Ian Curtis

Ian Curtis    
1956년 07월 15일 / 미국,Stretford, Greater Manchester, En
1980년 05월 18일


[Disc 1]
1. Digital / 2. Disorder / 3. Shadowplay / 4. New Dawn Fades / 5. Transmission / 6. Atmosphere / 7. Dead Souls / 8. She's Lost Control / 9. Love Will Tear Us Apart / 10. These Days / 11. 24 Hours / 12. Incubation / 13. Isolation
[Disc 2]
1. Exercice One / 2. Insight / 3. She's Lost Control / 4. Transmission / 5. Love Will Tear Us Apart / 6. Twenty Four Hours / 7. Colony / 8. Sound Of Music / 9. Transmission / 10. She's Lost Control / 11. Ian Curtis And Stephen Morris Interviewed By Richard Skinner
[Disc 1]
1. Digital / 2. Glass / 3. Disorder / 4. Day Of The Lords / 5. Candidate / 6. Insight / 7. New Dawn Fades / 8. She's Lost Control / 9. Shadowplay / 10. Wilderness / 11. Interzone / 12. I Remember Nothing / 13. Ice Age / 14. Exercise One / 15. Transmission / 16. Novelty / 17. The Kill / 18. The Only Mistake / 19. Something Must Break / 20. Autosuggestion / 21. From Safety To Where...?
[Disc 2]
1. She's Lost Control 12" / 2. Sound Of Music / 3. Atmosphere / 4. Dead Souls / 5. Komakino / 6. Incubation / 7. Atrocity Exhibition / 8. Isolation / 9. Passover / 10. Colony / 11. Means To An End / 12. Heart And Soul / 13. Twenty Four Hours / 14. The Eternal / 15. Decades / 16. Love Will Tear Us Apart / 17. These Days
[Disc 3]
1. Warsaw / 2. No Love Lost / 3. Leaders Of Men / 4. Failures / 5. The Drawback / 6. Interzone / 7. Shadowplay / 8. Exercise One / 9. Insight / 10. Glass / 11. Transmission / 12. Dead Souls / 13. Something Must Break / 14. Ice Age / 15. Walked In Line / 16. These Days / 17. Candidate / 18. The Only Mistake / 19. Chance (Atmosphere) / 20. Love Will Tear Us Apart / 21. Colony / 22. As You Said / 23. Ceremony / 24. In A Lonely Place (Detail)
[Disc 4]
1. Dead Souls / 2. The Only Mistake / 3. Insight / 4. Candidate / 5. Wilderness / 6. She's Lost Control / 7. Disorder / 8. Interzone / 9. Atrocity Exhibition / 10. Novelty / 11. Autosuggestion / 12. I Remember Nothing / 13. Colony / 14. These Days / 15. Incubation / 16. The Eternal / 17. Heart And Soul / 18. Isolation / 19. She's Lost Control
[Disc 1]
1. Exercise One / 2. Insight / 3. She'S Lost Control / 4. Transmission / 5. Love Will Tear Us Apart / 6. 24 Hours / 7. Colony / 8. Sound Of Music / 9. Transmission / 10. She'S Lost Control / 11. Ian Curtis And Stephen Morris Interviewed By Richard Skinner
[Disc 1]
1. Love Will Tear Us Apart / 2. Transmission / 3. She's Lost Control / 4. Shadowplay / 5. Day Of The Lords / 6. Isolation / 7. Passover / 8. Heart And Soul / 9. Twenty Four Hours / 10. These Days / 11. Novelty / 12. Dead Souls / 13. The Only Mistake / 14. Something Must Break / 15. Atmosphere / 16. Love Will Tear Us Apart (Permanent Mix)
[Disc 1]
1. Warsaw / 2. Leaders Of Men / 3. Digital / 4. Autosuggestion / 5. Transmission / 6. She's Lost Control (12-Inch Version) / 7. Incubation / 8. Dead Souls / 9. Atmosphere / 10. Love Will Tear Us Apart / 11. No Love Lost / 12. Failures / 13. Glass / 14. From Safety To Where / 15. Novelty / 16. Komakino / 17. These Days
[Disc 1]
1. Exercise One / 2. Ice Age / 3. The Sound Of Music / 4. Glass / 5. The Only Mistake / 6. Walked In Line / 7. The Kill / 8. Something Must Break / 9. Dead Souls / 10. Sister Ray / 11. Ceremony (Live At Birmingham University) / 12. Shadowplay (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 13. A Means To An End (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 14. Passover (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 15. New Dawn Fades (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 16. Transmission (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 17. Disorder (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 18. Isolation (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 19. Decades (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University] / 20. Digital (Live At Birmingham University) [Live At Birmingham University]

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P122861


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