (Z.583): Music For A While   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Oedipus (Z.583): Come Away, Do Not Stay... Laius! Hear, Hear   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Ov In D (Z.771)   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The History Of King Richard The Second (The Sicilian Usurper)   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Sir Barnaby Whigg (Z.589): Blow, Blow, Boreas, Blow   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
Sophonisba (Z.590): Beneath The Poplar`S Shadow   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
The English Lawyer (Z.594): My Wife Has A Tongue   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
A Fools Preferment (Z.571): I Sigh`D, And I Pin`D... There`S Nothing So Fatal As Woman   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)
A Fools Preferment (Z.571): Fled Is My Love... `Tis Death Alone... I`Ll Mount To Yon Blue Coelum   Henry Purcell
from Henry Purcell - Theatre Music/ Christopher Hogwood (1999)

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P116118


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