Carly Simon

Carly Simon    카릴 시몬
1970s -
1945년 06월 25일 / 미국,New York, NY
1971년 02월 / 1집 앨범 Carly Simon



[Disc 1]
1. That's The Way I'Ve Always Heard It Should Be / 2. The Right Thing To Do / 3. Mockingbird / 4. Legend In Your Own Time / 5. Haven't Got Time For The Pain / 6. You'Re So Vain / 7. We Have No Secrets / 8. Night Owl / 9. Anticipation / 10. Attitude Dancing
[Disc 1]
1. That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be / 2. Legend In Your Own Time / 3. Anticipation / 4. The Right Thing To Do / 5. You're So Vain / 6. Mockingbird / 7. Haven't Got Time For The Pain / 8. Nobody Does It Better / 9. You Belong To Me / 10. Jesse / 11. Coming Around Again / 12. Give Me All Night / 13. The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of / 14. All I Want Is You / 15. Let The River Run / 16. Better Not Tell Her / 17. Love Of My Life / 18. Like A River / 19. Touched By The Sun / 20. Amity
[Disc 1]
1. Nobody Does It Better / 2. You're So Vain / 3. It Happens Everyday / 4. Anticipation / 5. The Right Thing To Do / 6. Do The Walls Come Down / 7. You Belong To Me / 8. Two Hot Girls [On A Hot Summer Night,] / 9. All I Want Is You / 10. Coming Around Again/itsy Bitsy Spider / 11. Never Been Gone

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