[Disc 1]

Are You Comin’ Down This Weekend? / 2.

Her Eyes Were Huge Things / 3.

E Nicolle / 4.

If July / 5.

How Ghosts Affect Relationships / 6.

Chances Are We Are Mad / 7.

As We Could Ever / 8.

Are We Still Married? / 9.

Why People Disappear / 10.

My Feathers Needed Cleaning / 11.

Cornfield / 12.

Home Is In Your Head / 13.

Underwater / 14.

We Hold The Land In Great Esteem / 15.

Last One / Last One / 16.

Sitting Still Moving Still Staring Out / 17.

The Sand That Holds The Lakes In Place / Lake / 18.

In Every Ford / 19.

Baby Fish Mouth / 20.

The Dirt Eaters / 21.

Man On The Silver Mountain