Basement Jaxx

Basement Jaxx    베이스먼트 잭스
1990s -
1994년 / 영국,London
1995년 / EP앨범 'EP 1'


10. Sneakin` Toronto (The Martinez Brothers Remix) - Basement Jaxx
27. Flylife Xtra - Basement Jaxx
27. Flylife Xtra - Basement Jaxx
5. Being With U - Basement Jaxx
1. Be Free [[Atlantic Jaxx Recordings By Basement Jaxx]] - Basement Jaxx / 1. Red Alert [[Clubber'S Heaven]] - Basement Jaxx / 10. Grapesoda - Basement Jaxx / 11. Missing You - Basement Jaxx / 11. Romeo [Acoustic] - Basement Jaxx / 12. Hot N Cold [애니콜 Cf송 (Bonus Track)] - Basement Jaxx / 12. Undaground - Basement Jaxx / 2. Samba Magic - Basement Jaxx / 3. Live Your Life With Me - Basement Jaxx / 4. Fly Life - Basement Jaxx / 5. Eu Nao [Adrianna Montero] - Basement Jaxx / 6. Belo Horizonti - Basement Jaxx / 7. Lonely - Basement Jaxx / 8. Set Yo Body Free
9. Do Your Thing - Basement Jaxx
38. Romeo - Basement Jaxx
2. Romeo - Basement Jaxx
3. If I Ever Recorver - Basement Jaxx
1. Flylife - Basement Jaxx
5. Romeo - Basement Jaxx
1. Be Free [Intro] - Basement Jaxx / 12. Undaground - Basement Jaxx / 13. Hidden Track - Basement Jaxx / 2. Samba Magic - Basement Jaxx / 4. Fly Life - Basement Jaxx / 8. Set Yo Body Free - Basement Jaxx / 9. Daluma - Basement Jaxx
4. Red Alert - Basement Jaxx
7. Where`s Your Head It - Basement Jaxx
2. Romeo - Basement Jaxx
26. Bingo Bango/ Get Over It - Basement Jaxx
1. Space Pin - Basement Jaxx

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