Lanse Hapshash

Lanse Hapshash    


[Disc 1]
1. Poland / 2. Bois De Boulogne / 3. Song Of The Whale, Pt. 1: From Dawn... / 4. Livemiles Ii [Berline Concert] / 5. 21st Century Common Man, Pt. 1 / 6. 21st Century Common Man, Pt. 2
[Disc 2]
1. Genesis / 2. Alpha Centauri / 3. Zeit / 4. Atem / 5. White Clouds
[Disc 1]
1. Nottingham : Part One / 2. Part Two / 3. Part Three
[Disc 2]
1. Washington : Introduction / 2. Cherokee Lane / 3. Interlude One / 4. Monolight / 5. Interlude Two / 6. Monolith
[Disc 3]
1. Washington : Drywater Rush / 2. Interlude Three / 3. Rain In Spain / 4. Interview / 5. Octagon / 6. Closing Words
[Disc 4]
1. Hamburg : Part One / 2. Part Two
[Disc 5]
1. Newcastle : Logos Part One / 2. Sobornost (Edinburgh Castle) / 3. Digital Times Suite / 4. Bondy Paradise
[Disc 6]
1. Newcastle : Mojave Plan / 2. Thermal Inversiom / 3. Remote Vieng / Force Majeure/ The Price / 4. Kiew Mission / 5. Choronzon
[Disc 7]
1. Frankfurt : Choronzon
[Disc 1]
1. The Dream Is Always The Same / 2. Phaedra / 3. Rubycon Part One (Excerpt) / 4. Stratosfear (Excerpt) / 5. Choronzon / 6. Cherokee Lane (Live) / 7. Cinnamon Road / 8. Kiew Mission / 9. Ricochet Part Two
[Disc 2]
1. Cloudburst Flight / 2. Force Majeure / 3. Tangram Part One / 4. Beach Scene / 5. Logos Part One (A) / 6. Logos Part One (B) / 7. Logos Part Two / 8. Dominion / 9. White Eagle / 10. Love On A Real Train
[Disc 1]
1. Cherokee Lane (Live) / 2. Monolight (Live) / 3. Coldwater Canyon (Live) / 4. Desert Dream (Live)

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