Billy Connolly

Billy Connolly    빌리 코놀리
2000s -
1942년 11월 24일 / 스코틀랜드,Glasgow, Scotland



[Disc 1]
1. Why Don't They Come Back To Dunoon / 2. My Dixie Darling / 3. Now I Feel So Old / 4. A Little Of Your Time / 5. Saltcoats At The Fair / 6. Victory Rag / 7. Will You Follow Me / 8. Little Blue Lady / 9. Travel Away / 10. Come Drink My Wine / 11. Cripple Creek / 12. Close Your Eyes / 13. Windy And Warm / 14. Saturday Round About Sunday / 15. Everybody Knows That / 16. Joe Dempsey / 17. Silk Pyjamas / 18. Goodbye-ee / 19. My Apartment / 20. Open Up The Door / 21. Mary Of The Mountains / 22. Mother / 23. Cruisin' / 24. Oh No / 25. Harry / 26. Time / 27. Bed Of Mossy Green / 28. Saturday Round About Sunday (Single Ver.)
[Disc 2]
1. Stainless Steel Wellies (Govan 'Dunne' Blues) / 2. Song For A Small Man / 3. The Donkey / 4. Telling Lies / 5. Glasgow Central / 6. Good Love / 7. A Little Of Your Time / 8. Near You / 9. Winchburgh Junction / 10. Oh, Dear / 11. Mcginty / 12. Talkin' Blues (What's In A Name) / 13. If It Wasnae For Your Wellies / 14. Leo Mcguire's Song / 15. Nobody's Child / 16. The Short-haired Police Cadet
[Disc 3]
1. Glasgow Accents / Nine And A Half Guitars / 2. Marie's Wedding (Musical Appreciation): The Music Teacher / 3. Harry Campbell And The Heavies / Harry Campbell And The Heavies / The World Is Waiting For Sunshine / 4. A Life In The Day Of / Glasgow Central / 5. The Jobbie Weecha !!!! / Please Help Me, I'm Falling / 6. The Crucifixion

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