David Miller

David Miller    
1883년 03월 17일 / 미국,Ohio River, OH


[Disc 1]
1. Serenade - David Miller, Emma Knott / 2. Calling The Turtles In - David Miller, Emma Knott / 3. Nawang Wulan - David Miller, Emma Knott / 4. From A Bridge Of Dreams - David Miller, Emma Knott / 5. Music For Gillian - David Miller, Emma Knott / 6. Locana - David Miller, Emma Knott / 7. Locanas Consort - David Miller, Emma Knott / 8. Inner Life - David Miller, Emma Knott / 9. Evanston Song - David Miller, Emma Knott / 10. The Wind Stirs Gently - David Miller, Emma Knott / 11. Sunflowers - David Miller, Emma Knott / 12. Silver-eyed Gull - David Miller, Emma Knott / 13. Ann and Del In Oz - David Miller, Emma Knott / 14. Ann and Del - David Miller, Emma Knott / 15. Over The Quiet Waters - David Miller, Emma Knott / 16. Mermaids - David Miller, Emma Knott / 17. By The Lily-pond - David Miller, Emma Knott / 18. I Will Build My House In The Water - David Miller, Emma Knott / 19. Plucking The Rushes - David Miller, Emma Knott / 20. Goldfish - David Miller, Emma Knott / 21. Sea Breeze - David Miller, Emma Knott / 22. The Valley Lay Smiling Before Me - David Miller, Emma Knott
[Disc 1]
1. Like As The Lute Delihgts - John Danyel / 2. Time, Cruel Time - John Danyel / 3. Pavan - John Danyel / 4. What Delight Can They Enjoy - John Danyel / 5. Grief Keep Within - John Danyel / 6. Drop Not, Mine Eyes - John Danyel / 7. Have All Our Passions? - John Danyel / 8. Why Canst Thou Not? - John Danyel / 9. Stay, Cruel, Stay! - John Danyel / 10. Teh Passymeasures Galliard - John Danyel / 11. Coy Daphne Fled - John Danyel / 12. Let Not Chloris Think - John Danyel / 13. Eyes, Look No More - John Danyel / 14. Rosamund - John Danyel / 15. Thou Pretty Bird - John Danyel / 16. A Fancy - John Danyel / 17. Dost Thou Withdraw Thy Grace? - John Danyel / 18. He Whose Desires Are Still Abroad - John Danyel / 19. If I Could Shut The Gate - John Danyel / 20. I Die Whenas I Do Not See - John Danyel / 21. Monsieur`s Almain - John Danyel / 22. Can Doleful Notes? - John Danyel / 23. No, Let Chromatic Tunes - John Danyel / 24. Uncertain Turns Of Thought - John Danyel / 25. Now The Earth, The Skies, The Air - John Danyel / 26. Mistress Anne Grene Her Leaves Be Green - John Danyel
[Disc 1]
1. Klavierquartett Nr.2 Es-dur K.493 - I. Allegro - W.A.Mozart / 2. Klavierquartett Nr.2 Es-dur K.493 - Ii. Larghetto - W.A.Mozart / 3. Klavierquartett Nr.2 Es-dur K.493 - Iii. Allegretto - W.A.Mozart / 4. Klavierquartett Nr.1 G-moll K.478 - I. Allegro - W.A.Mozart / 5. Klavierquartett Nr.1 G-moll K.478 - Ii. Andante - W.A.Mozart / 6. Klavierquartett Nr.1 G-moll K.478 - Iii. Rondo - W.A.Mozart
[Disc 1]
1. Poemes Pour Mi - Book 1 (1-4) - Olivier Messiaen / 2. Poemes Pour Mi - Book 2 (5-9) - Olivier Messiaen / 3. Chants De Terre Et De Ciel (10-15) - Olivier Messiaen
[Disc 2]
1. Harawi (Chant D`amour Et De Mort) (1-12) - Olivier Messiaen
[Disc 1]
1. The First Nowell / 2. Baby In Bethlehem / 3. Still, Still, Still / 4. The Truth From Above / 5. Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming / 6. Hush! My Dear, Lie Still and Sleeping / 7. The Christ Child's Lullaby / 8. What Child Is This? / 9. Of The Father's Love Begotten / 10. O, Come. O Come Emmanuel / 11. Rorate Coeli Desuper / 12. Gabriel's Message / 13. Away In A Manger / 14. Down In Yon Forest / 15. Silent Night

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P120057


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